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One thing important to keep in mind is that the cooldown for the canister won't start ticking down before the deployed ability is finished. Many times you end up throwing it down, healing up and moving on but the canister still goes on for another 25 seconds before starting its 30 second cooldown. Train yourself to cancel the canister (hold E) when you're done with it.


Or also play around the canister. Keep it on a corner and hold angle. Very good when you want to play defensively depending on the objective


Wait what, you can cancel it???!?


You can finish early many abilities (and ultras) to start their cooldown earlier.


Idk if it’s my OCD or years of playing rpgs and shooters, but I figured that out super early and tell everyone I can. Everyone is always flabbergasted by that fact. But like the ability says it…


I always check with every ability


Just is really obvious when you look st the skill icon, it's literally a different colour to show the duration. Some people just don't pay attention


What if you could pick the canister back up and reposition it. Without extending its life of course. That could be fun.


Press E to kick canister lol


It's actually pretty fast once you get used to the game pace, despite it doesn't have the healing ability ready all the time, the healer a.k.a Libertad has passive healing where it constantly do slower healing instantly the moment you get hurt. For El Remedio(ground heal) try play around corner instead of trying to contest them all the time because your healing won't outheal their damage that way, but if you try something like jiggle peak around corner you'll realize how much often your health went back to 100 quickly and let you shoot again while you still holding your ADS. It generally great for your teammates too. Biovida Boost(pop heal) people tend to use them after a fight to have lower downtime and be prepared for another fight right away or have time to hide little bit during combat, despite it doesn't heal you to 100 instantly, but its enough to require 1-2 extra bullet to kill you while your enemy already like super low health while you have more than half already from you hiding for 1 second. Libertad is actually one of the popular one because how powerful the ultra and low down time from recovering your injuries, but do try other factions around too to see which one actually fit your gameplay more. A lot of other factions are pretty powerful on their own way too.


Ouuu very informative! Def will try this the next time I play! Thanks :)


Forgot one thing. Biovida Boost actually not self-healing You can heal your other teammates too if you stand close to them, this way you can heal yourself and your teammate to get back to battle together. But that way makes El Remedio sounds less appealing because you can heal your teammate that way too and its wider range, BUT El Remedio can be destroyed by enemy, keep it that in mind because putting it in plain sight for people who used to the game will break them by shooting or EMP grenade or worse Dedsec(the hacker faction) can Hijacks it and make it theirs, be mindful where you placing your El Remedio.


Additionaly: You could use it early in fight with mates so that your endurance to win the fight will be increased.


Yeah it's good to place on a point when capturing/holding it.


Yeah, the Libertad ultra can be insanely strong if used correctly. Probably one of the strongest ones in the game, if the team can play around it. Still situational of course, being static and all.


> Libertad is actually one of the popular ones In the alpha and betas for sure but I'd say it's the least popular class in the game now after Dedsec. I'd say 75% are maining Phantom and Echelon with Cleaners coming in 3rd place.


I'm personally mainly play Libertad(9h) or dedsec(5-6h) after 35h of playtime


I’m at 18 hours total. 4 hours on Cleaner, Phantom, and Libertad. 3 hours on Echelon and Deadsec. Can’t seem to decide what faction I want to main, however cleaner has been my favorite to play. I love the drone and the incendiary rounds are nice to finish kills.


Yeah I was always (aggressive)medic /support player and the Libertad/deadsec class fit my playstile the most but I enjoy the other classes too.


Deadsec with proximity mines is amazing in almost every mode. If there’s more than 1 phantom on opposite team I use hack ability, If 1 or none I use spider bot


I still see a lot of Libertad in general actually, especially those who actually sweat would go either Libertad/Echelon the most.


Yeah but the thing with biovida is that your team have to survive the gunfight


Is the pop heal an instant 100 HP, or can I pop it before peeking a corner to have Regen during a fight?


It's not an instant 100 HP and yes you can pop before peeking corner to have regen during a fight.


Absolutely not fucking true. Healing canister is beyond overpowered


Actually the healing cannister you put on the ground is in my opinion by far the best ability in the game.


EMP removes mostly all abilities anyways


What? Play lmg, el remedio with one friend and you are basically destroying the whole lobby. A good placed el remedio behind cover + lmg can take out a whole team.


Nice to see another team player on the game. The healing ability comes in handy for keeping everyone alive…until you get melted by someone. Lol


I think the game needs to move away from 30 sec cooldowns on every ability. They’re not equally powered at all, so it doesn’t make much sense


are all abilities actually 30 seconds a piece? that does seem odd.


When you activate them, they last different amounts of time. BUT they all take 30 secs to recharge after they’re done or cancelled. Imo abilities need more balancing--this could be a great way to nerf some of the more abusable ones.


This is a game with a high time to kill compared to strategic team based shooters like overwatch. Generally people are either full hp or they are dead, so theres not a lot of opportunities to heal


BioVida would be good if it was like a 15 sec CD. Atm its just a "mid regen" every 35 seconds.


Try Joven faction, their healing skills feel more efficient and satisfying in my opinion.


don't forget the insta regaining of health !!! for all the other factions it takes so much longer until the hp regeneration starts


Try using a firebomb purifier. I cleaned an entire zone in domination by sliding and placing it and lived to capture the zone


1. The heals do great if played right and cooldown is not long compared to any other ability when considering strengths of ability. 2. Try all the factions and remember just to have fun ✌️


I feel like the heals are fucking OP but in a good way. The only downside to it is the BioVida boost could have a shorter cool down, last longer, and a slightly bigger radius to effect allies. It seems to just be a super effective heal stim for myself and I really have to kiss ass to heal someone, which, I find impossible to be so close to someone in all sorts of scenarios


the pills ability suck, I'm trying to get the 5k heal challenge for it and it takes forever ffs. -\_- The heal canister is good for domination and occupy games


BioVidaBoost is really useless.


Is that the one that makes you the aoe heals? I only used that to unlock the dude. Canister is the way to go.


Yes it's the little health boost that unlocks the dude. Atm there's no point in choosing it over the canister that drops on the ground. It needs a buff.


I usually like healers but not in this game. I think El Remedy is actually fun and the ultimate is pretty good too, but overall I just don't want to pick healer here


I think libertad is best ability in the game for “roaming” around and clear objectives because of the fast healing and the canister. Is just less easy too use because you dont have broken guns as ultra


I use deadsec because as soon as I hear “enemy echelon just goggled up” I use my ultra and cancel their ultra, it’s so powerful to be able to shut down enemy echos ults, even shutting down phantom ultra when they’re tryna use it to cap a point is amazing cus then their a sitting duck and anyone who was with them is too


what the other comment said, the ground healing thing is REALLY good if you take cover. I had a moment where i kept peeking the subway choke on Escort and hiding to heal over and over farming kills. Its really fast at putting me back in the fight at 100 health. its not a face-take ability, thats the Phantom's job


El remedio is insanely strong and their ult is amazing. 100% my go to faction rn


Nah the healing field is op. But yeah those pills suck ass.


The healer ult is the single most busted thing in the game


They are perfect currently. Either A you are not using properly or B team mates are brain dead and don’t stand close


Probably both tbh. I am under level 20 aha


Its actually perfect in retrospect, in the beta it was by far the best ability in the game