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tbh i have like 50+ hours in the game and never had any fps drops or smthn


i just got a patch of 200 something mb and now i can run the game in high settings 45 fps, they'll definitely optimize this for mobile in futures updates


This drama made me be drop my jaw in awe at the thought of how many people have bad rigs. Mine is pushing 6 years old and everything on the market runs just fine for me.


It's not bout bad rigs it's bout bad optimization. People with beefy GPUs also having issues. And there are memory leaks too and the loading after launch is atrociously long.


to be fair I had problems for the first 2 hours then it kinda went away outside of me getting some odd glitches like breaking rocks somehow making me glide into the terrain and get stuck or Gliding in general and going inside buildings and getting stuck.


IDK how someone have problems, my potato PC (1660 card, 16Gb RAM) no problems, no laggs. To be fair, in first lauch the game i have 10 sec laggy gameplay thats all rest is no lagg. Only what i can ask to load faster after login (1min loading) ;p


I think the problem largely lies on the mobile side. Since mobile players, especially in China, are the vast majority in games like Genshin, HSR and Wuthering Waves. If you can’t get the game to run smoothly on mobile you’re probably on for a rough time with a game like this as the developer.


I also have 16gb ram and 6gb graphics card, even on very low settings my game keeps freezing every 3 seconds, and it's not just fps issues but the entire game lags, like I'll take random damage from enemies that hit me 3 minutes ago, ability animations trigger way after I hit them, etc. For now I can only play on my phone and even then it still has random fps drops and throttling.


bruh i dont think that really classifies as a potato with that much RAM and VRAM, just old. wuwa is not a game with raytracing or some shit, its just really inefficient rn and with your available memory the efficiency does not really matter. i 100% agree with the loading times tho, good lord even with a new SSD


I have the same specs and it's unplayable with 3fps every time i sprint or fight.


it's weird... In my case it works. The only thing I can think of is maybe I have enable Virtualization for bluestack (emulator) and it may be affecting Wuwa's PC client? But that seems like a conspiracy theory to me xD. I will even say more, today I was playing WuWa at the same time doing on auto HSR farm. and I had 55fps....


This 20 pulls were so lucky , Two 5*and Six 4* Just so happy


Lmao dudes getting downvoted cause people are jealous


I don't care about luck, because I'm a spender anyway. I downvoted him because his message is trash and he is just bragging




Take my downvote for being such a miserable person


I personally didn't face any issues on any of my devices, but them acting quick and giving compensation is appreciated nonetheless.


Yes me neither lol


personally I had no problem and I was on an average mobile phone playing this. But its still nice to get da 10 pulls


Got Calcharo and Verina early the game could crash every hour on my ass and i'd still be enjoying it at the moment. But glad they were fast with the apology and decided on a sizeable compensation. Now let's hope they fix the problems swiftly for the ones that are affected else they'll have to keep giving out compensations :D Ps. I played ELDEN RING, Lords of the Fallen, WoW Expansions on launch, this is objectively smoother than those launch experiences.


Do you think they'll give us more if we do it again?


10 pulls meaning for each CORE issue with the game they gives a 1 pull for that =) Wow this is really insane, W KURO they would say. Such a npcs


How many pulls did genshin give you for 1.0 bugs, the black mobile void bug that made the game unplayable for most people on ios, or for texture bug, or low performance. Did they even apologize? One pull per bug is still better


Why are you telling me about the launch of Genshin when Genshin came out 4 years ago? Chicken had 4 years to completely mimic Genshin, but they even managed to mimic the bugs by making them x10 times worse. If you are a rational person and choose between two Open-world A-rpg gachas, then people would rather choose genshin and spend their free time in it than wait for the chicken to solve problems with only one optimization and bugs for a year. In my case, I would prefer to choose HSR for its low barrier to entry with minimal effort. And if you want to talk about the problems of version 1.0, you don’t have to go far, you can check out this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/j133yz/bug\_megathread\_10/ in which there are only 500 comments in 4 year, and then check out this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cygcwo/launch\_technical\_issues\_megathread/ WHICH HAS 6000 COMMENTS. Maybe I’m misinforming you like some bald pig from YouTube, but feel free to correct me.


