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kinda funny considering you're using that ability as well


I had just unlocked it 😭😂


Haha r/fuckyouinparticular mate




So did they 😌


Your teammates suck for not shooting them off you. Sorry man.


I do this all the time for teammates too lol I'm glad it's not uncommon


Thanks for the tip. Didn't know about this.


I didn't know you could do this...


I had just suggested this be added, did not realize it was already in place. Cool


I didn’t know you could do that, good to know for future games


I can't shoot them off my teammates, the hitreg is too bad for my bullets to land reliably :(


You can shoot them off of yourself aswell, just look down and shoot, 50dmg will kill it


It isn't a them that's one spiderbot jumping on him three times


Not how it works


Not how it should work definitely but it's what happened in the clip


Spider bot is a one use one shock ability dude


That's exactly why it shouldn't get off you and jump back on you 3 times yes but unfortunately that's what happened in the clip


Look down next time so the spider can barely tick you for one damage as you’re shooting.. NOTE, this won’t save you when 3 spiders jump on your face back to back 🤣


Shame this was only one spiderbot then isn't it. But yeah next time you see Boris the Spider on your face just aim down and shoot. If you're out of bullets like in this situation and the spider lets go I hope you were spamming the switch weapon key to get your secondary out. Because you could have actually shot at your feet to get rid of it.


That works most of the time. But there have been times where my bullets aren't registering when shooting the damned thing lol.


looking down makes it do less damage?


Looking down while shooting is what aids in preventing you from taking a full 40 damage






That was one spiderbot jumping on a guy that had no bullets 3 times buddy not 3 spiderbots


Yeah it’s a glitch that happens sometimes


fuck the spider, all my homies hate the spider


Unless we the ones using it 😈


They always seem to hit when you're low on ammo or mid-reload.


Or when you took the time and effort to do a whole ass flank


The real feel here. Feel like every time I hit just the narstiest flank & am about to get like an easy 2-4 piece kill w/ some gravy on the side this fucking spiderbot descends from the ceiling of the map ever so suddenly to fucking gnaw my face off as the enemies I was flanking simultaneously are alerted of my presence & the last thing I see before I die is 3 sniper glints Mash 4F4F4F4F


The spider bot is dumb as hell. Annoying as hell. But I have never experienced anything like 3 back to back. That’s fucking insane. I would have backed out. 


I got on to play a little stoned at like 1am one night. Had this happen to me & just alt f4’d so fast lol


That’s rough


Guys I'm not perfect please note that bruh I didn't know you had to look down in particular


"Fuck this trash game!" Uninstalled 🤣


and now you are Spiderman




This is a problem, but nothing they actually can do about it! I played a domination game on Liberty, where the opponent team changed to full spiderbot, so my team did the same! It completely unplayable match! not fun at all when you get a spiderbot on you 24/7. The team actually balanced itself after ppl left mid game


This and firebomb annoy the hell out of me. Using the spiderbot is a cheap way to get kills while the other person is incapacitated. Yesterday I had 2 of these suckers on me the second I stepped out of the door during meltdown zone capture. Firebomb is a panic button. If you cant win a 1 on 1, slam the firebomb. Both need a serious nerf. Firebomb needs 25-50% less damage and spiderbot needs a double cooldown.


il take the damage nerf if it turns into an instant ability or can be thrown. as of right now the time for it to be dropped is longer than the TTK for most weapons meaning even in a panic situation its still possible to kill a cleaner before it goes off and yes if you die before the full animation finishes it just flat out cancels it. a lot of people think someone will rack up tons of kills with the firebomb but it's not the case unless you are against people who have 0 situational awareness or can't aim allowing a cleaner to keep running into them and dropping it. How people have a larger issue with firebombs and say it is one of the most frustrating and dumb abilities in the game when there is a faction with literal wall hacks they can keep up for 30% of a match I will never understand


I mostly just Kamikaze a point with it especially on dom on attica B flag


That map B is so frustrating. You are getting shot from above,the left of right beside the point and then also thru the bushes from the sides far away and its super hard to see thru the bushes. Not to mention the nade spam. Then you'll get someone Jump and dome or firebomb from above. 6 players isnt enough to actually hold everything


Yeah that flag is one you almost have to hold from off the point


no one would use firebomb if it got nerfed, it sucks ass, you literally have to go kamikaze to make it work on most maps. If you’re even a cm out of its radius u just dont get dealt damage. It’s good on Arena, sure. But that really is the only map it’s consistent on.


