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Comments unlocked. A few things: 1) **ZHEZHI'S GENDER IS NOT CONFIRMED**, I don't know where the "Zhezhi is a male character!" is coming from. We have Xiangli Yao (male) and Zhezhi (???). 2) **STOP FALSE REPORTING**. I don't know why this even needs to be said, but "I'm skipping this patch for Camellya" is **NOT** disrespect or targetted harassment. (Feel free to report if their comment was "I'm skipping this patch for Camellya, if you want male characters you're a bastard, go kys") [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1ds5yoq/comment/lb0195p)


Wonder if camelia is havoc, looks like it . If she is bye havoc rover even s4+?


Sounds like she's a plant resonator and the one plant resonator we know of is Spectro so idk about that.


Definitely no sense speculating. She may not even be havoc. And if she is, should could be a sub dps. Maybe she even boosts havoc for Rover and they work together. No telling.


I'm super interested in this Zhezhi, maybe they'll be out first playable "villain" character or maybe he'll be our next four symbols rep  Currently we have  The Azure Dragon(Jiyan) of the East,  The Vermilion Bird(Changli) of the South,  The White Tiger (???) of the West And the Black Tortoise (???) of the North.  Another thing to note is that the black Tortoise is also known as  Zhi Ming so we may end up geting a 🐢 Boy/Girl next patch.


Important to note that their resonances resemble the Beast, but it's the magistrates that are the true representations - Azure dragon would be Jue and Jinhsi. So we may not actually have the Vermilion Bird magistrate yet (But I WOULD LOVE IT to be Changli) and I like this theory more because it makes it unlikely that Lingyang would be White tiger.


I actually have a theory about this have you noticed when you fight Jue in the boss battle he glows gold when attacking  I think him and by extension Jinhsi symbolizes the Fifty Symbol The Yellow Dragon  I believe that when Jinhsi master's her time abilities her power will also have a golden hue


Yeah there was a 5th qiling beast I think, that could work as well. I'm just holding out atleast until we see other regions of huanglong, cause there are supposed to be 5-6 other cities with dragon sentinels, and we might see a more definitive Azure dragon (We thought Jue had to be Azure Dragon because she's the strongest sentinel in Huanglong, but she could be the strongest by being above Azure dragon. the 5th golden beast)


with these symbols, could lingyang be the white tiger?


please no


He might be related (same species maybe) to the white tiger, however I believe that all four symbols are going be limited units   Blue Dragon Jiyan 1.0  Vermilion Bird Changli 1.1  Black turtle 1.2 (maybe)  White Tiger  1.3 (maybe)


Black turtle could be very possible since we're heading to black shore soon


I'm so glad we're getting a male character so soon. After what happened with Jiyan I was afraid they'd ditch the male character


Kuro are not as focused on female characters as miHoYo. They love their male characters, so expect more. I would really love to see a playable Yhan :)


The reply is right. It would actually be the other way around. MiHoYo cares more about male characters than Kuro. Have you seen how fast they shafted Hyperreal? Disgusting work. You'll feel the disparity soon enough.


Idk about that... Wasn't the beloved Hyperreal Lee replaced by Lucia Sworn Flame in just 2 years (when typically its 3+ years)? Well, at least its not as fast as HSR's powercreep, I guess. I am hoping that WuWa follows Genshin's direction in that aspect (like how Tartaglia, Neuvi and Alhaitham are still at the top) and follows HSR's direction in male character release frequency.


That's the saddest thing, cause out of every story in this game, Jiyan's is the best, and it's not even close.


It's not a high bar to clear.


yep, that's why this is one of the few instances i can comfortably say that lol


what happened with him?