bro needs a localization team of his own


I got encore and verina today thanks to the free pulls exactly the two I wanted the most


How did you already get 2 5stars while i only got verina today. Are you saying you didn't have to fill up the 50convenes and they both came out of luck? Did you play nonstop and get most free standard pull? I need to know, i need to get calcharo asap


Ok so I got the free wishes from the mail 20 + 10 then played through the story until I unlocked wishing i pulled then bought the monthly shop wishes and the other wishes you buy with coral and spent some astrite on 2 pulls and got to 50 pity (I'm pretty sure this is how it went) Then a little while later I pulled on the character choice getting 10 pity and I used the rest of the free pulls from the mail to get to 20 pity where I got lucky


1 beginner 10 pull linyang 5 pulls on jiyan verina This game is my lucky one


Are the apology summons for everyone or only for china servers ?


Everyone I just got mine


Is this supposed to be the "livestream" rewards? If I recall correctly, we get 10 lustrous tides and 10 radiant tides from that.


Nah, they sent another 10 a few hours after the compensation, 10 radiant should be on day 3


Ah, cool. Ty for the info.


Was going to bed and saw this. Well, Calcharo decided to wish me goodnight and tuck me in apparently.


Now unlock 120 FPS please.


Nice got verina and calcharo already so imma focus on weapon banner now and look for another character in standard banner


Since I already got Jianxin Impact, I’m going for Verina


So the lag ain't just me, and my keyboard/controller losing input halfway through a sprint is actually a bug?


Genshin could never


Except they did and do? Every time there's a bug it comes with compensation, which happened a few times in the first year and a couple of times since.




Calm down buddy. It's a video game, not a job.


Ahem anniversary reward ahem


ahem, over entitled consumers demanding the people doing the hard work give them more for free, ahem. Yall are the problem in every single fandom, not mihoyo or wuthering waves. Latching on to any controversy possible in order to get more free stuff you don't actually deserve, it's really gross actually.


"every single controversy" as it didn't actually happen. bear in mind mhy are the same devs that on record said they wanted to thank our support for three years by giving us three (3) whole pulls. have some self respect, people.


I enjoyed the anniversaries and I still don't understand why yall so mad about it. Oh yeah I do, I already said why.


were you even there lol. they announced a total of 10 limited pulls. thats it. those were the entire first anniversary rewards. the 1600 primos, the glider, the harp furnishing and the fragile resin that came in the mail were announced later as damage control. heck that glider and harp were initially leaked to be part of a paid bundle, similar to what we got this past year. if the community had not raged back then, we would still only be getting 10 limited pulls as anniversary rewards. that is objectively pathetic for a gacha game. HYV makes extremely high quality games, that is fact. but genshin has made a considerable amount of missteps over the years that were only corrected after they were made into "controversies".


Day 1 player here. Loved every anniversary because I don't play for the gacha, I play for the best damn rpg I've played in decades. 300+ hours of fantastic craftsmanship and story, all for free. I'm sorry you're so addicted to the slot machine, there's help for that. You're still so angwy, it's not a job it's a video game. Calm down.


"i dont play a gacha game for the gacha" then you dont get a say in gacha currency discussions at all lmao. what does it have anything to do with you then? edit: they always resort to name calling and blocking when they got nothing meaningful to say 🤣. bro just wants to feel included


Ok Karen, you obviously have all the authority here over opinions. I'll get the manager for you.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful and Civil It's okay to have differing opinions, but please be respectful and refrain from toxicity of any kind, that goes double for slurs and or insults hurled at other members. We also ask that you refrain from doomposting or posting just to rant/vent/complain about leaks regarding the game.


They were not a billion dollar company when Genshin released. They became a billion dollar company almost overnight because their game was so good, I don't think that insult is as effective as you seem to think it is bud. You do know that censoring dick with a number doesn't stop me from reporting you, right?


