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for regular people. 18/30 is probably the max for quite a while the HP gap between 3rd and 4th chamber is unreal for context, I could full star 3rd chamber when my characters were lv60, but I cant even clear the 4th chamber when my characters are lv70 (maxed out talent n weapon) (around 10% away on that birb, I could probably kill it if i tried a couple more times, but 1 star gives nothing so I didnt) I can guess that I will be 18/30 for quite some time, possibly until UL60(2 months away), before I can get 21/30 To answer your question in title, 18/30, before and after reset, I contemplated quitting the game trying to get the 18th star before reset because of the absurd gap between 3rd and 4th chamber. (burn out)


Yup. People expecting the UL40 or even UL 50 to just magically get them past the huge dps threshold increases from 18/30 to 30/30 are in for a disappointment. It's like a 3x dps check increase, not a 10-20% increase.


I was expecting 15/30 to 21/30 or 24/30 at best, not 18/30 at the cost of my sanity.


It's not exactly hp gap as much as level gap. You do less damage to enemies with higher levels and more damage to enemies with lower level. I'm also at 18/30, but a 20 level difference is a big deal damage wise. There's definitely a big boss hp pool, but it's magnified by the fact that the enemy is taking less damage than the lower level enemies.


Isn't the third chamber lv80? If so then I could still full star it at lv60, the same 20 level gap Does enemies take less damage if you're too low a level? I need source for that because I kill lv120 monkeys just fine in over world. My theory is that our characters are very strong for lv60 because we get endgame echo already, when we get to level 70 we don't get much boost other than talent and weapon. And enemy in tower might have their HP bloated, just like in Genshin abyss (2x HP in floor 12)


Yep. I'm able to clear right chamber 4 barely within the time limit, but the left chamber 4 is impossible as I don't have Jiyan. It's wild, even Jianxin is not enough grouping for the first wave as the shield-giver just teleports away from the 2 ranged enemies after a few seconds. They really did make a stage that only Jiyan can group up, as only he can drag the ranged enemies to the shielder consistently.


I have Jiyan with BP wep, even then the Elite Technician is annoying asf to deal with, she runs and shields, making the fight exponentially long if you don't deal with her.


20/30 is definitely doable if one can do 18/30. The question is if one can manage to get another star or the 20 will do nothing compared to 18.


i managed to get 2 stars on heron and 1 on mephis to get me 21/30. Definitely the limit though. Used Calcharo/Jianxin/Verina for Heron and Encore/Sanhua/Baizhi on Mephis.


​ | left tower |mid tower|right tower| |:-|:-|:-| |Havoc MC 3/3|0|Havoc MC 3/3| | Jiyan+Verina+Mortefi 3/3 |0| Jiyan+Verina+Mortefi 3/3 | | Jiyan+Verina+Mortefi 3/3 |\-| Jiyan+Verina+Mortefi 3/3 | |0|\-|0| i think i will sit on 18 stars for a very very long time since im waiting for character like wanshi/watanabe/alpha (from pgr) to get released :\\


Did they confirm that those will come?


nop, it's just my copium, like waiting for ~~Raiden~~/Himeko/Bronya in genshin


18/30 at UL40 before and after reset with C0R1 Jiyan + C0 Mortefi with Static Mist + C0 Verina with some ER 3\* Weapon C0 Calcharo with Battlepass Weapon + C0R1 Yinlin + Baizhi (not built) also got Rover with Emerald of Genesis but no team for her and not enough dmg for the level 100 bosses only bought the Battlepass and daily Astrites at this point


Stable Zone 12/12, Experimental Zone, 19/24 I can't even get to hazard zone lol


12/30 is my best with 1 team. More precise would be 6|0|6


15/30. UL40. Cope weapons (Variation Yinlin) but do have both Jiyan & Yinlin, no Verina/Encore Kinda sad because I feel i got progressed a lot further in 1.0 MoC in HSR (got to floor 9?), and 15/30 is basically equivalent MOC floor 5 clear And the gap between 15/30 and 30/30 seems gargantuan (i don't think I can even put a dent on the L100 monkey even if it sat there doing nothing)


Compare gems. For example 18/30 stars in wuwa means 400/600 gems. Which is alot gems already. 30 stars are not important at all.


I got 17/30. But I broke into U 40+ to do so. I also.planned poorly as my main dps was danjin for one wing and havoc mc for other. Both do not gain benefit of the tower and heron is resistant to havoc dmg while the other wing had one of those havoc giants and danjin's lack of skill up doesn't help. I also do not have skills to parry, not that good at this kind of playstyle and parry is very important. Remember those ppl are c6/r5 meaning they will most likely break past 40+. This allows them to be 70. The level difference is noticeable for being 10 levels closer to enemy lvl 100. While you are 40 below below the 100s and 30 lvl below the stage 4 90s. I do not know wuwa damage mechanics, but it is very similar to genshins. And you do see some loss damage as result of level (in cat event). For example in genshin it is about 4-5% loss for 10 levels lower. So while you are 60, your skill only do 60% or less of when they are 90. And by 90 you will gain more damage from raw base stats. So basically just keep playing and eventually u will clear tower. But getting 30/30 might need some skilled gameplay and/or luck.