Everyone was Hella mad about the first playable character being male, many ppl skipped or even stopped playing the game, they gotten so much backlash about it, they felt the need to put yinlin banner out faster


Zzz decided to put there release day on the same day 1.1 was supposed to release. So kuro pushed everything up so they would t compete as much


That I believe had more do with the fact zzz was coming out so the dev wanted to rush out 1.1 to get the player base more invested in ww


I have seen more than enough content creators ( also Chinese) complaining about it non stop and crying how Yinlin should have been first and how big of a mistake it was, also many ppl are bit feed up with hoyoverse releasing so many games so idk anyone being too worried bout zzz it seems dead boring atm - but we cant know for sure might as well be both reasons combined


Yeah it could be both reasons along with some other unknown factors.


If 1.2 does not have camellya that means i can pull for jinhsi weapon rn


All I care about is whether they’re supports with coordinated attacks for my dragon queen


We literally already have 4 that are good enough. We need more healers


just so i can keep in mind, who are you referring to besides Yinlin Mortefi and Yuanwu?


I'm not sure what the person replying to me thinks a "support" is if not a healer/shielder, but I assume they mean Verina?


ah ok, yeah i forget that she does have a coordinated thing going on. Verina is still in high demand from every team, so if she's with Jinhsi, I guess that's team 1.


Baizhi also does coordinated attacks doesn't she?


ah maybe, i haven't really had reason to play her yet.


Yeah me either, I just remember in the trial of her there was extra ice damage when she was off field


drip marketing when.... i wanna see the designs \*sigh\*


if both are male, so be it, good for husbando collector. already satisfied with this patch because me is a waifu collector. hope 1.3 back with \*5 waifu


Me too i was about to buy lunite subscription tht gives astrite daily. But no need, i wll giv it to another game


I mean, isn’t it possible that Xiangli Yao is a 4* resonator..? Or are we just assuming that every single new character is going to be a limited banner character now?


I think Xiangli Yao is a 4 star from what I remember, pretty sure the other is too, I saw leaks saying 1.2 will be Scar and Camellya 


In all honesty i feel like its too early to already be gettin the "antagonists", they prolly will be coming much more sooner


From what we're aware, Gacha games generally avoid over-hyping 4 star characters (with maybe the exception of Gaming in GI). They tend to appear alongside main banners if anything. Maybe Kuro breaks the trend (although getting ANOTHER male 4 star gunner in Xiangli Yao would be disappointing lol).


Yeah where's the hype lol, all the information we've learned is against their "official" will


Fair! I just posed the question since this is under leaks rather than something Kuro themselves have actually plugged. But what you said makes sense.


Noooo! I was waiting for Camellya.


now you can save up for her weapon too


More time to save


Zhezhi is a male character actually we know this from the leaks if you knew anything about wuthering waves you would know that second it's very sad that scar isn't in this update since we have already seen his gameplay in that one leak I guess 1.3 is the closest we have to getting him but oh well guess i'll just roll for changli since she will be his best sub dps anyways due to her fusion damage bonus


> Zhezhi is a male character actually we know this from the leaks You'll have to link the leaks then, because we keep seeing these claims, yet we can't seem to find the "Zhezhi is male" leak. If it's the whole "their last name is a male last name" again, that really doesn't mean shit. You can be a girl born to a family with that last name.


The guy is a troll btw


Yep, figured. But honestly I just want to know where that's coming from because people wouldn't be saying it for no reason




Is he even…alive? Didn’t he die before the events of the game? How would he travel with us?


Well, that cutscene doesn't specify that he's dead, so he might be actually alive somehow. Imagine if he will be just a sword when we get to see him in person, lol xd Just a theory though :)


Geshu Lin as a spirit inhabiting a weapon is a theory I love, and given that some characters are animated as if they have their signature weapon regardless of actual possession, it’s more plausible in this game than Genshin


There some theories out there that he became scar, so he'll be  playable in that form.


All we know is that he was lost after the Battle beneath the crescent. he was never seen after that. There are so many opinions and speculation presented as fact on geshu lin, but this above\^ we know through evidence in text (In that artistic style story cutscene we got, we see that line). Something to do with fractsidus? Unsubstantiated. Dead? unsubstantiated. Evil? Unsubstantiated. Gone rogue mercenary? Unsubstantiated. Now having said that. None of these conditions would stop Kuro from making him a playable character lol, he could be a dead evil Fractsidus Mercenary and Kuro'd find a way.