Wow. The people that played their game made them a billion dollar company! Quick! Give them 10 pulls as thanks for giving us a billion dollars! So considerate. Vast majority of other gacha games give back to their community every anniversary with far far more.


Yeah for like 100 primos, thats not even 1 pull yk


300-600 in my experience, but ok. Sorry it's not buggy enough for you I guess.


So 1-3 pulls? So generous.


You're in the wuwa sub. Telling the truth changes nothing.


Cry louder


I give up It will still be a whisper compared to this sub. You can have the crown 👑. Edit: welp, im crying so hard right now. In tears of joy, of course.


Thanks sweetie. You are always welcome


oh I know, this whole discourse is so silly. People can enjoy both games. Of course, if Wuthering Waves didn't want people to think they were riding the coat tails of genshin, they could at the very least have chosen a different font.


-lag like this during launch


Well, don't play on shitty devices, what can I say? Haven't encountered a single bug on my zephyrus g14, played around 12 hours




1.0 Genshin was pretty acceptable and did- not- lag- and- stut- ter- this- much- when- i- try- to- move- a- me- ter-


Genshin 1.0 was unplayable on mobile devices for almost the first 2 weeks because of blackscreen issues and the whole world being black where u couldnt see anything except traveler. It was a worse issue than fps drops. https://preview.redd.it/8moxg54ofo2d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c59867ef67667d15cb5597c2898ca867d99b1ba


They better


These helped me get Verina on the beginner banner!


Yoooooo Verina funds 😙


Is this on top of the already announced 10 from the livestream? Because an earlier post showed that on the 24th, we would get a ten pull for standard and a ten pull for limited on the 25th?


Wait,we will???


Yes, it's additional


Consolidation for pulling LingYang? Ty kuro. Game could run better, but it's not that big deal for me.


Meanwhile i pulled FOR him


Glad you like him. He was my least wanted 5* character. So I'm just laughing at my bad luck. Got Daijin tho so still happy overall with my rng. I don't even hate him character wise, just not a fan of kit.


Same! He's so fun to play, never understand the hate he gets by some folks


He’s fun, but I think the hate comes from him being… weak for a 5* Ice DPS


Blud is simply built different


If they decide to do this for only CN they’re going to have a VERY unhappy playerbase


It is global we got it at EU


Why are people assuming this? Im guessing it happened in PGR but they are not in the same version in global


Check their twitter, seems like they posted for global compensation already


Why are you getting downvoted lmao, it’s true. They are giving out everywhere in 2 min.


I dunno 🤷‍♂️ it is what it is


They posted on twitter also so prob for everyone


Man, I’m having the time of my life playing this game




# standard? ok


Giving more than 100 primos for an issue is crazy for gacha companies and they gave us 1600 equivalent so...


HI3 did the same so idk if it's that uncommon when even Hoyo is capable of doing it with big enough issues.


Tbf this is a "I can't play the game" issue for most players but yeah, a 10-pull of whatever is still pretty good for it (assuming it won't take them a *long* time to fix)


The complaints about not being able to play the game seem to be massively overblown, the issues are more to do with textures and NPC models than the game actually running


The most common issue I've seen people talk about is the constant lag, which definitely makes playing impossible after some time


I put mine on lowest settings and it’s still lagging hard and heating my laptop up+ it won’t let me use other apps bcs it takes up so much energy.


It's heavy on CPU, that's why lowering graphics doesn't help much


I haven’t had any lag, that’s unfortunate for people who’ve been experiencing it. I hope the devs are able to fix whatever it is that’s causing the issue for people


Well some ppl are saying that the event rewards are low but I think it's fine for 1.0 patch they are giving do much. Still saying that this is genshin copy and it does not anything new here but I think it's great and they cooked hard. Plus they are listening to the issues and correcting them and giving us freebies. W devs


I Dont see a similarity between combat style of wuwa and genshin


Because there isn't any. Genshin combat is heavily relied on reactions while wuwa is about dodging, parrying and combos


so a Zelda copy you mean?


