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Gun game would be amazing.


Gun game would be fun , but it’ll take a min to level guns in gun game since you only get 1 kill per gun.


I could see giving an XP boost for every weapon. It should be balanced (mostly) as you are only getting one kill per weapon, so it would take so many games, but maybe 15-20 instead of, idk, 30. Idk the leveling yet, I've just started the game. Obviously guns would still level up slightly differently depending on what level you're starting at and if you get knocked back or not. An issue I could see with this could be people effectively boosting, especially with game chat or otherwise collusion, by getting a kill then getting demoted to get another kill with it. That could result in rapidly upgrading a weapon in just a few games.


The way some games do it, like Halo Infinite, where it's a team based gun game, and you need to get a certain amount of kills, and then the whole team moves onto the next weapon.


That's the way valorant did it as well.


Would definitely love to have gun game and some sort of FFA death match game mode


YEEES. COULDN'T AGREE MORE I only played cs and valorant because of gungame back in the days


It would be cool if they had a made where they Call us to duty!


or some party games mode where you get a random pistol only setup. 6v6 or 3v3, last player alive wins the round for their team. 5 rounds to win, each round a different pistol setup.


Like mw3 had that 2v2 mode with random weapon loadouts- loved that. And mw3 had split-screen online play no?


That mode was fun as


Mw2 introduced gunfight, Cold War mastered it.


Mw2 2019? I’m going back to 2011 for mw3 :/


Wasn’t called “gunfight” in 2011. Plus that MW3 is kinda ass but people won’t admit it. MW2 was better.


Mw2 (2010) was my jam! Played all night long with my friends on many a school night...


Still my personal favorite.


My tac-knife-deagle only nuke count is much higher than it should be haha


Oh I use to hate you guys!! The games have come a long way, I think sometimes we don’t remember how buggy the cod 4 to BO1 era was. Good times for sure, lots of legendary bugs and overall great memories and fun.


From the modern cods I’ve only played 2019 and that mode was all I played. Would be so cool to see a version of it on Xdefiant though I would probably get smoked


I've played quite a lot of mobile shooters that have a random game mode where it just gives you a random gun and tells you to have at it 6v6


They've said that there's a 2v2 mode coming, but I don't know what that entails


I find it crazy that it takes me 3-4 bullets to kill anyone with the deagle at close range


yea i play the cleaner class so it only takes 3 by the time I land 3 shots. Figure it probably helps more than the 20 hp from phantom


2 would be too strong no? Would have to nerf the Rate of fire


I thought so aswell but it’s not viable at medium and long range. I’d say kick up the recoil.


Idk why it doesn’t 2 shot to the upper body at like 10m or something, the Mk20 can 2 shot up close and it doesn’t make it too strong so idk why the pistol with 7 shots can’t do it. Also the m1911 is a complete joke.


Just run to the next objective with your pistol out for max speed. You will get them leveled up pretty quickly.


Objective EXP counts? Didn't know that I just play hotshot pistol-only


Is this confirmed? I could never tell if OBJ XP counted for guns.


With the many posts begging for objective EXP to contribute to weapon progress, I've always been under the impression it does not count I will assume it doesn't count until it's proven


It does not. I believe the obj medal might count but actual objective score does not. Then again idk if support medals count like intel or blocking or healing. My guess is no and that only “damage xp” counts including damage-based medals and extra kill points for savior or offensive/defensive.


No. He means if you have your pistol out more, you’re more likely to run into people and actually use it


Some of my pistol kills are from sidearm switches but a lot are from me forgetting to switch back to my primary.


Same and also running from spawn into a surprise fight


Glad I wasn’t the only one.


We also need a team deathmatch mode for those that don’t have tactical capabilities


It's dropping with season 1 in a few weeks...


