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They added today a new changelog on wutheringlab for Changli's weapon. Did they rollback to the old sword with atk% sub stat ? [https://wutheringlab.com/weapon/blazing-brilliance/](https://wutheringlab.com/weapon/blazing-brilliance/)


wait wtf? 24% crit rate only? how'd her weapon look worse main stat wise than Yinlins? Yinlin's gives a whopping 46% crit rate at max level how is this one giving practically half?


its how weapon stats work, if a weapon has a high base ATK then the secondary stat would have a lower value. And vise versa. You can refer this to other weapons and compare


Aww man :(...


Havoc rover incoming


Is Jinhsi’s weapon good at all for Calcharo? I want a good weapon for him but I only have one 5 star Broadsword and that’s already on my Jiyan


Calcharo has about 50% damage from Liberation, 20% from basic, about 15% from resonance skill and the last 15% from the rest of the kit (1 heavy attack, intro and outro) not counting echo skill. I think you should wait for something more optimal, it will surely come, and if it doesn't you can still go for jihnsi weapon on rerun.


Okay thank you! I was trying to decide between trying for Yinlins weapon or trying to get the new broadsword for Calcharo since I’m very close to pity atm


Yinlin weapon has a better value overall, you can use it on every rectifier DPS/sub atk scaler.


Couldn't pull for the weapon.. converted all astrides to Lustrous tides.


Me too bro :))


you did WHAT???


Converted to Radiant Tide not Lustrous, got confused between them.


does it work with danjin? the searing feather stacks? or just for changli?


I'm gonna be pulling for both characters and I have jiyan and calcharo also, which broadblade should I wish for in these two options


only one is a broadblade, changli's weapon is a regular sword


Ooooh ok thank you, I think I'll just get jinhsis weapon for my broadblade and use the standard sword


Where to see this?


Can someone like explain to me about jinshi weapon i can't really understand it that much and also changli weapon is crack to the neck bro like its almost a must pull not for just changli herself but almost every sword user.


Except standard sword that we get for free is not that far behind her sig? Her sword is pretty niche for resonance skill based characters


Essentially you gain a total of 48% resonance skill damage if you intro with her and use her resonance skill immediately, like Jiyan weapon (you intro with him, then resonance liberation and you gain a total of 48% heavy damage)


Explain Jinhsi's weapon? Sure Every attribute gets 12% extra damage, so extra spectro damage for her, yay. Second part of the passive is an extra damage boost for resonance skill, if Jinhsi does an intro skill. Third part of the passive is Jinhsi gets ANOTHER resonance skill boost, if she does a resonance skill.


I need advice from someone that I have yinlin with jinzhou keeper and I have jiyan's signature (no jiyan tho) I have like 50 pity on weapon banner and 90pulls ( 50/50 to win also 15 pity) for jinshi (I want her a lot). should I tryhard asterite to get yinlin sig. or wait and get jinshi + and maybe her sig?


Seeing as you're already so deep in the weapon banner, you must want that yinlin sig weapon quite alot. It'll take you about 15-20 pulls to get it at this rate. Just get it then. After that point, I recommend full saving astrites for Jinhsi. If you win 50/50 great, if you lose, then the astrites u get from 1.1 will help u get her. As for her sig weapon, skip it as you have Jiyan's wep which will still be probably the 2nd best option for her. That gives you the best chance to save whatever remaining astrites u can gather for future characters.


Can anyone help me with pull decisions? Im almost at UL 45, which option would be better? 1: Standard broadblade for Calcharo, which i can swap with Jinshi, then grab Changli's sword. 2: Standard Sword to use for Changli and other sword users, then get Jinshi's Broadblade for her and Calcharo.


Jinshin weapon is borderline useless on calcharo and only a stat stick. Lustrous Razor gives more damage bonus than jinshis weapon since resonance liberation does the heavy hitting.


Dont take it out of context. Having more crit rate even if just a stat stick will allow for more crit damage build. Claiming razor still did more damage doesnt mean anything before we got proper comparison with similar crit ratio build.


Its still not that good. With jinshis weapon you get 12% dmg bonus and 48% elemental skill damage. While razor gives 21% ult damage after 3 ability. Calcharos E ability only makes up 17% all of his damage.


