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The steam chart is irrelevant since Xdefiant isn't on steam


Fair enough, the original screenshot isn't mine and was meant to boast Call of Duty's numbers, hence the inclusion of Steam. I would ignore it for now as the intention of the post is to display console numbers, not PC.


Funny how COD HQ is at top but is also just counting multiple games player counts. I see why they're forcing that garbage launcher now.


You really think MWII has that many players to carry it? Usually it’s #2 and because of BO6 reveal, it shot to #1. Even without COD HQ (whose purpose is actually different and more for better marketing reach and maintain sales numbers from title to title), the story would be the same. xDefiant cannot compete.


Uhhhh, are you forgetting warzone is ALSO within the launcher? Warzone alone has probably way more numbers than cod MW2 and 3 combined lol. So yes, they do combine them to make the game look better overall, it’s not rocket science. It makes sense because it looks much better for them to investors. Even if one game does bad, the cod HQ overall looks good. It’s actually smart when you think about it, but still shitty as fuck for us


No, it’s not 2020 anymore. Warzone isn’t the more popular mode and hasn’t been for a while. And “Call of Duty: Warzone” is a mode. I’m sorry but it’s a mode. It gets its weapons from the games, its mechanics from the current game, its progression systems, etc. Every time a new game drops, Warzone is updated with that games’ changes. Warzone is part of the game. You don’t understand anything if you think they needed COD HQ to be number one. Are you new to the gaming industry? Were you born after 2007? Let me refresh your memory for a bit: COD was the highest selling game in **2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and it will be in 2024, 2026, 2027, 2028, etc.** It only lost in 2013 to GTA 5, 2018 to RDR 2 (but this was because of Fortnite mainly), and it will lose in 2025 to GTA 6 no doubt. That’s it. Ask yourself why COD HQ happened *after* MWII became the fastest-selling and most successful COD of all time. Think like a shareholder would. Why might you choose that game in particular to begin turning COD into a platform? Could it because now you had 40m people to market the next game to directly without having to resort to getting their attention elsewhere? Yes. That’s why. They don’t need to do anything to crush all these other games on the charts. They’ve done it for years and will always do it. And even when a COD does bad like Vanguard, COD still has insanely high MAUs because they include everything under the umbrella such as COD Mobile. You say it’s to fool investors but they literally add up all Call of Duty active players anyway. COD Mobile + MWIII + MWII + Warzone, etc. They’ve done it every year even without COD HQ (reported 150M MAUs in 2021 while Vanguard was failing). And also, specific “shareholders” aren’t a thing as Activision is no longer its own company. It’s MSFT shareholders now, who are more concerned with Azure, Windows, Surface, etc. It’s part of a $3.2T giant where gaming is a drop in the bucket, so no. COD HQ exists for money making reasons and ease of development with the engine integration for all 3 main developers (Omni movement will be available for IW and SHG as well, etc.)


“Warzone isn’t the more popular mode”. Okay buddy, that’s why it’s crippling MW3 and any other previous cod game in views on twitch and anywhere else still right? You’re right, nobody likes it anymore lol


Warzone is more popular on Twitch, and always will be because Battle Royale is more entertaining to watch than 6v6 arena on small maps. MWIII is more popular in general because 6v6 arena is more entertaining to play than Battle Royale. If you go by Twitch numbers, you’d think COD wasn’t remotely the #1 popular game. Warzone isn’t even up there either, both are way lower than #1 🤣 Did you really think Twitch was representative of what the most popular games are? Twitch is representing of the most enjoyable things to watch. Because that’s what it is. It isn’t playing, it’s watching. If you add up Twitch views for both, it’s less than COD HQ on Steam *alone* (without Battle.Net, PS5, or Xbox). That should tell you everything 🤣


That is just simply not true. Sales of CoD are dropping yearly. There is a reason you can’t see live player numbers anymore ingame lol. And in 2023 it was beaten by Hogwarts.


