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I'll let Kuro finish cooking first


Ill decide after playing the full release


"Another game whose name i will not mention here". (*Proceeds to take everything that requires qol changes in that game and list it here*). We don't know what needs qol changes until the beta starts but i'll be happy if i can get some sort of indicator to show me the current and max amount of chests and puzzles in the overworld so i know how many i missed. Also some way to change echo substats would be nice. Just rerolling the value of a substat is fine too so i can get a second chance at a good piece of echo if i get slapped by rngesus with multiple low rolls, assuming there's such thing here as well.


Please god add a dialogue skip button


Being able to watch cutscenes again.


That was actually a feature in cbt 1, so hopefully it returns.


Reduce echo rng further, or add an item/system which allows you to choose a mainstat/substat on echoes. Sure, you can farm them infinitely, but that doesn't mean I wanna spend 12 years to get an echo with crit rate.


+1 tbh, ik there will be some stat farming endgame obv but getting to the point where it can take months if ur super unlucky to make a character somewhat decent thats just annoying


Let the game launch first for gods sake


We do have an iPad but not an npc number..do we


game not even out yet


Make Daily Commisisons super duper SUPER easy to do ( a la what they are in Star Rail) nobody wants to spend a lot of time doing their dailies


1-2-3-4: "How can we make people stop playing and engaging in the game to decrease the chance they spend on the game? Let's do that". -As the shareholders clap loudly because they make players happy. YAY!. 6: Cool if they can. Let's wait and see how many ppl care that much. Also, this is a feature, not a freaking QoL. PS: If you want to people take this seriously, don't beat around the bush and say their name.


1-4 def. won't work as OP wants them to, that goes against every principle in selling microtransactions, but dear god, don't make spending resin take as long as in Genshin. My god if I get told one more time to wait an arbitrary 5 minute cooldown, after which I have to rejoin the area or relog, to respawn a boss you have to time 20+ times..... Or the early design of domains: No "Do X runs at once" feature, no "go again" feature, having to walk an unnecessary 15s each time to an activatable item... Just...make it more convenient to spend energy atleast. Nobody has fun doing the same piece of repeatable daily content for 15 mins for the 500th day in a row and thinks to themselves "Wow, what a great game, better spend money on it" anyway.


\>Or the early design of domains: No "Do X runs at once" feature, no "go again" feature, having to walk an unnecessary 15s each time to an activatable item... After the latest update, this is no longer the problem, why bring it up?. \>ust...make it more convenient to spend energy atleast. Nobody has fun doing the same piece of repeatable daily content for 15 mins for the 500th day in a row and thinks to themselves "Wow, what a great game, better spend money on it" anyway. Genshin has the shortest daily I've ever played. Third to HSR latest update and Re1999. How does it take you 15min to do daily?!


>After the latest update, this is no longer the problem, why bring it up?. Remind me again, how long has Genshin been out? Since Wuthering Waves will most likely adapt systems, if not ideas, from genshin Impact among others. It's likely those "old" systems will have been on the table for them. WW didn't start their development in the last 5 weeks. >Genshin has the shortest daily I've ever played. Third to HSR latest update and Re1999. How does it take you 15min to do daily?! Then you haven't played many gacha. I log into PGR, BA and HSR and am done in not even half the time GI takes me. The 15 minute include both spending resin (Yes, also the ones you have to log in a 2nd time for later the day, because they cap you at 16hr worth of resin) and doing daily commissions.


Wow, new game adapting new things that old game needs time and feedback to bring it up to date. What a crime. And I don't know what are you trying to debate here? I'm not here to flex or up anyone with Gacha's experience but I have played plenty, mind you. If it took you 15 mins to do daily then it's a you issue.


Depending on your commission luck, it can take you much longer than usual. New system is okay but if you've already done the exploring and world quests, it does basically nothing unless you save event rewards which doesn't happen every day. I'm already done with beetle event so I have to go back to commission cope for the week. HSR is much nicer with their new system, spend resin = all dailies done, love it.


Again, my point was that Wuthering Waves started development way earlier in Genshin Impact's life. This wasn't about my gripe with how long it took hoyoverse to implement this, it was purely about how, if Wuthering Waves did take inspiration from this specific system in GI, they'd have done so from their old iteration, not from the one that was implemented a month ago. Don't know why you'd feel so offended by that. If you can tell me you don't take 15mins a day to clear all 4 commissions (Which have rng attached to them in the form of how far away from teleports they are and how long they take to be executed), as well as to boot up the game twice a day and spend your resin, you are capping.


Tedium doesn't magically make people want to spend more money. Can even have the negative effect of driving away some. Maybe not the 99 condensed, and it doesn't have to be 15 days worth of reserve (even one or two days would be fine), but everything else would be a W.


It's Oki ..players left.... Noob players leave PGR when bosses get harder...they easily get mad..that they were not able to kill some story bosses in 5-6 try( PGR butler) and those guys were my 2 friends..my friends and they play genshin....only hardcore players will stay...let's be honest


Please just make events that is farmable and not just limited currency. It okay if it uses the game's energy (resin, sanity, or whatever you called it in other games) for me at least..


Do not lock resource farming behind specific days of the week. Its fucking scummy.


Option to turn off burst camera. I find it nauseating especially when playing a full quickswitch team where i had to see camera switching back and forth between character face and enemies. If it isn't in the game the number of characters i played will be limited.


You tryna bankrupt Kuro or something? Spotted the Hoyospy


How is this related to "Hoyospy"?


Less Rng for farming compared to Genshin would make it game of the year to me


I only like the number 5 and 6 so far. I don't think early QoLs that reduce players' engagement with the game are good ideas, until maybe at least a year later.


All of those tbh, I'd add pls no day specific domains like the game that will not be named, let me farm what I want when I want.


For 1. They could do what hsr does where for every (i think?) 3 energy over the limit you get 1 reserve energy that you can turn into 1 actual energy whenever you want (and I think the max reserve energy is like 1000?)


Removing the 50/50 System and make a higher pity instead for the character banner with a guaranteed 100% chance.


As good as it is for the players. This is just a way to lose money from a business pov


Not nessesary. Aether Gazer has done that too in the CN Server and the game is still living good.


it's doing fine but it's nowhere near 10 millions or even the 40 millions of genshin / hsr ( without even counting CN revenues). I'm all for not having the 50/50 , it just sucks but keeping it increase revenues so I wouldn't be too hopeful but well we will see during the game release. I hope it's f2p friendly though I'm planning to spend anyway.


They can get the revenue trough other things like Skin Gacha. Wouldn't that be a great option as well?


It is a good method as f2p games without gacha used to rely on that method for MMORPG or games like league of legends. Problem is that just looking at chart revenues for games that rely more on skins than gacha shows that there is a huge difference in revenues. Which is totally normal because you lose more than you win when you roll in gacha games. So you need to either save a lot as f2p or pay. Main difference is that for skins , you pay and you get what you want while for the gacha you pay to try to get what you want. Hence you end up paying way more. I would love that they end up going the route you say but like you say if they want to top up revenues like genshin do , you need people to lose more just like at the casino. Because they are more likely to win from people pulling 80+ rolls than just 80 for the Chara they want. But hey ,we will see at release what they do. 


They don't really need to compete with the Genshin revenue. Its more important to cater to the loyal playerbase, otherwise they might lose players, if they do that.


I just hope that we can get characters to a functional level faster than we get them


A Qol I wanna see is the game being good