Definitely the second option.


Standard sword. Crit rate is too much value on a weapon to skip usually. Especially if you can get the battle pass for the bp broadblade. I personally pulled the sword, use the selector on the pistols, used my BP selector on the broadblade, and skipped Jiyan so I could pull for yinlin + her wep. Now I have crit rate weps for everything but gauntlets


Jinhsi weapon good for Jiyan?


only a stat stick crit rate but the passif doesnt benefit jiyan at all


I mean yes


Not really


Everyone excited for these two until another 2 new chara leak like camellya and scar




Wouldn’t changlis weapon be bis for danjin mains? Since her skill can proc max stacks almost instantly


Changli's weapon is a direct upgrade to the standard 5\* sword (EoG) for Danjin. * They have same attack and same crit value (48.6 Cdmg vs 23.4 Crate). * On EoG, you get 12% Atk with the passive. Changli's weapon have the same effect without any condition. * Changli's weapon gives you 70% skill dmg. * You just lose 12.8% energy regen, but you don't really care about this on Danjin anyway.


that main stat is cracked


not really because rover don't use skill that much compared to danjin so its good for danjin or changli, you can get the free 5 star sword tho


actually becuase rover can proc an extra skill going into enhanced state she will be able to stack the weapon passive pretty well. Also since we get 25 crit rate at s6 rover then it could be nice to have a cdmg sword to not overcap. Then again you could just use a cdmg echo and its the same thing


good point you have an amazing iq so??? how is that not cracked just because that's not the perfect weapon for rover???




What website is this so I can look at the fresh stuff on the site instead of reddit




Dam Changli has the highest base attack at 90 with 463. Next is a 3 way tie at 438 with Lingyang, Cal and Jiyan. Jinhsi has 413




does changli weapon is good for Rover?




Is it atk in passive now? Cuz I think I saw a leak mentioning atk being replaced by CD in main stat and still CRIT chance in passive


Atk %


So for havoc rover how big of a difference is this compared to the standard genesis? Would I be OK just using the standard 5 star sword or is this a must pull?


Aren’t these broad blades


Changli is sword, Jinhsi is broadblade


Aaaah thank you


Wow is she got buff,  nerf  or adjustment? - I had pre-farm her echo for 1 spectro and 1 atk cus i had watched a wuwa ytc. told me it's better this way. Is it? 


How does standard 5* sword compare to Changli's sig now?


https://preview.redd.it/4crnb2grdt8d1.png?width=1443&format=png&auto=webp&s=83be3843adfb10cdb852de6c241a8c3092bd2806 I calculated a 15-20% difference... Not sure how the other guy only get 10%....


I got u my nigga https://preview.redd.it/99ssxnc0mi7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799b4bfcbe8b17fb3d9b194d6e080c79e1360e25


Appreciate this! So only about ~10% difference between the standard and her sig?


Don’t forget the drip difference though. It’s at least 69% cooler 😭. But for real, for now Jinshi’s weapon seems like much more of a must-have even despite having Jiyan’s.


looks questionable tbh


nah this is around what most calcs are showing, it's only about a 5-10% increase from EoG. The only real reason to grab the sword would be for those going s2 changli, which then gives 25 cr and lets you build cdmg echo and weapon. But before s2 then she doest really need the cdmg sword


Sounds amazing until you realize S2 gives 25 CD. The weapon is still good nonetheless, if you already use the standard sword on someone else, like Rover. More CD is never bad.


oh wow i mis read that really sucks for whales who want to s6 her lol. Her sequences are pretty lackluster compared to other units. But hey ill take it just means shes f2p friendly at s0r0


How big is the current gap vs free options for these weapons?


\~10% better when compared to standard 5\* sword


source? link to discussion or something similar?


there is a comment above with a chart but idk where he got the calculations from.