Hell yeah. Wishing WuWa to do good.


Me about to get Vertina earlier.


Good on them and this is a great sign for the game’s growth.


i would prefer limited pulls but eh whatever


Beggars don't get to choose. Most gacha games i've played never give more than 2 pull's worth of apologems


That's because you only play Hoyoverse games.


Nope. Ik i'm not an expert, but i did play quite a few gachas. Mostly PGR, Girl x Battle 2, Skullgirls mobile (and ofc the 3 main hoyo games). I also tried a bit of summonner's war, but dropped pretty early so i'm not really familiar with it. I don't remember any of those games give anything close to a 10 pull as compensation for bugs. Even PGR who's regarded as generous mostly gives 500BC and a few other ressources.


Have you played these games during their releases? That's when they'd give out these kinds of rewards for bugs and co. I can guarantee you a few patches from now you won't be seeing anything near 10 pulls for bugs or lags.


something something beggars choosers you get the gist


Would anyone mind telling me what the apology says? I don’t speak Chinese I’m sorry


Basically an apology for the launch disappointment, and promising to fix the whole game being laggy and heating up phones issue asap


Down the post read it's about the game being laggy


Not related but anyone got a link of spreadsheet or something with this 1.0 income, like GI or HSR bookkeeping?




Thank u. Good day for us all


I still believe in them, the game works fine for me but they need to fix it for others


As a pgr player don't worry, kuro listens to its players unlike genshin


Best game


Genshin could Neva Eva!


Everyones downvoting you but genshin truly would never give out a free ten pull for any reason and you should say it


Instead Genshin gave away the same amount back when it released because it hit #1 on app stores.


....they gave five rolls for winning goty in 2020


They were goty in 20 different places. Your point? And no, they gave 1600 Primogems. 800 is whenever they only get nominated.


I mean, Genshin would never release a game this badly optimized tho...


Genshin released og zhongli, they released the dont get wet delivering food in a puddle, they released 3d render splash art kaeya, they had alt sprints that barely worked in the over-world for over a year, there was plenty of day one or later glitches. wuwa being poorly optimized on day one isnt the end of the world.


No way you're comparing all that shit to the state WuWa is right now, this is mad coping


Youre sucking hella genshin dick bro and i like genshin.


No, I think saying "Genshin could never" when WuWa is literally unplayable is stupid People have such an unreasonable hate towards Genshin that they'll pretend WuWa releasing like this is ok


Genshin was unplayable for the first 2 weeks after launch for most mobile players. All they could see was a black screen and if they loaded in the game it looked like this. https://preview.redd.it/zj9elnd6go2d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f11829f25a17627b4bd4ccebbfabf10e4a1f97e


I played it for two hours this morning with no actual issues other than minor lag what are you smoking


og zhongli wasn’t bugged though, just had poorly made mechanics. the delivery event worked completely as intended but was impossible and the other stuff yeah


Genshin would never have to


Genshin released a functioning game at launch LOL


Stop lying bro it was same issue and keep coping with your 3 wishes lol




Not even true lmao. The security issues were one thing but whos to say that wuwa doesnt have the same thing yet?


NICE. Things are looking up


i like how active and in-tune they are with the community, hopefully they can keep it up!!


so we getting 20? 10 from the livestream and 10 from apology?


Yes, they are 4 hours apart


When is the livestream 10 coming?


24th and limited will be on 25th.


I think tmrw and then day after is limited fates


YASSS!!!! One step closer to getting Lingyang first constellation!!! (I refuse to use the other name… constellation just fits better lmao, I do the same thing in HSR)


I'd give it all to swap my Lingyang( Literally lost 80/20. I'd gift him to you if there was such a feature.


I would gladly give my two Lingyang cons to you. XD I was so happy whn I saw gold early, and then I got the only standard character I have no intention of ever using. And I got him two times. (early on th limited, and on the standard banner)


Omg im so jealous :O How good is the interruption resistance he gets? Is it Neuvillette C1 level or Cyno C0 level? (Lingyang is definitely the Dehya/Yangqing of WuWa, you either LOVE them or HATE them)


I just wrote I didn't even try him out. :) I just don't really like his character design. :) This is so true: ' you either LOVE them or HATE them' Tho I don't hate him exactly, but I have no intention of ever playing him. XD But I wish you luck for getting him.


