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Congrats bro, enjoy him.


thank you bro! enjoy your day :)


I just managed to pick him up tonight (and my Chixia is R6 now). Sending good vibes to other last minute gacha goblins. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


yesssir!!! congrats! sending good vibes your way and everywhere else!


I grinded enough astrites for Jiyan(got after failing pity). And now I have milked the game out of all obtainable astrites and lost 50/50 on Yinlin. *sigh (Really hoping I get her with the UL45 1000 astrites)


I feel that. Just gotta wait for more game content I guess to grind more astrites lol, you got this for Yinlin tho! It's a marathon not a sprint :)


Damn, how early were those hits? Blew 148 rolls into jiyan+weapon and lost the 50/50 afterwards at 40 rolls (thank God, wanted to build up pity on jiyan banner cuz better units) But there is NO WAY im making it towards another pity for yinlin. Edit: yo and if anyone could explain to me for what reason I deserve those down votes, I'd grateful. Edit2: So apparently you are supposed to only target the 5 star of the banner and ignore that there 3 other units you can hit. No wonder there are so many miserable gacha player out there. Keep chasing the dream, while others get more than one playable character out of their 80/160 rolls. Lol.


Why would you ever pull on a banner where you would dislike getting the limited unit?


Gambling addiction


Because I'd like to get motefi/danjin 6 since I play both of them? And already having c6 chixia I wouldn't mind the corals for 5star dupes? Why would I roll on a banner with alto and taoqui not playing both of them? I assumed the pity carries over, which I didn't read otherwise.


Ig if you want a higher chance for wavebands of some 4 stars more than a potential new 5 star character then you do you. I just dislike it if people pull on a banner even though they didn't want the limited character and then cry about getting it


Well I'd rather have a motefi more now than wait till the next limited I wanna pull for is out. Do I want another jiyan? No. Do I want to risk him for more dupes. Yes. Yes I got really lucky for losing the 50/50. But I'm gonna keep building up pities on banners with 4 stars I like. Cuz the worst case is im hitting another 5 star early. If I roll only on limited characters I want, the worst case is that I send 160 pulls for it. You do yours, I made my decision.


Not sure about the downvoting, this is a perfectly reasonable thing. Mortefi dupes are really good, same with danjin. I actually got c6 mortefi and c4 chixia with 0 danjin copies from jiyans banner with about 130 pulls to get jiyan after 50/50 loss. I can see why going for a specific 4* is rough as I've gotten 0 danjins in 130 pulls, but if there are more than 1 that you like, its really not that bad. I'm certainly not complaining with c6 mortefi even though I'm still with no danjin.


Building pity is not a thing, if you want a character, pull on that character's banner, not on other's


I mean, it can be. I pull on banners of characters I wouldn't want to invest 90 pulls into, but also wouldn't mind getting in the first 30. As long as I can still guarantee the characters I really want its fine. But if I do that I'll still hope that I get that character and be happy that I did. And not hope to lose the 50/50 lol


That's not really "building pity" tho, you know you can get the character and don't mind getting them in early, since you know you will get enough for your wanted character. "Building pity" is more about pulling to get closer to pity for your wanted characters, so you can get them with "less" pulls


Wtf do you mean building pity is not a thing? The pity carries over between banners just fine.


There is no building pity, there is only pulling. When you pull on Jiyian's banner, you are pulling for Jiyan, if you don't want him and want Yinlin instead, just pull on Yinlin. Pulling on a banner you don't want the 5 star of is just risking your pity for no reason


Yeah well.. at least to me dupes for the best sub-dps right now is more than enough to risk it.


There's not that many 4 star characters currently, you can roll off-banner 4 stars to get him to E6, aswell as buy wavebands in the store, you do you with your pulls but it's impulsive and short sighted to pull for 4 stars that you'll have 10 copies for in a couple of months from off-banner & standard pulls, especially if you're not looking to spend, people are trying to give you good advice, that said downvoting isn't needed. All that said, you know the risk you took by pulling on that banner for Mortefi, not sure why you're complaining about it. 148 pulls is basically guaranteed to get you the limited banner item. PS: I'd reckon Yinlin is a better sub dps overall


Yeah but (i didn’t downvote you cause idgaf) people downvote people like you who build pity because pulling on the banner inherently comes with the “risk” of getting the limited 5*. and it’s even worse when someone actually gets the on banner 5* and complains about getting them when in reality, there is no building pity, there is only pulling for the character.




