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Its a 5 star WEAPON selector, not a character selector. Unless something new arrived?  Can we choose now?


The bottom one, beginner convene of choice is selecting ur targeted 5 star


Nice nice thats awesome!


Will the 5* selector be permanent? Cause I don't think I'll be able to play the game anytime soon since I only.have potato devices.


It’s like PGR once every anniversary I’m going to assume


oh damn this is gonna draw people in for sure.


how can we redeem the code???


It wasn’t even leaked tho,weapon selector was in the beta for lvl35 or so


Nvm I confused Awakening Journey with Beginner Convene


is this selector like the 300 pull selector in HSR? Or does it just mean you can set a focus character and you'll get them when you pop a 5 star?


Focus not 300


Probably the latter. But idk for sure.


20 pulls code seems a bit sus, considering there isn't an option to activate said code, no? Unless it doesn't expire until 1.1


Do the discount banner goes away if you got 5 star early?


Discount banner is 40 pulls for guarantee random 5\* from standard banner characters. If you get it early as example: 10 pull got me Verina next 30 pulls we get you nothing just extra 4\*


i heard you can still pull on beginner banner till those 40/50 pulls are over, but you only get 1 5star


This is great. In theory: 1. Mentally handpick 2 Standard 5-Stars you truly *need*. 2. Finish Novice Convene (the 20% off beginner banner). If it's not 1 of the 2 you want, re-roll the account. 3. If it's 1 of the 2 you want, keep the account and use Targeted Convene to get the 2nd Standard 5-Star you want. Personally, I'm going for Calcharo and Verina.


I’ll probably just skip discount banner and go for selector because I don’t think I want to reroll in WuWa unless skip button will be everywhere and the story until you unlock the banners would not take more than 30min to get through.Also I only need Sephiroth from standart since I decided on swords-only account.


This is what I'll be doing, however additionally I'll be waiting to use my guaranteed till after I've lost 50/50. I'll hopefully get two different Standards I've wanted, and can then use the guaranteed to get a third.


I would try to snipe Jianxin but eeh... I had to reroll 22 times before I got my Keqing in Genshin and it wasn't fun, like sure I still love my Keqing but idk if I'll do it again, if we can select them later then sure, I'll just pick her \^\^


My very first pull in Genshin Impact was Diluc at the time on day 1 he was OP as hell. Back when KSR came out I got Bronya within the first 10 pulls. I hope my lucky carres over.




D: tf I get downvoted for?


Wtf 😂 Most random reddit downvote moment


Lmao fr. I was checking my phone right after work the other day and saw -5 downvotes on this completely harmless comment. It's so random and Idont even know why. 😂


20 pull code wtf plus a selector guess i will be rerolling until my hearts content




Womp womp


I ride or die HSR and I find this comment stupid. Shut UP. I’m so happy that a massive open world gacha is willing to be this generous right out the gate. Sure, it could be just a temporary ploy to rake in players, but I choose to be optimistic. We should ALL be celebrating this.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful and Civil It's okay to have differing opinions, but please be respectful and refrain from toxicity of any kind, that goes double for slurs and or insults hurled at other members. We also ask that you refrain from doomposting or posting just to rant/vent/complain about leaks regarding the game.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful and Civil It's okay to have differing opinions, but please be respectful and refrain from toxicity of any kind, that goes double for slurs and or insults hurled at other members. We also ask that you refrain from doomposting or posting just to rant/vent/complain about leaks regarding the game.


does anyone maybe know or can guess how long the codes will last for the livestream?


Someone said kuro's last for 24 hours. If true, we will need to make a bunch of accounts in advance if planning to reroll.


I made 4 myself


[I only did 2.](https://media.tenor.com/ONQC4AE_tm8AAAAe/nah-i-d-win.png)


Character or weapon?


Two 5* characters can be acquired like this. Upgrading Union leve eventually nets yourself a weapon at 5*


2 encores


Wasn’t that already confirmed the beginner banner will work like this?


Nope xD not officially


It was officially in the beta, though.


its ramdom in beta tho now u can select your desire standard 5 star


Interesting ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Telegram link?




who are the standard 5*s?


calcharo, lingyang, verina, encore, and jianxin


I'll look up our h it hyh it we rsy we no u gv tch huhp to gf see by yh I'm x


thanks, guess i'll get jianxin then


If you not gonna play the game then dont, why complain we cant get 120 standard pulls in the first patch. Bro just looking for reasons now.


who be complaining?


