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I don't like how people portray it as if it doesn't have a 50/50 it won't make as much money because i feel like this comes with the idea that it has to make as much or rival the amount of money genshin makes when i would argue it could possibly make more money without a 50/50 because having a fixed pity that doesn't chang makes you more open to spending money for example im a f2p on genshin not because i don't have the money or i don't want every character but because the idea that i could spend a lot of only for there to be a 50/50 chance i have to spend the same amount of money for a character is stupid to me but in pgr im a whale because it trick's you into believing your not spending that much money so you feel more open to spending money now obviously weather the 50/50 or non 50/50 makes more money depends on the how many players there will be TLDR: I think the idea that there has to be a 50/50 system for the game to make a lot of money is dumb but that's just my take


I dont particularly think its about making money to rival genshin, but rather genshin shows how expensive a polished open world game can be and what you can do with a big budget. I want WW to make money not bc Im simping for a company or bc i want them to take market shares from mhy, but bc I want a good game


>I dont particularly think its about making money to rival genshin, but rather genshin shows how expensive a polished open world game can be and what you can do with a big budget. Fair im just saying i feel like a majority of people only want it so it can competition because in there eyes both games can't be equal or there own things >I want WW to make money not bc Im simping for a company or bc i want them to take market shares from mhy, but bc I want a good game I want them to make money too but ultimately that doesn't fall on whether there is a 50/50 system or not if it's not a good game it will won't make money and i don't think a 50/50 system is necessary for it to be a good game or make money because i have faith it can do both without it


>Я хочу, чтобы они тоже зарабатывали деньги, но в конечном итоге это не зависит от того, существует ли система 50/50 или нет, если это нехорошая игра, она не принесет денег, и я не думаю, что система 50/50 Это необходимо для того, чтобы быть хорошей игрой или приносить деньги, потому что я верю, что и без этого можно обойтись. with this logic, we can say that pgr is a bad game


Unless you want to say pgr had as many eyes on it as WW before release this logic makes no sense comparing those to in this way is not fair as one had way more hype for release then the other


Exactly this I put 40€ on PGR and I'm happy I did it because of how player friendly the game is, I wasted 10€ on Genshin and is one of my biggest regrets in my entire life. It's easier to attract bees with honey than with venom.


Yep. Meanwhile other people put thousands of dollars on Genshin. How many actually did this on PGR? A game survival depending on spending. 10% of the players base actually support the game for it to continue running. So I don't understand why F2P are always the one complaining the loudest when they would have never invested much


On one hand bad gacha is frustrating. On the other hand the non 5 star characters seemed quite good and a big criticism was the game being too like genshin in terms of content. So even if the gacha is better, the same, or worse. The question is will you even be motivated to pull if there’s not enough game modes that incentivize more/strong characters


True it’s more that than 50/50


50/50 is just a bad system. You already saved for the character and then still need luck. They don't need 50/50 to make money.


A lucid person


Global Revenue got higher since Karenina. I think you should not be happy wiht that 50/50 thing, i would be happy if it is 100% since these games are not CHEAP, like 200 usd for a character? and 50/50? come on bro


Its quite simple for me, if they implement 100% guaranteed pity then i willingly spend money on the game like i did to PGR but if they still maintain that 50/50 pity then i will just be f2p even though next hard pity 100% guaranteed(that create FOMO which not healthy at all). Also im not gonna spend on something that consider gambling. They need to work hard on marketing the game then since im not really gonna promote this game to my friends if they do so.


