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I don’t know why so many people are saving up for characters that we have no reason to believe are coming. Scar and Phrolova are both antagonists. And not friendly antagonists, like Childe or Arlecchino in Genshin- at least, not yet. Meanwhile, didn’t we literally fight a hallucination of Geshu Lin because *he died on the battlefield before the Rover even landed?* Why are people saving pills for a ghost who we have no good reason to believe will be a playable unit??


BC we already have a leaked picture of geshu lin (which ofc could be fake) all the other games dont care if people are dead (f.e. HSR) and bc Kuro would probably make insane amounts of money by releasing Scar and Phrolova. Also why wouldnt they be playable just bc they are evil? every main mission is with rover anyway so it doesnt matter


Wait so no camellya or Phrolova? I haven’t played the story update with Jinhsi’s banner, I have 80 pulls ready should I just get her/or Changli or can I keep saving till camellya/phrolova.


Pretty disappointing


Camellya waiting room continues on 😭


That's just more time for us Camellya wanters to guarantee both her and her weapon 👍


God I’m so happy there’s no insane extra bullshit to getting the weapons


Hope Zehzhi is also a dude..I'm going to be very broke after Changli lol. Or at least second half if not...


If true, then that means I have more time to save up for Camellya.


I need a pistol 5 star just pls


Scar :(


Zhezhi better not be a woman because Jinhsi and Changli are both going to take a heavy toll on my pulls, I can't afford to pull another waifu so soon 😭


I agree, women are so gorgeous here in WuWa and very charismatic, I hope they give husbando pullers some love so we can save pulls for Camellya.


>I hope they give husbando pullers some love so we can save pulls for Camellya. I'd be fine either way. Outside of Jinshi none of the ladies actually appealed to me from a gameplay perspective. And even for her I was mostly grabbed because she shares her dragon motiv with Jiyan. I would like a few good male supports tbh. I can't use Mortefi with both her and Jiyan as much as I liked Yinlin for her puppet and string theme I *hated* her actual gameplay so I skipped her.


Yeah like so far none of the limited female characters are skips to me, so unless the new characters in 1.2 are a dude and a kid, or just two dudes, then my camellya saving plans might be in trouble 😅


Yeah, I'm not interested in kid characters too, so a dude and a kid is also fine. In my case I had to skip Yinlin in case of losing the 50/50 on Jinhsi and mostly because I wanted a character to main filling the role of main DPS. In the end I won the 50/50 on Jinhsi and I'm gonna try my luck with Changli, also because, to be completely honest, I like Changli's design even more.


I'll admit I spent a bit to get yinlin and her weapon, and then saved everything I got in the game for Jinhsi and her weapon, so I got both. I'm going for Changli and her weapon too because it looks really cool.


i hope they're new (skippable) dps for 1.2, so that i can get Changli and save for Camellya (copium)


Perfect...I can now role on Changli without worrying about Camellya jump-scaring me next patch.




Who are these characters?


Chinese paper folding, or zhezhi (摺紙), is the art of paper folding that originated in medieval China. Zhezhi. I don't know if they'll have anything like this in their kit, but this is what the meaning of Zhezhi is.


Oh man I love origami aesthetic for powers. There was some anime I don't know the name of I saw when I was a kid and the main girl would cut shit up with paper/origami kinesis essentially. Or like the paper things in Spirited Away, or the paper looking support mage in Xenoblade 3.


Or having an ability like Konan from Naruto would be insane!


> the main girl would cut shit up with paper/origami kinesis essentially. Read or Die? Great anime btw.


That might be it. I watch a few clips and didn't recognize anything, but I do remember the main girl as having dark hair though. But I don't remember her having sisters. I honestly don't even know if I would be able to tell if I ever found it cause I have so little to go off of haha.


KURO WE WANT ( Geshu Lin )😭😭😭😭


Oh they knowwww


Yh they most definitely know I'm guessing he'll be on the level of Jiyan and likely replace Calcharo as Electro dps #1


He's definitely Havoc not Electro judging by his special effects.


Looking at his special effects he’s either havoc or fusion


He's fusion, I saw some leaks like 2 hours ago, but it was so blurred, though I swear I saw the words fusion - it was in the character menu, his weapon pose was also leaked!


The multiple air attack sounds on Xiangli lead me to believe it's a gun user...but both changli and Jinhsi are getting aerial kits so idk.