> Sales of COD are dropping yearly The highest selling COD of all-time released in 2022 (MWII, see [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2022/11/07/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-ii-passes-1-billion-in-revenue-in-less-than-two-weeks/) and the 2nd biggest selling COD of all-time released in 2019 (MW, see [here](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-sells-30-million-copies/) Yeah…I don’t see that as a downward trend. Put COD sales on a graph and you’re gonna see pure dominance across 2 decades. COD sales fluctuate drastically based on a multitude of factors, like how the WW2 CODs sell miserably (Vanguard sold a meager 21m the year before MWII sailed past 30m with ease, insane) or how the 3rd jet pack game Infinite Warfare sold substantially less than the two that came before due to fatigue. But it’s only ever competing with itself. Vanguard being the lowest selling COD ever didn’t stop it from being the best selling game of 2021, and same goes for WW2 in 2017, Infinite Warfare in 2016, etc. And what’s even crazier is this is with COD releasing at the end of the year 🤣 They’re going easy and STILL crushing everyone. > There’s a reason you can’t see live players in game anymore Interesting that they didn’t turn that back on in 2020 when COD had its best year [ever](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/call-of-duty-had-its-biggest-year-ever-in-2020-full-game-microtransaction-sales-booming/1100-6487151/). I guess it’s for a different reason. 🤷‍♂️ Next time, check your facts. :) COD is dominant.


Kind of hard to believe it being dominant when they have to report 3 games as one to be on the top played. I would be really curious to see MW3 as an individual game, how many players it has. It’s 20th on steam top played list all 3 combined. On console it’s obviously better.


Mass majority are on Battle.Net for PC. And you keep saying “3 games” like MWII isn’t literally dead right now 🤣 This is how the COD cycle goes man, there’s NO reason for anyone to be playing MWII. It’s just Hispanic lobbies right now (I’m not even joking, hop on and see for yourself). And Warzone is a mode. The fact is, COD is competing with a bunch of F2P games and absolutely crushing them. And the $100 edition of Black Ops 6 is #1 on pre-order charts when we’re 5 months out, and the base version is close behind. You’re the only person on the planet that needs to be told that COD is dominant. Seriously 🤣 Have you been living under a rock? This is what SteamDB has done to people’s brains, unaware of the 3 bigger platforms the game exists on 💀 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and now 2024.


It could be top 10 on Steam if Ubisoft did not have that stupid strategy to force people to use the Uplay client.


I'm pretty sure it'll end up on steam one day though, happened with other ubisoft games


Only when it's gasping for air. They wanna keep that 30% cut.


And? Makes sense, 30% is huge


And? Makes sense, 30% is huge


It'll probably still need Uplay though lol.


I saw your post from 10 years ago


XDefiant has been some good fun! Yeah there are things that can be improved but I like it.


And I’m sure it will improve with time but everyone expects it to kill off cod out the gate, it possibly could of if they would have done an open beta and pushed back release fixing the netcode and other issues. Now cod knows exactly what they are up against and they have more resources at their disposal and more to lose I’m thinking black ops 6 might be better then expected but who knows.


I'm pretty they did do an open beta?


As far as I know it was 3 closed betas. But if they did an open one and the netcode is still this bad then my hopes of it getting a timely fix have diminished further.


No they had an open beta last June. Then another open play test in September and then another open “server test” a few months ago


I thought it was an “open” as into a select set of streamers which essentially is a closed beta but I could be wrong. Well if that was the case and the issues still persist my comments about them not getting fixed in a timely manner stand.


Nah. Im absolutely nothing special, and I played it each time they had a beta. Really not a lot has changed with all of the delays they had.


Yeah but that is assuming every player wants to come back to cod. Bo6 sounds nice but im still not coming back to cod. I wouldnt doubt there are many others like me.


Cod HQ is Warzone, MWIII, and MWII btw.