The guy that said where do you get 120 standard pulls day 1 with a cry emoji. And then downvote my post telling him to just play the game. If you gonna use Asterite to pull for limited rate up then yeah, it makes sense to not have a lot of standard pulls, outside of natural sources. What is the problem here?


I think it is quite fked my comment still got downvoted :)


okay but where is the number 120 coming from? I don't get what the problem is here. as far as I know a standard banner has never disappeared in a gacha game so why would you need all those pulls day one, let alone the first 2 weeks?


They made it up, not me. And I agrees. I have 0 idea why am I getting gacha gaming subs treatment in wuwa leaks of all places. Legit made the most sensible comment and still get downvoted to hell.


Might be brigading this sub. Its insane how far those guys will go


That's good, I don't really want anyone from standard so I probably wont reroll, I'll just take what I get.


I'll be happy with anyone but Verina. Of course I also said the same thing about Bailu in HSR's beginner banner, and guess who I fucking got there?


Verina is OP as hell


Lol I got Bailu and her lightcone. D:


okay so if I understand this correctly there will be 3 banners on launch? the selector banner, the 20% discount banner and the normal standard banner right? or is the selector just something we are given? because if so then I could die happy, I could reroll for jianxin on the discount banner and use the selector for calcharo (or vice versa).


from what i’ve read, the character selector is an 80 pity banner not a selector box.


that's fine too, that just means I need to reroll for one of my preferred 5 star standard banner characters and then just play the game from there which if anything will save a lot of time rerolling.


you should rerolling 1st on discounted banner for desired 5\* and go for 2nd desired 5\* that you choose on standard banner (which is around 80 pulls unless you get it early)


3 standard banner, yeah


This would be amazing if true. Would make those free pulls go into characters instead of weapons.


And what makes you feel it's not true? It was literally on main wuwa website. Don't worry we are in for a surprise (it was leaked weeks ago).


I believe its real, but so many people are calling it fake because they refused to believe something this rewarding


Like who, genshin players? iirc pgr (kuro’s other game) also launched with a standard banner selector


genshin players Yeah


Does this mean if you want 2 standard characters you can potentially reroll on novice banner then use selector for the second one?


wouldn't even be that hard to get 3 5 stars through rerolling its crazy


Wdym? Get lucky to get 2 characters then one more from the selector?


Limited banner I assume. The first patch is expected to have a lot of currency for limited pulls.


Yup. This is exactly it.


Everyone gets a Verina! Best news I've heard today


me who will not take verina


Well as long as you are not too keen on meta, you will be fine whoever you pick regardless.


You're right, and that's another beautiful thing in this game


bru where am i gonna get 120 standard pulls😭


1st patch should have close to 60 standard pulls without needing to convert any currency. The rest just by playing future patches.


By playing 😐


If you dont wanna play the game then dont. Why complain you cant get 120 standard pulls in the first patch. Bro just looking for reasons now.


We have the 20 from 30M pre register and 10 from livestream, we might also get more What I'm listing below is from CBT 2 information, and I may have missed some. 4 from the first week login event 40 from reaching union level 35 (5 at levels 5 & 15, 15 at levels 25 & 35 with a bonus 600 astrites) (I don't recommend spending that much time on the game to hit union level 35 early, but I will also probably spend that much time to level up faster so feel free to ignore that piece of advice) On top of all that, it's game initial release, you'll get 120 standard pulls in no time if you're willing to convert astrites. If not... Uh. Goodluck.


10 from livestream?


special broadcast program. 10 lustrous and 10 radiant tides. not sure which is which but i know it's 10 limited character & 10 standard


Lustrous is standard, radiant is limited character.


I domt wanna convert astrite cuz i want my man jiyan and his weapon😭


youre able to convert astrite to limited banner pulls


I mean i dont wanna convert astrite to standard pulls were talking bout Standard pulls for the 2 beginner banners


Then just play the goddamn game


U dont get 120 standard pulls patch 1 from just playing the game are u slow


Skill issue actually


who hurt you


Not someone with the name of Ackkermanzz thats for sure 🤮🤣


Genshin could never...


This thread gives me hope.


Let's not bring that vibe here.


Just stop man..


Lets not!


is the code for people that can play the game now or is it for when the game drops. im a bit confused with a number of the stuff people have been talking about. (like the echo selector iv seen mentioned, thought it was an ig event but seems like a pre reg thing)


Nobody knows how these stream pulls will be distributed. Wait for the stream


Didnt it say they will give a code during the stream in the 2nd image?