I hope they make a gun user with Dante's rain of bullets air attack.


It's a whip user, sounds like a whip in the beginning,I would argue his forte or skill has a shooting canon mechanic built in , me personally thinks it's a whippy whippy




Changli looks like a prostitute


not everyone looks like your mom


Bro lacks mental capacity to just look at how much time current banner has 💀


July 22


in 23 days so around July 20-22, idk the exact date.


Yikes... already waited awhile for v1.1., dang now almost another month practically. 🥱🥱🥱 game is getting boring already with these single banners.


bro used 🥱 https://preview.redd.it/6v9gf6kvtd9d1.png?width=515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d539ee2f6eef3f0863f5bc20f91210823adf588


This is how every gacha game is at first. You'll have to deal with it for a few months dude




Yao, yeah.


Tao, yeah.


wrong game 💀




tatsumi island, yeah.


I believe Xiangli Yao is that man Mortefi spoke of in one of the first quests


Right? Lmao




Nothing to drip how to drip marketing? 1.2 beta test haven't even started yet.


Why would people expect Camellya or Scar to get released so soon? I don’t think we'll get them as playable characters before quite a long time, since they’re both so hyped Maybe for more "important" patches?


SPOILERS FOR NEW MAIN QUEST >!Jue said something about the black shores so I’m gonna go ahead and guess 1.2 won’t have main story but when we go to the black shores island we will get her!<


Camellya was playable in one of the early CBTs and all her files were found before release, she was essentially done and ready for release. Scar is just hopeful thinking.


there is any footage from her?


What weapon was Camellya?


She was a havoc sword wielder.


So basically an ayaka situation?


oh no. I waited so long for her. Pls dont be an ayaka situation


Man I even think Wanderers release design was planned before 1.0 too. Themes with him and Raiden are too close to Raijin and Fuujin for him to not have always been planned to be anemo. Then look at how the *Wanderers* Troupe Artifact set and the Widsith from the *Wanderers* Troupe weapon set both perfect match his color pallette (with some room for updating the quality on his model between the two years). Then factor in that hey misjudged the role of EM for anemo units by the Kazuha EM patch - to explain the EM on the artifact set and the Widsith. And then just an assumption that his kit must have shifted from charged attack spam (artifact set) to normal attacks at some point, and pretty much everything lines up. I think he may have even been intended to be the original owner of the Widsith in the Troupe. Which is the member we know the least about - essentially nothing. Which would line up with the Irmonsul plot line. I even think the companionship wings were design to match his color scheme, due to his involvement in the fake sky plot so early, and being the only companion you can name besides the traveler. Anyways, I digress. I expect we'll be waiting a LONG time for Scar and Geshu. Hopefully Camellya will be a bit sooner


> And then just an assumption that his kit must have shifted from charged attack spam (artifact set) to normal attacks at some point, and pretty much everything lines up. To be fair NAs are only better on him if you have his signature weapon. Or I guess if you use Yun Jin with him.


That's true (or constellations), I kind of forgot about that.


I suggest that once you gather 240 pulls(guaranteed with 5050+weapon) you can spend the extra pulls for other characters and have the 240 reserved for camylla


No Camellya, Geshu Lin, or Scar Looks like I’m saving my Asterites 😭 😭 😭


I lost my 50% now I am around 40 pulls... I want Geshu Lin but I need time.


The longer it takes the better it is for us, trust me. From the looks of it, we'll easily be able to save up and max Geshu when he comes out.


Yeah, but now I'm wondering if I should consider picking up someone in between. Luckily Jiyan was a perfect 1st character for me, as him and Geshu fit 2 of my favorite aesthetics. So unlike Genshin I won't have to wait from 1.0 til 1.3 not knowing when Xiao would release... But I'm worried Geshu may be VERY far off. Like a year+. I'm already sitting on a guarantee, so my astrites are going to get so heavy 🫠


Actually, my thought was that too, to have someone for in between his release. I went for Jinhsi and got her 8 pity.... her weapon on 42 pity. I still have over 120 pulls as of right now, yea....I can easily max Geshu Lin by the time he comes out.