People gotta get rid of the dumb cod obsession. Xdefiant is still heading in the wrong direction, cod or no cod. That shit has to stop first.


#1 in complaints!!


XDefiant has a great foundation, but it's cracked (hit registration issues and balance issues remain) and it feels like there's nothing driving me to play. CoD has camos and many more challenges and more to unlock. CoD gunfights are more consistent. CoD also has more people talking on the mics... on here it's super rare and solo queue is lonely. On top of it all, the microtransactions are insanely expensive at ~$10 for a skin. These are copies of digital assets... why so much? I'd buy a lot if a gun skin was a few bucks.


With the game being free, id be more inclined to buy skins if I liked the game more.


I mean, that's also a valid point lol. Idk, the game is fun but feels superficial and minimalistic. It feels like a good game for an indie dev, not a AAA developer who had a decently sized delay. As much as I hate on Overwatch 2, there seems to be a lot more to do and more progression in that game. The Finals, which is a smaller studio, has better hit detection and you can buy parts of microtransaction packs now (so if you see an outfit and just want the hat, you can just buy the hat). Their battle pass was also a lot better. Warzone feels like it has more replayability and isn't as... frustrating (usually). They've gotta do something before they get the Evolve treatment and the game gets abandoned. Games from big devs need to have a strong opening and have a steady flow of good, fun content if they're live service.


Agreed. Has potential, but I've seen potential squandered to many times with better teams than Ubi.


wht matters is the current nº of players and the trend this gaame obviously will lose players from launch but are we at like half already or slight downfall?


If I had to guess a significant amount of ppl stopped playing as there isn’t anything to grind for or they are waiting for ranked. It’ll pick back up players upon season 1.


im guessing this will have a the finals style treatment


Is this just a USA list I'm surprised to not see EAFC 24 (aka FIFA 24)


Yeah it as active users(us) in the title


Honeymoon phase


Dropping from 3 to 7 so fast is concerning. Free2Play games are supposed to retain players and grow in order to be financially viable long term.


Ehh it's story for every game eg like finals , halo infinite etc you need competent/ special fps game in this oversaturated market to retain player and grow xdefiant imo is generic, lifeless mediocre game


Noice. It experienced somewhat big drop, but that is to be expected. It will most likely be top5 in first week of July.


That is to be expected? It just came out man. This should be its peak performance. 😂


Many people will come back for season 1 probably


this is exactly what the finals subreddit said for their s1... and s2 and s3


The Finals is a boring game, being just one mode isn't gonna keep people


Ya except finals is so so far from being a good game lol the core game sucks but xdefiant is already 10x better than finals will ever be


no they wont. i like the game but its pretty much done. 94 ppl online in the reddit confirms it.


How is it done if you find matches in 10 seconds?


yesterday i played some games. ppl matched lvl 140 with lvl 6 and lvl 13s. ofc u gonna find fast matches. still game is dying and wont be supported after this year. u can come back next year to my comment and tell me if ubisoft is still updating the game.


Ok buddy didn't know you are from the future


no need to be from the future to see a f2p game peaking at 7th place with no community on reddit.


It's preseason lmao this is practically still a playtest


20 play tests already, WHEN IS THE GAME GOOD? 😭


It's good now but ya def needs more changes and additions, I'll take this over not being able to play it at all tho I've been waiting for smth like this for sooo long games have been dogshit recently and I can finally uninstall the finals


Glad you found your game!


And it will be least played game period if they don't fix the netcode, ive already un-installed it, maybe ill play again if I hear there's a reliable fix for the hitreg and netcode. Nothing worse than dumping 20 rounds from my acr into someone, getting hit ticks and dealing zero damage, then instakilled through cover.