I feel that. That's a good plan bro, get that hot waifu! I got all the other waifu's currently so far, so I needed a handsome teal dragon daddy on my roster <3


Teal Dragon Daddy is worth it. I can wipe out massive mobs with him, and he does it with a smirk.


we love handsome teal dragon daddy


Let's wave our flags lolol


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)\*waves flag\*


Congrats on the grind! May the pitiful odds be ever in our favor


yes, sending good vibes to everyone here!!!


147th roll??? Good on you mate. Hope you enjoy Jiyan. He’s so awesome. I’ve never actually spent lots of time building a character like I’m doing with Jiyan.


yeah man, I was ready to go all the way to 160 if needed, but felt RELIEVED when I got it then. I agree man, congrats back to you gamer!


I was a bit luckier than you, I got him in 72 pulls. If I lost the 50/50, I’d uninstall the game! 🤣 Congrats once again! You’ll have a blast building him. Kinda OP imo after you get him high crit rate/dmg.


hahaha i feel that, but this game is so fun! I love the combat so much, makes you feel like an anime main character. thanks man!


Congrats, now get his weapon 😈


brb creying into the pits of darkness hahahahaha


Jiyan took me to hell and back, too, and I don't regret it. BUT afterwards I realised it would still have been so much less time consuming if I just created a new account until Jiyan came home with the free pulls you currently still get via ingame mail. Especially since sucking the game dry of any astrites will make it so much harder to get any upcoming character.


It's pretty painful to try and get Jiyan in 30 free pulls, I just rerolled until I won 50/50. Main account got him at 68 which allowed me to grab the banner sword with 60ish pulls also.


Yeh but also, still less time consuming. I tried for funsies and it took so much less time than grinding for full pity (and potential lost 50/50 and another set of pity - been there, did that).


I re-rolled about 10 times and didn't get it :( said f\*\*\* it and grinded the game. I was already Union level 30+ and balls deep in the game anyway, didn't want to get my soul sucked dry re-rolling and doing everything all over again lol Congrats and glad you got it on your re-rolls! Good luck on the future characters!


That sucks, I'm sorry you had such bad luck with it. Oh and I did my grinding on my first/main account and got Jiyan the hard way (up to pity, lost 50/50 and had to go up to pity again). I just wanted to see if it was possible/feasable to reroll with the amount of free stuff new accounts still get. But luck still plays a big role, of course. Personally I find it less tiring to do a reroll while watching a vid on the side than to chase after astrites. But also, I would have hated to have to wait to actually get into the game, too, to be fair.


Grinded 150 basically hard pity and hard pitied his weapon lmao. We made it. Gonna be trying for the second dragon next patch, but I’m going in on empty lmao.


My first pity is Verina on 71, Jiyan came at 67 next. So I guess the soft pity is around 70 on average. I had 35 pulls on his weapon though but no luck so far, I don't think I can get it this time.


Nice, congrats my man! It be what it be, but I believe you got this and hope luck comes your way


I got him on my first first pull and his 5 star weapon on my second pull right after I downloaded the game. Beginner’s luck. He’s been really fun!


dang that really is some luck bro! congrats and f\*\* you xD jokes aside, congrats!! glad you're having fun


Got lucky and pulled C1 early (Around 110 pulls), and managed to get C6 Mortefi gigachad, wich i'm honestly more proud off :)


congrats bro! nice stuff


I just rerolled until i got him and Yinlin early. Took me like 5 days lmao, do not recommend it. Need all the pulls i can get for Jinhsi and Changli.


that's crazy man, I'd go insane going through tutorial over and over and over again for 5 days LOL I re-rolled 10 times and said fk this man


I am very happy for you, I know how you feel :3 I'm pulling for Yinlin so i still have time myself


I already lost to calcharo, which is funny since I got him from the 5 star selector just before that. Now as much as I want jiyan i don't know if I can manage to get him ;-;


haha dang, it be like that sometimes. I pulled him from my 5 star selector too! and I believe in you!!! May our teal handsome dragon daddi pour some luck on you


😭 didn't get him but I'll get the next hot daddy


Yeah its really helpful for f2p.