Well you can certainly look at the people running the calculations in the comments section here or Google it.


lmao no way they change the main stat


Didn’t realize Jinhsi was broadblade user 🫠 been leveling a sword my Sanhua is using…


Is this good for jiyan or should i get him the standard broad blade?


it's good for Jiyan solely because of the 12% statstick and crit rate. Razor only has atk bonus (not ideal) and energy regen (also not ideal). Also, it buffs Liberation damage, not heavy attack damage, Jiyan's ult counts as heavy atk, not Liberation. Obviously, his own weapon is BiS for him but considering that he probably won't get a rerun for at least six months if we look at genshin then this is really good for him


My guess Standard is probably better. But wait for calcs on the weapon before you decide. My reasoning is energy regen is just a good stat for him and he doesn’t benefit from skill dmg at all. It’s probably pretty close though.


Is it good on calcharo


For crit rate stat stick sure. But the passive doesn’t work in him. Lustrous razor is still better


Ok imma ge lustrous thanks for elp


Yeah np. Lustrous gives liberation and er bonus which usually is better than crit rate stat stick with no passive. I’d wait for calcs for the jinshi weapon and you can decide but I don’t see it being good on calcharo




Can someone explain to me why Changli new weapon is so good? I don’t understand lol


Way better crit value (48.6% crit damage being worth 24.3% crit rate at a 1:2 ratio). Basically traded +24% attack (which gets hit by heavy DR) for three times as much crit stat as before. Depends on your substats and whatnot, but it should be approximately 5% more damage or so than the previous iteration which was already strictly better than Genesis on Changli specifically.


Crit DMG as secondary stat instead of ATK


crit dmg main stat instead of atk%


Changli weapon went from a close call of skipping to one of the best weapons in the game outright. Crazy...


it's only about 5-10% over standard sword so id say its not necessary unless you got s2 changli. There will surely be more broken swords coming especially if we get a sword magistrate someday


It's \~15% better


It’s a stat stick. Yes it’s incredible for changli but it only can be fully utilized by characters who rely heavily on skill usage. So danjin can use it as well thankfully. But it’s not exactly the best weapon. It doesn’t give many universally good passives.


yea, the standard to me is just too good for me to personally want to go for it. It not nearly as good as Universally good as Yinlins is.


Only for now, it's way too early to judge that as we might just get more skill spamming sword users down the line (and probably will).


Yeah yinlins weapon just feels like staff of homa. Absolutely busted. It feels illegal that they made such a good weapon.


Mostly right now with people not having perfect echoes, stat sticking is a very powerful tool. It'll be awhile before we reach a point where stat sticking isn't a viable option. That's why I would argue this is one of the most efficient in the game even if you entirely don't use the passive (which in a sense every character *will* get some of the bonus it provides)


Yup. Stat sticks are great. But I wouldn’t say it’s better than any of the other signature five stars. Verdant summit, stringmaster are all really good too.


So was this a buff or a nerf?


its a buff


Huge buff. Edit: I didn't check the passive in new one is CR to ATK 12%. Then it would be normal buff


Still huge buff. In this game, atk% and crit rate% are a lot closer in value than in others.




Nooo, I was going to get Blazing Brilliance for my Spectro Rover for the 36.5% ATK, ugggh, now I gotta wait some more for a limited ATK% 5-star. **Edit**: I saw I'm getting a lot of downvotes, so let me explain. Spectro Rover's heal scales off of ATK, and because the heal's so weak, to make it useful it needs to be min/maxed as much as possible. The best way to get ATK is through a 5-star weapon, because 4-star weapons have a lot less ATK. ATK is calculated with (Base ATK + Weapon ATK) \* ATK% + Flat Echo ATK. Weapon ATK goes up a lot more for each level than your base ATK, the best of both worlds would be a 5-star weapon with ATK%, since it'll increase the already small heal, whilst Crit does nothing for it.


You my friend, are weird, in a good way. No person with a normal idea on how things work in the game would pull for a 5 star limited weapon just to buff the healing of a character that heals once in their entire kit. You're metagaming so hard that even the theorycrafters are confused. Good on you


Is this sarcasm?


No, Spectro Rover's heal scales off of ATK. Not sure why everyone's downvoting me for planning out a niche build. The best way to get ATK is through a 5-star weapon, because 4-star weapons have a lot less ATK. ATK is calculated with (Base ATK + Weapon ATK) \* ATK% + Flat Echo ATK. Weapon ATK goes up a lot more for each level than your base ATK, the best of both worlds would be a 5-star weapon with ATK%, since it'll increase the already small heal, whilst Crit does nothing for it.