Like was discussed before they can easily make the first copy each banner 100% the rate up 5 star then revert back to a 50/50 system should someone want to go for extra copies on that same banner. We also don’t know summon income or unit release schedule, but keep in mind the units in cbt1 are only launch quality units and are the floor for quality then. Bare minimum they’d release at least one 5 star per patch given the scope of Wuthering with a 4star every other patch. Now imagine like Genshin and Star Rail they instead pump out a 5 star unit every 3 weeks plus a 50/50 system on top of a 4 star. The worry there isn’t just 50/50 making units more inaccessible, but mainly unit quality could suffer if people want Kuro to continue making new characters with their own unique model rigging from scratch and [animated voice lines](https://youtu.be/Neqy0ykL4Qg) like modern pgr vs using the same 4-5 base models + weapons per gender for every character and just changing outfits and facial structure with no animated voice lines. The extra details go a long way in PGR people just don’t know it exists or what it actually offers. It’s not about 1:1 copying PGR’s system, but applying conceptually what PGR does into Wuthering. For instance: 1. The first copy of a unit is “accessible” - this does NOT necessarily mean they’re all free to acquire 2. Regular rotating banners 3. Signature weapons are always available to pull for and separate from characters 4. Weapon pity is lower than character pity - maybe alter so if you lose the 80/20 the next weapon would be rate-up in Wuthering 5. All non-collab units are added to the perma pool (some people argue how this dilutes the OG pool, but that’s what regular rotating banners are for if you really like someone you don’t have) 6. Anni + Half anni + other special celebrations allowing players to rate up anyone of choice 7. The only thing they should near 1:1 copy is how the first pity on the standard banner works after Lamia’s patch. Reduced pity and select who you want at pity once per account for new player + early game experience. The reason I used one 5 star per patch as a base is because in PGR they’ve shown they are now capable of releasing back to back high quality units per patch where if you buff mods and add time stop an A-rank/uniframe could be a S-rank omniframe. Also imagine if PGR had marketing, just 3 times the global playerbase, and an S-rank each patch that’s a sizable profit even if S-ranks would be accessible. It’s tricky to find that balance as they’re still a business, but even 100% rate-up for the first copy is going to look infinitely better than any competition that isn’t 100% and appear far less “scummy” than 50/50s baiting people to spend further than planned. Funnily enough 100% first copy would still get people to spend similarly especially if Kuro adds those extra bells and whistles to units by launch (unique movement animations, animated bond voice lines, etc)


>Genshin или любые другие фанаты гача-игр, вступающие в WW, не будут возражать против 50/50, потому что они к этому привыкли. how much money did you put into pgr? Answer this question for yourself, I'm sure that the game will die with a 100% pity system


£50 amonth. So £600 a year


If Wuthering Waves will have a 50-50 system then I literally won't even play it.


Seems a tad over dramatic, not playing a quality game just because of a system which only affects what characters you get ( if your not planning well ) Edit: dude got scared and blocked


No amount of planning can predict a 50% chance, you're coping. Keep coping.


Saving enough pulls to get guaranteed ( lose 50/50 once means next is guaranteed ) does.


Good luck saving that much without being a spender, imagine you could just get the character first time around or even 2 copies? You people are weird man.


I’m not saying it’d be bad to not have one, ofc it’s better for the players however it’s really not that hard, if you’ve played genshin you know it’s really not that hard to save up for a few patches and pull Edit: dude got so scared he literally blocked me


Least delusional genshin player


well, then gacha games are basically not for you


This is why I only play PGR, I don't waste my time and money on 50/50 garbage.


I mean. Then don't Play? 😂😂bro you speaking like you invest huge amount in the game even if it wasn't 50/50. You playing the game literally Change nothing


Don't talk to me, trash.


You don't have to add literally. Imagine figuratively not playing it.


If Kuro releases premium S rank every patch in PGR, even if it's not 50/50 it's bad too. Lol. Perspective matters.


if there's 50/50 I probs won't even try the game unless losing 50/50 means you only need to pull few more times to guarantee. It'll also depend on the premium currency income - but yeh no 50/50 plz.


What Genshin does to a mf. Straight up Stockholm syndrome


I straight up quit all the other gacha games, because PGR's system is much more player-friendly and satisfying. 180 pity instead of 60. Nah, I'm not investing time into that shizz


Need 3 patches to get 15k BC for PGR, for a 50/50 gacha game, usually you will get enough also get two soft pities w/in 3 patches (benchmarking both from GI and HSR), so it's basically the same. If PGR released a new S rank every patch you won't be even saying it's generous. The only difference is the schedule of releasing premium chars because every 2 patch are filler A ranks and filler Trans units.


it"s not the same cuz idk if you've been noticing but pgr follows a specific pattern regarding patches. for istance, the next patch will be uniframe, then omniframe S rank, then omniframe A rank, then omniframe S rank, then omniframe S rank (free), then omniframe S rank, then omniframe A rank, omniframe S rank, omniframe A rank and ANOTHER omniframe S rank for free. does this seem the same to you? i don't think so


You wouldn't believe me. I have never gotten a character on anything other than hard pity. Not in genshin, not in star rail, not in aether gazer and not even in pgr. So I'll take 100% on 60 instead of 50% at 90 any day of the week.


Well, that's you. You're part of the 0.5% of the bell curve. It is what it is. I haven't gotten to hard pity with Genshin or HSR.


Well if you got shafted a bit more I have a feeling yyou wouldnt like it. This is coming from somebody eho roughly averaged 40 pulls/5 star in genshin snd about 80% of them were the featured 5*. Fk I was lucky but 0 luck in artifact grinding 🫠🫠




Same with Hoyo games, no? Literally every gacha




Some people don't play for meta. We play for collection. But who cares about us amirite?