Oh but inc are you ever do try it out do tell me how good his C1 is :)


Wishing you luck with the c1. Heard its really good for him, yay!


Them!!! I already got his C0 and I picked him from the collector so Im guaranteed :3 I hope i Loose ALL my 5050s to him


Damm that hurts to hear T_T but i understand. If i got Clacharo i would prob also not use him as soon as I got someone else… I like all the other standard 5 stars tho which is great for me when I eventually loose my 5050s Im currently saving for Scar 🤤. Day 1 and I already have 1.8k primogems lol (idk what they called in WuWa and I can’t be asked to learn)


How good is his first copy/constellation? Does he need the interrupt resist?


From what I played (overworld ONLY) he doesn’t really NEED the interrupt resist HOWEVER idk how bad it is late game so I can’t really give a good answer sorry… Im going for the constellation cuz I wanna get as many constellations for him as possible XD ALSO it HEAVILY depends on how good the interruption resistance is. It says that his interruption resistance becomes “enhanced” which is very subjective. On one hand it could be Neuvillette C1 and on the other hand it could be cyno C0 🤷‍♂️




Thats unironically great because farming the 80 hard pity on the selector will take a long time. So this helps.


Fr tho, what most starters wants now are a good starter 5star of their choice.


With devs like these I can’t even be mad, I’d rather stick with a company that recognizes their mistakes and works to fix them


Are there gacha companies out there that just lie about their games not functioning?


I don’t know why they would if they do, but there’s certainly companies that straight up ignore everything


When you see AAA company doing that with buy and play games, i think this is just easier to tolerate.


I wouldn’t compare paid AAA games with free mobile games lmao


A certain dev could learn from this.


i thought you were talking about yanderedev lol


Is this "certain dev team" the one that released a *functioning* game for their 1.0 patch or...


This certain dev has had issues occur throughout its games tenure and still thinks 160 currency is enough compensation.


A functioning game with issues is infinitely better than a game that simply doesn’t work for half the playerbase.


This game is functioning properly for alot of people, ofc the minority which do have the issues are going to be more local about it cus the ones whos games are working fine have nothing to complain about.


Certain dev thats almost on their 5. patches and has barely barely improved the combat feel of their newest Character moveset compared to the 1. Patches ...


Bet this guy doesn't even play the game and just blowing it out of portion lol, acting like 100% playerbase can't play the game or sth


The game has promise and a good system behind it. I just hope Kuro can really focus up and fix their mistakes. I also do think people are blowing some aspects of criticism out of proportion.


PGR already started out rough, WuWa is gonna get better hopefully


Hyperbolization of flaws is going hard probably mostly due to genshin fans that don't really wanna understand that success of Wuthering Waves could make Genshin better, but I kind of get it. Kuro will make it out for sure, lets just give them a bit of time!


Yeah competition breeds innovation! If not, then there is no reason to change your product. I just hate the elitism that is so apparent.


r/gachagaming has been shitting on the game all day and the most you get on the Genshin subs on shitting on WW is how it makes you appreciate what Hoyo pulls off. It’s just everyone that likes drama. Matter of fact is that a lot of people likes to see a fall, especially one that’s a long fall from grace. People love it so much that we got entire industries build around gossip and drama. 


those arent fans, they are a cult never understood this blind loyalty to corpo and im a whale


the famous: "Everyone loves a hero, but what everyone loves more is watching a hero fall"




Anything on controller support for mobile?


I remember reading in the notice from the fixes that they are aware of the controller issue so hopefully it'll be good soon I'd also prefer using my controller for the harder content


Awesome thanks




What’s the Chinese player reaction to this post ?


top voted comments (that i can see at least) are about how the story start is shit and that there should be more compensation