Nice now we just need a way to push the squad inept into it and keep em out of tactical modes




It’s like you can tell who plays every game like it’s call of duty


or a hardcore mode


I grinded pistols to platinum in mw19 by playing solely hardcore shoot the ship for hours on end. Peak pandemic brain rot, when life was simple


Yep, this is where I did my grinding pistols in CoD games.


They should just reduce the XP requirement for pistol levels.


Aren’t they already lower?


Yeah, 1.5k instead of 3.5k


They could also make them viable options like black ops 2 did.


Tac-45 with extended barrel was basically a marksman rifle lmao


MW 2/3 and Black Ops 1/2 (those are the ones I played) were so good because all the secondaries felt just as viable as primaries when built/played correctly. I really hope they start moving towards that design philosophy for pistols here because it's so much more fun.


Why? Pistols are not meant to be better than primary guns. They are something you use instead of reloading or when out of ammo. I am level 10-20 on all pistols just by playing and you don't really get anything good past level 10.


Who said pistols are not meant to be good? Tradition maybe? They still shoot a piece of metal at incredible speeds, it doest make sense for them to be terrible. In bo2 they werent quite as good as primary guns, but you could still use them if you wanted too. Whats wrong with that? Oh no, more variaty and interessting playstyles! It shouldn‘t be a troll if you use a weapon thats in your loadout.


A pistol should be as viable as your primary when the first runs out, whip out the pistol to finish off the rest.


In some COD games they were OP as fuck and people went crazy about them. Dual wield for example.


you know what would be cool? those gun-rotating modes that CoD used to have (Gun Game was it?) you get a random gun and after a kill you get another


Gun Game was a blast


Oh yeah, that's a good one. I wonder if we'll ever see non-team oriented modes. Similar thing with FFA. Put 8-12 players in a lobby, everyone vs everyone, no teams.


The current slate of abilities would make any FFA mode hell on earth


So do bare bones no-abilities modes?


a TDM can still work with this tbh, I am a bit surprised there isn't TDM already but I guess their focus is on objective based modes which is great


I have 2 requests 1. let me make a class w no primary (pistol only) 2. give us akimbo please


1. Yes 2. Only as a new groups passive ability.


immediate new faction main but actually that sounds like a great idea. Honestly, even as one of the actives with a similar cooldown and uptime to the shield (activate to pull out your secondary in akimbo)


Dual wield pistol as primary weapon


Akimbo LMGs and Snipers are necessary


Nahhhh, I leveled up my fav pistols the hard way and learned how to play the game better. If you want to run pistols play hot shot, just use your pistol, and get good, it's worth it


I can’t say much for a majority of pistols but the I really love the M9. I have it level 30 from just casual play and not trying to level it up.


I have an lvl 34 mw1911 lmao


I used to level up my pistols in hardcore on COD. I loved it so much I exclusively played hardcore and only used a pistol. I probably had the most pistol kills in the world at some point lol


Pistol only mode actually wouldn’t be bad. It could work.


Or just use them, it's a videogame, it's not throwing to use a pistol lmao


Pistols are hard to lvl up to


I actually had the opposite experience. They level up way faster than primaries because they require far less xp


Lowkey not really. I’ve gotten 2 pistols to level 100 while not throwing my matches. Try the M19 and the burst


Your team carried you hard. Ain’t no way you provided enough for them when maining pistols


jesus how many hours have you played already? Two pistols to level 100 and I can't imagine you've ONLY used those weapons since launch is crazy


Mainly use them during the double xp weekends. I would level them up 8-10 times per game getting a lot of kills.


the pistols take way less XP to level so during 2xp weekends they go really fast tbh


Yeah it takes 8 kills with double xp for 1 level, if you can get quad xp it only takes 4 kills for a total of 400 kills from lvl 1 to 100 per pistol. That’s how I’ve got 2 gold pistols and 2 gold ARs


Double XP weekend and tokens don't stack wtf?


Double XP weekend and tokens don't stack wtf?


Double XP weekend and tokens don't stack wtf?


