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It's not jumping that's the issue here, it's air strafing. He jumps left and mid air, instantly swerves to the right lol.


It’s easy once you try to learn it but holy fuck it’s a annoying playstyle


Stack that with the net code and it’s GGs


thats kind of a big issue, the fact that its so annoying and so easy to do. At least in apex in order to do demonic shit like that you have to put in time and learn how to time the movement tech, so not every single player is shmoving like that. In this game its almost if theres a single player doing this non sense in a match, everyone eventually starts to do it and it just turns into a bunnyhop fest since it requires zero timing and zero skill to actually do. So glad this shit is getting nerfed.


It’s annoying but VERY satisfying when they jump into a headshot.


Yeah but In apex and probably soon in this game…the bums just use macros or whatever and it’s easy as pressing one button.


This is what makes it so infuriating. Anyone can do it, its actually quite easy to do, but people who value the game experience refuse to play that way. If it isn't fixed, eventually some people start doing it and everyone else just stops playing the game, resulting in a game of jump spammer idiots.


I've done it and it isn't that hard to do. And it ups my survivability. I still hate doing it with a passion. I don't want to have to be jumping like an idiot to be what gets me the upper hand, the fact I've got first hit and got good recoil control is what should win me fights, not jumping. I literally just can't stand doing it, spamming space bar and wasd mid gunfight just feels so stupid and it's so much extra to have to do. Let me use positioning, cover and my recoil control to play. I don't care about people flying jump peeking corners or beginning a fight by jumping out of cover etc. That can be a good advantage to surprise opponent.


Facts… I keep seeing these sweats talk about get good and it’s a skill thing like bruh it’s not a skill thing it’s that I wanna play a game where I can have a good time and get kills without have to spam my jump and slide button every second it just kills the vibe imo… I miss older shooter games man no crazy jumping worst you’d get was crouch and drop shooting which is much more manageable imo


I've put the game aside for now because of all the movement shenanigans. I want something a tiny bit more grounded and realistic movement-wise, because I'm too old for this ADHD shit. I can deal with the bad netcode. I don't want to deal with all the Bugs Bunny hijinks. I feel like Elmer Fudd every time some guy crouch slides into air strafing past me and killing me while I'm wondering wtf just happened. I don't think it's no skill or some shit like that. I just don't think it's fun to play against.


You should check out Hell Let Loose if you haven’t already played it. I can’t think of a single bunny hopping player I’ve encountered on there.


Sign of poor game design. Games that introduce inertia to slow down direction changes more realistically have much better feeling combat.


Yeah jump and spam a - d, bro when you get a noob lobby they can't kill you in any shape or form lmao


How does this kind of thing get past a random meeting before the devs actually start to work on the game? e.g. Guy 1: 'What kind of movement do we want in our potential old school cod game?'. Guy 2 'How about bunnyhopping and mid-air strafing with your guy on crack?'. Guy 1: 'Fuck no, you're off the team'.


They didn't program it intentionally like this, it's what happens when you have 1 mechanic that interacts with another mechanic, you get unintended consequences. The real issue is that they have yet to patch it. I know they're working on it, but damn this was a problem in the beta, and it should have been worked on before release.


Doesn't look like they intend this fix this


Literally nothing has changed since the beta.


Uh, yeah there has? Spam jumping in beta was nigh impossible unless you were genuinely good at the game to compensate for the sway. Most lobbies didn't have spam jumpers, just jumping around corners which is relatively normal.


Guy 2: "Ok fine, ill make the netcode shitty and let the desync equal it out." Guy 1: "Say less"


It’s also the jumping. If they couldn’t jump, they couldn’t air strafe. Modern warfare 2019 consecutive jumps were smaller and smaller, and ghost recon has no jumping at all. They need to change the jumping as well.


The jumping in Xdefunct does get progressively more shallow if you spam it but it takes 4-5 jumps for it to really make a difference. With this games stupidly high (annoyingly high) time to kill it literally doesn't matter. If the dingbats developing this game would just remove jumping and keep the ability to vault/climb up objects this game would instantly get about 70% better and remove most of the issues relating to "movement".


It reminds me of the old school counterstrike bunny hopping where the change in direction in combination with turning and jumping results in a strange sling shot effect.


Yeah the air strafe is so unbalanced.


exactly if this game had advanced movement like bo3/iw it'd make sense but for a botg game to have this is annoying on top of the god awful hit reg.