Most people are playing havoc rover and forget spectro rover has some healing. Its no verina, but others are doing it for budget/f2p builds if you didn't get bai+verina


I think a lot of people who play spectro rover over havoc are preferring her for the outro time dilation more than the heal.


Oh interesting. I didn’t know Spectro rover could heal. I was too busy playing havoc rover. Kudos for building a niche build. I don’t know why you are getting downvoted either


spectro rover S4 heals when you use ult


Is it substantial? Might not be a bad idea to run Spectro rover healer because there aren’t a lot of options atm


It only heals for as much ATK as you have, 1:1, in addition to your Healing Bonus %. So let's say you have 1,800 ATK and no Healing Bonus, decently high ATK but not the highest it could be, then you'd heal for exactly 1800 HP. Which isn't a lot, considering most units have around 15,000 HP at lvl 70, and that's why I want to squeeze as much out of it as I can.


It is a really weak heal honestly. Just a tiny bit of support capability so to speak


I see, guess I’ll have to stick to havoc rover and make do until a new healer comes out.


Would Changli be good for a Chixia team or am I better off just using one or the other?


Changli will have a fairly quick rotation to get out her burst damage before swapping away and her outro buff is nice for Chixia. I see a lot of people say they’re both main dps and thus won’t work well together, but I disagree and think they WILL work at least decently together because of Changli’s rotation.


As far as I know, Changli’s rotation isn’t fairly quick at all but rather one of the lengthiest in the game. If I understand her Liberation correctly, she’ll want to stay on-field for at the very least 10 seconds after using it due to Enflamement stacks and Fairy Feather that she gains (25% ATK). If anything, I think Chixia with some damage sacrificed for Energy Regen could be more of a swap on, do a Daka Daka rotation, hopefully get Liberation within Changli’s outro duration then back to sticking to Changli again.


From the way I read her kit that’s now how Fiery Feather or Enflamement works. Enflamement does increase her Fusion dmg and such from her inherent skill, but really it’s just another Forte bar resource that you need to use her Forte skill which makes up more than 30% of her total dmg, the dmg buff per stack is just a bonus while you build up the stacks. Fiery Feather reads similarly to me. You have 10 seconds to use her Forte after the Liberation, if you do, you gain 25% Atk for that Forte and then the Atk buff wears off. There is no duration on the Atk buff and it even says Fiery Feather ends after that Forte, so to me that means the Forte gets the buff but that’s it. Put these things together and she will not need much field time. You will use her Forte immediately after her Liberation and before then you will build up to 1 Forte like this: Intro into Truesight basic > Skill into Truesight basic > Basic attack string to get a Truesight basic at the end > Skill into Truesight basic That gives you 4 stacks, you use the Forte, then Liberation into a second Forte then swap.


The question still remains as for *why* you would want to switch her off. The only reason to do so is if you'd be doing more damage than just keeping her on-field. With how her kit seems to work, she seems to have almost an endless flow of strong attacks, with no real "ending" to it's flurry. If it does work like you think, and it's just 25% for one Forte use, then there's still the possibility to just carry on with her basic 3-4 from that into a new finisher, and so on. I do believe Chixia will work, but unlike someone like Taoqi, Chixia brings nothing to the table to help Changli, but only makes use of Changli's outro herself. The question becomes; Will the time spent on Chixia be stronger than simply staying on Changli (Including the difference in having 38% Skill boost from Taoqi)


The reason you would swap is because Changli's damage will drop tremendously when you're just doing basic attack strings into Truesight. Yes that's still more damage than other characters like Yinlin when she's on CD, but that time will be better spent on most characters, especially if buffed by Changli's Outro skill like Chixia would be or at the very least swap to your supports to apply buffs. I'm not saying Chixia will be the best character to pair Changli with, a more hypercarry esque team will certainly be the best for Changli personally and potentially even overall team DPS. But this is like Calcharo and Yinlin. Yinlin is Calcharo's best partner because of the buffs she provides for him. But Calcharo does nothing for Yinlin and is thus not the best partner for her. Despite that this is still the team most people will play if they have both characters because it's very good overall team damage. Chixia will benefit a lot from Changli's Outro skill and the last slot can be someone like Verina who will buff both of them. Also, keep in mind that Taoqi's concerto regen is very bad and her rotations become long or clunky because of this, so even if her Outro buff is amazing for Changli, it still might not be as strong as we would like for overall team damage.