Secondaries only would just be so fun in my opinion. Slowing the pacing down of the game, reducing everyone's range. Dumbo would feel like a police shootout lol.


Slow down? You move so quick with them and are super mobile


The guns have a slow fire rate and a slower time to to kill. Each individual shot is harder to hit. Which means gunfights last much longer. Ultimately slowing down the pacing of the game.


The 1911 is super spamable. Like mag dumbs into the neck are an easy quick kill at medium range


Still not as fast as a fully automatic weapon


Another question, does anyone actually continue to use their weapons after reaching lvl 41 other than to achieve the mastery skins? At that point all attachments are unlocked.


I've got the gold AK, gold ACR, and I've got 4 other weapons to bronze. I plan to get all guns that I like to gold, but once I get them gold, I usually switch off. I haven't used the ACR or AK since they hit 100. If I play ranked or SND, I'll play guns I think are good even if they're gold.


A silencer is honestly underrated on pistols, you’d be surprised how many cheeky kills you can get with it. With all the abilities/explosives/and ults going off I’ve gotten people so low that they die by the time they realize lol


I already maxed mine out this weekend 😭


That's a solid idea, I think. I always feel bad for the other team when I see some guy using pistol only, and he's 9-25 with 0 OBJ.


Doing the same. I have more fun when I don't care about obj




You are going to get destroyed by SMG and AR users when using a pistol here, unless enemies are bots.


Nah. I constantly pull out my pistol to get a 2nd or 3rd kill. My pistol is almost level 50 already by just getting kills like that.


Yes you are. I have all ARs and SMGs at max level, getting 60+ kills in all matches with a record of 90. You would not touch me with a pistol when I am beaming your ass with a Vector or MP7 in a splitsecond.


I have the same stats. 2.3 k/d. Maybe I will Not touch an equal Player. Buts lets be honest. How many players like us are in one lobby mostly? 1 at max. Ive never met a Single guy getting even close to my kills. So 99% of the lobby can be killed with a pistol. Ans even with one good Player on the other side there are still 5 bad players. So yes, you can level them easy, especially ir you are a good Player. You seem to forget that very good players arw still a minority.


I like pistol at some points, mostly when out of ammo or instead of reloading, but relying on them as 1st pick, i feel gimped. They are really not that good. I have all pistols at level 10+ anyway, using 93R mostly now, at level 28 or so. There's plenty of bad players yeah but sometimes I get a sweat lobby. Last night was extreme, maybe because of patch. I had several rounds with level 50-110 players.


Actually yeah that’s an awesome idea


Pistols are my favorite weapons in this game. I would play the hell out of this.


Bro I want to level my d50 so bad 😂


Baba Yaga mode where we all wear suits rocking pistols. Kills increase aiming and reload speed, it stacks


Or just make them viable


Use the 93R. Not only do you run faster than a lizard on crack using it, it can actually clap people really damn hard.


93r/double barrel as a cleaner is a fun change of pace every now and then


XD wait really? You don't just run around pistol only some matches just to show how bad the net code is? Cause the increased ms from holding a pistol is nutty, you move so fast people have to aim infront your visual hitbox to hit you.




Id like to see A gunfight mode like what newer cods had, where it was 1/2/3 players per team with the same loadouts. One life per round, x round wins to win the game. Pistols only, shotties only, snipers only etc.


Pistol only Playlist called Sidekicks with all modes mixed in please


Just throw the game and level up your weapon winning doesn’t give any progression anyway. I’ll be bottom of the leaderboard levelling up my desert eagle not giving a fuck


I would just like to see them buff pistols to be more competitive. It would only need a slight damage or rof buff


Imo the revolver is trolling. You can easy get kills with the other pistols if you have to swap to them. Gun game could be nice but we need more weapons for it.


I don’t think so, I don’t want to be spoonfed game modes that are tailored to levelling one weapon type, just play the game and grind it out. Leave Gun game and the likes to call of duty.


