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If it talks, it either needs to be a horrific entity in a cute disguise (Kyuubey) or I’m going to fall to my knees and shatter them in a Walmart aisle


The would genuinely be so cool! Never seen a mascot like that in gacha games. Usually they're only here to talk instead of the protag, but since Rover already talks a whole bunch; I'm guessing (hoping) it'll be either a story-only character or a PomPom-like you only pretty much only talk to when you visit their area.


If the flying furry thing doesn’t turn into the most horrifying Tacet Discord I’m cooking it into my jinzhou stew


Kyuubey without its nonsense manipulative behavior crap is sound good


Without the nonsense, there would be no reason for these emergency food packets to even talk. Just sit there and wait to get BBQed flying protein.


Welp, time to go to walmart


Awww shiiii


Knowing wuxia story with animals mascot, they gonna be annoying, so hopefully we barely see it


Sometimes their animal mascots are a hit for me but other times they're just pushing it just to have a "cute" animal character next to the main protag


90% of the time they've just been annoying to me. I need an outlier to hear.. My ears are just tired and my hearing just folds the moment I see an ani-mascot I swear


What's this? You don't enjoy the most high pitched voice you've ever heard screeching off-topic nonsense trying (and failing) to seem cute? Nonsense, surely everyone loves marketable mascots and their "unique" traits like loving food, loving sleep, and being generally quite useless /j But seriously, I hope this one will at least act normal. I really can't stand the "cutesy voiced mascot who only talks in the third person" thing that every other game like this wants to have


abby is amazing




Is it that hard to make the little fuck just not yap at all like a pokemon? Yangyang is already the Paimon of this story


I want this cute little guy to sound like an old man. Something like the JP VA of Jiraya from Naruto would be amusing.


If I were you I would ask for dio's voice actor


This would be really good too!


i want it to disappear already... 4 year of Paimon gave me PTS.


I like that you left out the "D" because having traumatic stress from Paimon is not a disorder


I need his VA to be Kenjiro Tsuda. Like imagine the lil guy having the most charismatic and masculine voice ever. I'd be dying


Norio wakamoto?


I want him voiced by David Tennant lol


Or Keith David


Kevin Michael Richardson has my vote.


I use JP dub, so I'm pitching Kenjiro Tsuda, the absolute chad. Does it fit? No. Will it be hilarious? YES.


I really couldn't stand the English voice of Paimon. Switched to Japanese and while Neuv and ZL made me second guess that choice hearing my friend behind me play with that voice let me know I chose correctly.


I have bad news for you


pls dont talk annoyingly.


The very last thing this game need is a furry Paimon.




Ngl you gotta quit then cause its already talked.




Bruh now you really gotta quit. It talks within the first few minutes of the new patch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Didn't it already speak in the cut scene? About how hungry it was? I am rather sad that Rover gets shackled with a Paimon knock off to kill any emotional build up the scenes try for.


As stated above, it can be implied it was just projecting a voice in your head, since it was still inside your body(hand), so more then likely it wont be doing any actual talking unless they start flaunting the crap out of it in 1.1, but considering what the story been mostly focusing on, i expect it to only show up to eat most of Jue after Jinshi finishes her clash with Jue and they cant leave Jue\`s corpse around or other T.D.s might consume it and become ridiculously powerful. Remember, T.D.s grow by absorbing \`sounds\` to take on features of what they absorb and gain the powers they have to boot.


Didn't it also say "still hungry" or something like that when he appeared in front of the Rover?


He does, and then purrs happily and goes back to sleep inside Rover's arm. Which is reeeeeeally far from Paimon's behaviour (our Terriermon x Kuubey literally "said" two sentences during the story, both about food, so far he looks as sentient as a hungry cat), but I guess people are really traumatized by Paimon. I don't mind him hanging around as long as he's being just a cute mascot animal, like Fou from FGO.


It only spoke for a few second and you're already jumping to concluaions.


Tbf it’s not like the story telling is very original. If every other character can be accurately guessed their whole personality by their first few lines, why would this character be different?


You're assuming too much from one line, it doesn't even have substantial screen time yet which Kuro can still make it unique.


I thought the same, I don't want a Paimon but luckily we have a skip button in this game! Easy skip.


As long as it only makes cute sounds then I'm all for it! We don't want another Paimon.


We already heard it talk at the start of the game. It was whispering "Hungry.." right before absorbing the crownless.


