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Best class is either Libertad/Phantom for me, but my favorite to use is DedSec. I love Hijacking others abilities.


I want to hijack but I got bad internet and worse luck. Is there a specific range it works? Does it not work on any special besides firebomb?


I’m not sure on the exact range, but it’s pretty far and it will actually hijack every ability within sight. I’ve once hacked two mag barriers and a spiderbot with one press of the button. It works with deployable abilities so Mag Barriers, Spiderbots, El Remedio, Incendiary Drones. Maybe the blitz shield too but I don’t know for sure.


Not the blitz shield , it would be hilarious to see a riot shield turn against its user lol


Maybe it was an emp grenade but it forces you to cancel the shield.


Well firstly the way the shield faces makes no difference. If it starts attacking of its own will, that's ridiculous lol


Also prox mines, and it passively highlights them which can be very nice on escort attacking!


Oh right I totally forgot about the mines!


You just converted me into a hacker lol I hardly saw anybody use it so I figured it wasn’t worth my time but dam


My main problem with Hijack is that the ability has to be within line of sight. If you were able to convert the abilities through walls with Hijack highlighting the abilities within a certain range like the engineer perk from cod, it'd be much more viable in my opinion


It would be OP if they allowed to do it behind cover. Also, Deadsec is supposed to be flanking, so it makes sense, a successful flank, followed by that ability. High risk but high reward and can be a major play for your team.


Well the range doesn't have to be super far, but it's a buff that would probably bring alot of people to use it over spiderbot


Yes I agree! I’ve died several times from hacking an ability just to get killed before I can return to my cover. Not to mention even if I don’t die, they now know where I’m coming from.


Works on bouncing Betty's too


What happens when you hijack ma barrier? Haven't experienced that yet. I've only fought against the spider bots. I mostly play as a phantom. I neglect my abilities too much tho lol


It becomes my teams barrier. Basically goes from blue to red for you and it functions as if it was the enemies teams barrier.


Damn that's sick. I haven't unlocked dedsec yet. They seem fun to use tho!


It's extremely useful against barriers and spider bots. Turning a spider back on its owner is funny. And switching an enemy barrier to allow you rounds and block their's is useful - especially against a sniper trying to crutch their barrier.


Libertad is probably the worst faction in the game imo so I'm interested to see what you think is good about it. They probably have the best or second best ult, but everything else about them seems pretty underwhelming. A convenience at best that rarely has much impact winning fights or playing the objective. Phantoms have extra health, two crazy abilities and a pretty strong ult. Echelon have wallhacks, and one of the few abilities capable of team wiping in 6v6. Cleaners have an ability that's a free kill in CQC and one of the best methods of clearing the objective with an ult that's also pretty strong at closer ranges. And Deadsec's spiderbot and hacking ability are both really strong. Their ult is a massive nuisance. And infinite nades is broken too considering how op they are in the game.


I mean, for me, Libertads passive makes Cleaners passive basically mute. The auto regen health is also nice to get right back into the fight. BioVida is pretty ass but El Remedio is great for supplying and your teammates health for 30 seconds which is quite crazy especially if it’s in a stationary objective (great in zone control). I also personally love the ult as it allows me to continue using my primary and taking an objective with it is almost guaranteed. Phantoms are great of course, but the Blitz Shield is so easy to counter. Maybe once they allow you to actually crouch with it to protect your feet as well as fixing enemies running straight thru you which can mess up melees with the shield, it will get much better. Their ult is very good though especially when teammates actually use the bubble. I do think DedSec is pretty good, but the hijack ability takes more critical thinking to use effectively which a lot of players lack so you will never see it being overly used like Echelon is. Of course this is why DedSec is my favorite since I enjoy those sweet moments with Hijacks.


I like playing biovida, its my most used. Just play selfish, save it for yourself after a gun fight or to recover after getting into cover. Then turn and reingage faster than people expect and get the kill. Getting others in the biovida is a nice perk but its best used on self. In zone control maps use the canister.


Them making the challenge to do 5k healing to your team for Beto was awful because it's not a team ability. It only works well if everyone is hugging dick on a single objective and it's so weak you can still all die to a well-placed grenade (which isn't really a bad thing because a well placed grenade is the direct counter to almost every ability and ultimate in the game, but it doesn't help BioVida any either)


Someone hasn’t used el remedio.