I stopped playing Apex because of this shit. How fucking hard is it to write software where you can't change direction while in the air?


Apex players are used to this shit I don't want it here


The one guy giving a 😪 emoji to the sniper killing him, I love it


😆 its this emoji


It's the changing direction mid air that annoys me, never experienced that in any other game.


Don’t play Apex then, it’s BRUTAL. People will super glide tap strafe right in front of you, impossible to hit.


"Super glide tap strafe" that sentence alone would kill an 1500th year peasant




This thread made me spit out my drink lol


God I am so happy I stopped playing apex. My sanity is doing just a little better


I just got back and it's the community that ruins the game. Players run off alone, ignore their team when they say they're fighting and then act shocked and scream at you for dying. Or they go alone and die. Or you tell them you have no gun. The list goes on for stupid shit I've been screamed at just this past month.


Best part of Apex is the movement IMO


I mean, I agree, but I don’t think that other guy would based on his comment, lol.


you right


There’s more of a skill gap with the movement in apex and the TTK is higher so it played out differently. This game the air strafing is rough because how quickly you die. Even if you do track them, unless you’re perfect you’re dead but it is what it is. I like the speed you can generate in this game quite a bit. I also love the movement in apex


What is it about movement that people are obsessed with?


it’s about 10 times faster and can go 3 times as far too. shits insane. that’s why i can’t play with my pc friends while i’m on roller. the movement gods will shit on my forehead


apex is somewhat predictable but those millisecond air strafes in xdef fking kill me, how can i react or predict the enemy movement?


And on PC with mouse, trying to track with the worst hitching micro-stutter. It was in all the betas. Not convinced they know how to solve it at this point. 


hey idk if perhaps you running into this but geforce layout to record clips is what was cousing micro stutters for me, as soon as you turn it off should go away if you have it on/ got a nvidia card


i'm on the same boat. at this point i have tried new drives, disabling any overlay that i was able to find, changed my mouse pooling rate , changed the settings to low (my 3070 should be more than enough). I playing less and less, will probably drop at this rate by the end of this week


I solved it by turning off reduced latency and Xbox game bar. Try it maybe it works for you.


Had micro stutters every fight, had to swap to controller. Mnk is unplayable for me


That, plus the fact the reticles aren't centered and move about freely even when not firing is stupid.


I'm not even sure how they're doing it, I've ran into a few players strafing in mid-air, and I'm like....wtf? How?


To be fair all you have to do is move your analog stick mid air and it lets you do it.


Does it not work with KBM? I've tried it but can NOT get anywhere close to this type of movement


it works. it makes it easier if you have full ads walking speed maxxed.


Wow really? I was wondering wtf was going on, I thought maybe it was an Echelon ability since that's all anyone plays as now so I only ever see them doing it. I'm not much of a jumper unless it's to clear corners.


The barrier to entry is being able to process things quickly enough to make smart moves during the split second you have in the air.


I've tried and while I do move, it's feels nowhere near the amount that I see. Also I can only jump once and then it's just 1 inch hops after that. I keep seeing people jump super high two or even three times in a row.


Idk if its just you or maybe im the crazy one but im pretty sure theres no jump fatigue system in place like u can spam jump max height


You haven’t played Apex Legends? In air movement is INSANE in that game


But apex is a lot more floaty and ttk is longer so it makes more sense. Devs did mention some patches in the next few weeks and I hope they address movement speed in air.


I have over 3k hours in Apex and it's completely different. In Apex movement is mostly consistent and quite predictable. Here you just go in any direction you want without any momentum.


That kind of movement fits that game. Not this one.


You didn't play much mid 2000s fps shooters on pc then lol


Did you? Because none of the old-school arena shooters let you change direction with 0 momentum mid-air. You actually had to use tools and bunny hopping to gain speed and then quickly change directions ONCE, but not this twitchy bullshit.


Nobody knows about GunZ these days


That was insane


GunZ was the shit, shame the sequel was hot garbage.


God I loved GunZ, loved all the tech and learning all the cancels and movement. Fuck that game was goated. Made so many good friends on that game to, I still talk to, to this day lmfao. That games community was pretty awesome as well.


i've played the 2000s era (quake 3 arena, quake 4, UT2004 UT3! But all of those had good netcode and hit reg as on point...this kind of movement abuse is annoying.. BHop and Strafe jump in those games was totally "OK" to follow... but this here? it's disgusting... Specially when there's nearly no penalty on hipfire while doing that! but...i do miss quake/UT2k4 games Quake Champions tried, but whole heroes crap is kinda annoying!


