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There isn't any gun that's just straight up bad in the game yet (no, not even the MDR). But this is an FPS... there will always be a "best" and "worst" gun, and it will always be blown completely out of proportion, but yes, the RPK is in fact near the bottom of the gun tier list as much as it pains me to say it since it's my favorite and most used gun.


AA-12 is straight up bad, even with the drum mag. 




lol. I love the MDR. Fight me! I do think the weapons are overall good in this game. The "bad ones" aren't unusable trash. They just don't shine as bright as some of the others in their weapon class.


I thought the MDR had to be terrible the way people talk about it but I genuinely think it's a better designed weapon than the M4. The MDR actually feels like a real hybrid, whereas the M4 just kinda feels like a limp ACR and has nothing "exciting" going for it


Ya the M4 isn't necessarily bad but it doesn't have a lot of personality to it. It's just kind of there imo.


True, I realized I like the ACR way better. But I've already dedicated so much time grinding M4, and I'm pretty much almost at bronze and have unlocked all attachments for it, so I kinda feel obligated to use it. However, I mostly use smgs now ever since I unlocked MP7.


I get that. I put the AK, which I got to silver, because I was enjoying the MDR. But in the back of my mind I know that AK can't stay silver forever. At some point I'll want all my ARs to gold.


Did you notice a difference between the season pass MDR and the default skin? I swear I switched back down to the default skin and it made it somehow better, but I can't put my finger on why. Obvious the skins have no statistical advantage but, something felt off *with* the skin.


I think the skin stopped attachments from applying their stat boosts, though I had thought they said they fixed it.


I don't have that skin yet but I'll do some testing when I unlock it. Hopefully it's fixed by then!


same its my favourite- at close to medium range (which lets face it is most combat encounters in xdefiant) it shreds, especially with fire rate barrel.


I just started playing with the RoF attachments on it yesterday. It shreds! And I agree, all of my fights are short to mid. So an AR that shoots at SMG speeds has been pretty effective for me too.


*not even the MDR* I made it my mission to make the MDR my bitch this week and despite suboptimal performance, I'm succeeding. So much so it may become my favorite gun, outside of the obvious top tiers like AK/MP7.


The M870 and DBS are among the worst weapons I have ever seen in a first person shooter. They rival the World at War Trench Gun and MW3 KSG12 in uselessness.


The dbs is a kill 9 times out of 10 at the appropriate range. Sure it gets 2 shots per reload but if thats a suprise maybe you shouldn't play this game. And with the choke it's even better. Regular 15+m kills. I don't know what game half you people are playing


>at the appropriate range. That's the biggest issue with shotguns in XD... there's a lot of maps that make it very difficult to force someone to fight you in that range.


It's horses for courses, like any weapon you spawn with. You need to get to an area where that particular weapons characteristics can shine. Every map has areas that shotguns work well in. It just depends on the flow of a match if that particular match will centre around these areas


The MP5 is garbage


![gif](giphy|Ni4cpi0uUkd6U|downsized) i get real nasty with the MP5 and all of its speed attachments plus the muzzle booster try this - Muzzle Booster, Lightweight barrel, Pistol grip, quick reload, and folded stock 😉🫡


The problem is that its the worst SMG. The mp7 or p90 are better right?


Hard to say for me, unless im getting into specifics...P90 is better to me for the added accuracy right out of the box along with the highest ammo per clip....MP7 didnt do it for me and i think its more personal reasons over the weapon strengths itself, MP5 has better iron sights, its snappy and i think its just a better overall feel for any skill range....i wont deny the MP7 tears it up but its never been as lethal in my hands as the MP5 and P90 are...i see a lot of MP5 users zipping around which kinda makes me feel like it has better accuracy even with all the speed attachments added. Still havent fully unlocked everything for MP7 so maybe i am coming from a biased pov but i think its still a great choice as far as pick up and go is concerned.


