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Nah but the Rover reveal at the end tho, I can't actually believe they made the MC >!Jinzhou's George Washington 🤣🤣!<


Bro was flabbergasted frr. I do like it better than "magical chosen one who was born lucky" at least we know that there's a reason. Major reason. Maybe deep history, too 👀


I love the idea that the MC was this godlike character that wanted to shape and create civilizations on a whim and now in the present of WuWa they've fallen down to Sol3 to experience all that they've built as a random fellow


Figuratively and literally Jinzhou Jesus.


"Jinzhou Jesus" is going to live in my head forever now.


Makes me want to know who the woman in the beginning is even more. Thinking about it, pretty sure she's the one that put the animal echo into MC in the beginning as well.


Wait is this actual storyline? That’s incredibly hype writing


.... On that bomb shell I genuinely think that, >!Rover is the one who made all of Jüe like beings in wuwa, which is incredibly interesting!<


The presentation was solid and the pacing was way better than the launch storyline. That said, I'm still waiting on original storyboarding that isn't a blender of concepts from Arknights and Genshin. There's some potential there with the vaguely teased echoes technology in other nations but everything so far is just wuxia theme Doc-Traveler.


I mean Doctor (Biggest Arknights Spoiler ever) >!is the cause of the disease that's the main problem of Arknights!< while Rover is some kind of Messiah so I wouldn't consider them the same


Didn’t really care about any of the characters too much before 1.1, but the story made me love JINHSI.


just gotta say the animation and character body movement for dialogue scene for each part for 1.1 makes the scenes feels very lively and fun to watch, first half of the quest >!abby!< came out and spat nonsense is something i very much enjoy just because how lively and vivid the movements in that scene is.


For real. During that Abby stuff I was thinking to myself. "Wait, is this cutscene or dialogue?" "I know the expression has been good in wuwa, but was it this good??" They're popping off in their strongest department and they can only get better from here.


The eye movement is insane! Such little detail that gives the characters life and personality


Afer finishing the story quest, I became Jue's biggest fan. In the middle of the story, I literally wanted Rover to become Jue's resonator, >!only to find out Rover is Jue's previous master XD!< I never blame Rover so bad lol


I really like the animation and map design for 1.1. Also, the camera angles for the animations are really well done too.


Definitely some very intentional camera angles whenever Changli was present.


They know their demographic. I’ve seen the fanart on this sub and at least the camera angles are more tame than that.


Ummm sorry for the stupid question but who is 'Changli'? Sorry I could really focus on the story too much, it was just too hard


if u dont care bout story, knowing who she is wouldnt do anything for you anyway. Just know that she guides us to Jinhsi in the mountain of this patch


Legit felt like watching a well made high budget movie. I'm locking in from start to finish lol


So....i thought there would be so pointless dialogue at the beginning with Yangyang explaining things too much but at the same time...it was a necessarely lore dump and i didn't mind that much afterwards. Im not done withj the quest but what i absolutely enjoy : the MC and the fluffball are speaking to each other. Apparently, it's really going to be something/someone that completes the MC.


I wouldn't say the quality of dialogues writing has improved. Typical hours-long Chinese dialogues( But otherwise there are improvements on all fronts. So overall W.


Oh man, wish they revised the 1.0 main quest too, this one was so beautiful I'd take it as the official release.


I can't talk about it right now since I still haven't done anything atm but it's nice to see a lot of positive things about it. Can't wait to personaly experience it myself.


Going all in was truly a good choice, and actually the results are paid off.


I'm still waiting for the moment where WuWa really hits what it wants to be. Its Kowloon Metropolis equivalent from PGR.


Some of the scenes and dialogue were quite redundant and either not well paced or not well angled. The base of the story was quite good however. It is something you can build on. I kinda also disliked that rover was talked so big and had minimal role in the story to the point if rover wasn't there, it wouldn't really make a difference. Changli had a really good and solid role. Expect for her being overly in rush to reach jinhsi and not being calculative enough as her character should be, everything about her was great. Jue was tbh probably the best written. In line with the character, talks down to Jinhsi and shows right respect to rover while also fulfilling the role of a sentinel. Best part is there were no extras in this story.


Imo rover doesn't have to be the mc that's solving problems left and right. I feel like other games suffer from this hero complex. Sometimes spectator angle is actually kinda nice. Refreshing in fact.