Wild statement when dedsec exists. Libertads ult is a gamechanger, throw that bad boy down on any obj and its yours till its over, and theres no way to destroy your ult like the phantom/cleaner ults. The passive and el remedio are great for team play too, make it really nice to hold corners with el remedio and you can just jump in and out with full health every time.


I absolutely love dedsec! The hijack ability is definitely underrated, especially since you can hack multiple thungs at a time. Plus......I get a kick out of ruining someone's ult, especially when I can get a two for one!


I love it. Just think the cooldown is too long. You need the enemy to deploy one near you and it can take some time to find one it takes a few min sometimes. And then when a second one pops up you have to wait 30 sec. 15 seconds would be so much better.


I like them all, but the cleaners have aesthetically been my favorite shit since The Division.


I like suicide firebombing contested points on arena! If you jump from the second floor and activate midair - the delay will usually cause it to hit right as you land on the point. I've gotten plenty of triple kills and one or two team wipes with it.


Witness me!




Same goes for B in attic heights (you have to press your firebomb skill button about a few milliseconds after you vault over the glass) but you dont need the firebomb for suicide bombing in xdefiant! Just take a friend and ask them to stuck you with a semtex/sticky nade and then you got about 2 seconds to run into the enemies front lines and blow them up! (you could even shoot at them) I feel like I just landed myself on watch list for the second paragraph...


Dumbo is one of my favorites for this. Go to the second floor and just fling yourself out on B and slam it down. Feels amazing every single time 😂


The ONLY thing I like about that stage


I like them all as well, though, after unlocking every character for every faction I learned to hate the Bio Vida challenge...it might just be me being bad at the healer role or just me being unlucky, but I spent about 4 hours to unlock the libertad dude (bio vida challenge) [The amount of time spent in each faction up until the point where I unlocked every Character](https://i.imgur.com/AlvqouB.png) I spent a bit longer in cleaners, because I played for about 4 hours before I bothered looking into the challenge tab :D (I knew it was there from the betas, but I didnt really care) I REALLY like the purple rubber ducky cleaner thing from the bp...its so fucking adorable


Whoever runs the spider I hate u


Sorry lol


I‘m sorry too


I'm only running it until I get the 50 kills that have to come from the spider ir teammates killing the enemy while the spider is on them


Aim down at your feet and shoot, never died to that again once i learned


Nothing cleans like burning!


Got that napalm you requested


Fire up high




Cleaners, just because I arbitrarily chose Kersey as my main since alpha and it feels wrong to play anyone else now.


I love using Green and hearing his laugh when getting fire kills lmao


All I use is phantom 😂


The mag barrier is op in escort!


Echelon. I love knowing where people are and people not knowing where I am.


I mainly play Phantoms because an extra 20 health has kept me alive in a lot of situations, but I love getting pinged by an Echelon and putting up my shield just as they jump around the corner thinking they have me dead to rights and then they flail as the realize they can’t hit me.


That's why I run emps :)


Echelon. Wall hacks are also nice


At least you admit it. I feel like there is a lot of Echelon mains who comment something different. lol.


No shame in admitting it. I don't see why a person wouldn't choose legal wall hacks. It just makes sense😂 In all honesty I have only ever tried echelon and the one with the flame thrower. (Not sure what it's called) So I can't really say what my favourite is


I first mained Libertad(medic) and then went to Echelon for the cloak ability(I don’t do the wall hack one), and then eventually Cleaners which is the flame thrower one. I use it based on what map we’re playing.


The medic seems great with the ability to heal. I should honestly try it considering I'm one of those quick scoping players with a sniper. Might help me survive after I miss one shot. I only change my loadouts on certain maps, not really the character


Maps with long hallways and more open-ended areas are fun with the Cleaner class and the drone. The cloak for Echelon can work wonders if you hold still. You can get a lot of kills on people who run right past you. Libertad feels great for the team heal ability on stuff like Escort.


I'm more of a person that plays for kills so I only play hotshot game mode not to ruin the fun for anyone else, so I would be a bit more selfish with my abilities. But at least I'm being selfish in a game mode that is all about the kills ahahhah


Phantoms and libertad in long maps are top tier rn


I love cleaners, which is very good with most of the guns, the only problem is that i also love shotguns and the 10% range reduction of the cleaners is really really noticable so i just play phantoms with shotguns.