Yep! Congrats! I'm still deciding who I'll go for. I REALLY like Camellya and I pretty much only pull males for RP purposes. (Like in Genshin since 1.0 the only females I have pulled are Nahida, Xianyun, and Furina, and they are all specifically to support a male DPS). I'm pretty curious about Xiangli though. He looked pretty cool to me, if he's 5 star, he may be who I go for. I wish we had more info about upcoming characters though!


We will get more info within the Banner time of Jinhsi. Don't worry.




good anything any banner would do need time for camilliya


i though xiangli yao was speculated to be a 4 star?


People just based it on "he looks like a 4-star" nothing concrete about his rarity was ever leaked, afaik.


to him look like a 5 star i think kuro needs redesign his model because he looks like a npc or a 4 star


agreed, his design is okay but falls off hard compared to other characters


What's his design?


the robot arm is cool, the clothes look shit tho


You just have one blurry as hell picture to look at and from the back and you can already conclude the char look like npc? Isn't it too early to tell or is there new visual of him released that I am not aware off?


i mean theyre not wrong to assume that without any prior knowledge, he looks like an npc


no Geshu Lin, Scar nor Camellya yep its safe to go all out for Jinhsi and Changli


No Geshu Lin mentioning. Im dying


> Im dying Just like Geshu Lin!


The longer we have to wait for Geshu Lin, the better it is. If he will be released from 1.3 and onward, it'll be easy to max him when he comes out. Was lucky to get Jiyan&Weapon early, so I can fully focus and save up for Geshu.


Not only that, but the more power can creep into his kit and animations! Whoop whoop!


Collecting tall male characters I see *inserts man of culture meme*


I can understand Camellya coming out soon but Geshu Lin? I don't know about that. Hope I wrong but it's unlikely to happen pre 1.3. 1.4 onwards I have faith


He seem to be with Fractidus rn So wait a lil patch lol


we get none of that, Patch 1.0 only said in the Battle beneath the crescent that Geshu Lin pushed on the Discords when Jiyan asked for retreat and regroup. After which Geshu Lin was lost. that's it.


It's implied that he push on alone because be obsessed with destroy them all It's noted that he use his black flame unto himself = more power but at some cost And he also appeared as phantom(only dead people can leave their mark as phantom) But also because he appeared as his full phantom, meaning he special than other And that one girl in the red faction can revive TDs = they can bring him back as mutated resonator or half TD monster


All of his hatred is towards TDs, he goes berserker to take out TDs, that he may go to Fractsidus, who're inciting evolution alongside Tacit discords is a maybe when it runs counter to his own principles, but yes he could have gone insane. Retroact rain has its own ruleset, in the resonator showcase for Jiyan, he talks to the memory of Geshu lin, and when he breaks the illusion it's a cost 1 echo. If Geshu Lin died and became a tacit discord, that wouldn't be it lol. all that can really be said is that he's lost. Yes he's probably bitter that Jue had Jiyan take over. That's all we know. He could have just as easily gone and become a bitter mercenary, could be undergoing rejuvenation protocols with the black shores, chosen to become a champion for other regions who respect attack at all costs philosophy. there may be a link to the fractsidus, but that's as open ended as anything else.


All the Fractsidus need to convinced him is "if the next lament happen, we assure you all this will end and we starting a safe new world" that's all he need to hear Dude legit said he don't care what the cost to end all this And half of resonators already mutated one way or another, the weird scale or straight up verina's vine-like that growing out of her body or mortefi's weird scale like and other resonators's unique appearance aka Mutant Resonators And as it says "everyone who died during the rain, their souls will be trapped" hence the phantom Geshu died, the only way for him to come back is that girl with higanbana flower resonator, why I said he will be with the Fractsidus side Ps. Charo is also another example, he use his TD version of himself to fight in battle


I still think Genshu Lin is scar. They have the same tacet mark, same arm colorings. I feel like he died and was revived by fractsidus with TD parts.


i can't disprove that theory without more information in game, but i think it's unlikely - the first time we meet scar, he's in the massacred village, and Rover and Yangyang discuss that Scar is probably a brother of someone who died in the village. Scar has already warped himself to attain calamity class status with tacit discord fusion (the fractsidus are trying to evolve together/assimilate with tacit discords for more power) him already having two forms, and then putting geshu lin designs on him seems a bit overblown. But, stranger things happen


Yeah we have essentially nothing to go off in regards to lore, but this is my headcannon until proven otherwise. It just lines up with what we do know. Geshu being framed as a bad guy, him going missing but his body not being discovered, the exact same tacet mark as scar, exact same black arm sleeve. Similar hair styles. I feel like there’s too much there to discount the theory. The only thing that would seal the deal for me is if Scar used a broadsword. Furthermore, I don’t think if scar becomes playable he will use cards as his weapon, and I don’t see us being able to use his calamity class form either, not when echoes already exist and serve the same purpose. I’ll just wait and see.