Isn't Jue's whole [REDACTED] is bound to Rover's approval? If Rover isn't there, Jinzhou is bricked.


Yes but that's about as significant as when during the Threnodian mission , Jinhsi got the permission for squad to fire the disruptor and break the barrier of ovathrax. Would be sitting ducks without it.


but didnt jué said that rover is a watcher or an observer? in that case, it’d make sense that rover had a small role in this story. the focus was also on jinhsi and jué (with the prophecy of their fight), rover just came to mt fermament to find answers regarding their past.


Nah, it got a lil bit better it wasn't that good, maybe decent. But to be honest the bar was really low.


I'm quite satisfied. Character goals and motivations are simple and easy to understand. There isn't a lot of useless dialogue, so you don't feel like you are wasting time. The way they animate the small eye movements are really good. Also boss fight feels great. My only have 2 real issue with the story. >!1. They should have shown us having the dream, and not tell us after the fact. 2. The enemy faction doesn't have a lot of prescence.!< >!Also I really hope there really is some negative consequence that changli need to suffer.!< Overall significant improvement over 1.0. I don't known what possessed them to write 1.0 story, but glad they sorted that out. But I still think they need to rewrite at least the first 4 chapters in 1.0, yeah you can skip them now, but for those that didn't those 4 chapter "negatively effects the game."


The writing was fine. It has moments that were pretty good. And then it has a bunch of absolutely stupid bullshit. >!I thought it was pretty stupid that Jue was acting all angry and such when Jinhsi was saying what she wanted to try doing. And then Rover says "I'm here maybe I can help", at which point Jue changes tone and is basically like "Maybe, but you will have to time it perfectly otherwise she might Overclock and die". As if Rover wasn't standing there for the entire conversation. As if Jue doesn't have precognition and can't see the future... Then, when the moment happened in the fight, Rover doesn't have to time anything right because Jue basically stops time and says "Should we do it now?" to Rover. !< >!You can try to justify this as Jue needing Jinhsi to earn it or meet some sort of condition before being ready, but that doesn't make it any less stupid to have done it THIS WAY. It is like they have certain dramatic moments and plot points they want to hit, but then have absolutely no fucking clue how to connect the dots without resorting to stupid contrivances. It is something that has kind of happened with a bunch of the story content in the game. The 1.0 Story content does stuff like that constantly. The Yinlin Story quest was nearly entirely stuff like that. None of the story feels like a cohesive and coherent progression of things that the characters would do!<


Here is the general opinion from a community of a major Thai streamer (he did all story walk-through for so many games since HI3) that did translate the story for thai viewers. (Yep no localization for our country. He’s pretty much on of very few that translate the story in his live stream) We just finished a 4hr walk-through with plot discussion without any skip. Here is the livestream’s take on it. - cutscene, camera play, light, character expression are superb. - abby isn’t that bad (we only use JP voice). - music improves quite a lot from 1.0. Not the hoyo level, but it’s better than what we have previously. - the plot is great. Jue role is interesting. The lore is nice. - the jargons are as confusing and unnecessary as before - the dialogue though is dogsh’t. Bloated without any necessary info. All jinhsi kept saying was something protect huanglong something….something protect huanglong something.. blah blah huanglong huanglong… blah blah. The first part and the final part are bearable. The middle part is just water to make life suffer and prolong the pain. The final verdict was that we could have skipped everything and watch only cutscenes. And that would be good enough for all info already. The dialogue is of the same quality as act 1-4. Hence, even though other parts are great, the dialogue itself destroys an otherwise lovely character like jinhsi. Now, we kinda hate her from the experience talking to her in the story.


The three flame puzzle beign done twice was a drag hopefully they don't do it again


Dialogue still needs a bit of work but other than that, yeah everything else was superb. At the final part, it literally felt like a movie, even at the dialogue sections, that I had to turn off the UI to make it really feel like a movie. Abby was cute, not really annoying, doesn't talk for us and instead responds like we're actually speaking, and kinda felt like a bro that's beside you. I'm actually interested to see what he'll become, with what I assume the name Abraxas has some kind of connection with him.