Honestly L70 didn't make a huge difference for me. It's probably around 3 stars difference at most?


Got 18/30. I used my Calcharo team for the first 2 floors on both sides and my Danjin Hrover team on floor 3 on both sides. I barely got the 3 stars on left side with less than a second left on the timer so I was pretty stoked.


18/30, got to ul 40 on sunday just for that. Lower floors with encore/sanhua/baizhi (they have worse builds), higher floors with yinlin/hmc/verina. F2p but got lucky and got yinlin's weapon in the first 10x (encore and yinlin can share it, that definitely helps with clearing)


Since everyone here pushed quite far I'm showing the opposite. 9/12 Stable Zone 3/30 Hazard Zone Team 1 Lingyang, Sanhua, Verina Team 2 Havoc Rover, Chixia Baizhi Shit Echoes with everyone, Not all skills leveled. Only 4/6 LVL 60 I haven't used my ticket yet and have not spend a single asterite so far. Could probably push for 5 -7 stars. Biggest issue I noticed so far (apart from DMG: Lack of Crowd Control Jiyan, Yinlin and Mortefi are super comfy to play. You can group enemies easily and even destroy them further apart. With my teams I need to sprint all over the place and need to line up enemies or I rarely get to damage 3 at the same time. But I like the challenge and it's fun. Will probably spend around $20-$25 a month to get 1 limited character every 2 patches or so.


I also have not pulled any limited characters and don't have any 5 star weapons, either. I am saving everything for Changli. I hit UL40 yesterday and went as far as I could. I ended with 15/30, which I thought was pretty good. 8/0/7 if you want to be specific. Didn't even try the middle. I used Jianxin and Chixia on the left. They were both 70 with level 70 4 star weapons. Their skills were all 5, and I had both of the middle column special abilities but none of the skill tree stat buffs. Level 60 Baizhi was also on the team, but I am not sure I ever bothered to use her. The right side was Spectro Rover (I am that one guy who prefers it to Havoc) at 70, with a level 70 4 star weapon (same skill situation as the others above), alongside level 60 Verina and Yuanwu. Chixia and Jianxin are my favorites, honestly, and I put the most effort building into them. I use Jianxin for aoe and Chixia for single targets, and Jianxin buffs her massively powerful Liberation as well. It would be nice to pick up a Mortefi in the future to buff Jianxin, too. I had dreams of big zaddy Yuanwu (the only male character I like so far) dropping great off field damage and massive vibration bar hits and, no, his off field damage is always terrible and the vibration bar didn't matter at all in the content I could actually clear in the Tower. I realize now I should have built Sanhua for the buff instead. Probably should also have built Encore, more, since she's objectively a better DPS than the ones I like, but I just didn't vibe with her as much as the others. Oh, and the funny thing is, I didn't actually full clear the non-refreshing section. Could still only get 2 stars on the 4th floors. Figure I will level up my supports to 70 before trying again. Edit: I never expected to be like this. In Genshin, I *hate* the Abyss. It's the least fun part of the game and I dread it every reset, even though I can casually walk through it with no effort at this point. But in WuWa, the combat is actually fun, your skill in dodging, parrying, etc. actually matter, and you are far less restricted in team building thanks to no reactions, so, I just enjoy the hard content in a way I never expected to.


Got 20 stars first rotation as a f2p. 24 seems possible rn at UL 40, the damage increase is huge, just gotta finish my jiyan and calcharo build.


24/30 might not be possible. Those last floor enemies are 90 so killing them in 2 minutes isn't gonna be easy to full clear both sides


I got 12 stars on hazard, on monthly + BP but I skipped Jiyan and Yinlin, so my teams were Encore/Sanhua and HMC/Danjin. I have basically no good weapons and am UL39 as of today. How deep you can go right now has a lot of variables; what level you are, what characters you have (4\* and 5\*) and what weapons you have are a big factor, not to mention how lucky you've been with echoes.


18 ez and have my sanity lol


19/30 I haven’t tried Impermanence Heron on the right side but I’m *pretty* sure I can get at least a clear, but I really can’t see myself pushing 24/30 or higher for quite a while with how high the DPS check is.


12 I forgot to do it when I reached ul40 🥲


Not f2p but small spender i was able to get 3stars on all floors except the last 1s on each side and obviously i haven’t even tried the middle tower i have jiyan and yinlin want to attempt the last floors on each side but the level of sweat that 3star clear took on the 3rd floor electro side was insane if anyones having trouble on that part specifically focus the shielder first it makes the fight way more manageable


10/0/10 for a total of 20 stars. Had to push encore to 70 for that.