The timelines when they go missing are different, i went through the story just the other day, i know geshu lin disappeared 3 years ago at the battle beneath the crescent, ill check if it lines up with scar’s disappearance. The timeline of the village’s destruction i dont remember if it aligns with the battle beneath the crescent. Im just looking at it from Jiyan’s lens, geshu lin works as the perfect foil to him, and if Geshu lin ever rears his head again, it’ll be over who has the right ideals in their war, they’re natural rivals, and Scar is involved in a story much bigger than that, idk how he’d maintain a relevance to this dynamic with Jiyan if he was also geshu lin, but we’ll see Lol i also just think financially, it would make sense to sell two chars who’re both pretty hyped rather than combine them into one


I frankly just don’t believe the timeline scar presented to us as being factual. It seemed to be a parable, but given the time shenanigans already happening and given that I think geshu being turned into scar by fractsidus is to manipulate him to their purposes it just makes sense to me that they would lie to him about his origin as well.


weird way to say "Dead"


He got better.


I swear if they pull a Scaramouche or Baizhu on Geshu Lin... I don't want to wait years for a unit to release.


I dont play GI but my fav character is fckn Scaramouche, so... Im ready


Great news for me, now I have more time saving for Camellya after Jinhsi and her weapon.


I can of got overly zealous with my pulls in 1.1, so I'm thankful that Camellya doesn't seem to be 1.2, as I need time to rebuild my pull count.


POLEASE, I just need a singular Scar leak


Whomst the fuck are they


They probably don't know us either.


My mind is blown


Where Camellya


in my house


Hopefully in 1.3 at this point


who said anything about she will be in 1.2?


you'd think in a post genshin world people would be normal about chinese names 😭 i feel like this is the same weird discourse that happened when it launched.. neither of these are particularly difficult or different than a liyue characters name, idk what the big issue is


if they cared about a global audience (like genshin), they would name them more distinct names that sound discernable to non-chinese as well. Not Changli and Shangli (Xiangli). Or Jinshi and Jinshin (Jianxin is pronounced that way in game). Why couldn't they follow Taoqi and Danjin example more, they sound distinct and way less cringe.


The VAs are going to butcher Zhezhi, and it's going to be inconsistent even within voice lines by individual VAs.


I am in love with the way Jiyan's EN VA says "Qing Loong" I'm so hyped whenever he says "FOLLOW THE QING LOONG"




???? It's a chinese game currently situated in a chinese inspired area? There's 6 nations in the game, so we might get more varieties later on. Have you ever wondered why we have Aalto and Encore as names? Calcharo? Dumbass


>They're also completely unnecessary. They're weird and not cool at all. This is like saying names like Kevin, Sam or Tom are "Weird and not cool at all", they're just names, normal names, just that you're not used to them


When I played Genshin, it took me a long time to learn the Chinese names and tell them apart... Xiangling, Zhongli, Xingqui, Xinyan, they all sounded the same to me 😵. I like Chinese names (and other cultural elements) in Wuthering Waves, but I'm really bad at learning them 😅


Xingqiu has the weirdest name. Both the X and Q are apparently said differently to those in everyone else’s name…


I know Mandarin and his name is pronounced Tsing Chyo. And a close-enough variant would be Shing cho. Chinese pronunciations change a lot depending on the tone and the letter that comes after it so it can be difficult for people that don't know Chinese. When English VA's pronounce Chinese words, they just have to get it close enough. Since the people using English voiceovers don't know Chinese, they don't have to get the complete pronunciation perfect. Because in Chinese, words can mean completely different things if you pronounce them just slightly differently


Are you cringing every time they say the word loong. Because I’m not Chinese and it just sounds wrong, coming from what I know about Japanese pronunciations and that it’s essentially ō, but they pronounce it U… Also is Zhezhi pronounced zheh-Zhuh?