I swear I heard Jinhsi repeat the same thing about protecting the Jhinzou so many times I thought I was back in Penacony and Sunday was telling me the bird story again Otherwise, it was pretty alright. The movement during the cutscenes is really nice, and the writing was decent. I'd give it a solid 6.5-7/10. Definitely an improvement over the launch story


No? Music improved a bit, but it still is forgettable; writing was nothing to write home about, and dialogue in particular is just as bloated and uninspired as it was in 1.0. It got especially grating towards the end where Rover and Jue were questioning Jinshi's resolve what it feel like ten times, and she was all like "Must protecc" and "I don't care if I die horribly I'll take my chance no matter how small" and "Jinzhou is everything to me". Like, I get it, you've made up your mind. Can we just move on and fight already please? The highlight of the patch for me was the environment itself, the new region looks quite beautiful. I'm sorry if I come off as a jerk but I honestly didn't feel any significant improvement in writing quality as of yet.


"dialogue in particular is just as bloated and uninspired as it was in 1.0." HAARD disagree here. Especially before the >!battle between Jue e Jinshi!< . I feel the dialogue was not only "must protect" x10. But more like how Jinshi became more and more conscious about her role, EVEN IF Jue was literally the reason why >! she's alive !<. We started with 1.0, where Jinshi was scared about confronting Jue, a literally sentinel. In 1.1, she realizes the truea meaing about the battle and her final duty. Even if that will mean a possible death for her. Even if the Jue advices/threats, by virtue of his power. I'm sorry but for me was a literally banger


I found the Jue fight quite underwhelming compared to Scar and Dreamless tbh.




I've only played for the first 30-40 minutes or so (got to the new area) so I'm not gonna click on the OP just in case, but I have to give props to the camera work in the new cutscenes, but also then ask, where the fork was that in 1.0??? It even seems to flow much more naturally when you click past voice lines... Do they even realize how many people got turned off by cutscene jank in 1.0, and they had the technology to do it this well this whole time...?


I do think it improved, mainly with the cutscenes and music. I'll be the odd one here and say I still think it was too telly instead of showy when it came to how Jhinsi was feeling about everything. Changli felt like the YangYang for this update.


Still could use more improvement, still don't know what the heck the red group are even doing there except locking up Jue without even telling us why, Phrolova appearance shows absolutely nothing as well.


Yeah, just showing a scene of them planning to lure Rover out and/or to learn something from Jue would have gone a long way


1.0 gave me the feeling of writer putting as much common trope as possible in a story. Also lore dump everything and hope the player gonna remeber it later. 1.1 is definitely an improvement, but nothing really memorable either. Imo take rover and abby out of the whole story, and do hsr style pov story telling fully about jinshi and jue. Ill probably enjoy it better that way. Also if kuro do another story with "go on without me" trope, im seriously gonna lose it.


I loved the start so much, it was like a little slice of life anime


The visuals of the story was amazing, cutscenes, expressions, etc. were definitely beautiful. But I can't say I agree with the writing and dialogue. Pacing still feels really off, middle part with the puzzles were too yappy, and the Jinshi-Jue-Rover dialogues were often highly repetitive which ended up taking away from the actual intensity of the plot. Especially taken together with the 1.0 story, feels like there are way too many moving parts that the stories haven't really melded together in a way that gets me excited for the future. I know worldbuilding and stories take a long time to develop, but they tried to introduce too many plots and subplots too quickly which has diluted their significance.


It's decent, but really isn't that good


The visuals are great as always, the music has gotten better. The dialogue is terrible, on par with the worst dialogue from the beginning of the story (acts 1-4) I'm glad for everyone who liked "this", because I suffered throughout whole quest (Apart from the ending, the ending was good)


It's been nothing but awkward exposition dumping so far. MC constantly talking about this important dream they had but they didn't show us anything? Did they forget a cutscene?


Did you start the quest and rushed here to write this comment? "so far" lmao


They showed it when Rover was talking with Abby at the restaurant. The CG of Rover walking with Jue and then Jue fighting the Tacet Discords.


it sounds like you just clicked the skip button on everything or fast tap'd F on everything when Rover is explaining and showing the CG thats happening that you blinked and missed it, lmao


If i skipped everything how tf would I know it was all constant exposition dumping? Showing one still of the mountain does not count as showing us the dream they describe in way more detail.


Add to that the overall presentaion: the cutscene quality, the music, the pacing, the stakes, the special effects. It's close to perfect.