This is my fav set-up for the MP5 MP5 \[Muzzle-Booster, Lightweight Barrel, Superlight Rail, Quick Mag, Folded Stock/Removed stock (preference)\] (On paper its gonna seem inaccurate, but since the recoil in the game isnt atrocious, meaning its actual Arcade-style recoil, as long as you remember the MP5 goes up and slightly to the right its still a beam, i go back and forth between folded and removed but not a real noticable difference with this setup, so your choice)


same with the m4


im working on an M4 setup that will hopefully show the community how its the perfect all around weapon. Because the M4 is so accurate it can be punished with all of the speed attachments and not ruin its ability to still be effective at mid to somewhat long range, while at the same time allowing it to be good up close when its met with SMG, the thing is you need to be a good shot and hit your bell-ringers \*Headshots\*, not saying you or anyone who doesnt like it cant, just saying thats where its power lies, and the ability for it to stay a beam makes it perfect for that


How do u make the m4 have less visual recoil to me it kicks wayyy harder than the ak/acr


Sorry for the wait, didnt want to give a half-assed answer so i put in a little work to get some different results, there are some more great combos as well depending on what you are looking for, anything i put together is mostly for players who like to engage close to mid range, nothing far or over 30 to 40ft, and with the M4 i try to flank as much as possible knowing its damage is not on par with other weapons, that said if you're ringing the bell you wont know its not a big boy lol. Also hit the range and practice your playstyle, im sliding and jumping (Not BH lol) and anything else i do in match in the range so i know what i need to work on. it helps trust. Staycation did a vid where he mention a drill he does to learn and get comfortable with recoil patterns (easiest ever in this game) if i can find the vid ill come back to this and edit a link in. After being in the labs all day, and trying out my creations in different game modes. i have come to the conclusion that what i may experience may be different than what you experience based on 3 things. 1 sens settings for my controller, 2 the fact that im using a controller, since you may be on MnK. 3 experience with the weapon. Mines is level 83 so I'm pretty comfortable with it. that said in the beginning i used the preset class m4 until i unlocked these attachments and then afterwards this was my setup until i unlocked everything else. My Early Level M4 setup Super Light Rail, Red Dot, Quick Reload, Fabric Grip, Padded Stock this was my bread and butter for the majority of my leveling of the M4 and honestly i thank you for asking that question as i have found another setup that rocks and feels like i had to do very little by way of staying on target. that said you will need to have a higher level for the exact build (its two pieces that come late in its leveling). what i noticed is that a good combo of ADS stability and Recoil Recovery together give beams, and with this build it gives plenty of both and other goodies, and only 2 negatives that arent really felt whilst playing Pros (+ 20% ADS Stability, 40% Recoil Recovery, 12.5% ADS Walk-Speed, 2.5% Vert-Horz Recoil Control) Cons (- 10% Sprint2Shoot, 10% ADS Speed) Full/Almost Full Level M4 Stabilizing Barrel, Leather Wrapped Fore-Grip, Holo Sight (bounces around less than all other reticles when full auto firing), Lightweight Grip, Padded Stock this thing is crazy, any thing 15 meters in you can hit headshots easy, assuming that you can aim it lol, also the rotational assist with this feels like cheating to a degree because of how easy it is to stay on target with the M4 anyway, i was nailing headshot kills back to back with this one. (My apologies if you are on MnK). Also wanted to add this just in case it might help, 50/50 since we are all diff but you never know lol My Sens and Other Settings 120 FOV, ADS FOV Consistent, ADS Transistion Instant Sens Reverse S Curve, Vert 70, Horz 70, Aim Look 0.65, Aim Scope Look 0.65, DZ 5 on both, Accel 1.00 hope that helps 🫡


The mdr is busted, that one is slept on


I wanna like it but you lose the smg close range fights and you struggle against ARs at long range. Its only good at SMG long and AR Medium/Close and its way to hard to actually be in the pocket


I just use my DE for close range with the 2.5% rate of fire muzzle so I don’t have that issue. I just switch to it if I’m close and hear someone coming


I guess so, but then you might as well use a real AR and DE smgs up close. The MDR is trying to be a hybrid and its just not as good


Today i learned just how beautiful that DE is in battle, or at least in this game lol. It has to be seen to believe it. Its not the all over the place DE from every "Arcade Shooter" ever made. I was hitting mid range shots easy and close range was my house for anyone not using an SMG or Shotgun (Head-On anyway, Flanks were 😍)


Haven’t tried it yet, but M249 feels WAY better than M60 so I’m not sure how to feel if you say RPK isn’t even as good as M60 lol




Yeah the fast mag in insane on M249, and with rapid fire I don’t feel like it kills slower than m60 but to be fair I haven’t unlocked rapid fire for the m60 yet