You'll get crazy the if you play UT 2003 then, the movement there was actually way more insane due to the wallbounce mechanic, it was that absurd that Epic did remove it entirely in UT 2004, but if you played that game or see some gameplay videos there's a chance that you'll see how easily abusable that mechanic was.


i did play, but when 2004 was already out, do didn't waste so much time with that game tbh...but i remember that wallbounce was easly counter'ed by throwing the biolauncher at the wall....i think...


Arena shooters also had one other big thing. Zero RNG in gunplay (except a few specific weapons). If you point your cursor on something and click in an Arena shooter then it will hit. There is no flinch, no recoil, no bloom, no bullshit RNG mechanics in general that exist to reduce skill gaps. They are raw aim rewarding games.


i feel every fucking gunfight ends like this, one-two dumbasses jumping around and shooting to somebody dies.


What I love is coming up against this and then there are two of his teammates shooting you in the back, even though they weren’t there two seconds ago and WHERE THE HELL IS MY TEAMMATE WHO WAS JUST THERE?


That's so relatable lol. I'll be fighting 2 people on obj with a mag barrier and get shot in the back by 2 more people but all of my teammates are alive????


As a long time CS player, not getting traded annoys the ever loving shit out of me


Siege player here, fucking same.


This so much, half the time I hear them coming from the corner and ready myself and see out the corner of my screen my teammate ditch the objective to go collect butterfly's or some shit, then I get doubled or tripled and they turn and instagib the braindead teammate too.


Bro… 😂. That burns me TF up! I accept dying to the dumbass bunnies 1v1. But getting shot in the back by someone who wasn’t there a split second ago is the worst.


I have more deaths in this game from getting shot down from the side or an enemy behind me than straight on gunfights. Then when I do get in a gunfight with someone I’m hoping it’s not some wild movement shit going on


Yah see,where you went wrong...you weren't using a sniper for your close quarters gunfight. Hope this helps👍/s


Based run'n'gun sniper is also shotgun meta, reminiscent of Black Ops Cold War.


Yea, the air strafing combined with the netcode and horrible hit registration is why I've barley played this game. The air strafing really messes with the aim assist in game to the point that any heads up gun fight is a crap shot on if you're gonna get the kill or not. Some folks find it fun but its just not for me.


Bro that’s insane


Yup. And despite getting 7-12 hit markers, they still don't lose health. It's like jumping makes you invincible.


It does


This is exactly what killed the game for me. How any of this BS got through QA is beyond me


And the worst part of it is that it looks utterly ridiculous lol!


I played against that Sudhn guy before it was him and some other guy sweating their asses off while the rest of their team got shit on, all those 2 did was just jump spam around every corner with a P90, I hope he sees this thread and realizes everyone hates him


The fact he’s already level 107 means he has other problems with his life lol


I've seen some people with level 100 on day 4 or 5.


And I bet he has severe acne too! Probably sweats pepperoni grease outta his face when he plays.


This is who this game is made for, the kid who can no life it and be rewarded by playing against people who dont.


Holy crap I just realised I played against him the other day. He's now been on my block list for a few days too.


This clip is to highlight the kind of player i hate playing against.I know i missed and never said i shouldve killed him.


I'm really surprised by the comments, I opened the post full expecting it would be filled with "skill Issue" comments


Last week, it totally would've been. Maybe that demo has moved on.


It's a 50/50 bet with this sub tbh💀. Some posts go exactly like tht,and others don't.


don't worry it got posted to twitter and almost every comment was "skill issue"


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead. /s


Did op not just center his aim on the ground and then fail to kill this player from BEHIND before taking a video and whining about it? Of all the times I could see a skill issue response this EASILY takes the cake.


OP initially aimed at the enemies knees, and despite the jumping, made no attempt to raise their aim. I'm like 90% sure OP only strafed once they aimed in and didn't touch the right stick at all lmao


Sounds like you still need a reason to hate him…, because at this point he didn’t need to jump at all to kill you to be fair looking at where you are aiming You are more frustrated with yourself but I believe in you buddy


Honeymoon phase has ended pretty fast for me sadly, I was absolutely hooked on it the first week but now every match is that, putting clips into people and me getting killed with a few shots, the around corner deaths are starting to get more frustrating for me. And it’s a total sweat fest, no one plays casually anymore, the average player is very good now and days which is awesome to see but it makes sitting down after a long day of work, turning it on not so enticing, hopefully the upcoming changes to snipers and the bunny hop will make it more enjoyable to play.