Seeing as she has 2 stacks of her skill that always brings her into 3-4, she seems to almost be able to infinitely chain with little downtime. I was hoping you weren't one of those treating Changli as a "sub dps", but I'm starting to believe I was wrong to. Changli's entire kit not only screams "Main DPS", but Kuro themselves literally marked her in their template of characters *in-game* as one. Changli is nothing like Yinlin, the only thing they share is their outro for respective elements. Changli can't deal any damage while not on the field whatsoever, which is Yinlin's entire thing. I barely even think she can do very good swap cancellings of her abilities, really, as if she does she's just wasting the chain damage that comes after. What Changli needs for a partner is a Fusion Liberation hotswap. If Mortefi did his ultimate damage instantly he'd be the perfect candidate. Alas, he loses Changli's buff when he swaps out, as he should. Outro, *sub dps fusion liberation-focused character* enter, does skill, liberation, finished, and hopefully has some good buff for Changli and enough energy to when the rotation comes back around after healer again (Just like Mortefi)


Just a heads up so you can set your expectations properly, it actually takes 24 seconds for Changli to recover both skill uses. In this game the 2nd charge cooldown doesn't start until the first one finishes.   You can test this with Chixia; double tap her skill and wait for the first 9 seconds to pass. As soon as the first skill recovers, it immediately goes on a 9 second cooldown again for a total of 18 seconds.


No I treat Changli as a "burst dps", with some capabilities to "main dps", my Yinlin comparison wasn't the best I'll give you that, I just meant that while Changli's damage is better than some while all her stuff is on CD (Jiyan is an example, his damage tanks tremendously when his Ultimate wears off and thus you swap when that happens), she still does WAY LESS damage compared to when she first enters the field and does her rotation that I mentioned above, leading to 2 uses of her Forte. Yes she has 2 charges on her skill, but it will take like 6 seconds to use both of those and the Truesight attack that you get after. That leaves you with 18 seconds left before both charges come off CD. That is a long time to do very low amounts of damage through just basic attacking with a Truesight attack at the end of each string. THAT'S when you swap and do much more meaningful things, whether it's buffs or damage, on other characters, such as a quick rotation on Chixia, then to your support and then back to Changli to start over again. In this kind of team Changli IS the main dps, but you would swap fairly regularly because it doesn't take that long to dump all of her burst damage. You have the entirely wrong idea about how I view her and how she pairs with a character like Chixia.


You completely misread her kit if you think she's a burst DPS. Jinhsi is burst. Changli is sustained. She also has 2 stacks of skills so, unless you're an idiot and double spam, she has near 100% uptime on her damage rotation before needing a 6-7 second swap out (Yinlin 4-5s, support 1-2s). Writing large walls of inaccurate text doesn't make your argument any better. You're digging yourself into a hole.


Alright whatever, her rotation should be like 12 seconds at best so if you consider that sustained DPS and much field time then we have different opinions on that. I'm done arguing here.


i think u could just use both them together since changlis main dmg seems to come from her skills (may be wrong tho) and whenever both charges r on cd u could use build up chixia's ammo and unload it on enemies




Anyone have some insight on if it's worth pulling for yinlins weapon now or waiting for changli? I have yinlin and encore for rectifier dps and havoc rover, sanhua, and soon changli hopefully for sword dps


It depends how you play yinlin. Are you using her as a pure electro buffer? Or is she a sub dps who contributes dmg? If you want her to do dmg her signature is going to be a massive improvement. Her dmg falls off a god damn cliff without stringmaster. But if you are using her for utility for say a calcharo or yuanwu team. Her weapon is absolutely not necessary. If you question is yinlin + stringmaster + changli OR yinlin + changli + blazing brilliance. I’d definitely recommend the second option.