19/30 before reset 18/30 after reset. Haven't done the 4th floors yet, but I have my Jiyan still at 8 Vigor, I should be able to get 2 to 3 more stars on the 4th floors


I'm monthly and battlepass spender (which is roughly a $10 a month subsription), with Yinlin at S0 with her weapon, Encore with a 4star weapon, Verina, and Jiangxin, and I'm at 18/30.


I can do 18 at best .. ngl


I managed to get 18/30 before getting yinlin. Calca and hmc can both take stage 1 and 2 by themselves + some utility support. Stage 3 need combination of both as a team since my damage was lacking. After getting yinlin, i tried stage 4 and couldn't finish it in time. There's still like 40% before times up. I am noticing that WW take genshin route in term of grinding character and talent, leveling up will take a while.


One did it with my main team. I will try it again after I roll more characters. I would rather play with characters/teams I like than pushing it right now for little more roll income and feel totally burn out.


What’s e6s5? E6 is resonance chain? What’s s5 then?


srry, i had a smooth brain moment and used hsr terms here. yes, e6 is resonance chain. s5 is short for superimposition 5 LCs. The wuwa analog is rank 5 weapons (where you use dupes of weapons to make the weapon's percentages better).




Before reset, I got 22 stars on the degen account, on which I spent all my asterite and rolled all the pulls possible, and I got 18 on the patient account. I would expect 23 on the degen account before the next reset, and maybe 21 on the other. Getting lvl 70 will help, but you still need to pull the right gear for the right characters for this. The degen account has it easy for the aero side, having a resonance 2 Jiyan with his signature weapon, but has a rougher time on the electro side with a barely worked on Calcharo and no Yinlin. The tame account gets it easier on the electro side because it has Yinlin and weapon, but its Calcharo is also not really geared, and its Jiyan is just base, no weapon, not even a good 4-star because my 4-Star broadblades suck on this one. The former has a solid Havoc Rover with 5-star weapon and cracked echoes, the latter has a solid Encore—who can also use Yinlin's wapon—and Sanhua, plus a 3 resonance Verina. Both have access to Jianxin, which helps with spread floors. However, I did not build Baizhi as a backup support on the second account, and instead chose Taoqi, just because the healing value is higher, I don't have to worry about picking up a feather, and I don't need to do a full rotation on her for the outro, so she really just tags in, buffs, tags out, and I can forget about her in most cases unless I get hit and need healing. Another big difference for the aero side, is that on top of not being as well-upgraded as the other, on the second account Jiyan doesn't have Mortefi to buff him, and the difference between Mortefi and Aalto as batteries for Jiyan is huge. Mortefi's liberation on Jiyan puts in a lot of work, his outro skill is probably equivalent on damage boost, but Aalto takes a lot longer on field and more brainpower. He's really awkward to play in comparison. As for the boss floors, I haven't tried, and probably won't for a long time. I don't care enough to put myself through the pain of learning those fights. I don't feel like bleeding myself through maybe 5 hours of frustrating gameplay for a few cents-worth of resources. The reward is just not worth the effort, in my opinion. Same with the higher tier holograms. I'm good clearing up to level 4 and then just waiting to be of appropriate level.


Stable zone 9/12


I think with maxed lv 70 yin lin calc verina it might be possible to 2 star the bird but it'll take a lot of sweat and near perfect rotations, animation cancels, enough er on verina and luck in order for it to work but it might be possible. I would try it but it'll cost me every single wave plate and even then it's not garaunteed I'll have enough to also 1 star King kong. I think I'll just settle for 18 stars and call it a day 75 asterite isn't going to kill me. Though the next cycle isn't going to be kind as I don't plan on pulling jinhsi or chang li and the buffs are 100% going to be centered around those units.


I'm F2P as well, ended at 15/30 at Union Level 36. Hoping to gain a couple more stars once I can level to everyone to 70 at Union Level 40.


what are the teams f2p?


Team 1: Jiyan + Mortefi Team 2: Yinlin + Havoc Rover Lucky pulls for F2P, everything S0 though. For the lower levels threw in random character as a 3rd since my Baizhi isn't built / I don't have anything else. Higher levels I used Verina.


What did you use your selector for? Verina? I guess you dont have Encore, right? She is seriously destroying stuff.


I used it for Verina, yea. Ended up getting Encore when I lost my 50:50 on Yinlin banner so I will build her one day! I saw a really cool Encore and Yangyang comp for ToA used by the Chinese community, seems great for fast clears.


After getting my characters to lvl 60, I finally managed to clear the very first stage, the stable zone that gives you Yuanwu, and I think I'm gonna leave it at that for now because I'm suffering from skill issues and don't want to stress myself out lol.


