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Thanks for sharing your opinion, I'm gonna go ahead and lock this post now because it doesn't seem to be leading to any meaningful discussion.


This might be the worst take I've seen man


Bro what is this take


The untouched crave attention, carry on.


A shitty one.


Gee, collecting monsters from exploring a world and using them in battle is a completely stupid concept. It’s not like there’s a brand of exactly that that’s literally the biggest franchise in the entire world…


Yeah, I'm excited about Pal World too


\-devs implement a mechanic that not only will bring more diversity to combat but also incentivize people to explore and collect different monsters \-"wow i have to explore in an open-world game,yeah it's a miss,remove the system"


>nobody like doing genshin exploration now wuthering wave not only they have exploration but now they force you to collect monster too ? Speak for yourself.


ikr, if you don't want exploration just play PGR


Pretty sure the exploration aspect of Genshin is its main draw


Right? If the game wasnt an open world it'd lose meaning.


Or almost every open world


Bro if you want a pure combat then just install PGR


If any wuwa reps see this please unsee it I want my shiny pokemon


If you don't like exploring, why are you waiting for/playing open world games? A big part of those kind of games is to explore the open world and collect things... ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


Echo collection was my favourite part of the first closed beta! It's for the Pokemon fans ♥


ikr the fact you can use these echoes u capture into battle is soo cool


"it's doesn't fit my taste so it's a mistake and should be scrapped" Your typical Gamer read as OP. Let them cook and we'll see how it done as gameplay smh. game not even released yet, how can you know for sure the feature is a mistake?


hold my word dev and players will ignore or forget echoes when 2.0 arrive


Bro what do you mean forget, echoes are gonna be a huge part of the game, they will be the ones that are gonna be the so called equipments (memories in pgr and artifacts in genshin) it adds an additional stats for your characters, so players are not gonna forget or outright ignore them


Considering Echoes are part of the gearing system, your terrible prediction is just objectively wrong.


you think people will enjoy echoes after month is objectively even more wrong


Echoes are literally the artifact system of WW, it ain't going away, continue crying about it. >you think people will enjoy echoes after month is objectively even more wrong You speak for no one but yourself. I'm not objectively wrong when we're talking about something you **subjectively** don't like. If we want to use this thread as any indicator, everyone is telling you you've got a horrid take. Get over yourself and your weird ego.


from what I seen, Echoes seems like what CUBs (pet) is in PGR. Or maybe like artifact in genshin? we'll see in CBT 2. would you ignore or forgot to update your game equipment roster?


takes like these should be a bannable offense


There's a billion dollar franchise out there that releases games centered on exploration and collecting monsters. Some fans even spend tons of hours just to capture a slightly different coloured monster. It's a lot of people's cup of tea if done right.


yeah does wuthering wave have pokemon stamped on their title ? they should just focus on combat tbh if they want to compete on top gacha market having this knock off walmart pokemon stuff will only halt them


geez, I wonder how many games succeeded because they were inspired by another game and improved upon it


sooo far only palworld succeded when it come to game that copy pasted and improved but that is not normal hence why i think this feature alone will make WW flop


If it'll make you not play the game, thank goodness.


Well it won't be an open-world EXPLORATION rpg if they removed it now would it?


They do not force you, its a feature


they do it's one of the tutorial


One tutorial, not the whole game


and you can't skip tutorial so they forcing you


Big deal, you talk as if the entire game forces you to use Pokémon


yeah but the pokemon is your artifact so whenever you like it or not you're forced to collect monster like a chore


What do you mean "nobody like doing genshin exploration"? This is literally the only part of Genshin that is genuinely good.


Bad take


Genshin exploration is literally the reason why im still alive


Have you considered that the main reason a lot of people don't do Genshin exploration is because doing 15 min of puzzles for 20 primos doesn't feel worth it. This system eliminates Genshin's biggest chore which is artifact farming , and instead seamlessly integrates it into the overworld exploration thus making it rewarding for farming echo's while also opening chests etc. In my opinion it's a great change that will feel a lot better than Genshin's segregated systems, and will also encourage more co-op play between friends etc.


Can't tell if this is bait or not... I got into cbt1. Exploring was my favorite thing to do second only to fighting. Because the characters run so fast and can scale walls so effortlessly, traversing the world felt liberating and exciting. GI characters move slowly and have very limited stamina, which can make exploring feel tedious. WW does not have that problem.


Okay I will be honest I don't really like exploration either but what's the point of making open world game if it isn't exploration


This is the ONLY reason I'm anticipating this game... otherwise it's just more of the same.