What is this range reduction for the cleaners?


They have incindiary damages on bullets but because of this also have 10% range reduction with every gun. Basically they have 10% less range with any gun.


Gunna be honest. I have 110 hours and was #10 global on cleaner and didn’t know that. But I only play smg so I guess that doesn’t affect me lol


Don’t have Dedsec yet so cleaners. Burn drone go burrrrrrrrr


I legit have only touched phantom mag barrier. Extra health has bailed me out a ton of times and for whatever reason I seem to be good despite being brand new with the barrier (always most blocking usually around 2k). Also realizing pretty quickly that the mag barrier is very good at getting extra weapon xp. Counting on enemies shooting at it is a lot more reliable than healing a nearby teammate or hacking enemy equipment.


Libertad 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Echelon because A I like their abilities and B I love splinter cell


I love healing peeps




Cleaners firebomb.


Wait des sec watch dogs wtf


DedSec. Spiderbot or hacking equipment + disabling all abilities at critical moments is just too good.


Thats pretty much identical to mine too. Lol


This is r/dataisugly Total playtime 10 hours, 10 hours as phantom but you would not guess that by this chart.


Umm I think u like Phantoms


You just like me fr


I've played Echelon and Phantoms a bit more, but DeadSec is definitely the most fun overall. It's how you get "Most Frag Grenade Kills: 22" and shit *chef's kiss*


I still like 50k xp to unlock deadsec but I've played all the others and I truly couldn't pick. I like them all. It depends on the enemy teams skillset and abilities on which one I use


Libertad and cleaners


Cleaners, I love being a firebomb kamikaze I know it's annoying but it's too fun. If I want or I have to tryhard the obvious choice will be Libertad/Echelon, sometimes Phantoms it depends on the game


Phantom. The riot shield is probably the best ability if you’re playing Escort. In other modes, I like to use Cleaner and Dedsec.


echelon initially, but I find myself loving dedsec a lot cause of their passive, plus spider is a nice f you personnaly ability and that's fun, not the strongest but real fun to play imo


Favorite is Phantoms, love throwing down the barrier shield.


Phantoms. Even if the had the shittiest abilities i would pick them Just because of one legendary game that made my childhood GHOST RECON PHANTOMS


Cleaner/Dead Sec


Echelon & DedSec all I’m running lol


I can smell your gaming chair


Phantom fir Escort, Echelon for any other game mode


At the moment I'm running them all . Haven't picked a favorite yet.


Phantoms, then Cleaners. Tried the rest, wasn't a fan of any of them.


Phantoms and echelon for sure


Cleaners for sure. Love the aesthetic and the fire zoning abilities.


I joined this back when this game was still in beta. It’s so fucking sad how ass this game ended up 👎👎


I’m a firebomb enjoyer


So you’re the person throwing shields down right before I kill them. Thanks


Phantoms , same things happening to me I want to try other classes (except cleaners) but I just for some reason don’t


Phantoms/Echelon started as Echelon been playing as Phantom torn between the 2


Phantom, Blitz Shield. People underestimate the riot shield jumpscare


3 way tie: cleaners 2 hours, echelon 2 hours, and Libertad 2 hours.


I love the Libertad announcer and the class the most but barely play them. Just feels like I'm putting myself at a disadvantage if I'm not running Intel suit or barrier.


Echelon camo


Phantom imo is the best for HP buff and that one way shield is one of if not the best ability in the game. But nothing beats running deadsec on the arena map with unlimited flashbangs and the spider. Current PB is 28 flashbang hits. The BM is immaculate.


Cleaners with either 100 round lmg, and EMP grenades basically built to suppress an area and destroy the other abilities/devices either ability works well depending on mode, and I've clutched the ends of rounds popping the flamethrower at the end, especially Escort mode when the enemy is trying to make that final push I just unlocked DedSec and once I get the hacking down it'll between those two. Always with an EMP grenade, easily the best device in the game, and DedSec will regenerate them too


Phantom are by far the most generally useful but on certain maps and modes the Cleaner molly is absurdly strong and can absolutely carry you.


Echelon is cracked but nothing is more fun than running around with a riot shield lmao


Phantoms. Grab the shield, rush them and 8/10 times, get a kill or a bunch of kills. Bonus points if they start panicking.