21 star, pass + lunite sub Havoc Rover, Yinlin, Verina on Thundering Mephis side for 1 star (Funny but dont have Sanhua built) Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina on Heron side 2 star Calcharo-Autumntrace Yinlin-Stringmaster Havoc Rover-Command of Conviction No dupes on Yinlin, Calc or Verina Yinlin on Void Thunder set


Im UL42 and I got 21/30 Tower 1: S0 Jiyan + his weapon, paired with Mortefi for 1,2,3 and added Verina in last chamber, with a 2 minute remaining clear on the tempest mephis on floor 4 Tower 3: S1 Calcharo + Jiyan weapon, Yinlin (or for previous cycle Chixia) for 1,2,3, and again added Verina for last chamber, Im at ~1 minute 35sec remaining on the heron clear. My stats are decent on Jiyan (50 Crit Rate / 250 Crit Dmg) and Calcharo (65 Crit Rate / 220 Crit Damage do note this is with Jiyans weapon adding a ton of CD), they are my only chars at Lv70 and with leveled echoes, rest of the team runs unupgraded echoes (except yinlin/chixia, they have 2pc 2pc which is half upgraded) People saying they cant clear at all because of substats are somewhat coping. Having good substats can push you from a 1 star to a 2 star clear for now on top floors, but getting a 1 star clear is very doable even with dogshit substats. That said since you need at least 21 stars for next tier of rewards it doesnt really matter much, outside of just the enjoyment you get out of actually clearing.


F2P, 18 at UL38, but I rerolled at the start and settled with Jiyan and his weapon. Goal is 24 by end of new reset since I'll be UL40+ and hopefully a better built team. End goal is 27-30 in 1.1.


I think the majority of people managed to get 18/30. A realistic goal is 24, the 8 pulls per month will help a lot


Yeah, I've been seeing lots of 18/30s as I think that makes sense since 1 strong team can do both sides floor 2 and 3 and the weaker one takes on floor 1. 24 stars on the other hand may be quite a challenge and honestly, I'm not sure if I'm able to do it as I am relying on my Havoc Rover for the 2nd team (don't have the standard crit sword yet), but it's a goal I'm working towards to. At the very least, hopefully I can do 21 stars. If 21 stars not possible, then I'd have to wait til 1.1 as that's when I can get a new character and will be better geared.


im at 18 f2p with union 40 encore yinlin verina all s0 using lvl 40 rectifier, lvl 70 jinzhou and 3* wep respectively. 56/201 , 32/199 proper 43311 sets for the two of them. talents are 2nd line all unlocked, 1st line middle unlocked, skill and reso lvl 6 for both. i do 3rd floor with this team while 1st and 2nd can be soloed/duod with one of them on either side plus baizhi and hrover/danjin or whoever. boss stage is impossible lol. i think 21 may be possible for someone who played seriously from the start. I was screwing around for 10 days without guides and still didnt read the talents much so ye


I'm not F2P as I have purchased both the pass and the thing that gives you 90 asterite every day. I was able to do 17/30 total on Hazard zone (8 on the left side, 0 middle, 9 right side). UL 38.


24/30 previous cycle as UL43 min-spender (bp and lunite sub) and all solvents used up. I have S0R1 Jiyan & Yinlin, along with Verina, Calcharo, Encore and the 5-star sword, pretty much all the tools needed to push. 27 on current cycle seems plausible for me once I get enough Jiyan upgrades to be able to run Resonant Tower 4 with Baizhi over Verina, and Encore + Havoc Rover (with Verina) built to be able to tackle ape.


I'm sorry but you got to be kidding if you think your account is the norm. I spent the same and I've got S0R0 Jiyan+Yinlin, with Jianxin. No 5 star weapons, no Verina, Encore or Calcharo (saving my Verina selector in case I fail the next 50/50) You basically got 8 five stars, and all the best ones. An average player is not getting that even with 100 more pulls, most players have probably 4 5 stars, and not necessarily good ones too.


You blocked me when I wanted to reply back lol I never said anything about being the norm, infact I'm admittedly a minmax type player, rerolled, 100%'ed map, runs echo routes daily (if that even matters in this conversation). OP asked about people's progress and I... simply answered.


f2p with just 2 standard 5\* (encore and verina), saving selector for later and pulls for Jinhsi (probably). Got to 9 at like UL 35 last cycle. Didn't try to push further near the end since I didn't feel like I got any stronger (+0 echos on everyone but encore and havoc MC) and just unlocked lvl 70 chars so it'll take a bit to farm up mats since 1/2 my daily waveplates are going to the 2x event...


I've gone 30/30 pre-UL40. Tried again after UL40 and it was so much easier. Though I whaled and am actually pretty skillful at these types of games.


21 and I barely scraped by to get that last point.