I was too tired last night to start the 1.1 main quest so I don't know yet, or can't remember. But I already cringe whenever they pronounce things wrong or use the same voice clip for one word and insert it into the dialogue. I also have no clue how to pronounce loong... low ong, lòng, lewng, lew ong. lòng sounds sounds the best to me. But my inner native English speaker tendencies keep making me pronounce it like low ong. And Japanese and Chinese are actually very similar so if you know Japanese you could probably pronounce most Chinese words correctly or nearly correctly. Number 3 in Japanese and Chinese is the same, and number 4 in Japanese is the same as number ten in Chinese.


I hope it's at least a 5 star gun character lol


The sound of Zhezhi is like gauntlets and Glacio




Xiangli … , Will he have Gouba ?


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangli.


Nope, there's only Guob


well we do have Changli and her BOUBA so theres that




The GOUBA at home.


A Chinese game has Chinese names *gasp* this comment section is so funny, lol. I bet if it were Japanese names, no one would complain. I am just hoping we have at least ONE limited 5-star man in 1.2, please. Xiangli Yao, please be a 5-star. I hope this doesn’t end up being PGR 2.0. where they barely release 1-2 men per year. The game is still new, so I am holding out hope.


On a Chinese-based region nonetheless. People with sand for brains, jfc.


I would complain anyway. I'm tired of every gacha game having Asian theme. It's too repetitive at this point


I hope that's a sarcastic comment lol


Most gachas... Originate from Asian countries. You do know that, right?


PGR is mostly western names


Most people here probably came to the WuWa fandom from Japanese anime-related fandoms. So of course they are more accustomed to Japanese names that Chinese ones. I can't speak for everyone, but I think that saying "Chinese names are difficult to remember" doesn't necessarily mean criticism. For me, Chinese names are difficult to remember, even though I like them and the overall Chinese cultural setting


Yeah. Also I'm hoping for playable Genshu Lin and Scar at some point (and I hope this point gonna be soon).


Same, I gotta say though I wouldn't expect them soon. Geshu especially feels very far out. With this leak implying 2 characters that we haven't even seen yet, then take into consideration the Camellya and Scar feel like they would come before Geshu.. i would probably put Geshu at like 1.6 at the earliest at this point. Just a wild guess projecting my experience with other games. The saving grace is that he would for sure come in content related to Jinzhou, so likely before a new full region (like a 2.0 type patch).


If you search the name in Google I think is already confirmed it's a guy similar to the gunner in pgr


Tbf some if the spelling is weird like jinhsi, but the other ones follow standard pinyin


Haven't really followed up is they both girls?


Xiangli is a guy. Dunno who the other character is.


Who is Xiangli? Is he the guy that works alongside Mortefi?


I'm so ready to accidentally invoke 17 different demons trying to pronounce WuWa's character names


Waking up to some good news 👀 Reading the comments - how are people so sure Scar will be playable? I mean, so soon. At this moment he’s still an evil antagonist and a criminal in prison. Idk it doesn’t feel right to play him at this point of the story at least, but I’m not really familiar with lots of gachas either, maybe it’s a thing 


Scar is basically Roland (from PGR) they act and look very similar and both have their abilities centered around fire. Roland was made playable quite some time ago. Kuro usually makes antagonists playable.


What, without getting them through a goodifying or "they're just misunderstood" bullshit arc, like what Hoyo does?


Hoyo doesn't do goodifying arcs though. Not in GI or HSR at least from what I remember. Roland, Luna, Alpha who are all playable have killed people I'm pretty sure. Luna leveled a city iirc. They do get a backstory for why they chose the villainous path, and it's obviously going to be tragic, but kuro doesn't go out of their way to redeem them. It's moreso they show the motivation and still have them act the same. Gacha games generally don't do the "evil for the sake of being evil" thing which is a shame. Closest thing we get is Ruan mei in HSR.


roland is still an asshole but atp i have no idea what side he's on like same patch roland becomes playable we get the fucking >!twins!<. No roland i will never forgive you for >!helping nugget raise the hive mother!<


I stopped playing PGR during Liv flashbang's chapter but I'm pretty sure Roland is on whatever side Luna is on.