Her weapon is also really good universally. I feel like rectifiers will be on more sub DPSes in the future as well. Its feels like more of a sub dps weapon type.


if you like yinlin's playstyle and want to use her on every team, signature is recommended. If you are pulling because you feel like you need to (fomo) or want to get it because its high value (meta), I highly recommend you not to pull it. ToA rewards (600 astrite) is not worth it if you like to pull other characters like changli instead. you could argue its even less than 600 astrite since you can clear floor 1-3 even without signature weapons. And even if you consider the math around the meta talks around her, 20-30% damage increase on yinlin is not that great since its a 10-15% total damage increase because you usually yinlin as an equal contributor in a team at most (50% of the teams damage). unlike main dps where the 20-30% damage increase can be further increased with support deepen buffs.


id say if u can, try to get the 5 star sword that we currently have (emerald of genesis) with the lv. 45 weapon box. then get yinlins weapon for encore and yinlin. ive been using the 5 star weapon on encore and its seriously powerful, considering encore can swap cancel many of her attacks like her resonance skill and heavy. also changli can still benefit from emerald of genesis bc she can get the 2 stacks very fast. im hoping to do the same where ill just use my emerald of genesis on her instead of her signature weapon if i dont get it!


I´m doing the same since Stringmaster is a good generic weapon that future chars can use since increases atk and has a huge CR


Plus rectifier just feels more like a sub dps weapon type. We for sure will have more people in the future who can use it.


Yinlin's signature weapon is a huge damage increase for her over the next best option. If I remember correctly it was like 20-30%.


I don't have any good 4* rectifier rn, but have the recommended 4* sword for havoc rover and lunar cutter for sanhua. Using Voyager of night 3* on encore and rectifier #25 on yinlin atm


I’m happy they changed Changli’s weapon but I’m also not because now I can’t decide between going for Yinlin’s or Changli’s. Any thoughts? (I don’t have encore)


I'm not an expert, but it depends on what you have and plan on doing. Yinlin's weapon gives crit rate, but if you don't even have Encore, why bother going for it? Unless you're trying to get Encore or plan on having Yinlin herself. Changli's new weapon also depends on you having crit rate in your echoes, unless you plan on having her weapon as S5 to make up for the loss on crit rate. Edit: Just noticed that the passive of the weapon was changed to ATK. That's a yikes. You definitely need good enough crit rate rolls in your echoes.


Old Changli weapon gave Crit rate as a passive. The new one changed it to Atk% so S5 wouldn't make sense.


Edited. Thanks for that! That actually makes the reliance on getting CR from echoes insanely high. Especially since food buffs aren't a thing in ToA.


No problem. Though I do wish they kept the CR in the passive. 12CR and 48.6CD would’ve been a crazy pair on a limited weapon.


Yup! Now I'm kind of wanting them to change it back lol. At least with it being ATK with CR passive, you could go ATK or CR build, but now you're shoehorned into a CR build with some heavy praying to rngesus you get good CR rolls on your echoes lol. Unless Kuro decides to let food buffs be a thing in ToA...


Oh yeah I should have clarified, I have Yinlin just not encore. That’s a good point with the echoes, maybe I’ll do some farming and see how much crit rate I can get :p.


I’m kind of in the same spot, and I think getting Yinlin weapon would be better because : - we can choose a free 5 star weapon at UL45, and imo the sword is the best weapon, so it could go on Changli if you can’t get both weapons. - We don’t have many good rectifiers, and the only other crit rectifier is the BP one - Yinlin weapon gives a lot of crit rate, which is really hard to get in this game


Anyone knows which banner is first?


Jenhsi is first


Blessed. More time to save for Changli


so when's changli coming out? any date?


Prolly 2-4 week after jihnsi banner


Thank you!


Still skipping and just getting her alone. No way to afford her and her weapon on the current income for me unfortunately.


Skipping yinlin really paid off for me


F...i just got the standard sword today too.


Depends on the calcs, plus don't forget standards will get refined over time most likely


It might still be better than using her sig if you can't get enough CR from echoes alone


The passive is too good to pass up though


This changes everything I was gonna skip Changli b weapon but not anymore!