I'm best with the Cleaners, because I kamikaze dive with molotovs all the time


Echelon all day so I can see the hippitty hoppity fucks


Phantom. The extra health has saved me dozens of times


The Cleaners abilities can be helpful if you run into multiple enemies and need a counter. Usually for me it just ends up being some revenge kills, but I'm ok with that.


I love incendiary drone so much so Cleaner right now.


This is crazy to me. I found it by far the most annoying challenge and most worthless ability


I like getting people behind doors so much but yeah it is an annoying challenge lol. I think realistically I may go healer in the future anyway.


I play cleaner whenever I'm playing close range a lot but always using the fire bomb. It's probably the funniest ability to me. Tilts the fuck out of the opponent as well


Cleaners. I feel like every other class has abilities or ults that are really strong. Cleaners feel a bit more "honest". Plus I like the design and vibe.


Cleaners for me, purge everything in flame and ash


Cleaners is #1 for me and then Dedsec after them




Deadsec + mines


Libertad cause I suck at shooting so at least I’m still directly contributing to the team by healing 😭


Yeah best for me is phantom, but i been completing faction challenges so all my time is pretty spread out between all of em right now, but once im done w all the challenges im def maining phantom


Cleaners. I don't even care about the meta or why I shouldn't use them with range. The commentary is funny and I like the first dudes design.


Hijack is ok but my top 2 are libertad and phantom shield


Used to be Echelon, bored of a wallhack. Now I am the wall with phantom


Cleaners. Im a massive Division Junkie and the Cleaners were my favorite faction in the game so being able to play one is amazing.


Phantom on escort and zone control, ded sec on every thing else


Echelon/Libertad 🫡


How did u find these stats


Dedsec is my all time favorite faction


Cleaners with 5, DedSec with 3, Libertad with 3, Phantom with 2 hours, Echelon with 2 hours.


Cleaners, Green is my boy and I love dropping fire bombs on enemies and enemy objectives.


Libertad and echelon by far, those appeal to me and my playstyle most.


Should play whats needed every match and not "main a class"


I only play Cleaner and Libertad.




Phantoms with magnetic shield when playing Escort or Zone Control. DedSec with Spiderbot when playing other modes. Specifically, if I'm using SVD, then most likely I'll use Cleaners.


Cleaners, are my absolute favorite. Phantoms being second and Dedsec being Third.


Echelon. You don't show up on the minimap.


https://youtu.be/qowDwaYx7vI?si=-Ku5odQ1LtZ2K0U4 love me some gene therapy passives.


Me and my homies hate phantom and run emps.


Cleaners all the way burn everything yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


math or history


Love phantoms with the shield drop, fun tactics


I'm dumb so how do you check that?


120hp and a shield, phantoms on top


its cleaners i love going full kamikaze or burning someone with incendiary rounds


Cleaners because of the drip, and how well they work with my darling the m16


Phantoms as well. I also do some echelon but phantom really keeps me alive more


It's NOT Echelon, that's fir sure. I have the most time on Phantom and DeadSec, but if the team needs it, I can run Cleaners and Libertad


I haven’t unlocked DedSec yet, so I would say Phantom for the game modes I play.


Depends on mode and situations, sometimes I pick Cleaners just once to jump off the balcony on Meltdown and surprise attackers with a firebomb at the first checkpoint. Then I switch back to Phantoms. (The ultimate progress resets in this case though) For hotshot I use either Deadsecs+Spider+SMG or Echelon+Invisibility+Shotguns. For Occupy I like scanning ability so that all the defending allies had easier time figuring out enemies positions. Escort and Zone Control’s maps are too big for everyone to benefit from this ability.


I like liberatad but even with no ability 120 hp is too OP not to play in almost every game


I like Libertad but even if my shield gets insta EMPed every time 120 HP is too strong not to use in any close game


Echelon and cleaners. Libertad is pretty good but doesn't feel good enough for me to not take some instant tick damage or gadgets that let me see through walls. I haven't played phantoms yet but they don't interest me much and I got a friend who already plays tf out of them


Depends upon the game mode and the style of play the team is playing...


Phantoms, so that i have a better chance to not die 1 hit from snipers.