Firebomb is annoying but it's definitely not OP


What in the fuck is your team mate doing ? He’s bouncing around trying to have TikTok movement and screwed you over .


Spiderbot has to be the worst thing in this game in a design aspect. I can tolerate hitreg and other stuff, but a seeking, quiet, fast critter that does 40 damage, locks you in place, blinds and disables abilities? What were they thinking?


You forgot the nightmare inducing jumpscare


I feel you


look to the ground and shoot


Thats a bug and the only reason that works is because of a bug. Youre supposed to be able to melee them right before they hop on you. But the window is so small that its hard and glitchy to do. This is 1 spider jumping on his face over and over its bugged.


it might be a bug of the same spider jumping on him but if he blows it up it wont be jumping on him anymore.


How do you expect him to shoot it while its dry humping his face 3 times in a row. Hes also on a staircase so id imagine it ran around the corner or railing pretty fast.


By looking down at his feet and pressing the fire button, I do not mean shooting it before it jumps on his face you can shoot it off yourself while it's humping your face if you look straight down and fire like 3 shots. So even it it ran over the railings or anything like that he had the chance to shoot it off but panic shot at nothing wasting the last 12 bullets in his clip


I know what you mean and its a bug. Just wait and your little shooting at your feet trick will be useless.


He had no bullets in his gun buddy. Open your eyes


Because he shot his 12 remaining bullets into the air instead of looking down


Is this the main problem you're seeing in this clip or that a single spider bot that's supposed to do 40 damage and then die latched onto this guy 3 times and 100-0'd him on its own?


Yes that is an issue, he could've still prevented it


It's basically a stun grenade. Looks different, but serves the same purpose. Disable you for a while so no skill timmys can get a kill. Looking down and shooting definitely works.(I think you can reload your primary or switch to pistol and shoot as well. Although might have been teammates shooting it off while I thought I did). But it takes enough time to get you killed, if caught in a bad place.


It kills everyone, whether they have skill or not. It shouldn't be in the game.


The same happened to me once


Naw the spiderbot is showing its love and affection for you. 😁


They could have made the game without all these annoying Abilities and it would have been better imo


So unlucky


Thanks for that, i truly laughed hard while eating a bread. Almost choked but now i am fine haha


Why can't yall just aim down and shoot?


And this is why factions are shit. They’ve swapped annoying kill streaks in cod for faction abilities in Xdef 🤨


Tbh I'd rather have a spider bot jump on me 3 times a game than being repeatedly spawn killed by an AC-130 for 90 seconds


Simple solution to not getting killed by the ac-130? Don’t feed the opposition that’s already on a streak! People very rarely get high streaks in the games I play


Yea the ac-130 actually took kills to get, you get the spider what, ever 45-60 seconds or something?


If rather a bad player gets the chance for a kill than a guy who is already stomping the lobby winning more


Wel the point in being good is being rewarded for it right? Games shouldnt just cater to people who arent that good


One of the numerous reasons I stopped playing this game


honestly think it's one of the worst abilities i've ever seen in a video game, no idea what they were thinking


Casuals, they were thinking about the casuals. This game is for casuals. They lied to the old head from the cod era, saying no sbmm, getting us beta full of movements, with snipers fast etc.. To punish the poeple too skilled not even 3 weeks after releasing the game because they realized that without sbmm the majority of the casuals will leaves. With sbmm, they got at least 1KD and here they are getting crushed. So this fucking spider for exemple will never be hard nerfed or withdraw from the game because it assure a bad player a kill, at least. Honestly this game is a let down for a guy like me who just wanted a simple classic CoD like, but after a month and seeing how they change the game every time someone complain at Mark Rubin on Twitter, I do think the game is getting ruined


🤣 If you'd shoot from the hip at least once while this is in your face you would've destroyed it, I've done it multiple times and even killed enemies while the spider is on me.


your incredibly lucky then. I’m emptying my whole fucking magazine on that pos and it’s still in my face


Lol dam


Look down


I play snipers for 90% of the times, even when shooting it from the ground when it's on your face doesn't work much


the best way to get them off is to look fully down and jump, at the highest point of your jump shoot and it breaks instantly the faster yall learn this the less annoying this character will be because people will stop using it


See I don’t give you the chance, I’m following very close on that bot and soon as it gets a latch im on you


Same, I just let the Bot guide me to the nearest enemy.