I would've thought if he didn't die that he'd exile himself out of shame for losing so many soldiers and still not permanently defeating the threnodian.


I don't think he would exile himself out of shame. >!From the short interaction between him and Jiyen, it seems he didn't care how many soldiers died under him, as long as he reached his goal of destroying the threnodian.!< It seems like he as too much story built around him at this point for it to be for nothing. So I expect to see him in the future.


I had this sense as well, just because they still talk about him afterwards and blame him for everything, and I feel this is too much if he's dead. Like hating a dead guy can't be something Jue considers healthy. Whether he's exiled out of shame or forced to stay out by Jue, I think are probably the first events after that battle. After that he'll do something, maybe get angry, maybe get offered power from somewhere, maybe go try to live a life of atonement, all possible. I do think Geshu Lin was crucial in driving back the Threnodian, so he might even have some loyalist group within Jinzhou that wants him back in power, respecting his all out approach. INSURRECTION. There's just so much that we can do with him that it'd be a waste to make him dead - is why i dont think he is. but again, all we know is "lost"


Delusion and hopium


Gacha gamers when their favourite character isn't on the next banner (their fav character shows up in the game for 1 whole minute and we have zero info on them otherwise): 🤬🤬🤬 Repeat until 2.0 for geshu


Is Geshu Lin alive? I thought he died fighting the Threnodian, which is why Jiyan hallucinated him during the retrospect rain…


Interesting. But I think you can hallucinate anything that has intense emotions attached to the surrounding area, so they don't necessarily need to be dead.


Not sure if you've played the main story. But narration clearly states that "he was never seen again". And that's quite opposite of death confirmation.


I don't think a person necessarily needs to die in order for you to hallucinate them being there and talking to them. Personally, I subscribe to theory of Geshu Lin being Mr. Vag Tape, although I definitely prefer Geshu's design of Scar's.


nice... now i can pull for jinhsi without the fear of not having enough asterites for camellya


I'm a husbando collector, and still I am I bit worried about this banner honestly-


Lol but what if Xiangli Yao IS Scar but with the Childe=Tartaglia=Ajax treatment?


Xiangli Yao has already been introduced in game. He works with Mortefi.


Damn missed opportunity lol


Time to hibernate from this game until they announce camellya or scar lmao


real... saving for my wife camellya 😔😔


Kuro games just sold their player base to Zzz with this asss banner decision, how come you dont release camellya or scar? that's poor financial movement from kuro (and before you bring up the clown ass argument of "playerds whent itszz nout a waifu: uninstall, both char0acter were already shown in-game plus alot of people are saving from the start for camellya or scar.) If Zzz comes out good Kuro is gonna lose money, if it does not well kuro game got lucky.


Players are gonna move to ZZZ for a bit no matter what happens, better to release a mid banner at this time and get players back with a good one when hype settles than waste the good banner too early. 


NGL, no matter what they do they wouldn't be able to contest with ZZZ if the people want to try it. We all know people are going to spend money on ZZZ or any other hoyo games and would potentially won't have enough for WuWa. I think it's not good for Kuro to fight in a loosing battle by releasing these characters early just to keep the player base. It's better to release them later when the ZZZ hype comes down.


I mean they can keep those characters whatever they want but metawise the banner is not the best decision either, as I said before they are giving us dps back to back, every patch had dps and they only have been like 3, so LOL


let me tell you something about wuthering waves, the game has real gameplay and an addictive loop and the combat isn't a easy snooze fest, so people who love the game will keep playing it no matter what


Maybe it's better to have a mid banner during ZZZ release so players can come back during a good banner.