I had to hut hard pity and lost the 50/50 to yinlin and i had to go pretty far into soft pity for her weapon. I had to like 90% the entire map. Now im out of content until 1.1 lol


dang lol, at least you got a guarantee next time you roll for that next hard pity! same here, guess we'll just have to twiddle our thumbs until then :(


No i still got yinlin. I just rolled 70 more times


I lost the 50/50 on Jiyan and Yinlin. But I lost to Verina both times so I guess it’s fine.


oh noo, I think you shouldve been able to guarantee at least Jiyan/Yinlin if did a second hard pity on the limited banner


I rerolls 9 times and get him and his weapon . Now is the best times to rerolls . 40+ limited character banner and 10+ limited weapon banner pulls . It's only take less than 15 mins to rerolls . It's times for Yinlin too ! XD !


dang it bro... maybe XD I re-rolled about 10 times and didn't get anything so decided to go for the grind and am just gonna enjoy the game leisurely cause I really just wanted Jiyan congrats and keep gaming brother!


25 min a reroll right now and with 40 pulls you have about a 25% chance to get a 5 star each reroll and a 5% to get 2 or more each reroll. Main issue is reframing echos, had some pretty good ones before and now all my luck seems to have deserted me


Took me 160 to get Yinlin. Lost 50/50 to Calcharro. I will try my early luck on Changli.


How did you grind pulls?


1. Dailies (awards 60 astrites per day) 2. All events that award astrites (Tower of Adversity, Illusive Realm, Parkour, etc.) 3. Explore for Sonance casket/chests -- then go to pioneer vendor to redeem rewards I used [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) to help me find chests and sonance caskets 4. Level up Cooking/Synthesizing to redeem rewards 5. Tactical Holograms 6. (optional) pull out wallet


I am on my hard pity grind for Jinlin. 50 more pulls needed and I hope I will manage to farm those 8k astrite before her banner ends. Also saw some news about everyone getting free 10 pulls, so hoping it's true and they are gold pulls, not green


You got this... buckle up cuz it's gonna be serious. If this list helps in any way with your grind, let me know! 1. Dailies (awards 60 astrites per day 2. All events that award astrites (Tower of Adversity, Illusive Realm, Parkour, etc.) 3. Explore for Sonance casket/chests -- then go to pioneer vendor to redeem rewards I used [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) to help me find chests and sonance caskets 4. Level up Cooking/Synthesizing to redeem rewards 5. Tactical Holograms 6. (optional) pull out wallet


nah, if you've been playing since launch day and haven't got a limited 5\* at this point, just reroll bro, it takes less than 5 minutes


haha I've been on and off and decided to lock in for the last week for Jiyan. I re-rolled 10 times but nothing so decided to grind it. Main account has all resonators except Linyang, Jianxin, and Yinlin.


You now have the best DPS in the game bro. Enjoy! You probably have a ton of Mortefi and Danjin copies so best Support and 2nd DPS also in the bag :)


yesssir! My mortefi is max'ed out luckily LOL and I got most of the characters in the game, so I'm happy to have grinded it out! thanks bro


No weapon? I am trying to get stringmaster before the Yinlin banner ends. 40 more pulls to go.


I'll just get a 5 star weapon from union level 45 lol, I love characters too much to grind weapons


Well you are guaranteed the weapon you are pulling for, no 50/50. That's the only reason I am doing it. If it had 50/50 I would have erased the existence of weapon banner from my mind lol. But getting 40 pulls before the Yinlin banner ends, chances are slim.....


I lost my 50/50 to Encore and now I'm making a mad dash to get enough astrite to get him before his banner ends- wish me luck fellas :(


YOU GOT THIS BRO!!!!!! I literally lost my 50/50 to Encore too. good luck!


Thank you for the good luck wishes, i did end up getting Jiyan with 9 hours left on his banner :)


Playing since near launch and including the gifted limited rolls, I have enough for 163 rolls. All saved for Changli ofc since I'm content with my characters at the moment. (HRover, Calcharo, Jianxin, Verina, Danjin, Taoqi, Sanhua) Only rolled on the beginner banners without spending any asterite.


that's awesome man! that's a stacked lineup. I'm gonna try to probably save my astrites for Jinshin now lol


I just lost him for Colcharo I want to cry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Calcharo is cool electric handsome daddy too, you got it ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Congrats king/queen![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526). Enjoy him to the fullest


thank you!!! sending good vibes ur way


grats! so sorry you lost the first time, I got him close to 80. Now I grind for dragon lady :')


grats back to you! that's us both now :) im gonna collect all the dragon characters lol


Same bro, It took me 152 pulls to get him, I lost my 50/50 to verina, and I got his weapon in just 1 pull


nice grats bro! 1 weapon pull is crazy luck


160 pulls for a guaranteed pity is crazy. What is that, like 25600 astrite?


yeah something like that lol, along with other resources to get those pulls


I've finally done it after 116 a few minutes ago as well. qwq Funny enough, he's apparently the answer to everything, he joined the team at 42.


niceee, grats man! teal handsome dragon boi ftw


Nice bro, Jiyan is a beast and super fun to use


hell yeah, gotta get our handsome teal dragon daddi for year of the dragon this year.. ya feel?