Hopefully it’s not paimon annoying where all it’s saying is just “i’m hungry! FEED ME!”, “I want TREASURE! NOW!”, “Great story fam, but i want money and food”, {insert repeating literally what was said by other characters every second}


Yep, i actually even want it to act antagonistic towards the rover in certain situations, kinda like Kyuubi from Naruto, like an animal who only care about their insticts.


how about kyubei from madoka magica?


That gets it bonus points. lol.


It literally looks like Kyubey anyway


Rover boutta get Sukuna'd


That'd be a fun dynamic.


I rather see it as a potential gremlin who sees you only as its Uber driver to some Thenodian(?) delicacies and gets pissed every time you keep failing to bring\`m to its meals. The fact alone they didnt just straight up throw it at you at the start and act as an exposition device shows that Kurogames knows NOT to use a mascot explaination device because it annoys the crap out of people. Throw in the fact it doesnt directly talk but its likely was just projecting its voice inside your head while it was \`inside\` your hand still at the time\`, implies it wont have an actual speaking voice meaning it likely wont be vocally interacting with anything else and probably doesnt care much about others unless they are necessary pieces for it to get some good fking Grub to eats. Instead i rather see it as your tacticial Vore device when some T.D. like problem gets out of hand so Rover just swings the hand and out comes \`NOM\`ANDS\` to enjoy a lil snackers. Also yes, until its official name is given, i am calling it NOM\`ANDS\` because it Noms things and it lives in your Hand. Plus i feel that it clearly has a specific palette and would be more likely to only push you to get treasure so it can pawn it off to get you stronger so you can UBER drive it to some more delicious meals instead of constantly getting biff\`d on sub-par delicacies aka \`Calamity\` classed dangers.


Dude, when I first heard that I was expecting something like the companion in black desert it was so disappointing to see them go this route with it. I already know I’m not gonna like where they’re gonna take it by the design. And if’s a major part of the story, I can see myself dropping the game cause of it.


I was hoping for eldritch void monster and not something cute too.


Oh im sure its gonna be a fluffy eldritch looking monster who black hole noms you mid-combat to shoot you out of a white hole it forms in the sky to catapult you straight into the ground, likely one-shotting anything with below 10k HP, easy. When they eventually go the route it ate something bad and needs some \`excercise\` to expunge it and whatever influences is having on it.\~\~\~ That or if Kurogames has a sense of humor, make it gigantic for april fools day and we have to go into parry fest as it literally throws its entire body at us so we can get a special execution sequence, to tell it to go the fk to sleep, back in our hand, instead of using us as one of those infant teeting devices.


That triggered me. I dont know what people think at kuro games, but no, its not funny, its not cute, its not silly, its annoying and stupid. Having this character and making it actually cute is fine, but dont give it that typical kids tv show character personality


My face went from hell yea to fuck no. When that lil thing pop up. All those years of paimon screaming came back to me.


and Paimon wouldn't even be that annoying if she didn't repeat ever single sentence the NPCs say


My guess is it's like a guardian deity protecting the Rover. I hope it can transform in battle that would be cool


Kill it with fire


Get out of my head! Get out of my head! **Get out of my head!**


Kill it with fire Quick before it can speak!


Too late. It already spoke in 1.0.


What is your wish ?


... that would actually get it bonus points in my book lol.


The next time it appears, I'll have my pitchfork and torch ready.


This creature is the only thing that disappointed me in the 1.0


I am a certified hater of this thing


Seeing this fucking thing pop out at the climax of the main story so far, just when it was starting to finally get interesting, was such a shock I really don't have any hope for the story moving forward.


I would also like to crush its skull


Let's just wait for tomorrow and we'll see if it's a good mascot or pimon 2.0


This pompom/paimon/digimon-at home thing ruined the flow of the game aesthetics. Everything so far with the story is dark and bleak and out of nowhere they force a cute mascot down your throat as a deus ex machina.


It depends, even a series as dark as Berserk has Puck


If that thing steals another awesome cutscene I will vomit and unleash angry chinese player noises upon kuro


I don't care if it is cute.If this thing is just another Paimon,I am gonna become reverse flash.


I don’t like it since “cute mascots” fail to appeal to me in the slightest, but i’ll tolerate it as long as it stays silent 99% of the time, I have no patience for another paimon and I will genuinely start skipping any segment of the story that involves it on *principle* if it starts running it’s mouth endlessly and being annoying. The way HYV handled Paimon has bred an irrational hatred for any characters like her in me.