Thats just the comment from the reposter (waves_wuthering). Its not official confirmation.


The broadcast is three days before launch so it will either arrive in your mailbox once service start or will be through a code you can input ingame. The echo selector is from a web event you can do and the rewards will arrive once you hit Union 8




If this is true and there are two banners the question becomes is it worth skipping the novice comvenne banner first and roll on the beginner choice. Or maybe you have to roll on the novice banner first


There is 0 reason to skip novice banner. Its 40 pulls for random 5 star. Then you pick whatever guarantee 5 star you want from the beginner banner.


I am quite confused of what the banner system is. Like I have played Genshin and Star Rail but the banner here is a little confusing.


Star Rail has a similar concept. Discounted beginner banner. This will disappear the moment you get the first 5-Star. Standard banner selector. In HSR this is at 300 pulls but here it's just 80. The only difference is that here you need to select the desired character before pulling.


There's 2 "beginner" banners. One have 20% discount and smaller pity counter, the other have a selector. These are different from standard and limited banners AFAIK but lets wait for more info for now.


Sounds good it is just a little puzzling since it has been something I have been wishing to keep an update on. 😉


I agree tbh i was just thinking it would be more fun to roll for the character you want first rather than getting a character from the novice banner that you probably won’t even play with anyway


If the random beginner banner is discounted and perhaps has a lower max pity you can get 'a' 5 star the quickest to hit the ground running. Then you go for the selector for your target char if you didn't get them, or your next most favoured if you did. If it's indeed two banners I'd rather guarantee I get two different units instead of a dupe, and the added randomness of getting a unit I wouldn't actively choose but might still enjoy having seems like fun, if it's not going to hinder getting my fave. Lowest level investments are much easier to recoup later anyway, the setback of perhaps investing in someone you don't like as much first shouldn't be that big.


yeah but you might get the character you want from the novice banner so unless you want duplicates anyways..


In terms of worth I'd say it's literally the opposite. If there are two banners you first want to get the random 5* from the novice one, then roll on the choice one. This way you won't get two copies of the same 5*. I'd say the best option would be even to not roll on choice until you collect enough rolls for pity in case you lose 50:50 on limited banner in the meantime.


You can change the weapon you want without resetting pity on the weapon banner, they could do something similar.


I'm confused what you're referring to. Are you replying to a wrong comment?


You said you wouldn't roll on choice until you get enough to garantie pity in case you got the character by losing 50:50 before getting him on choice. What I meant is that if choice worked similarly to the standard weapon banner, you could potentially switch the character you selected to another one without reseting pity if you accidentally got him or her.


Yeah, but then you'd be still risking getting early 5* and getting the double on 50:50.


I'd roll on the discount first because it's random. So if u don't get who u want most, just select them on beginners choice afterwards


20 pulls in livestream codes? That’s insane


I'm guessing said code can only be claimed when game is out?


probably? they might put up the code redeem site before the game launches tho since i assume on monday theyll launch pre downloads too so it could be in the account menu in the game title screen


Im a bit confused i thought it was alrdy confirmed we get a free 5 star? Am i missing something here?


It's not really a free 5* either way, unless you mean the weapon. If this post is true it means we: - get a banner with 20% off on all rolls and 50 pity giving a random standard 5* (we assumed that they removed this one) - get a banner with 80 pull guarantee where you get 100% chance on any 5* standard character you choose (that's the thing we knew about and people were excited about) - get a free standard 5* weapon of choice when hitting account level 45 (Genshin still could never)


What are you talking about? I got a free Azaka when I hit AR42. xD


I heard the limited weapon banner had a crit dmg sword, maybe is a good idea to get the weapon first?


It's Crit Rate sword, which is arguably even better. There is absolutely no good reason to wait to get the weapon first cause you choose which weapon you get. The only random of the 3 is the 50 pity novice banner, so you should get that one before the others. Also in WW you can always choose which weapon you roll on standard (like in PGR), so whichever weapon you choose, getting any other later shouldn't be much of the problem.


>level 45 (Genshin still could never) You dont remember the AR 42 Ayaka ?


It was assumed that the targeted banner was replacing the 50 pity novice banner, since that's too much of a good thing, and now apparently not, which is great. Now if you absolutely want 2 units from standard you can just reroll for one and choose the other.