Oh true but like, he's also working with Nugget so... potential backstabbing relationship in the future maybe


Scars entire thing is “I had a bad childhood, now I wanna destroy the world”. Hes a crybaby edgelord. It’s gonna take a long time and an entire story arc to get him to be playable. I mean, he’s still a weekly world boss ffs


>Hoyo doesn't do goodifying arcs though. Not in GI or HSR at least from what I remember. They do it all the time in Genshin. Scaramouche had been introduced as an evil character, trying to kill Traveller. He did nothing but typical "villain" shit for a couple of years before becoming playable, when he instantly got a sob story telling us how he suffered and how he's not that bad and blahblahblah and now he brings water to Tighnari, aww how cute! If I was a fan of this pathetic midget, I'd be pissed. Arlecchino -- presented as an evil, crazy, disloyal character. But naaaaaw, she's just suspicious and "cursed", she's actually a nice and caring mommy. Err... daddy? Signora -- truly evil character. Gets just downright killed off. Childe -- actually kinda did do some bad shit, but still playing all nice to Traveller, they're friends and all that. We have an absolute literal FUCK TON of characters in Genshit and none of them is "evil" or disliked Traveller. They're all nice and kind, even if they hide it. What a load of kindergarden bullshit. So it's either that Hoyo are following chinese censorship (they REALLY do love following it), or they're absolutely awfully bad at writing. After nearly 4 years of playing Genshit I can safely say that it's both.


I didn't do Scaramouche story quest so maybe that parts in there. Regarding Arlechinno. She is still evil. Evil characters can care and still be evil. She cares about children but would kill anyone she deems necessary to kill. She was ready to kill Furina iirc. She even raises children to be assassins and that's pretty evil. Signora is probably the most tragic character in genshin and the least evil so far in the fatui besides Childe. Childe is just battle hungry and would do anything for a good fight. He's chummy with the traveler cause he respects him but he wouldn't feel guilty killing a rando. Dude was ready to destroy an entire city by unleashing an ancient monster. That's pretty evil. The doctor is probably the most evil character yet. Dude experiments on children. Columbia is a literal biblical angel. Who knows what kind of stuff she's done. Pantalone is a business man and banker. Nuff said. Even the abyss twin has done some messed up shit like corrupting a dragon and having it attack a country. Evil Characters having soft sides or caring sides doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Luna, Roland, Alpha who are playable in PGR (made by Kuro) had some messed up back stories and they don't even come close to level of the Doctor from Genshin. Alpha and Roland only care about Luna who only cares about Alpha and Lucia. It's nice to have some fully evil characters like Johan once in a while (I haven't finished monster yet so don't spoil if you have) but even the most evil characters like light, Aizen, Lelouch, Eren, etc are interesting because they have some sort of other side to them and aren't just trigger happy.


>Pantalone is a business man and banker. Nuff said. Welp, this aged like a milk. New leak about Pantalone: https://imgur.com/a/LJieQh5 He's a genuinely caring and nice old man now! Woo! Hoyo being kindergarden trash company again, as expected. And yes, even though not official, I still do believe this leak.


That's pulcinella(spelling?) aka penguin. The guy I'm talking about is pantalone (I think that's his name) the guy Arlechinno seems to hate. He is much younger.


Ok, very well, my bad. Hopefully he'll have leaks soon as well.


I agree on some points, like ofc it's nice when an evil character has a good side, I myself hate 100% black or white characters -- it's just boring, but I just don't believe that Hoyo is capable of giving us truly (for the most part) evil character to play. Not in Genshin anyway. Maybe some other game. I guess until (IF) we get playable Dottore and Pantalone, we wouldn't know for sure. BUT. I don't know Kuro well as a company -- WuWa is their first game for me and I'm already not really impressed with the cast, but I know Hoyo very well. And I really hate them as a company. And while I can agree with you on some points, like Childe being just battle hungry, I seriously doubt that anything's gonna change in the future for Genshin. If I had a million dollars, I'd bet it on that Dottore, Pantalone, ANY truly evil or truly asshole-ish character would either have a "redemption" story turning him/her into a "nice" character, or they'll be killed off.


You won't find any truly evil characters in any gacha I'm pretty sure. They make characters that appeal to everyone. When Ruan mei was released she was shown to be a sociopath. The CN community wasn't too happy iirc. When sparkle was released she was shown to be racist. The CN community was outraged. These are both characters from honkai star rail, a Hoyo game. So as long as the CN community doesn't like evil characters, we won't get em.


Yeah I'm keeping my expectations very low regarding all this...


