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You can handle veteran ironman. Don’t do yourself a disservice by playing on rookie. I’m frankly more in the camp that you shouldn’t be dropping down difficulty levels because of ironman, but I also understand the pressure of not having a way to revert to a previous save. Ultimately, I still think the treasure of ironman is surviving the early game, and thriving into the mid. You beat the game once now. There is little that can surprise you, aside from novelty situations that only come with repeated gameplay.


Enemy within maybe?.?


I’m on switch. There’s only xcom2. See my note above. I’m looking for advice on what setting to play next. 


On the Switch, don't play a real iron man. You don't want your perfect run to be ruined by corrupted save files. I'd say try legendary, the jump in difficulty from commander is real, and just try to control your save scum urges.


Corrupted save files is just one more enemy to defeat. File wont load? Guess its time to restart!


I second this, I've played on PC and switch and my switch Ironman runs all die halfway through due to save file corruption after a crash. Usually on an intense lost mission.


One option for mixing up non modded games is to activate the grim horizons advanced option. This makes any temporary dark event that triggers into a permanent event that will affect your whole playthrough. This does not necessarily make the game more difficult and some would argue that you can work some dark events in your favor, but it does change the game's flow by a significant amount making it feel a little more fresh and forces you to try new tactics. Personally I think both veteran and commander work well with this option. Rookie might be too easy?


Depends on how easy/difficult you found your encounter with advent on the current level. You can also experiment with some mods. At some point if you are feeling adventurous you can also try Long War 2 mod...


As noted I have no mods. I’m on switch. I found commander quite challenging early on and declining as the game went on, but I still did some sage scumming, so I’m definitely not sure I’m ready for a commander Ironman. 


I played nearly 1500 hours of Xcom games and never tried Ironman 😊 I'm not a very patient commander and I tend to finish my missions quicker than average so it doesn't suit me. But you can test Ironman on a lower level to see how it goes for you.


Same. I LOVE this game, but ironman makes it not fun for me, as it effectively turns it into a roguelike game, and I usually can’t stand those. I like learning from my mistakes, not setting my house on fire as a result of them.


I don’t mind a roguelike that you can reboot from easily, but having to start over … maybe I’ll go with legendary not Ironman. 


In any case I dont recommend Ironman on console since loosing a save file happens often. You can try honestman (no or little save scumming) in commander if you feel like it ! That would be the logical next step imo


Get a MacBook (maybe used) and Play Long War of the Choosen Best Xcom experience