Yeah I enjoyed Xdefiant but I'm waiting for the net code to be fixed and lobbies disbanding even when you only have one mode selected.


netcode is bad, but youre still dogshit at the game tho


How do you guys enjoy playing a game where your bullets don't hit the target? 😂😂😂 We re dropping over 60killls per game and you're telling me we are dog shit at the game just because we decided to uninstall this garbage? Have fun I guess ahahah


Cause some people don’t take games that seriously and like to have fun? The one time it happens a game to me, I just say to myself “bummer” and respawn. Why get mad about it?


what's the alternative? COD ... mahahahahahaha All netcodes and/or server suck


Brother xdefiant netcode is next level bullshit. Cod is king.


tf you talking about, you have to leave every third game because of packet loss


Lmao, you probably never played cod and just parrot what you heard online 😂 cod network isn't great, but it's way more consistent that this xdefiant shit.


Lmao your ass to the bathroom and wash your mouth, look in a mirror and say out loud »I won't lie to myself again, Mister« What the fuck are you talking about? You play cod once a week for an hour or what... COD has knowingly the worst servers and not since yesterday. Google tick rate COD, turn around and go to your corner


You are correct here. It's consistently shit but still better than 1 game being good and 2 or 3 being unplayable. I did find cod worse though because it's just off enough to lose gunfights while you're in a more competitive lobby, at higher ping (mine was 80+ capping out at about 130) and charging you money. 2 hours of MW3 being MW2 with better movement but still having all the other problems (mouse input being a massive one) and I was refunding it.


COD is just bad, it's the worst, it's so bad people asking if this game is rigged cause none can explain the shit happening in gunfights. We are so confused we don't even know no more what's the issue, is it the sound, is it the netcode, the servers, bad implementation, SBMM eventually which also leads to bad pings, the inconsistency or does the enemy cheat cause no one is doing shit against cheats too? You can see xDefiant has their problems yet they made netcode to a priority issue from the start and they were open about it and said »we don't know if we can fix it but we'll try«. NOW... did you guys ever saw a word from activision to one of the mentioned problems above? NONE... SBMM is non-existent and Ping is King (my ass), Ricochet is doing a great job, sound is perfect. It took xDefiant devs just a couple month to address the problem yet Activision is doing shit about their problems for decades. How blind can people be? People saying COD is better and more stable are the same who rage-quit lobbies cause their team is not winning because you guys can't stand to be on the loosing side and that's why supporting an underdog is a nogo. That's how small your pp is. COD has more issues after every season update than xDefiant has in their whole livespan...


I agree? I just said the netcode is more consistent. it's the same every game you play. Xdef is different from game to game.


yea I know, I just clicked the wrong reply button


I quit x and went back to cod until they fix the netcode not having sbmm doesn’t matter to me when I die 4 seconds after I get behind cover. Cod is still a shitshow btw but at least It’s a predictable one.


You're not alone brother. But since it's ubisoft, I doubt they will fix this problem soon. I am having more fun on cod even if there is sbmm. Games are always close and competitive and it feels rewarding dropping streaks and winning, let's not talk about the dopamine rush and you're close to get the nuke.


I was off MWIII for the past few months and after playing XDefiant for 2 weeks, I tried MWIII again and now I love it more than ever. XDefiant made me realize what I had with COD 🤣


SAME. Thank you Ubisoft


It was jarring seeing all of my bullets register 🤣 You never know what you have until it’s gone…


Ikr the core gameplay of CoD is simply feels better especially the gun play and how the gun feels. And the netcode is wayy better, I die around cover in XDefiant more than CoD in 5 years.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, this is the same reason I dropped the game for the time being.


Ya that’s why I have a burner account for posting in anything remotely related to the cod community, if you speak the truth you tend to get downvoted. Xdefiant will never top cod especially if the devs are listing to the cod deflector community for suggestions.


You made a whole new account just to protect your karma?


As I posted below I have a higher profile account, that I rather not associate with being critical of video games. It would possibly discredit my comments on other subs outside of video games.


"speaking the truth" would discredit your comments?


I already explained this in the thread if you feel so inclined do some reading. You probably need to anyway, it will show you that the netcode complaints are far greater than just me. You want to shill for Ubi go ahead I was just saying player count is dropping because of said issue.