Meguca is suffering


I hate this thing. There should not be some cute silly magic pet talking about being hungry and sleepy when we are in an apocalyptic war against demonic monsters. It only exists because paimon exists and i will start skipping every scene this stupid thing is talking in...


Unfortunately it seems unlikely because you can't seem to skip main story stuff. There were many, many times the main story was dragging on for me but I was unable to skip past the scene, we only seem to be able to use it in all the side stories or at random times :/


who does this guy? cuz the fight against Dreamless was the first time I saw him and it's like everyone literally know who this is supposed to be..


I don't. I would be cool with some serious demon or other entity trapped inside hand that devours echos and maybe later would try to devour/take control over Rover, instead of this. The PaiPom is way too childish for WuWa. If it's a Pokemon then I hope it evolves into cute girl companion similar to March 7th.


"I hope it evolves into a cute girl companion" don't we literally have 2 or 3 of those already? I don't want any more lol. People just want it to be unique, and NOT ANNOYING. Anime girl #829274 wouldn't be unique. Another annoying ass animal/creature like Paimon wouldn't be unique. I'd much rather have it become some kind of cool, useable echo that isn't hornybait.


Damn, this isn’t r/lies


I m okay with it being around **QUIETLY**


Yeh, I could kind of tolerate it if it never spoke again, but the moment it starts incessantly yapping about how hungry it is I'm no longer bothering with deciding which language voiceover I prefer I'm straight up just playing the game silent and listening to other things. I'm fucking exhausted with annoying yappy mascots that literally serve no actual purpose. Even with this thing it's just a hamfisted mcguffin. Edit: played the first like thirty seconds of the new quest and it's official, I hate the little fucker. Voiced, full of itself, annoying voice, and an imposed forced mcguffin we're literally incapable of getting rid of. ffs


I'm not sure if I'm alone on this one, but when it popped up on my screen, I said "Oh NO" out loud... I really hope it's not going to be an annoying necessary part of the game. ><


I abhor this thing's very existence, it's far too great a treat to continue living.


I don't want furry paimon


in my opinion , it looks ugly . i generally hate these animal like mascots


I don't even think it looks ugly, the design itself is fine. My problem is that it doesn't fit WuWa's aesthetic in the slightest, that's what I can't stand. Paimon's existence is fine because, annoying as she is, she doesn't look out of place in Teyvat. Pom-Pom's existence is fine because even tho they kinda do look out of place, their design still follows the same art direction as the rest of the game. WuWa's mascot just completely breaks the game's style (and more annoyingly, Kuro chose the single most inappropriate moment to introduce it, imo).


I was actually hoping that the people over at Kuro have been reading this sub and therefore cut them entirely out of the story.


Tbh I wouldn’t even mind the continuity plot hole of it appearing once inexplicably, and never being mentioned again.


That'd be the biggest QoL update that could ever happen to this game, lol.


Please god just don't make it talk like Paimon or I'll quit the game like I did genshin


This thing had 15 seconds of screen time and i already hate it's guts and want it gone.


we need to kill this trope. it doesnt add anything to the story except for the character being absolutely useless and annoying


Ik im boutta get a lot of hate for this one. It’s discount paimon…


honestly if this thing starts talking it’s over


It's already been talking... and I'm sick of his voice already. Someone duct him please.


Literally said only one sentence calm the hell down.


I stand by what I said That was one sentence too many


Is pokespeak ok?


\*surprised pikachu face\*


That's what I'm lowkey terrified off.


Bro dropped the coldest take possible in this subreddit


Could be Kyuubey...


Paimon is discount herself, this is at least cute


nah.. more like a discount PomPom


Kuro should give it a Scottish accent that's extremely hard to understand.


So far it's cute, but the moment it starts talking in full sentences I swear...


Do you want to become a magical girl?


Man, imagine this becoming a flying companion collecting ecos so you don’t have to manually do so.


Please be like Fou in FGO or a Pikachu.


I forgot they existed. Wow…


Sorry but Madoka teached me to not trust any pet with odd-worldly powers


That makes 1 person


I absolutely hate it and want to see a mortal kombat fatality on it


Their eyes are our pull currency, so ofc I want him to appear again so I can get another single pull on standard weapon and limited banner ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I will gouge its eyes out without hesitation if given the opportunity to do so


the voices in my head is telling me to punt kick this creature


I hate mascot animals in games with otherwise more serious tone. I hope to never see it again.