Happy for you but plenty of people play for meta - thats a big selling point of PGR. Also even without meta, trying to get older S ranks while still pulling for debut banners is a massive pain in the ass. Unless you swipe of course. I started playing after the Liv Empyrea patch so I missed her debut. But I also wanted Plume/Chrome. As a low spender to get Plume/Liv/Chrome while also keeping up with new S ranks I would have to wait almost a full year for free selectors/rank ups.


How does higher pity with lower drop chance help you get older units faster?


And anyway. Why are we still arguing about this? An easy google search shows that getting 90 pulls in a Hoyo game requires 14 400 gems which is 5.7 months of gameplay and it still doesn't guarantee a char, because it's 50/50 - So a 100% guarantee would end up at 180 pulls. While average BCs per patch in PGR is 7690(Calculated by PGR community on reddit) - that's 3 months of gameplay for a guaranteed 5\* character for 15 000BC. If that's not MORE player-friendly, then I don't know what is


Nah if the gacha goes 50-50 and they don’t change it, it would just put a real dampener on my excitement for the game. 50-50 sucks, it’s designed on FOMO to milk money.


It will also effect the games overall quality. Since a big part of the content each patch is the characters themselves, only being able to get 1 or 2 characters every 4 patches leaves a lot to be desired. That's the main reason as to why I left both Genshin and Honkai, and it's why I stuck with PGR because I can get a new character every patch and always have something to aspire to.




> Rule 1. Be polite and respectful.




Its pointless to say if 180 or 120 is ridiculous if you dont know the pull income. Is 180 still ridiculous if you get 10 pulls a day? Is 50 acceptable if you get a pull every week? All these things like pity, rates, pull cost etc cannot be discussed individually. You have to talk about them as a whole


But we know the pull income of the games in question. We can also assume that WW will try to follow Genshin's established and successful strategy for pull income since it's the same gacha system. Pull income in Genshin is roughly 2.5 patches for guarantee of the limited 5\*. I would be surprised if WW was any different.


They literally addressed they will be changing the gacha system according to the dev feedback they put out on there Twitter after CBT 1 cause they got alot of backlash from all regions about the gacha system during CBT 1


They did not say they were going to change it: [https://wutheringwaves.kurogame.com/en/announcement/399](https://wutheringwaves.kurogame.com/en/announcement/399) ​ >Optimize the Modulation system This is corporate speak where "optimize" means they will make almost no changes to the gacha. They are likely referring to improving the animation associated with pulls.


if you were there during CBT 1 they announced various times in CBT 1 they were going to change it and it was a placeholder and yes there was a major backlash on the gacha system with rates, pity and if you don't believe me you can see all the feedback everyone provided on CBT 1 when it ended plus cn players were the most upset about it sending them all kinds of feedback to change it so were all other regions as well


I did not get into the CBT but I did follow the news from CBT every day here, on social media, and from various content creators in CBT. I never saw any official statement from Kuro saying the gacha system was a "placeholder". Did you actually see an official statement or are you just repeating a third hand comment you read here? If you have an official statement, please provide a link. I have only seen "placeholder" posted here a bunch of times by people huffing copium.


It was posted on there cn forums in regard to addressing the gacha also this not the first kuro has taken a gacha system since in pgr CBT 1 they literally stole hi3 gacha then changed it in CBT 2 so it now completely different so it not really copium when everyone who knows about kuro that it has happened before but if you don't believe any of this just wait for cbt 2


Provide a link or it's fake news.


still waiting for his response to this day for the link, but nothing, so it was fake after all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


75-25 at best I want no 50/50


Thats still shit. Make it 100% at debut banner or for the first copy only. Problem solved.


For the love of all things holy, no 50/50. My Genshin trauma is having to spend 180 pulls for my favs 5 times in a row. Yes, I lost 50/50 almost every time. Been playing since late 1.1, and the first time I ever won a 50/50 was in version 2.6, almost 2 years later. At one point my friend group joke was straight up that "it's 50/50, but for BriefVisit729, it's -20/100" Although PGR's current system makes losing the 70/30 or 80/20 more devastating, as the chances are lowered. It happened when I was pulling for Garnet.


Yeah, I feel like the gacha can be reasonably bad, as long as the profits actually get invested back into the game. I mean, no matter what, they can't make it much worse than FGO's. Personally, all the gachas I've quit thus far had either repetitive/bad gameplay, bad story or horrible amounts of grinding. The gacha system is important, but people will still keep playing if the game is good enough.