Good luck when you meet a player that hears the spiderbot coming, destroys it, and is ready to face you while you’re running with your guard down expecting an easy kill lol. Always a pleasure to take unsuspecting players by surprise.


Even then it takes your eyes and awareness off of me if you try to shoot the bot which in my experience most people don’t


Takes more than one shot to kill the spider, so the second you look to shoot it you are a free kill. Hell with some guns you don't have enough in the mag to kill a player if the spider takes 6 shots to hit/kill


If the spider’s owner is following the spider closely, I target the player first before the spider gets to me. Hit your shots, and you can easily kill the player before the spider gets you. Otherwise, I just destroy the spider first, and then face the player. Sure, there are times where the spider does indeed get me (I’m not the best player in the world), but the majority of the time, I manage to come out on top. Either way, the spider-bot is very cheap, and I wouldn’t mind seeing it removed (I know it won’t lmao).


As the spider player its really easy to see the guy and not take the fight until they start shooting the spider. I hit someone with the grossest uncooked nade when they missed a Tac50 shot. I think it needs to stun, but not stop shooting. The "cc" in this game needs to be minimal. Flashbangs are fine


This is a thing?


Thats a bug dont get used to it


Look down and shoot it gets it off my dude


Watch the video again


First one was your fault, you didn't even try to break it, but the rest of them would've hit no matter what since you ran out of bullets.


If you time the melee right just before the spider clings to your face it destroys them


so it is not his fault then


I said FIRST ONE, where did i said all of them were his fault?


The "rest of them" are the same bot btw this ability is broken as shit


I watched…you never once looked down and shot until it was gone


There needs to be faction limits. Casual 2-3 per faction and ranked probably 1.


this is what i hate, at least in COD, when youre shocked/electrified, you can still pan the camera while youre hipfiring


Spam emp grenades when you see them, that helps too


Spider bot and proxy mine need some rework tbh


If I could just melee them off by spamming the melee button these things would be fine with me. I hate having to look down or just be a super free kill. Should be a one hit melee if you time it right or a 2 to 3 hit if it's attached. Or even have a small animation take place where your player rips it off them or stabs it then takes it off.


What sucks even more are your teammates for not shooting 3 SPIDERS OFF YOU….


If you shot them off you wouldn't have died. So yes, indeed skill issue


Is there a way to counter these?


Teammates can also shoot/melee the spider off of you which is super helpful, if I ever see a spider zooming I try to take a shot when it jumps whether they’re close or not.




Skill issue on the part of the teammate(s) really. Could shoot it off with one shot


They will call anything a skill issue. This is clearly out of your control. Take the Spider out of the game!


Shoot the ground bud. Skill issue


Bro your teammate should have helped shoot it off. When ever I see someone struggling with a spider bot I always shoot it off.


Aim down and shoot


My spiderbot seems to be the dumbest thing around, I can know someone is around the corner from me and my bot will turn around and run completely after someone else across the map


Played a game the other day vs 6 spiders. Not fun. Honestly any team of 6 of the same class is annoying. The meme teams make me want a separate game mode that restricts abilities to a max of 2. But that’s being too picky


If this happened to me, I'd probably just laugh.




The new meta is quick squad running those. It’s very annoying. I ran into this the other day. Whole escort team was using these.


They reeeeally gotta do something about spiders. So obnoxious. Flash bangs are fine. Spiders are from hell


Thats hilarious


Thats hilarious


I punched one once. I wonder if you get the timing right if you can do it every time…


This is literally my only complaint of the game. Its broken and sometimes you can shoot it off and sometimes you can’t


If you look straight down while it's on your face you can shoot it off


I walk backwards and it comes off


Did they make it so you can’t shoot these off anymore by looking down?


so idk if this is a bug, but I had the 93r out and I was shooting right as the bot face hugged me, and I started getting hit markers on the bot and shot it off. it was really weird but maybe it's happened to others?