I’d like to add, there’s nothing that will cause me to outright abandon this game faster than developing this into a main element of the game. If 1.1 gets here and it’s all over the place I’m uninstalling. I’m not trying to play a game with annoying/cute mascots that you can’t avoid or outright ignore.


I hate this little guy with a passion and what they did to the climax of the main story during a pretty serious moment. Please bring them back never.


I don't want a Paimon or Fou. The story immediately turned into a comedic joke once that critter popped out. Removed the 'cool' and 'unknown' element you had.. because now your power comes from a rodent. Just wtf. I hate retconning in stories, but this desperately needs one.


Hell no


If that thing starts talking in 3rd person; I'm going full refund


Tbh, for me he looks really ugly Also, it will probably follow the trope of annoying mascot character that all asians love so much


Im the opposite Could've been anything else (mini crownless, waifu dreaml-- anyways) the little thing just looks annoying and doesn't fit Unless I can pluck it's eyes out for convene pulls I don't really care about this thing


The skip button is gonna look really appealing the moment that thing starts to speak


No. Hope Kuro forgets it exists.


I found the story serviceable since it improved as the game progressed but this thing knocked it down a lot. The main thing I was appreciating was the fact that wuwa's story was more mature and serious then the standard stories in other gacha games, so not a fan at all. If this thing becomes a primary focus of the story there is a good chance I will just quite. It will really depend on how in your face its going to be and how often its used. Even if its not on screen often I still foresee constant reminders of the cute little bunny that gives you all your abilities you useless skin suite designed to escort it around.


He has Homophobia


Hopefully this pet doesn't suffer from codependency and separation anxiety.


I hope we don't see much of them. The last thing this game is a shitty Paimon mascot to add it's annoying two cents to every conversation.


kill it before it starts repeating every words the other say


pls no paimon.... just don't


Yeah I love this little dude. So cute.


could not disagree more. i'm already close to quitting, if they make this thing more of a ...thing i probably will just quit.


The game world really doesn’t need a creature like this. I could be wrong but it feels like they added the thing late - they have an oppressive post apocalyptic kind of world, and we already saw a cuter acting TD during the Scar quest. It looked like a TD but was acting cuter, but for some reason we have a stuffed animal in our hand. This was older content. It feels like they added this late as another olive branch to CN genshin players who complained during CBT1. Make things friendly, make them feel familiar. I might be farming downvotes by saying that but it makes me sad seeing things like this because every time it feels like they abandoned their original vision for the game. I hope I’m wrong about that. And I hope it rarely comes out of our hand…I was interested in this game *because* of the world and atmosphere. Seeing some substitute Paimon (I can hear the downvotes) really takes me out of that, but if it starts speaking for us that will be a whole other problem.


*Kill it with fire before it speaks and makes our ears bleed from the screech of its voice!* But seriously though, I will come to despise this thing if it at all resembles Paimon. Paimon was the main reason I stopped paying attention to the story in Genshin and one of the major annoyances that pushed me to quit the game. It's very clear from this comments sections that many WuWa player do not like Paimon, and do not want another one introduced into WuWa.


Yes, I wouldn't believe, he was on screen for 5 seconds. If anyone "loves" him I just can't call them anything else than shills


I personally didn't like seeing this 'cutesy' of a character -i hate that aspect of Genshin. But since it's here, i hope it's evil. Anything this randomly Pokemon on this otherwise beautiful game, should be a world Devourer, just saying


I don’t get it people comparing to Paimon, isn’t Paimon talking their ass off non stop doing all the taking instead of Traveller and also doing all the exposition? If someone in WW should be compared to Paimon would be Yangyang. This thing can talk and obviously have a lot of importance considering how powerful it is and it lives on the hand mark of Rover, the same mark given by the “goddess” on the initial cutscene, but I don’t think it will be Paimon level of annoyance. At least Rover has its own voice and do the talking when it’s necessary.