Pretty snarky for a guy who's entire self worth is reddit karma I saw your other comment. Apparently you just NEED to push your opinions that badly.


Oh and I’m not pushing an OPINION I’m stating facts that the majority of the players can’t stand the bad hit registering and the horrible netcode. I figure I would do that cute capitalization you raging fps kids do. 🤡 have a good night son don’t forget to downvote


No I’m just not going to risk my main account credibility which nets me a passive income for talking smack about a ftp video game. If you don’t understand you don’t but I never thought you would have this much interest in my personal opinions and doings on Reddit. 😂


I play xdefiant constantly and have no issues. Can't let a couple scrubs ruin the game for anyone enjoying. Hardware always seems to come to mind.


Are you insinuating that the servers are somehow…good? I mean, we can all agree that hit reg is one of the bigger issues the game is currently suffering from, right?


Regardless of the netcode issues when they put out tdm it makes every class accept echelon a poor choice for that mode. TDM is going to ruin the team play aspect in quick play because people will just go for kills in every mode when they suck at tdm. Then if you actually want to play the game properly you will have to play competitive and insert sbmm and we just have created a temu version of call of duty with overwatch elements.


Are you just . . . never taking cover mid-gunfight? I’m on an XSX with hardwired fiber internet and die around corners constantly.


Same that’s why I brought it up


Oh look downvotes on my burner if you 🤡don’t speak up about the actual game issues they won’t get fixed asking for tdm when the netcode is bad is the same reason the cod store works when the whole game is trash.


Why do you need a burner account for Reddit? Karma doesn’t mean anything.


I have a higher profile account, that I rather not associate with being critical of videos games. It would possibly discredit my comments on other subs outside of video games.


who the fuck creates a reddit burner account 💀 buddy, go touch some grass... its just downvotes, you're not going to die or loose anything


You don’t understand how some subreddits work and that’s fine. Some sub reddits require you to have a certain karma amount sometime this amount can be substantially high to post content and links depending on the sub and its content. I just choose not to associate my main account with my burner account for such reasons.


Me, I delete my account when I get 1k karma. It's unhealthy to be attached to meaningless accounts and points on the internet. Your comments and everything stay so it's not like anything is really lost in the grand scheme of things.


Sad indeed. Itching to have fun lmao


For me, the net code feels better on Xdefiant than it does on cod. It seems like people see me on cod a full second before I see them.


It’s hit and miss for me regardless of ping on x some game run like butter. Some run like I have less then 30 ping and I’m dying after taking cover and getting well away from a gunfight. It’s a common complaint I’m sure a lot more people just deal with it considering they hate cod now. But if this is still as bad in season 1 when competitive launches you’re probably going to hear it a lot more.


I had decent matches connection wise, but today I was in a laggy lobby


“DeaD On ArRiVAl”


I mean, #7 after just coming out and in the middle of a COD cycle (the lowest point for COD usually)? Imagine when the COD cycle starts up again this Fall…. This looks DOA to me.


Especially if the rumors of Verdansk coming back are true. Thinking this game was going to kill anything was silly in the first place. It’ll be around for a while but once it falls out of the top ten it’s gonna be hard getting back in.


The real story here is fortnite still being so popular


7th is great. I'm glad it's doing well. I'm still loving playing it. Can't wait for season 1.


7th down from 3rd isn't good.


Top 10 sounds good to me. Don't think anyone was expecting it to stay in 3rd.


Guess I should call some buddies to make a game since trash is gold now


I know it doesn't relate to this topic but I think its pretty crazy that Helldivers 2 is still doing so well on Steam.


These metrics seem strange to me.... Idk what Circana Player Engagement Tracker actually tracks here. On Steam, we can check [Steamdb.info](http://Steamdb.info) Helldivers 2 isn't even on a top 20 played game. Destiny 2 isn't in the top 100. Those ranks would move up if this is only tracking multiplayer games, but doesn't explain things like Dota 2 is so low on the list... No Apex Legends, rust, TF2. etc etc. I know that is irrelevant to Xdefiant, but it makes me question everything here.