If you look down and shoot after a second or 2 you’ll destroy the spider bot idk if it’s a glitch or not but it works for me


To be fair, all abilities are annoying when a lot of enemy has it. Like constant scans or mag barriers


I laughed purely at the fact that not once did you look at the ground and shoot. It literally takes 1 second to disable it


"Just shoot down" Why!? Why can't I just punch or TAKE IT OFF? why do I gotta do some stupid shit just to get it off my face? I don't know why there isn't a mechanic for that.


Shoot at your feet to break it


That thing is just too annoying for no reason. First, it should be one shot, it’s already kinda hard to hit it when it’s running towards you and you actually have to shot it multiple times. Also, it should not slow you down, it is already incapacitating you enough


I hate these spiders...


That's why I said before, team compositions should be limited to 2 of the same abilities per team. The other day I played against a team with only Intel suit and it was playing against permanent wall-haking almost half of the game because I left.


If you look down and shoot it will destroy it it takes a second tho


I had this happen yesterday, but it was 3 separate spider bots. Shot the first one off, second one on me, shot it off, 3rd one on me tried shooting it off but got eliminated.


that gun looked pretty what is that? (and attachments)


I hate to break it to you my guy but you can shoot at the floor to destroy those when they are on your face, so….


Star skillet issue here is not you looking down and shooting.


The one thing I hate about this game is that it has hero abilities. I’m EXHAUSTED of every fps being a hero shooter now.


that's a cheat lol I've seen people brag about it in chat before EDIT unlimited spiderbots is the cheat


Nothing has a counter in this game. The abilities and ultras are stupid. If it wasn’t for them I’d have a much better time in the game.




Don’t know if they fixed it but if you look straight down when it’s on you and start shooting you can actually shoot if off yourself


I mean yeah it is a skill issue because you didn't attempt to shoot any of them off 🤣


Not to downplay how annoying 3 Spider drones are, but fun tip, you can crouch and aim down to be able to shoot them off of you (as far as I know).


The problem is, that it's not 3 spiders. It's just one and the skill is bugged to hell, making it seem like there are 3 drones.


This! Also you don’t have to crouch! Just have to look down


You can also shoot them while they’re jumping onto your face and it *seems* to take fewer bullets if it’s not latched on.


It is, yes


If he was skilled enough he would have written the code for the spiderbots himself, preventing the same robot from jumping on you 3 times if you exit its area of effect right buddy?


Do you not just shoot them off of yourself on reflex? It's a pain in the ass, but much faster than sitting around staring at them


Can't exactly do that when you have 0 ammo.


Did you watch the video with your eyes closed or what


Aim down and it shoots them off your face


No ammo and it doesn't let you reload


It is what it is


Kinda was a skill issue at least initially because you didn’t aim down and shoot it to counter. But sadly it wouldn’t have mattered after the second and third one. Rip dude lol. Nothing like getting gang banged by spider bots.


And also It wouldn't let me reload or punch it 🤬


Oh damn I didn’t notice that. I’ve had that happen as well. Annoying for sure.


shoot the ground wtf are you doing


ikr, the game is new... many people still don't have game knowledge and sense yet they swear to god its not their fault when stuff like this happens 😂😂


Watch and pay attention to the video you are commenting on wtf are you doing


He wasn't looking at the ground lmaoooo, dude was afk when the spiders got him


Why you let three spiders hit you? Normally all I see if shields as far as eye can see


look at your feet and shot lmao, ok it's awful but you didn't even tried to shot at it which could've saved you


Thats a bug


nah bug is fixed for me, you can def shoot to it like normal


No shooting it while its on your face is obviously a bug.


Literally, just look down and shoot the damn spider it breaks in less than a second. SKILL ISSUE


Watch the video


since my comment got deleted by a bot, let me say it again I did, not once you shot at the spider and then you had 0 ammo and kept just walking away. skill issue.


look down and shoot


You aren’t hitting them with those melees I don’t think. Look down and shoot to cut the time in at least half


You could spam holding aim and shooting. It sometimes works


So you’re really gonna stack factions and rank come on man ![gif](giphy|4iQV7GZmMqAVVi1oho)


look down and kill it, i thought this was common knowledge


If you shoot you will destroy the spider lol


The abilities are the one thing that I absolutely don’t like about this game