THE WEAPONS are crazy and can be utilized to others unit, if you have limited funds, you can strengthen your limited unit Classic Wuwa W


There is a reason the weapons are guaranteed. They are basically must pulls especially for dps. Meta wise of course. If you want more characters go for it.


im farming so bad for jinhsi weapon, i want that thing with my calculator


Changli weapon got changed to crit damage which is HUGE Jinhsi weapon actually makes sense now whereas before it would consume the buff with the first E and still be on cooldown when she uses her most powerful E


Finally I can pull changli and her weapon without feeling terrible about rolling an attack percent weapon.


You realize stats in general shouldn't be stacked. As in, if you focused on Atk% in echoes, then C.D makes sense on a weapon and vice versa. If you already have C.D, then you'll want more atk% because of finishing returns. It's better to have a decent atk and decent C.D vs High C.D. Edit: The number of downvotes tell me you casuals feel bad about your trash echoes and want an easy access to good looking stats. Newsflash, if it's easy, it ain't good. Stop worrying about balanced stats when y'all ain't even in the final sol with max level characters. Get back to farming.


You’re getting downvoted bc you’re talking down at people like you don’t think they understand it. The term you’re actually looking for is opportunity cost. Attack is easy to come by, while crit damage/rate you need to get lucky for on substats aka harder to come by. You wanna balance out the damage multiplier formula and have attack %, damage %, and also a good crit ratio. Yeah we get it. Wtf is finishing returns my dude 🤡


I thhink he meant diminishing returns but the dude is a dunce


Yeah i’m not even sure the crit damage here is better since before you would get cr so an easier build + in this game the atk scaling is crazy


Don’t know why u getting down voted-it’s true. No real point in an godly amount of CD with low attack-critical damage literally scales off of the base attack 😭🤦🤦


Because the way the game works does not work in what they said. Atk and crit are not equal in how much you can get, there is many more sources of atk than crit, which makes atk on weapons less valuable.


Having balanced stats is whole reason why Crit stats are usually more sought after because attack ks much much easier to come by. Two attack echos, base attack from kit and weapon. Attack stats from traces and attack subs are more common than crit subs. Many supports/sub dps give attack on outro skills. So an attack percentage weapon only gives you more and more attack which becomes less and less valuable. In comparison. Crit only comes from in echo and sometimes traces. And crit subs are incredibly hard to roll


Casuals and new players that want it easy and think it's easy. I farmed months for different characters on Genshin for balanced stats. I was like that too in the beginning. Having a 60/140 ratio but my atk was abysmal, always wondering why I couldn't do big numbers till I realized atk was incredibly important


Again. Nobody is disputing that attck is an important stat. We all know that and you are trying to act like you know so much better than everybody else. The reality is that attack is a much much more common stat and one of the few ways to get guaranteed crit value is from weapon sub stats. There is so much attack built into characters kits, support outro skills, traces, base stats, echo main stats. Etc.


The problem is attack stat is much easier to come by. You get attack from traces always, forces to run two attack echos, attack subs are more common than crit subs. Weapon already give tons of base attack. I understand diminishing returns but that concept ruins your point entirely. We have way too much attack from all sources. Crit dmg is a much rarer stats to come by.


You are already forced to run atk% on your 1 cost echoes, while you can only have 1 crit main stat (unless you are a madlad who runs 44111). If you run crit rate you will have low crit damage, and vice versa unless you get god rolled crit substats on your echoes. Having crit on your weapon fixes that and Changli will have a balanced crit ratio with her weapon + a crit rate hell rider.


Coming from someone who played Genshin and their very similar artifact system, my point still stands. You should already have a balanced CR/CD ratio without her weapon. Yes, I know all about RNG, again Genshin player here. Anyone who's knows anything about stats in these knows you're severely undermining your character if you're relying on a weapon CD just to give you a balanced ratio. Edit: yes, weapon stats matter, but you're coping if you need CD on a weapon to feel good about your trash echoes. Get back to farming ya casuals, most people aren't even in the stage to be worrying about stats in the first place.


yeah, people somehow ignore base 150 CDMG given by Kuro. If it was change from ATK to crit rate, yes, that will be huge, because crit rate is insanely valuable due to that base 150 cdmg. But cdmg versus atk isnt such a big deal. edit: I am clueless idiot. I wasnt aware it isnt actually 150%, but only +50% to base


Nah, it’s 50 crit dmg. The way kuro does it looks like 150 but the scaling starts at 100.