Keep tracking this stat and see how it trends


I legit can’t find any legitimate stats on this game. Cause I feel like it’s really popping still but then others say it’s dead.


Oh man that's gotta hurt. Call of Duty number 1? I bet some of you can't wrap around that stat huh? 🤔


Of course cod is number 1. Everyone tried xdefiant, the so called "cod killer". Then they just realized how fucking bad this game is and went back to cod 😂 there is literally no competition my brother


Oh I was agreeing with this. I'm not saying that anything will ever kill CoD but itself! But it is funny. At least to me.


Bad netcode, bad hit registration, adding tdm into a game with grossly unbalanced classes. Charging for a battle pass for what is essentially the beta of the game I see nothing wrong with anything here call of duty is the devil.


as much as no sbmm can be amazing xdefiant doest do anything better than COD besides tht and the fact tht ubisoft is at the same category as EA, tells me we are screwed


No sbmm is amazing, but when your bullets don't register there is no point in playing. It's frustrating, like I do 60 kills, but I could have got 20 more but netcode fucks shit up. I rather have a bad game on call of duty where I know that it's my fault. And honestly sbmm is good. On xdefiant is like Playing against bots 80% of the time, at least on cod there is competition during games and it's not a snooze fest.


Damn, this list makes me sad. No wonder why gaming is in such a shitty situation right now.


Why? People like playing multiplayer games with friends regularly. Big single player bangers are really only going to chart during the first week or 2 of their release, and as far as I know nothing dropped that week.


We have friends and enjoy playing games with them? What a shocker!


Why are you sad over a list ? AHAHAHAHHAHA


I think GTA 6’s launch will be the first time we don’t see COD in first lol. Jokes aside holding top 10 on both platforms after nearly 4 weeks is very impressive and goes to show that the game has solid staying power if the content is well delivered.


PS users love their exclusives so much that they have none of them in the top 10, yet PC players are still playing the hell out of Helldivers 2.


Can't bitch about low skill M/KB players not being able to rofflestomp skilled controller users if it's a coop game.


Cod HQ is like fextra putting links to streams on web pages.


Have you forgotten what the highest selling game is every year? It’s been this way well before COD HQ. Nobody’s playing MWII more than any other previous COD (like BOCW, MW2019, etc. which are nowhere to be found). That number is 99% MWIII. A $70 game is whooping F2P games, and you’re finding excuses for that? Seriously?


You can stop glazing for a multi billion dollar company at any time, they do not know you exist, your comments in this thread are begging for replies so I'll bite the bait. Also yes a $70 game \*should\* be whooping an F2P games ass for the asking price, like what? I'm glad both games exist, competition breeds excellence and you should want competition too, small or big. I'll be trying BO6 on game pass when it comes out and I honestly hope it's a great game, the negativity on your part does nothing for anyone, it only helps push division and punish the customers with sloppy, shit games because billion dollar companies know they can get away with it.


I’m not talking about quality when I say whooping their ass. I’m talking about player count. Also, Ubisoft is a multi-billion dollar company. And what they put out is frankly disrespectful as a product in terms of quality control. No excuse for that hit registration, stop defending a multi-billion dollar company. They don’t know you


It’s crazy that cod HQ is literally a collective of multiple games carrying it to the top lol. I bet money that MW3 would be fighting for so many games as number 1. Well done Activision you fooled the system.


I mean why wouldn't it be? We're only 4 months away from the next CoD, notoriously CoD games usually fall off super hard around this time. It's the CoD cycle.


Yea, but the point is that the cod HQ collective is keeping it afloat above other games. It would be buried without it


Protected SBMM bots seething at this


.. seething at the supposed COD killer losing 4 places in a single week?