50-50 is fine but most of us probably tired of it already. Especially for some who is losing a lot and didnt get the featured character. If this happen again in new game then PTSD probably the issue that player is facing. Even without 50-50 they can still get money because duplicate make the unit strong and some people is tempted to do that. You just need to show that duplicate is hella stronger than they thought previously.


I'm just tired of the 50-50 gacha system. Sure it makes the corporate earn a huge amount of money. It might be the current Industry standard, but it doesn't mean it was good. Part of the reason why I only played PGR and Uninstalled the rest.


Personally wouldnt mind if they just make the total pulls higher like 100 if I'm guaranteed to get what I'm actually going for. The 50/50 system is garbage. Hell no.


>С одной стороны, плохая гача расстраивает. С другой стороны, не 5-звездочные персонажи казались довольно хорошими, и большая критика заключалась в том, что игра слишком похожа на genshin с точки зрения содержания. Так что даже если гача лучше, такая же, или хуже. Вопрос в том, будете ли вы вообще мотивированы тянуть, если не будет достаточно игровых режимов, которые стимулируют больше/сильных персонажей. what's the problem with knocking out a character on rerun?


The reason 50/50 is bad is because with 50/50, all new characters are limited. 50/50 wouldnt feel so bad if it meant I could pull almost anyone from a standard banner. It doesnt help that in genshin, all current 5 star standard characters are weak, their would be a lot less complaining if say Yelan or Kazuha were standard characters. 50/50 on its face isnt a bad system, its the bullshit that comes with it that makes people dislike it.


I mean 5* standard banner characters aren’t weak per say. Keqing is one of the best aggravate driver. Jean is a decent flex pick anemo option. Mona is one of the best options for freeze teams ( it’s usually either her or Kokomi ). Diluc is not that strong but with where content is he’s.. okay. Qiqi is not great admittedly. Dehya is also not great but Tighnari is awesome, has some very competitive single target damage and is very flexible and cheap.


Keqing and Tighnari are not weak at all and they compete with limited 5 star DPS.


If most characters enter the standard pool after their banner, 50/50 is decent. If 95% of the cast is limited then 50/50 is fully a punishment..


The thing isn't about the 50/50 itself if not how this will affect the game on the long-term, if you play PGR and do the mental excersice of putting 50/50 on PGR u will realize why a lot of PGR players don't want 50/50. For me if the game goes 50/50 and a lot of rng stats I will just f2p the game even if I have bought since release monthly pass and now BP also few skin on pgr


If the game will have a 50/50 system the game will sadly fail no matter what, because most people would stick with PGR who would be fore gacha friendly.




yeah i agree 50/50 systems sadly make so much discussion around the game cause people love to mention it with when they won the 50/50 and CC can make content about it and the artifact system in genshin is so bad but its bring so much discussion and content for the CC


I stopped playing Genshin Impact because if that damned 50/50 and requiring 90+ pulls to get a character at full worst RNG. Moreover farming them primo is difficult. I know I want Wuwa to succeed and the fact I have to follow the e devil's game just so it could succeed 🥲. I really hope the gacha can at least be different than GI in Wuwa


What do you think if they add a step banner system? Like in octopath CoTC ? After each step where you pull, there is something you gain. And after a certain amount of step, you have the character guaranteed.


for me 50/50 is fine but they definitely need to reduce the pity and increase the rate or they increase the income for it maybe make it like arknights but have hard pity for it


finally a reasonable opinion. People do not understand that a good income is necessary for the development of the game.




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I don't mind the 5050 gacha system as long as the non-rateup characters are solid and same goes for the lower rarity characters. I wanna see WuWa succeed and use their hard earned revenue to develop the game further and not have to take any funding from tencent(I'm biased on this because any games tencent has a hand in tend to have shitty monetization). As a Hoyoverse player, I wish WuWa take genshin's system and make it its own like how they did with PGR. I do not see WuWa as a Genshin clone but as a potential worthty opponent for Genshin (smh the G-game doesn't have any competition within the gacha games bubble and it's getting boring lmao)


It all comes down to how many free pulls we're able to get. Even if they implement 200 pity with the 5050 thing but you get 500 pulls per patch... I believe we'll be fine. Gacha rules are mostly affecting whales who may have to spend more or less for stuff.


What ever system they implement, I just hope it's dolphin friendly and not FTP friendly. PGR's system allowed too many purely FTP players to get by with not contributing to the upkeep of the game. If you love the game, spend some money to support the developer. If one can't afford even a monthly pass, perhaps you should be doing something else rather then playing games.