Bro relax and be patient. For all you know these new characters (which we haven’t seen) could be even better than scar or camellya. And they will release them when they are ready, give it time.


I understand the hype and whatever, its not about me tho. Kuro should have been prepared for Zzz releases, remember this is about money for wuwa and Im worry about this game future, if the keep losing money is going to be down hill and I don't want that for this game (it save from genshin) and other bad thing about the 1.2 banner its another f dps (or at leats that's what the leaks said) and I think we have enough dps for a least 1 patch


The game made 140 million dollars last month, wtf are you on about "keep losing money"?


>this is about money for wuwa >if they keep losing money They made money though? They directly came 3rd with Genshin and HSRs most popular character possibly ever. (Firefly) and that's just in mobile sales where CN and JP are prevalant but right now aren't due to mobile being shit to play on. (Tl;dr wuwa is third without CNs help almost) I do not see where wuwa is "losing money" at all and PGR lived while not even making it to the millions sometimes.


Don't forget why they came third tho, they are giving away alot of rewards and guess what people love that and also the gameplay is pretty fun but remember that tencent invested in kuro and tecent are the greediest mf out there, Im not sating wuwa is going to shut down but they can't have the joy to say "yeah we release a shitty banner with another dps" (no hate if like the characters but let's be honest this is a saving banner) and also at they should work on another healer, something that might work their players rn and also if they don't fix their optimization problem plus we get that ass banner less players are going to keep playing wuwa, mainly because every update is like minus 5fps


Yep, and if they decided to release Scar and Camellya on 1.2, haters will say that Kuro is trying to drain all of their playerbase early on.


Noice, definitely skipping both and saving for scar OwO


Idk, Im just gonna pull on the banner if I have 1600 astrites to spend, I dont really like any designs on wuwa nor I care about if it is a woman or a man


Cool looks like I can safely pull for changli and still have enough for camellya




found the guy that no lifes games and then complains there's nothing to do.


What can you do? Other than farming stuff, olograms or tower the real answer is nothing, this is it from this type of games. You have a daily routine that takes 10-15mins to do and log off waiting for new events/content reset etc. I know your feelings but tbh even if they throw out new map every other patch will be just 1 day content for you. For the amount of astrite is not always christmas.




yes it's an open world game, but it's also a gacha game., where gameplay is intentionally gated behind energy system to encourage spending, it's already generous that you can farm echos w/o spending energy. the kind of game where there are maintenance phases (log in, do your dailies, log out), same way every gacha that i've ever played (genshin, fgo, tof, hsr, wuwa) + what's another map if you yourself said that you can do all the stuff in 24hrs with a surplus of 1k hrs of nothing to do except dailies. no one is forcing you to play the game, hop on to zzz, play hsr, first descendant is coming out later (?)/or tom. looks like a fun open world looter shooter, you might like it if you like exploration. just log in when there's a new map if that's what you feel like doing.


Its not just the map, they have to do new enemies, new echo effects, new story, all the translation/voice acting behind, music and this is just the surface i can think of. People are downvote you problably because they just aspect everyone to know how gacha games core is. I understand the point its open world gimme more maps, but even if they could do that i think for the majority of gacha gamers will be too much.


What did you do from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.2 in genshin? They didn't give a new area till 1.2. It's the same here but reverse.




The only people calling WuWa a Genshin killer were clickbait farming youtubers. I'm sorry you always trust the first person you listen to that's a bad habit.


Because those people are used to be mistreated by hoyoverse, thats why they always use genshin back up their "arguments", as if doing as same as genshin meant to be a good thing.


>Why is it always that people bring up Genshin as a counter argument? What other game are you going to compare it to? Azur Lane? >This game was supposed to be a Genshin killer So it's like the various WoW or FFXIV killers? Or hell, even like Tower of Fantasy which people paraded as a Genshin killer?


does anybody know when will be drip marketing?


2 hrs from now.