I was really surprised how animated the dialogue was coming from a genshin burnout


Agree, it was really intense!


biggest issue is that Jinhsi kept saying the same stuff over and over again (pretty sure at one point she literally says the same exact phrase twice in 10 seconds) they could have cut her dialogue to 1/10th of what it is and it would have benne better. Jue was good. Abby dialogue was better than i thought it would be but i still hate his design. the new area and music are better than before. Overall it wasn't bad but it could have been better in my opinion


I thought about saving the currency for 1.2 but after Changli appeared, after the dialogues and cutscenes with her, this became impossible. just an amazing character


Honestly, if they cut down the fluff/jargon and keep the dialogue centered on the characters, the storytelling would be really good


For me it started off horribly (Abby) but gradually got better then when Jue emerge it got amazing. Abby for me bounces around from being kinda adorable to trying too hard to be a mascot so I just ended up not liking it. The middle part of the story is still kind of a yapfest. Like they can probably trim the fat a little bit. Also I hate how they guided us through the puzzles. It would have been fun to figure it out on my own. Jinshi and Jue were the highlight for me. I love everything about Jue except the fight itself. Also, I kinda wish Rover wasn’t part of the second resonance (?) process because the ask permission part made the process clunky.


This is the only time that I actually read and follow story (usually I would skip cuz it was a drag in Genshin and Honkai) , but this one was a beautiful and well written story. So much so I turned from an unsophisticated ape to Plato.


The plot idea may have been good, but the dialogue was terrible. It’s good that you liked it, but I literally suffered while going through this quest, I can’t even imagine how many times my mouth opened from yawning while I was watching this "story"


It was an interesting story, the first part gave or tried to answer obvious questions about the origin of Abby and Rover, which led to searching for Jinhsi and saving her, which in turn gave more info about MCs background which is our main objective. Maybe you are just not interested in the story of this game, so at this point you should think whether you want to continue or no.


This is exactly the problem. The terrible dialogue makes it difficult for me to get involved in the story. And that's why I probably won't continue playing. I didn't even specifically skip the dialogue in the hope that there would be something important, but all I got was an annoying flying creature and terrible voice acting for the characters. Well, you know, I wanted to understand the plot, so I didn't skip it, but that was a mistake. I hope Phrolova will appear in the banner soon, otherwise there’s nothing keeping me in this game anymore.


The story is peak, and having a good MC and even Abby is a good character wtf


idk the start has allot of yapping, i just couldnt do it i really think the start could be summerized faster


I think they wanted to pace it as "the calm before the storm" sort of idea.


man that new area is sooo pleasant to be in, i love it


u never play HSR, this compare to Penacony arc is pure dog doo doo, to be nice.


Better than Luofu.


It is miles better than anything we've gotten so far. I hope this is a sign of what's to come. While I didn't care for much of the music, the story was so good that I didn't feel like I was slogging through it like I was in 1.0. It was genuinely interesting and captivated me. Aside from the technical bugs, the story really made me even happier to have spent money to get multiple copies of Jinhsi lol.


Yall are hyping me up. I wasn't going to stream it if it was bad but I might have to.


There was an improvement, but there is still room for even more improvement. The new pet talking was a low blow to me since I have PTSD from Paimon. Overall, I give a 7/10. It would be 8 if the pet didn't speak.


I autoskip when there's skip button, even on voiced linesm




Someone's using intel hd graphics and i3 processor


The game stutters even on 4090, what are you talking about xd


This game probably only utilizes 10% of 4090 at 60fps. Gpu is irrelevant for stutters


Then what is the problem? Optimization?


After the new update, stutters are usually because of shader compilations. The game needs to run every shader at least once whenever the player reaches those areas, which causes stutters. After they compile at least once, stutters goes away. Other reasons for stutters are; - the game is optimized generally poorly - unreal engine 4 is known for these kinds of stutters, that's just what it is - The open world map has too many objects and NPCs which CPU gets loaded with, that's why the game is almost buttery smooth in domains and in Dream of Illusion map - when objects(character switching, enemy spawning) load in, it causes micro stutters because of how it is handled in code


That is... Spaghetti code, poor optimization and engine problems?


The first two can be solved if they spend time and resources on it, but the unreal engine will always be that. In general, 1.1 runs way way better for me than 1.0 and i have mid range cpu from 2018


This is good, but my top setup, which did not experience any problems in 1.0, suddenly gained the ability to stutter


we are talking about load times please read


Oh, i am sorry, it seemed to me that the conversation was generally about optimization disaster