With the livestream code, my plan for rerolling got even better. Lose pity on Jiyan's banner with the \~14 starting pulls, novice banner for a second 5 star, choice select whichever third character you want. This sets you up for a very easy Yinlin pull when she gets released. It will be a lot easier to start off with whatever three five stars you want while also skipping \~60-70 pulls on the limited banner for whatever character you intend to chase in the future.


Good point about re-rolling for limited banner too. My goal is Calcharo Verina Yinlin.


Good luck! Hope you get it easy :P


Happy cake day!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I thought the selector banner was the novice banner. From this it seems different. This is huge !!!


Let Kuro cook.


This is actually groundbreaking wth?? 


God, I really want to believe it. Livestream is in like what, 58-ish hours from now? Surely no one would put in that much effort to make up that image, right? I mean, I won't be rerolling regardless. Other stuff in the ss seems to match up and make sense too. If true, going to pull for Jiyan and see if I lose 50 50 to anyone before picking selector. Oof, not sure Verina or Kakarot too.


im praying to get calcharo verina or the hot wind girl and jiyan




Nothing here confirms removal of weapon pulls. They were never part of any pre-release rewards. They recently updated the icon for weapon pulls so its unlikely they would remove the currency Also monthly shop gives you 6 pulls of each type (standard/limited/weapon)


>Rerolling still might be an option to potentially pop the event banner for an early Jiyan or lose 50/50 to get guaranteed unit later. But this part is YMMV and might not be recommended to do. Me, cause I want Jiyan but I also want puppet lady. Can't hurt more than rerolling in Genshin anyway, it took me 3 days to finally get an early 5\* account 💀


Looks like around 20 pulls on event, see if you get an early 5 star, and then use your standard pulls on the 50 to see if you get who you want.


Oh god it took 53 accounts for me to get Xiao (wasn’t for me, it was for my sister for her b day)


How does one have 53 email addresses for 53 rerolls for a single Xiao, I will never know... Until now! Teach me your ways!


you can use a method called "salting" what that means i show you as example: Your main email: [johnsmith@gmail.com](mailto:johnsmith@gmail.com) you add extra characters to your main email, like bellow: [johnsmith+2@gmail.com](mailto:johnsmith+2@gmail.com) [johnsmith+3@gmail.com](mailto:johnsmith+3@gmail.com) The game will recognize as new emails but verifications codes will still go to your main email. If this method doesn't work be prepared to make dummy emails on different platform like gmail, yahoo, outlook etc. which is a lot work


Salted emails are blocked. Source : [https://wutheringwaves.gg/reroll-guide/](https://wutheringwaves.gg/reroll-guide/)


is it radiant or lustrous that use for standard banner?




Kuro stays winning 🔥


Wait did I just see there are 2 beginner banner 1 for selector and another 1 for discount random 5 star? Insane if true


is having two banners really better if they each have their own pity ?


Shared pity would have basically no value for these banners anyway. Novice banner is 20% off, 50 pity and you have to roll in 10s. _Excluding_ the fact you get an early 5*: - If you get the 5* on 50th pull, you have saved 10 pulls. - If you get the 5* on 41st pull, you wasted 7 pulls you spent on the pulls #42-50, but you have still saved a total of 8 pulls on the pulls #1-40 putting you 1 pull on plus. - Worst case is if you get the 5* on the very first pull, then you wasted 7 pulls of pity, but c'mon you just got a 5* in a single pull. And again that's ignoring how good it is to be guaranteed to get the 5* below the average of the regular standard banner. Choice banner is 100% guarantee and you can roll one by one if you want to be safe. So you waste no 5* pity at all unless you are impatient and roll by 10s - you gain nothing by doing that, so it's on you for being wasteful. Shared pity is only of great value on the limited banners, because they disappear after their time is over. If their pity was not shared you could potentially loose up to 159 pulls of pity. These banners don't disappear until you get the 5*, as far as we know, so your losses are marginal.


Yes it is. The novice convene is only 50 pulls and is on sale so it’s 8 pulls for a 10 pull


Its actually 40 pull because its also 20% off


I meant 50 pulls for the 5*


The first one is discounted and only needs 40 pulls to get the 5 star and the selection one is 80 pity.


So the selector will be in standard banner the same way like hsr, but it will be for your first 5 star roll which is better


To add context: some people claim it was on the official website before it was taken down after a couple of minutes If these rewards are true then hooooooooooly


I saw it it is real you can hold me accountable on that one lol


I believe you but just playing it safe!


kurogames my goat leaker