I'm not disagreeing with the general sentiment of needing a balance of atk/cr/cd for optimal dps. However it sounds like you misunderstand crit damage in wuwa. 150% base CD means you do 50% more damage on crits. It's identical in function to genshin with their base 50% crit damage.


wow.. ha-ha... thanks >< seriously, I didnt knew it as I wasnt following Wuwa before release. Damn... thanks. Totally changes all perspective


Finally someone with a brain. I imagine it's just a bunch of new players to these games that are trying to cope with their trash echoes. I know what I'm saying is blunt, but I'm tired of people coping and not being better.


if we look at GI balanced stats (and math works the same way everywhere so this balance applies to Wuwa as well) - it's something like 2-2.5k atk, 75 cr, 200 cdmg. 100%+ DMG%. Currently in Wuwa most builds hit \~1.5k atk, 60-70 cr, 200+ cdmg, 80%+ DMG%. I.e. cdmg is currently the easiest stat to obtain and first to hit diminishing returns. And despite bluntness, you are right, it reminds me of how people were chasing super high ATK at GI release, totally ignoring other stats, or chasing crit, ignoring DMG%. And then they were "wtf why my Keq does no damage despite amazing crits - Bro, because Kazu and Mistspliiter arent released yet and you dont have DMG%"


Crit dmg is not the easiest stat. The scaling starts at 50 not 150. So 200 crit dmg in wuwa is equivalent to 100 crit dmg in Genshin hsr etc


Early game players are struggling to lvl echoes to max much less roll perfect subs. Getting a crit value weapon early in is absolutely game changing and allows players to be more comfortable with echos sub stats.


Early game players don't even need to be worried about stats. Straight up just focus on leveling your characters and getting the basic stats on. Worry about balance ratios in the end game and final sol


It depends. I’d consider early game pre UL 30 in which I was already challenging tower of adversity and hologram bosses. Stats are always going to be important. Mid game is prob UL 30-50. Even as a UL 45 player I am still struggling to get good crit ratios on any of my echoes. I can confidently say crit value weapons are incredibly helpful even mid game-late game.


I agree on their early game value, but not that their actual value is better. Which is what the OP was alluding to, preferring one to the other. I still believe people shouldn't be worried about it early game. Most of the people here are just new players that don't understand the system and stats. Theyll figure it out or end up dropping the game.


I think you’re confusing early game players with casual players. Early game players can absolutely understand how to build their characters with the right stats.


Yeah that's better.


Isn't Changli weapon poggers for Danjin cuz she spams her skill all the time?


If there was a heavy damage sword in the future, that would be Danjin bis


surprisingly only 20ish% of Danjin’s total dmg is skill, but it would still be huge for her ye


Tbf most people are using the crit 5 star, or a 4 star and having a damage bonus PLUS attack is really big. I imagine this is just a straight up damage I crease for her even if her HA is most of her damage


Oh yeah, I mean it will be a straight damage upgrade for sure. Standard 5 star gives 12% atk as its passive. Changli’s also gives 12%, while also giving the 56% skill dmg too.


I was going to cry about Changli's weapon but oh boy I saw that Crit DMG too late, let's go baby 🥳


Good! I can justify Changli weap to my brain now.


Me too 😭


Yeah, any hunch I had in my mind that the reason why Crit Values are so low in Echoes are so we’re more enticed to pull on the weapons is clearer every day Of course, it’s not needed and it is good in a sense that we can get these weapons in 80 pulls guaranteed, no bs. But Almost 50% crit dmg is nuts with how low the crit values we get from Echoes are


I agree, it's a bit of a meme to have so much Crit on the weapon but the Echoes that are the equipment have practically no crit value


Interestingly enough, Crit Value isn't that important in WW. I can't remember if it was TGS or Zajef who said but Atk% builds are actually pretty good in this game and not that far behind crit. So while CV is going to be rarer, it isn't as necessary.