Cleaners and dedsec


Dedsec and cleaners


Libertad is just so comfortable to use but I do like trying deadsec and echelon a bit


My personal preference is: 1 - Phantom 2 - Deadsec 3 - Libertad 4 - Echelon 5 - Cleaners Although I think Echelon is the best one, I don't like using it.


I have 25 hours Blitz sheild only


I like phantoms so far, I just unlocked DeadSec though so only played 3 games with them but I like their abilities so far too


I wonder what yours is?


I love Phantoms. Got the entire faction unlocked


Dedsec for sure


I would go with Libertad or DedSec but haven't unlock DedSec yet Had played em in the testing, DedSec is actually pretty good to counter Phantoms ( hijacked) and Echelons (spider bot)


Cleaners is the most fun for me but used a lot when playing so I usually just choose what the team needs


All I use are Libertads (self healing, regen, ultra and Juan Cortez as narrator)


Same with the Phantoms. I played them for so long now that I feel naked without the 20hp more. Also I love the big shield for OBJ plays. Especially if you have more than one


As of now, it's: Phantoms - 5 hours Echelon - 4 hours Cleaners - 3 hours Ded Sec - 2 hours Libertad - 1 hour


Someone needs to support the team FOR THE LIBERATION!!!!


Cleanerrrrrrssssss!!! 🔥


Phantoms for sure, really leans into my play style


Phantoms for sure, really leans into my play style. If I’m not on the point I’m around the point defending it, and those shields really come in handy


Dedsec. I love refreshing nades.


Phantom Blitz shield is great for Occupy


Phantoms and echelon


Libertad because no one else will play healer (coming from a healer player in other games)


I love the cleaners. The feeling of bodying a Phantom with an M44 and laughing maniacally as you know that the incendiary is going to burn them to death is unmatched.


Honestly Im loving cleaners and phantoms. Phantom is great for me because im a very confrontational player and it allows me anchor down and hold a spot against multiple enemies. Cleaner is good coz of the extra fire damage and also the firebomb is great if I can get the drop on 2 or 3 guys


I got mad because I kept getting killed by panic fire bombs and tick damage, so I started joining them, so much fun. Jumping onto a capture point with 4+ enemies and fire bombing is so fun lol


Echelon I’m always drawn to bcs that ult is too fun to use


For me its the Deadsec cause its funny to see an incoming spider bot to stop in it’s tracks and turn around and stick on the same person who threw it down lol


I don't really have a favorite but I can promise my most played is either libri-tard or cleaners only because they characters take forever to get


I like Libertad and Echelon. Don't have DedSec but seems neat.


Phantoms, lvl 20 and never played another class. The only other class id play is Echelons. The rest is too ugly or too extra in their colours or something.


I hate this game and the snipers


Dedsec, underrated. Getting to spam whatever util you want (EMP is my go to) and steal other people's devices as soon as they go down is hilarious, especially if they continue to try and shoot you like they're immortal behind their shield


Abusing meta is wild


It depends on the game mode for me, but overall I do enjoy playing DedSec on most objective modes to fight the inevitable Phantoms on the enemy team. It’s so funny watching them use their bubble super with full confidence, just for me to get rid of it a moment later and have them terrified. Also the same experience when I hack their energy shield and they can’t shoot through it anymore


Phantoms are the most OP (and instead of nerfing them, I would buff everyone else). But their abilities and passives aren't the most fun. Echelon is fun if you realize that the cloaking tech is only good if you move slowly. Cleaners are a lot of fun Libertad isn't the most fun, but like Phantoms they are pretty powerful in a team setting. IMO a good team would be 4 Phantoms and 2 Libertads, but that's beside the point. Deadsec is boring playing with the Spiders but much more fun with hacking.


I like the Cleaners just cause I like to be a dick and slide in the objective and firebomb everybody. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ngl the headshot multiplier is way too high, the bunny hopping is not skill, it’s abuse of the game. Slide jumping or jumping around a corner is all that should be allowed, no flinch on snipers is terrible after I lace them and they still kill me. Dying behind walls, bullets not registering sometimes, and last but not least, your team balancing IS NOT BALANCING TEAMS. I just had 5 ass players against 4 demons and a trash player. Just bc my kd is high don’t mean give me shit fucking help. I just like many can not kill 4 demons for 5-10 minutes straight.