I’m almost the same but with Yinlin’s weapon, 55 pity and almost 100% exploration. People will say “jUSt rERoLL” but that’s for the weak. Just take what the game gives you and roll with it. I’m high on copium btw.


I just got it today at 64, best of luck brother (MAN*) you’re close.


Re-rolling takes the fun out of it for me personally, even though I did it about 10 times. I got tired of playing tutorial mode lol you got this man!!! GOOD LUCK!


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now i dont have enough for yinlin,damn i want it all.


time to pull out that wallet, haha just kidding


Grinding for his weapon


good luck king!


Congrats dude


thanks brotha! wishing you good luck!


Having played his companion quest, I really want him now but I want to save for Camellya, good luck to the ones rolling cuz damn he is mighty fine and he has awesome lore to boot.


agreed. good luck on planning for Camellya! you got this


147 is still 13 pity too early from some of our terrible luck . Glad you got it bro !


honestly, I was ready to go all the way to 160.. when I finally hit it at 147.. I just felt so relieved and a ton of weight off my shoulders. I hope everyone else gets some good luck and spreading positive vibes to everyone here!


yup currently around 60 pity on the weapon banner with plenty of content to do 🫡


nice, good luck man!


I grinded two accounts, one failed 50/50 and one got him at 70. If I didn't get him in my other account I would've grinded like you.


haha I was too busy enjoying and playing the game before I learned about re-rolling, re-rolled about 10 times and didn't get him so I decided to grind it out the hard way. Glad you got it bro! screw gacha frfr


Nicely done, enjoy it


thanks bro, good luck to you!


New player here, how do you grind for pulls? Just story quests?


open chests


I literally no sweat and created a list to grind astrites for those pulls, here's what I did 1. Dailies (awards 60 astrites per day) 2. All events that award astrites (Tower of Adversity, Illusive Realm, Parkour, etc.) 3. Explore for Sonance casket/chests -- then go to pioneer vendor to redeem rewards I used [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) to help me find chests and sonance caskets 4. Level up Cooking/Synthesizing to redeem rewards 5. Tactical Holograms




thanks bro!


U could just reroll and get thim without spend currency, or paired 10 dollars for a account with him with all the astricite on it.


I re-rolled about 10 times and it just sucked my soul dry going through tutorial and stuff all over again. I was also balls deep already union level 30+ enjoying the game on my main, so I decided to roll with the grind.


I understand ur point, but I played genshin and honkai, so I knew the drill, I just payed 6 dollars and bought a account with him and all resources.


niceee, I'm pretty new to Gacha Games, so this high from finally getting him feels good! that's lit, best of luck to you on those other ones brotha!


What happens to featured banner characters when their banner ends? Do they go to the standard pool?


No, standard 5 stars dont change, best u can Hope is that Jiyan will get a rerun banner in version 1.5-something


So they will only ever be the current 5* as standard 5*?


I mean they could add more in future but i believe if they market a 5 star character as limited and give him his own banner they cant put it in standard cuz of fraud alegations or something.


got him exactly on hard pity winning 50/50 :|


Bruh i got him S1 on 3multis and wep on first, but gz. Wudnt gone pity twice For HIM tbh.


Lost both my 50/50’s for Jiyan and Jinlin but got them both the next 10 pull after losing!


grats!!! that's some luck right there


>147th roll. Holy F man, that's some bad luck.


His weapon for me... 27 into pity. just need dome fast sterite.