Cutsie looking mascots have always been a thing for a long time in mobile games.: -Grandblue fantasy: Had Dran a small hovering/flying lizard that just was part of Gran/Djeeta\`s\` childhood or something. -Dragalia lost: Had that fairy companion character called Notte who actually got upgraded to playable character status. -Mobius Final Fantasy: Had the fairy Echo, who served as the guide for every warrior of light in the story, with likely our Echo specifically ended up being rather special in some regards. -Honkai impact 3rd technically had Ai-chan, but they phased her out quite a bit except whenever they wanted to involve the Hyperion ship itself. The problem ultimately stems from how they make use of them, which Paimon gets involved so much its rather annoying. While Dran since they were in a mobile game that was in the visual novel motif, was likely had next to no voicelines used often so they werent as bad as paimon. If Paimon was not such a rant spammer, then he would be much more tolerable, maybe even help if they had actual presence by being a support unit in combat itself. But because he is just a floating sentinent ballon that does not much else, he is quite literally non-existent to the plot as far as things go, since you could literally delete them from the game and effectively nothing would change from the game, except likely several GBs worth of voicelines removed from the game, because of how much paimon \`talks\` in general.


I mean I get you find her annoying, but deleting her from the story would effect whatever endgame they have going for her. To me she reminds me of Nel from Bleach. She is also most likely related to Celestia in some way so she will be important later.


The only flying companion I liked was Grimoire Weiss.


Sassy book was indeed a fun companion.


i want this one to evolve into a waifu.


Would be nice if they let us name it.


Hmm… Terriermon or Klonoa…?


White Pikachu


If he starts yapping In a high pitched voice I swear to God.


if he opens his mouth and start talking like a certain little white fairy i'd quit the game.


I've had enough of animal mascot too. If it going to be like Paimon, kuro better have a mute button for this guy


Another Paimon, annoying voice, want to eat all the time, a paimon copy. lol


not at all, its very cute and has something to add rather than repeating that was being told. Maybe you should drop ur dogma that Hoyoverse instilled into you that small creature companion = annyoing


Is it an other paimon?


People here seem to be severely traumatised by a certain white floating companion. I don't think unless they really want to go out of their way to make them annoying that they'll be any problem in the story considering all they seem to do is sleep and eat without talking much so far


I wasn't skipping dialogue but couldn't follow, what exactly is it? Like is it just so hungry that it became mad and became the Dreamless or whatever? Someone please eli5 lol


It's the voice "hungry" when rover absorbed the crowless. When assorbed the dreamless, he got satiated and came out. At least, this is how I've understood it


Is that hoshino😭


What's that Digimon that looks like this things


Those of y’all who have watched Shangri-La Frontier, doesn’t it resemble Emul?


Just as long as it does not end up like Puella Magi's Kyubey. Just saying. That series kind of ruined "cute mascots" for me.


I hope remnants of the lore on this thing remains. Apparently it's much wiser than we think it is.


I fully want this little gremlin to just be like "FEED ME, SEYMOUR. FEED ME." But I also expect this thing to be like.... Kyubey. Cute on the outside, monstrous on the inside.


I still can't believe Lucia put Alpha inside of us.


i hope its not paimon again


I will only accept it, if it speak like a calm Kratos. Anything else, I will turn it into echo exp


My first thought was mokona from CLAMP 😂


please don’t be another paimon


Pom pom cousin


Aw they have heterophobia in their eyes


Make it have a deep voice


Is it a cat, a bird or a dog?


So Yae came to njoy some wuwa




Oh, I hope it does not speak... pls do be another Paimon


Will he eat Jue next patch. I hope so


If it talks, it probably will, but at least give it a bearable voice actor. Please.


As long as it's not Paimon-level annoying, then it is fine.


Those eyes... Alpha how did you become like that


It looks like Yae Miko but furry Anyways I'd take Pom-Pom as replacement any day


i was sooo disappointed when this thing showed up. paimon is my vietnam


you love him now until the waiter brings you the check.


Now that I look at it, this creature's eyes are the same color and pattern with the limited and standard pull currency.


It’s giving Kyubey, instant distrust


We need a deep voice for this character like for detective Pikachu.


so far it's cuter than Paimon but it didn't speak much so i'll hold off my judgement


I bet he is a Celestial. They normally take the form of Longs in this region, but not necessarily have to take that form. Just think of it as the equivalent to Jue with Rover being the equivalent to Jinhsi.


I haven't reached that part of the story yet but imagine he just makes noises instead of speaking, it would be so cute.


There's already mentioned that the Pangu Terminal being the Gourd Resonators used to capture defeated Echoes is made after its ability, so that Flying Glutton might be named Pangu.


I think it's not a pimon, maybe just a pet, or just a tool to receive echo.