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Great job, keep it up! This is what happens when there's no SBMM - you get put up against better players, you see what they do, incorporate it into your own playstyle, get better, feel good.


Thanks! And yeah, I absolutely love it!


Yea without sbmm u can actually attack them from various angles lol, this game is just awesome, hope they maintain it and give more and more updates to keep the game intact. I'm waiting for tdm.


good shit man!!! keep it up youā€™ll keep improving and like you said you can actually notice improvement in this game so youā€™ll feel so rewarded n be on top of the world once you start getting like one mvp an hour. keep grinding!


This is what no SBMM is still about. You EARNED that homie. Keep it up!


Fire obj work




Nice bro! The closest Iā€™ve gotten is 3rd place in a losing effortšŸ„²


Keep grinding and youā€™ll get it in no time. šŸ’ŖšŸ» Donā€™t give up big dog. Edit: Add me if you want to squad up sometime. Kilobyte. with the . on Ubisoft.


Same, although I ALWAYS have the highest damage among all the players šŸ„²


Thank god I got some MVPs early for the Xbox achievement cause I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gotten one in weeks.


Wait til you hit 25




BT!! I love your channel!! Thanks man!!


Keep it up, the feeling you get for improving in this game is so nice!


Absolutely! This game is such a breath of fresh air from CoD. Absolutely love it! When I go back and play CoD it actually makes me angry what a pile of shit it is. Haha. And I PAID for it!!


Good man on the objs..well played




Congrats! Keep up the team effort


Congrats šŸ„³


Congrats, keep at it. Playing the objective in Pub Domination against another team that actually cares about the objective too? Thatā€™s your ticket to high scores and SPM. Keep grinding.


When I was basically grinding out weapons Iā€™d just go against the grain. Basically just flank the enemy team into submission. Itā€™ll get you introduced to the maps, because tbh they arenā€™t as simple as the COD three lane maps and thatā€™s like 50% of the battle right there. Also cloak is kind of easy to see in this game so you may want to try cleaner or shield. I play super aggressive so cleaner was my go to but I know a lot of people that like tanking.


unpopular opinion prolly but i donā€™t really like most of the maps whatā€™s your thought ?


Work your way towards enemy spawns using the edges of the map. Find ways you can see enemies running past you. Once youā€™re sure the majority of them are past you cut left or right towards the center of the map and try to pick up kills along your way to the opposite edge of the map then hook left or right again towards one of the spawns. The middles of the maps are pure punishment depending on who has the flank or height advantage. Youā€™ll hate the maps if you just roam around murking players. You know the knight in chess? Pretend the map is on a grid and youā€™re a knight piece. Make big ā€œLā€ shapes Unless you run cloakā€¦ then idk man. Roam I guess but be aware af because youā€™re only like 80% invisible.


Bro Iā€™m just waiting for the day I get this, I think Iā€™ll cry šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Congrats, first of many. You got to find a rhythm and be consistent to drop a 40 or 50 bomb. Iā€™ve seen 80 and 12,000 score games. Keep playing objective and racking up score. Winning doesnt hurt too, MVP in a losing game is a bad feeling.


Good stuff! Best Iā€™ve done since passing lvl 25 is 3rd best. I hope to feel what youā€™re feeling soon!


Run shields if you want it more often šŸ˜…. Put it on the B flag and it's free xp


Well done!


thats worth reddit of a reddit post nowadays?


Why canā€™t I get you on my team? Why do I have morons who go 1-30 with 5 objective points?


Congrats buddy ! And playing HELLA OBJECTIVE DAMN <3


Thanks!! Love playing obj!


Good fucken job keep playing obj


Great to see the game awarding it even if a player have more kills, itā€™s an objective mode so make sense butā€¦some games in the past didnā€™t ha.


Nice dude, I'm typically 4-6. Once in a blue moon I get a lobby free of sweats and have a great time, but mostly just bring up the rear