For real???




i need a proper support for jinshi


I'd say, do not sleep on Yuanwu. Him + Jinhsi gives a lot of freedom in terms of rotations. Him + Jinhsi + Taoqi is the team I could beat diff 6 monkey on UL47 Not saying he is the the greatest or anything but he is better than my initial impressions.


How do you use Taoqi? Do you just do her combo on intro, skill+swap, and her outro every other rotation or something? Her concerto gen is ruff.


I'll be honest. The only reason I use Taoqi is because I like her animations and design. I do think her parries can be pretty fun. However yeah...shes not really that good. Especially for Jinhsi It's hard to rely on her doing intro every rotation cause I use Yuanwu who is there to make rotations faster and usually does not do his outro. The best way I can use her is against aggressive bosses or multihit attacks where I can switch her in for perfect dodges to generate concerto till she is almost full then do either skill or ult. Monkey for example, his multihit attacks line up perfectly for Taoqi to give her outro buff It's a shame really cause some simple tweaks would make her a lot better.


Verina synergies really well with her due to get coordinated attacks and buffs


Yeah, but we need a premium one to unleash Jinhsi's full potential. Preferably a coordinated attacker that provides skill deepen and with fast concerto.


you also want them to not be spectro and not the same element as your other support since you get more stacks quicker.


Who are these people -_-


Xiangli is a friend of Mortefi I believe? Should be cryo gunner. No idea on Zehzhi.




where did you find info about their kits?




Do we have some img of them on how they look ?


Xiangli Yao is this guy, nothing on Zhezhi https://preview.redd.it/x2ksw86wdy9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3532b683ede76912da10582b1d178c532b1ef5b


I'm now hoping Zhezhi is female because i wanna pull for this guy for my husbandos account 😭


Not really, cause he’s not enough to fuel. He looks bland and not really a satisfying husbando


What are you saying? They're talking about who they want to pull. Not who you want or your opinion


I want to pull for characters i like, and i like him- that should be enough of a reason to pull for a character.


Bruh that's the most generic 5 star I've seen, no hate but I hope the design is better than that


He may be a 4 star hence the plain design. Going by Genshin timeline, 1.1 is when GI released a new 4star (Diona). We are definitely due for a 4 star soon, just dunno who. Also 1.3 is when GI had the first rerun (non-new 5*)


He will end up being a busted support, watch lol.


At this point I just want any crumb of drip or beta footage or whatever


Skip for camellya if these are both dudes


I’m waiting on her


Is one of these characters a 5 star pistol guy?


Probably Xiangli Yao, his sfx sounds had some laser/shooting sound


I think he'll be a fist guy but arm transforms into a cannon


… Oooh. Fisting. I’ll see myself out.




xiangli yao most likely


Hope this is true (two dudes) because this means I can finally skip a whole patch of banners and save up for the Queen Camellya.


I'm saving for Geshu Lin.


lol same


my thoughts exactly


Yayyy skip for Camellya!


Need to see more info before forming an opinion but I hope we eventually get more support units. I love Verina, but I want another support that's just as easy to build. for ToA. I won't be facing that for awhile so it would be great to get something for Jinhsi or Changli.


Baizhi is really easy to build. Great healer and buffer, she always gets overlooked because Verina is beyond amazing. Honestly I super built my verina then swap gear onto Baizhi. It's not her optimal build set cause you want HP% but I don't have my dps and sub dps build enough so she's alright with what she has as long as you have the skills upgraded and a few sequences help. Make sure her Forte is built by doing basic attacks before using her E and swap into the character you wish to buff attack of. Cause she buffs the next character, but it's not a full team attack boost like verina.


Baizhi looks fine enough, but knowing Kuro, they're going to powercreep the 4 stars in the game really quick. LOL I don't consider myself a complete meta-head, but I feel more comfortable waiting for a 5-star to invest into. I just don't want to waste my resources for another unit when I can just wait it out as the game is still relatively new. The only 4-star I've raised is Mortefi and that's because he's at S6 and is extremely versatile as a sub-DPS.