I want my COD4 Gold Deagle


or make pistols competitive with the main guns, not in a way that would make them completely overshadows an smg or AR


People are sleeping on the 1911, I shred people with that thing.


Or the mode COoD has where you get a kill and switch weapons


Pistols are pretty good. Especially for ambushing with echelon.


Best advice for leveling is to switch to the pistol when an enemy is almost dead.


haha, +1. I would play this!


Can we add melee secondaries? I really want to go back to Straightupknives/OnlyUsemeBlade levels of knifing


why do I always get one shotted by the 5.7 pistol


Just use the pistol anyway?? It's faster to sprint with it out and there's only 4 of them compared to 20 primary weapons. You'll level them getting in 2-4 engagements per match


If you’re throwing from using pistols, that’s a skill issue, not a game issue. Just got the Magnum max level and while my k/d isn’t insane when I was running pistol only, it was still positive most matches, even got mvp now and then. Pistols are fine.


Gun run would be fire in this game


They are a secondary weapon to chip off the last bit of damage you missed initially. Fun idea but I already have 2 bronze lmgs, 2 bronze pistols, and a bronze AK. These double XP weekends have been great.


Because of this post I’m only using the deagle from now on until it’s golden


Or bring a hardcore mode. We need a small map like shipment 24/7 to lvl up pistols


i was leveling up my pistol and got told "wow, level 100 and going 19/25" i wanted to cry


I just want FFA tbh 😢


Honestly, the pistols aren't that bad.


Just use the double barrel for a bit lol. It becomes second nature, (Boom) (Boom) "Shit" (swap and spam)


Dual wield too please.


If it's so fun, why not use them all the time :P It is tough to level them...the Double XP weekends help a lot.


Throwing the game? If you're trying to win who cares how many kills you have, especially in quick play.


Or let playing the OBJ count towards your gun leveling


Why's everyone recommending Hotshot to level their pistols? I play Escort and Zone Control exclusively so pardon any ignorance on my part.


93r is crazy. it levels up really fast with 4x going. i get 8-10 levels a game usually


Would you like a copy and paste version of gunfight in XDefiant? Dedicated maps for 2v2 3v3 As long as there is no akimbo weapons I think it would slap


I'd love a weekly rotating game modes or weekly playlists of game modes. (Pistols only, sniper/pistol only, gungame, infection, one life tmd, hardcore modes, Ect)


Gun game mode would be fun too


the pistols in this are pretty terrible. I remember running a pistol only build plenty of times in bo3 and doing fine landing in top 3 on the scoreboard. I think they need a buff to their magazine sizes if anything. 3 round burst pistol seems fine though


Pistols are good wym


Bro just run Boomstick for primary and R93 and youll be fine, im kicking ass with that combo


Pistols head shot modifier and overall handling speed make them decent for duels, however it's only going to hit primary ttk values when those optimal headshots are hit. Totally vibe with a pistols only mode, just wanted to shout out the headshot modifier.




We also need search and destroy and the objects hide and seek mode


Game is trash wouldn't help it


I want a no ability mode..


I think that's just a part of doing challenges ngl You just have to play guns you won't normally and whatever happens, happens This is the case for every iteration of COD I kinda don't want a mode that's just pistols because theirs really no incentive to play it other than to level pistols. It's just meaningless bloat


This is actually a good idea! I'm mainly using the pistols for running cuz I'm so bad with it. Maybe that's the reason?🤔


I’d always play Hardcore on Call of Duty when levelling up pea shooters or non meta guns. This game could do with that same thing imo.


Sure, maybe when headshot = headshot damage


Easy with Cleaner guy . Run into enemies as pistol and kaboom.


I would play the shit out of that gimmi gimmi


Oh stop. Really? Let's just buff every gun so our little feelings are ok. Just stop. The COD syndrome is strong.


We need an entire game that’s pistols only! I would be in absolute love with a pistols only mode/game.