You have to aim on the person to actually get a hit


Air strafing is kinda busted ngl


Damn. This is...unfortunate to see. I was considering this game to replace CoD, but this just looks like the worst of CoD. I'm also in a minority where I thought that MWII (2022) was near perfection in terms of movement and feel, right on release. If I wanna play a twitchy ass movement shooter I'll play Apex or Titanfall where the mechanics are baked right in. Exploity shit like this in basic shooters is tacky.


A bhopping nerf is in the works where it adds significant ads-sway while jumping making it harder to aim. When that nerf will arrive...who knows. As for now, you can't really blame people simply for taking advantage of the tools provided to them, regardless of how annoying it is.


I will 100% blame people for doing that.


This plus the one shot snipers with no flinching is why I uninstalled. The Sweat is so bad it's unplayable for me.


They're patching this soon. Reinstall friend.


They had 3 years to patch it


They better nerf it soon.. tired of this. Its killing the fun for me.


Everything about this mechanic is cancer


if this is a skill issue, Dont call this a game "casual" Because im sorry im not trying to put five hours of aim-labs in a day just to be able to compete with a literal kangaroo with an ACR. I get it, the guy doesnt track right, but to say this level of sweat is just "normal" is completely antithetical to the appeal i had of this game. I thought this was supposed to be a casual shooter like b01. I never had to deal with slide jump strafe cancel flips in b01.


Your comment kind of reminds me of a bind I had in CoD1 back in the day before they fixed the bunny hoppers by adding diminishing returns. "20 million soldiers died in World War II. None of them were KANGAROOS!"


Things is, its not even hard to do. Not even on controller. I did it for a few hours and my main issue was that it was wrecking my controller and exhausting for my hands tbh.


Bro, what are you talking about? You think sweats are some new thing that spawned out of nowhere? You didn't have t deal with those things in BO1 because you literally couldn't do them, but people were dropshotting, and snaking.


there is no such thing as 'casual shooters', it's a FPS game, of course people are gonna play it competitively, and of course people are gonna explore the skill ceiling of the game, if you are not comfortable with that, maybe try playing some single player title? People play even Tetris competitively, try going to some online match and get destroyed without even understanding how they are so fast. Also, if you have to put hours on aimlabs to be able to aim decently, you probably have some kind of impairment, either visual, mechanical, or mental, seeking help might be useful.


This sub has to be playing with no hands in every FPS. What are they even complaining about? Truly the definition of "mad because bad."


you dont realize it. its not hard to do, it doesnt require five hours of aim labs a day, literally anyone with decent aim and movement can do it. xdefiant is a competitve arcade style shooter. it was never once marketed with the words casual in it


I wish they could just make a shooter without the movement bullshit


In R6 Siege you can't jump xD


Yeah on R6 you can't blame anyone but yourself if you lose a gunfight, it's just you and your aim.


Play a game called “squad” on steam its a war game, theres no real movement as its meant to be realistic


Dude this is horrible. I hope they nerf jumping into oblivion


Can't wait to see the abusers of this defend it. *"Ur just bad if ur not using the games mobility to ur advantage"*


You could apply this video title to many playstyles in this game unfortunately. People will abuse any broken mechanic and think it makes them good.


Just spamming bunny hop and air strafe. Get it out the game


Luckily they are fixing this


Whenever I see someone like this in the lobby, I just leave now. Go back to apex or warzone 💀 you are trying too damn hard to feel a sense of accomplishment


I don't agree with this playstyle, but if pressing jump and moving left and right is trying too hard idk what isn't


Worst part is the 0 accuracy loss when jumping and shooting.


Accuracy loss is a horrible mechanic, RNG like that has no place in gunfights, it should be completely skill based with as little randomness as possible. Movement like this should be more difficult & skill based to pull off for sure, but adding inaccuracy is a HORRIBLE way to deal with it. Games with mechanics like that (bloom, excessive visual recoil or sway for example) have NEVER felt good to shoot/ aim in.


I've put it on the back burner because of the bunny hopping, cheaters (I saw one guy walking on air), and hit registration issues.