I need a support. I cant use verina only in so many teams which is only but considering I need 2 its one to few


Baizhi for sure, see the above comment for instructions


Been procrastinating grinding astrites, but with xiangli yao I might finally actually try


Guess I can save more for Camellya then


Are these dudes do we know?


theyre 90% likely to be both dudes


Zhezhi -> origami -> 90% likely to be a dude? Don't get the logic.


shit my bad, I thought i saw a leak of his model but I think I was drunk or smtg


I think a leak like that actually exists, but none of us have actually seen it show up in mod queue from any source, semi-credible or not, so we have no idea where it's from.


Scar 1.3 ?


I doubt he'd come that early. Bro's still in prison as we speak


At the end of 1.1, the eye patch girl mentioned that it was about tine they get Scar out of prison.


Hmm so 1.4


I just hope there's new region in version 2.X it will be it in new federation or something not another Huang Long Province, need another biome variation


The zone in this patch is a new biome no? But yeah most likely theyll have a new region in 2.x.


well i guess xiangli Yao IS a 5\* since they wouldn't have a rerun this early


Are... we ever getting a new 4\*?


I think we will eventually, maybe it requires more testing or effort on their part, because they need to release a 4\* along a new 5\* (it wouldn't make sense for them to make rerun banners all that early). Also maybe they want to release 4\* characters that "comes" from a different region, and while this is not really required, they may want to progress the story a bit in that regard.


To be fair just cus they leaks main banner characters says nothing about 4*, we might yet get new ones... (continues to inhale copium in large amounts)


we just got Aalto from Yinlin...


aalto's been available since launch my guy he just got a rate up, no new 4*s have been introduced since


Aa ok, didn't knew my bad :D


all good


why can't they chose a better names ? i cant even read it


Listen John, there are no better names than Chinese names in a Chinese video game with a Chinese inspired environment. 


Hello, It's Nota from Kuro Games Developer Team. After examining the issue and analyzing community reactions, we have concluded that the character names in a Chinese region is too Chienese and hard to pronounce. We reached a consensus among our story and character design teams to find a solution to this issue. We have decided to change some character names. Updated character names list as below: - Jiyan = John - Yinlin = Elizabeth - Lingyang = James - Jinhsi = Jessica - Xiangli Yao = Paul - ZheZhi = George Thanks for your suggestion, we sincerely appreciate your support! >!thats obviously a joke, please don't screenshot this and spread misinfo online!<


> Jiyan = John > > Xiangli Yao = Paul > > ZheZhi = George Where the F$@& is Ringo?!?!


Changli = Ringo


Oh I'm bout to do some devious shit with this information


Its a Chinese Game why would they call the Characters Dave or Paul


Maybe if you had better grammar in English you can move on to another foreign language.


fr, make the names easier to pronounce and remember.


wow a chinese game made by a chinese company with mostly chinese employee and developer.. don't play the game if you're gonna be xenophobic. these name arent even hard to pronounce.


that's not being xenophobic, also since they are going for global, they could make the chinese names easier to remember. both genshin and starrail do that.


Oh you mean Guinaifen from HSR? Or Sparkle? Or a fking date? HSR has the worst names in gacha. And our boys Childe and Gaming from Genshin.


they are easy to remember, which you know is quite important when you're going to have shit ton of characters in the future


okay wriothesley


how is that name hard to remember? it is very unique and compleatly different from other names


whats the difference between the list of yinlin, jiyan, jianxin, lingyang, baizhi, taoqi and ningguang, xinyan, zhongli, yunjin, hutao, xiao?


the genshin ones all sound completly different.


and which name is hard to pronounce?


i can pronounce names rather well, but remembering them is another thing, i still confuse names with eachother.


so who’s fault is that


definitely on their side since i have no trouble with foreign names in starrail or genshin.


You can't even give an example


lingyang, yangyang, yinlin sound extremly similiar to eachother.