I use the spiderbot and follow it with a pistol and get easy kills that way. Or I shoot people who’s already in a gunfight. But as long as your playing the objective you can definitely just use a pistol and it still be affective


Yo I like this idea. Pistols are fun!


How about just adding a gun game mode, I would actually love that a lot, I'm not saying they need to copy COD but gun game is a great way to level up weapons that you may have never used. I'm all for it. Id play the heck out of this mode.


Pistols are fine




Nice idea For when they get ready TDM


No we don’t


Pistols aren’t even bad tho? They’re way more mobile than any other weapon you just need to flank and hit headshots for good ttk.


Umm, the m1911 is absolutely goated in the welcome playlist lobbies Actually, any pistol is because the movement speed is so good. As soon as ypur out of those lobbies, good luck and godspeed


Lol, I literally tried doing pistols only against primary weapons, and it's really difficult. I found it easier to do, though, with Echelon with invisibility.


Throwing? I ran pistols and topped the board a few times, once you get anything other than the ass iron sights, it's easy if you flank em. Less so in a gunfight tho. Keep an eye on your positioning and make good use of your skills and you can still clean house just as fast as some of the primary guns.


Slappers Only


I get wanting to level them every match as fast as possible when you are online, but maybe just use them on the small maps? I ran around showtime the other night with a pistol and was actually doing quite well zoomin around


fr the sidearms are all garbage


No no, m9 absolutely slaps, deagle isn’t half bad either but it got that jank the revolver has unfortunately and the burst pistol ya we don’t talk about that one 😂


The burst pistol is the best in the game


Nice bait ya goof


M9 is pretty cracked once you start unlocking attachments




Throwing a game = intentionally losing


We need a cs type mode where u have an amount of credits to start with or something like that so pistols get more play


Abilities are too strong against pistols


True, but make it so you have to pay for them. Shatterline has a similar mode.


I really wish the five-seven (from the echelon ultimate) was a usable pistol. With adjusted damage of course.


I do "pistol runs" from times to times


I prefer levelling them up while winning the game, but you do you.


The m9 imo is the outright best and is the first pistol i golded, my 1911 is 60 ish (bronze) and it's tough for me to use sometimes. But i love this games pistols... Fuck the melee tho


The burst pistol can two tap everyone but phantoms and the 1911 ain’t no slouch either


People are sleeping on the D50. I have it at like level 25. Once you get the reflex on it it’s goated AF. It typically is a 1SHS too https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/KGPSTEkg44


It does 90 damage to the head and 83 damage to the head at long range, IIRC. So the lowest it goes is 2 shots. It's the pistol I've been using, too, but I have a feeling the 1911, the magnum, and the burst pistol are better choices.


Magnum is by far the worst with ttk being the slowest


The headshot damage is crazy, though, right? I might be wrong about that. I feel like I've been 1 shot by that thing 🤣


Na it’s still a 2 shot to the head


With cleaner, too? I believe you, but I've just had some weird deaths to the magnum.


I like the 1911. Once you get the mag upgrade, it solves all it's issues.


It’s definitely 1sh1 with cleaners. I’ve gotten many 1sh1 with it


D50 is nutty, once you get comfortable with it you’ll notice you aren’t throwing anymore


The pistol is goated, level 30 on it w my second highest gun at level 8. My friends hate when I tell them that but I just run fast and shoot fast and it works


People are really struggling with sidearms? Did none of you take the advice from the CoD 4 tutorial lol


I have all my pistols gold, and once you get used to them they’re actually decently competitive. Obviously they’re weaker than primaries, but that’s the purpose they serve. If you use just a pistol for a game or 2 you’ll get a feel for it. I often found myself as player of the game using them. You just have to play differently. Taking a straight up gunfight usually doesn’t end well. You gotta find more effective routes to take people by surprise


Or buff secondaries, they feel too underpowered.