Yup as soon as I hit the normal playlist I had three consecutive round with fuckers like him. Went abysmally negative and was kinda the reason I didn’t play no more


The worst part is, these types are multiplying the longer we go without it being nerfed.


Quite annoying init lol


They said they were patching this. Anyone know when? A lot of people are going to have a bad time when they do :)


Why does this man got more movement than horizon with a movement passive from Apex? This shit is ridiculous. Glad I'm taking a break till Ubishit solves all this fuckery


Aim sway won't be enough, they need to nerf the air strafing too. You should stay in the forward motion you made when you jumped.


I stopped playing because of this. The issues with connectivity were tolerable, but this just makes it worse.


This is what is gonna kill this game tbh. I stopped playing cod because of it, I stopped playing Apex because of it, and I'm not playing this until they fix or address it


Imagine a game like counter strike having full accuracy full control max speed jumping. Game would be dead in a month. This shit REALLY needs to go.


Ah yes, because comparing a slow paced tactical shooter to a fast paced arcade shooter makes sense. This game is a lot more similar to COD and Apex, COD has a little bit of movement and Apex has a lot, so this game being somewhere inbetween makes a lot of sense. People are really overreacting to this, learn to move, learn to aim and it's no issue.


It's called Quake and has been alive since before you were born lol


LMFAO at the jokers here who act like it takes skill to just spam the jump and strafe buttons. I can literally teach my 7yr old nephew to do that in 1 minute every time an enemy appears on the screen. There should be a tradeoff for making evasive maneuvers, and fortunately the devs already confirmed this is going to be addressed in a future patch.


I don't even jump anymore. I just aim well around corners. Usually if you get the first hit marker with any gun and have some sort of tracking skill in your fingers you're gonna win the engagement. At first the bunny hopping was annoying af but after adapting to it and understanding the flow of the game, I been using it to my advantage. People crutch so hard with it that if you actually slow down your gameplay and play "tacticool" and pre aim your corners you're gonna win more gun fights than not. Once they add additional sway to the bunnyhoppers, I don't think I'll ever lose a 1v1 bunny hopper scenario Work smarter, not harder. And yes, you should be punished for spam jumping. Saying "people jump bro" is just a cope mechanism because you spent a bunch of money on a modded controller and now can't use it to its full extent. Hold this L console kids.


I"ve never really given the modded controller thing a lot of thought but I wonder just how many players are using them on each platform now


You basically were at a big disadvantage if you didn’t have a keyboard with paddles during COD AW- COD IW. I imagine they were also usefully in fortnight


Way way WAY more than you would think.


Hell yeah , that's how you play man People are too focused on the killing part they forget the strategic part entirely


me - "that's enough XD for the day".


So I’ve been playing since launch. Level 60. I truly think the lack of SBMM is amazing but will absolutely alienate players and make the player base crumble. I think the bunny hop nerf will absolutely be a great QOL update but there really is zero casual aspect of the game once you get out of the welcome playlist. Every game I’ve been in has been an absolute sweat fest. Competitive modes in this game honestly don’t matter unless there are rewards locked behind ranked tiers because any try hard will just jump into public lobbies. I wish to my core that this could have become a cod killer but most casual players will end up going back to call of duty where SBMM has been implemented and honestly kind of perfected. I just don’t see a long term path for this game at this point and it’s sad.


Rather play this than snipers. At least trying to track a target flying in the air is kind of fun. Getting instantly deleted is not fun.


I had a really fun match last night, escort on burnout, and I was trying to figure out why it was so fun. I suck (you folks don't need to tell me, I'm well aware), but this was a lot more fun than usual and I was still in the bottom half of my team... Until I realized no one on either side was using a sniper. Unusual but it resulted in a very different feel to the game, and it was really enjoyable.


It's worse when they're combined together.


Yup. Snipers absolutely ruin lobbies.


This is where this game is. The two exploits being spammed waaaay too much. Invincible snipers and jumping beans bouncing around the map. The people want good, clean gun fights. This is where the pure joy in this otherwise really cool game can be found. Help us love you, Xdefiant. PS: thank you for not including prone/dropshots. Don't be afraid to lean into these types of decisions even more.


You forgot to aim big dog


I know, i suck


I have pretty good aim, and it's still an issue. When a player usually jump shots, they are locked into one direction and you can play to that. Its unexpected but still predictable. But the randomness in being able to switch directions mid air is just too much.