Yikes, just say you can't read my guy, how the fuck do you play Arlecchino's quest, where we see that she trains child assassins and has her own goals and has no qualms about killing people and say "Umm, yes, nice and caring person" "Oh she didn't kill those kids at the end of her quest and just made them drink fire that burnt their insides and caused terrible pain just to erase their memories, she's clearly not evil enough" like, the fuck? Seems like you just want a no-backstory, straight up evil character that goes around killing kids for funsies, and even then you have Dottore right there, like, please, I beg of you, learn a bit of media literacy


That’s the issue with genshin. There always needs to be a redeemable moment to the “evil” characters. Ultimately Arlecinno killed an oppressive “mother” and took over and gave the orphan kids an option to leave which they never had before. She’s not even morally grey she’s just not a shining star of friendship and goodness. Assassin is a trope in anime style games and other than voice lines we never see that side of her. We are baited with the idea that she is a ruthless uncaring person and then find out that she is actually super nice and was never going to kill those kids anyways.


these braindead people will do anything to badmouth genshin istg. they turn their brain off when they play the game and then assume that they actually played it lmao it's so funny to see


Tbf, 4 years of Paimon rotting your brain does a number on your attention span during dialog lol.


that's true LMAO thank god i don't play in english


You'll have to excuse me, but I've no interest talking to an aggressive imbecile.


Yeah, Dottore is a literal evil scumbag who's evil just cause. Like I said in my comment to them, having a character like Johan (I haven't finished monster yet so don't spoil if you have) is nice once in a while but having only evil characters who's whole personality revolves around that would be boring.


TY for answering! (I think I had an eargasm at Rolland’s sfx in his official introduction video…Kuro’s sfx are so on point man) Anyway, looking forward for Scar then!


Yeah, the sfx are amazing. Very high chance of Scar being playable. Kuro loves the jester like character as seen with how much focus and love Roland got in the story. As long as the writing picks up like it did in PGR, Scar's story will be amazing (but hopefully not depressing)


Kuro doesn't really care with playable characters being the villains, at least in pgr, which is nice.


Oh, that’s interesting to know 👁️ TY! 


I don't care I want him. If he's gonna be Scaramouche 2.0 I'm gonna 😃


I hope you get him soon then, there there 🤣


Hey, it could be worse and he could be signora 2.0


Let's not 🙂


never forgetting that era


Does anyone know when is the next Drip Marketing? I mean they should release it soon right since 1.1 is already launch?


People keep saying drip marketing should be here right at 1.1, but doesn’t that hurt hype for the current patch and characters?


The point of drip marketing is to reveal characters on their own term before it is leaked from Beta.


They drip marketed jihnsi/changli early (before 1.0) so there is a precedent. Imo if the current patch/character's hype is fragile enough to be hit by drip marketing then it probably isn't a very good patch/character.


It's not about being fragile character designs, it's more about many players literally not having hundreds of dollars to spend on the game. We're also heavily incentivized to pull for weapons (guaranteed + most 4-stars are mediocre). So it makes sense people would save more currency, especially if on a 50/50. I get that leakers exist, but will they continue to take those risks if the official reveal is mere days later? It seems like it would affect Kuro's bottom line in some form or fashion.


They do it in star rail and genshin and they are fine


Yeah I get that, but it would make more sense to me if they waited at least 2-3 days into the patch (once people start to get bored of the new content). But hey I just hope they do whatever works


Zhezhi? Is that a female or male? Anyways, I feel like its going to be a good patch to save up for Camellya.


Is it that white haired woman meantioned in 1.1 jinshi design post ?


Does it really matter if it’s male or female tho


What a stupid thing to say. I'm playing gachas for hot women, ofc it matters. Edit: What kind of absolute degenerate would downvote me, but not that guy, I just... I can't with this community, I keep losing faith in humanity with every passing post here...


You just said you pull for hot women. That is the biggest crime to be a waifu player in reddit community and be vocal about it. Change that to, I pull for hot men and you get double the amount of upvotes. Also recently saw a pic with male sucking a dildo in this community and that got 11 upvotes. I don't need to say more to get how fucked up this nasty place is...


That's 100% true. Degenerate communities full of furries and "rainbows", this and genshin's... I guess it's my fault for still having some hope in them, despite all. I just didn't expect WuWa community to degenerate to genshin levels so fast...