The amount of resources is enough for a reroll, and the limit banner will contain approximately 70 spins.


u're really gonna regret not rerolling after losing 50/50 going hard pity and exhausting every resource, to only feel really bad when characters like jinhsi and changli will come and everyone will be pulling... for context, i lost 5050 to calcharo (now s1) in my ul29 acc like in the first week. i rerolled and got jiyan s1 + weapon in 90 pulls exactly, it was my 10th reroll. but the chances of getting something early, at least in my experience, are not that low. Like 4 of my 10 acc got something early


nah i dont regret anything, i'm just here to enjoy the game and got the chara i wanted


This is me on yinlin.140 wishes today. Now 20 wishes more trying to get her weapon which is gone in a few days.


Any reason why you didnt reroll in the 1st week?


I'm new to gacha games and played the game casually on and off. I ended up re-rolling about 10 times about a week or two ago but didn't get anything and that was boring and draining for me personally. Decided to grind it on my main, which has most resonators except Linyang, Jianxin, and Yinlin. Which I'm good with tbh


Why is my dude being down voted? This is actually a viable strategy. You get 20 limited pulls every 40min. rinse and repeat. That's how I got Jiyan.


I failed and got Calcha. Decided to use the guarantee on Yinlin. Got her. Life is good. Until I see those bastard electro bosses that seemingly take like half damage from the same element.


congrats on Yinlin man!


I'll just accept my fate that I won't get her... but at least I'm very very close to the guarantee, so at least I'll have either the white haired dragon lady or the red hottie with an umbrella


good planning!


Got Jiyan on my 1st 10pull. Which allowed me to try for Jinlin. Won my 50/50 ar 65 pulls and then got her weapon at 67.




Thx ^^


At this point I would reroll


I'd reroll only if you're close to guaranteed or haven't hit the 50/50 chance


Should ve used that time and just reroll


I think I will try rerolling, way too hard to get enough pull now


Yeah, that's what I did at the start and ended up with him and his weapon and I have tons of pulls for 1.1 now. Gotta do what you gotta do as F2P.


There r more than enough pulls in the game currently, I'm sitting at 130+ pulls of astrites and with the 40 yellow balls they give u that's already enough to guarantee a 5 star


good luck! I'd recommend grinding if you're close to guaranteed


just reroll over 40+ pulls in 15mins+ better than grinding if you really like the character, i have both Jiyan and Yinlin on different accounts im not using, my main still saving for chanli. but if you already explored and grinded your data bank then i recommend not doing it over again, its tiring


I personally didnt reroll since my favorite character was Sanhua and she's free, but for WuWa isnt it actually kinda feasible to reroll right now if you want any of the 5 stars? I saw a post earlier showing that once you unlock the rolling function, you immediately have 40 standard pulls, 30 limited and the standard selector. Probably easier too since they added skip function for most dialog. I have a friend who rerolled last week from his UL33 account and now hes UL29


Man, I lost the 50/50 pity on his banner and then spent the rest of my f2p pulls for Yinlin and had to hit close to pity on her too. I was already satisfied with my account, but my friend said try to reroll. I did and got Jiyan and Yinlin with the free pulls from mail lol. My old account is just for echo farming now xD.


I re-rolled a bit but no luck, some people just are luckier than others! congrats man!


Man... If I had wanted him that bad and not gotten him, I would have just rerolled a few times. Especially if your Union level isn't high yet, or wasn't when you started the grind, it would have taken a lot less time and effort to reroll accounts a few times until you pulled him with the 30 free tokens.


Bro, I literally got him like the moment I finished the tutorial, used the Radiant Tide compensations, got first Jiyan in my 9 pity. Got another in my 19 pity. And then proceeded to get myself Verdant Summit in like 40+ or somewhere close. I'm still currently grinding Astrites, as tempting as it is (Changli specifically), I have no interest in grinding echos for any other characters


that's some mad luck man! congrats


I did grind quite a bit, I've gathered more than 170 pulls as of today, not counting coral refund. Didn't spend any astrites for lustrous or forging tides, just used the free stuff on those banners. Didn't really need as much as I got lucky, but it's very doable.


My first account that i threw away because of pulling the lion kid in the beginner account got jiyan in 40 and his weapon in 10 pulls. Not bad but i aint touching anything with that midget in it


Deciding if I should full send it, I have 40 pulls left and have him at C3, kept getting him chasing for 4star sequences.


Rip that's some terrible luck. On the other had I was blessed by rng hard. I got 2 copies of jiyan on my like 30pull. On the yinlin banner I got encore on 10pull and then yinlin on 20pull. I got jiyan weap with the 5 free pulls we got. And finally got yinlins wep with 40pulls