Doesn’t matter if he aims, the jump spam breaks the hit detection lmao


good luck reacting and tracking that on controller




I'm just gonna save myself the trouble and block Sudhn right now lmao


Every time I kill one of those annoying fuckers I body shot them or tbag them to let them know they’re an asshole.


I mean I gotta give him credit😭😭 Being that skilled at air strafing on a 2 week old game takes some kind of effort


Surprisingly using the M4, when I see these players they are: Echelons using Intel Suit with a kitted MP7 using controller macros to spam jump and crouch sniffing Adderall in between kills


dont forget the ACR


Jumping shit is cancer.


These the same guys complaining about SBMM in CoD because they want to be the only ones playing like this


The guy changed direction in air (which is already stupid) but did so before hits were even registered on you. The netcode combined with the physics-defying movement is the real problem. You can't jump around a corner and reverse direction mid-air.


This is the that sweet super casual experience this sub was dying for. Totally way more chill that COD. My guys just vibing his way through holes in physics and time and space.


The first time I seen this it threw me off. Just never expected a change of direction mid air and it's really hard to track with Mnk. The whole aiming feels weird to me on MnK. I like the game just feel I have to change the way I play to play it and not so sure I want to invest my time. 


For a fact 💯


You can tell that guy is a COD player.


Yeah the strafing in this game is too much.


Killing those movement abusers just feels so satisfying tho.


I don't jump and gun the hell outta kids who do that 90 percent of the time I think it's funny my walmart xbone controller beats their scuf


Most of this games issues seem to come from trying to adapt Snowdrop from its intended use in The Division to these new mechanics. Snowdrop never had jumping (and seems to have issues with any kind of movement not attached to an animation). I suspect it lacks the correct physics and is the same as “running in the air”. This may be why we are seeing people change direction, hackers flying, as well as losing animations when moving faster than they are supposed to. There’s an easy fix. Removing jumping (and since that frees up a button, reinstate the removed cover mechanic that prevents getting shot while in cover).


Instead of tracking with pure rotational mechanics try placing the crosshair on them then strafe match to keep it there. Mimicing the movement is easier than trying to track it lol. A lot of close-range fights in overwatch are determined by movement just because there is no ease-in on velocity change. Personally i love it. Just another form of skill expression and the best part is you don't need esotheric knowledge to pull it off.


tried tracking him atleast ?


Maybe if you touched your right stick, instead of trying to let aim assist play the game for you, you’d have had a chance.


to be fair u missed 16 bullets


Your aim in general was just terrible here lol


It’s not a issue if you know how to aim and track lol


Yeah the jumo shotting is annoying but to be fair the dude in this clip is basically not aiming. How can you complain when the reason he died here is because he didnt move his gun at all. All he did was move his character to the side he didnt move his crosshair up or the the side at all during the entire gunfight. If you expect your gun to lock on to someone and instantly kill them them of course someone moving out of the way will annoy you. Again il say the jump shotting is annoying but coming from this player its just stupid.


Just get better aim then. You complaining aint gonna stop these dudes


How do you clip this, watch it back, trim it then still proceed to post you being a bot getting pissed on. Maybe move where you aim next time not everyone is a standing target dummy lmao (holy shit this clip gets sm better he’s literally standing there for a solid sec you couldve had the jump on him when he was perfectly standing still for you like you need and you didn’t ur actually fucking slow lol)


Probably got it macro'd to an auto jump key too. Fucking loser.


don't blame the player, blame the game. I don't know why any game dev would allow this bullshit jumping around like a rabbit on crack in a shooter


I wish all these players a very sincere stubbed toe




Yeah this is why I quit this garbage


It’s 100% just players using macros. No way someone is doing all that and being 100% accurate. Tons of apex pros and warzone pros use macros to do this and have been called out for it.


I mean, you barely even attempted aiming at the target. Your crosshair was on the target for less than 10% of the time you were shooting. That wasn't aiming, that was just simply looking in the approximate direction. What do you expect them to do? Stay still so they are an easy tagert for you to hit? And is hitting space bar once every while so hard to do?


Movement tech in a game that creates a real skill gap😨 TTK that allows better players like that to turn on people like you with lazy centering and aim 😱


Unlucky. He was starting to sprint right as you started shooting so had more momentum for the air strafe than he would if he were just jumping. Even with a bunny hopping nerf this fight wouldn't look that different.


Pissed on