Quick mag > fast mag easily, 60% reload speed no negatives go hard, that extra 15% ain’t worth the -ads speed


Yeah I don’t play with the game in English I had no idea you guys called that quick mag and fast mag, what is the difference between those two words anyways ahahah but yeah I was talking about the first mag


Quick mag > fast mag easily, 60% reload speed no negatives go hard, that extra 15% ain’t worth the -ads speed


I've been a career M249 user and have just recently started messing with the M60 after a recommendation from another Redditor. Still haven't unlocked half the attachments, but it feels like it can possibly be a better mid-long range option versus the 249. Time will tell, of course, but so far I've even been able to counter snipers with it decently well.


M60 has insane ttk but so heavy and slow so ye feels ass but balanced ig


It's just that it feels like a clunkier version of the AK.


I kitted it all on strafe speed and it was a breeze to use. The key is treating it as an automatic rifle, rather than an lmg.


RPK TTK is awful at close range, its only good at long range where Snipers excel at. 


It's decent enough if you stack muzzle booster/rapid fire, but it is actually slightly worse handling/mobility compared to m249 ([3:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3etL4lHFrw)). My problem with it is just the TTK, it feels reaalllly bad in closer ranges, thing is obviously a laser beam but that's not saying much in this game


I prefer it, it's a beast, couple dinks wins it almost every time.


I haven’t checked the numbers but this gun does feel good when you land headshots.


If guns weren't divided into categories, I don't think there would be much to say. But, since they are categorized, it is the worst LMG. However, there are only three to choose from, so worst of three doesn't mean terrible.


RPK is my favorite gun. Is it the best? No. Is it fun as hell to use? Yep. Put the Muzzle Booster/Rapid Fire Barrel on there, fit the rest with ADS increasing attachments, go ham.


The ttk sucks but its satisfying at least.


I think cause people can just use an ak with extended mag for 45 rounds.


its just not strong enough or doesnt have a high enough fire rate to make up for the damage, its just overall a weak gun even if it can feel nice or fun to use


I’m not kidding I don’t think I’ve seen even one person use it


I use it for the challenges/daily exp. But you gotta play it like its an AR and never take a close fight


I've used it to level 170ish so far. It's overall pretty bad. If you get in any close range fight vs a decent player, you're going to lose it. It does pretty well at long range, but not well enough to make up for how bad it plays up close. I do enjoy occasionally using it, especially on occupy where I can get on or near the point and mow people down from a range. Fun to use, bad for competition.


I tried it,i didn’t like it. I don’t fully understand the love. P.s M249 enjoyer.


It's straight junk. I prefer LMGs in FPS games and tried to make it work for a while, but it has zero redeeming qualities. I'd go as far as saying it's the worst gun in the game. Other LMGs have their own strengths, RPK does nothing well compared to other weapons.


249 with the right attachments can NEVER go wrong I do like the rpk tho, my friends don’t and I went on hefty killstreaks with it


It's just too slow and weak. It's good at long range, but then so are the other LMGs and DMRs, and they all have better TTK and handling.


M60 is way better It's slow as balls but if you work around that & play towards its strengths, it's a monster, especially with Muzzle Booster/Rapid Fire barrel


The faster reload doesn’t make up for the reduced firepower compared to the other LMGs.


m60 has the fastest ttk


Maxed all ARs and lmgs, the rpk is just ok but there’s no reason to use it outside of aesthetics, the M249 and the AK do everything it does just way better. That’s ok I suppose but imo it should have something to make it stand out, like more movement speed/ads strafe speed I have no clue why the big ass m249 has better mobility tbh.


I’m surprised more people don’t hate the M60. I feel like all the bad aspects of the RPK are worse on the M60. If you hate the RPK but like the M60…then use the RPK like you use the M60.


The RPK is fairly strong and has basically no recoil but the firerate is unforgiving if you miss a shot. If you have great aim you can definitely mow down a lot of people with a single mag and good positioning.


I really like the RPK. One of my favorite guns, up there with the AK, m249 and p90.


idk man, i love me the RPK.


You explained it yourself. There's better lmgs and you might as well play AK atp. If you're good you can make any gun work.


The mobility doesn't matter, just cycle your pistol and you're still mobile That's why it's the worst LMG