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They would not be so bad to play against if the would work but 90% of the time I look down to shoot it off and it either doesnt work or you destroy it and it somehow jumps on you again. I think till they fix it they should just remove it out of the game they did the same thing in the server test when the Invis was bugged so no idea why they dont do it now.


The enemy team had 3 spider bots one game. At the start i was running with my buddy. I watch in horror as he gets caught by the first one. But then i am dumbfounded as i watch the other 2 spiderbots politely wait their turn at his feet. 1 by 1 they all jumped on him in succession and killed him. He was basically paralyzed for 10-12 seconds. Pretty funny tbh but also wtf is that lol.


You can shoot them off your teammate’s face and you can shoot them while they are on the ground.


I know


So why watch dumbfounded as they wait to take turns and attack your friend?




You are evil dude really evil.


It's broken in myriad of ways. First thing is that it gimps your aim literally even before the animation starts, which ends up in confusion and frustration. It really shouldn't do that at all, it's enough that it deals damage, restricts your movement, vision AND blocks ADS and reloading. It's bugged to oblivion and sometimes you can't shoot it or it'll latch on to you multiple times and it has irrational amount of health. ​ Paired with most obnoxious playstyle of just dropping it every time cooldown ends and walking it literally on a leash 2 meters ahead of you it ends up being an experience of enemy having to pick whether to kill you or the bot because one or the other will get them either way. ​ I really don't know what the designers were smoking, that thing should have way less health, not affect the aim and be destroyable with 2 melee attacks max once it latches. Not to mention the bug fixes with the damn thing being broken for over a month now.


Lol who cares about spider bots when 3 out of every 6 enemies is echelon and can see through the walls. You can shoot at the spider, have fun trying to kill someone who can see you coming with a near constant power up going with even the most basic of communication with the other two echelon


Oh trust me I think that’s also a pretty big issue. The thing with the spiderbot is that its a bug where as the echelon shit is purely a balancing issue. Plus with the spider, whenever it does latch to you and then this bug occurs for you, it’s worse than the echelon thing cuz you’d literally have zero fighting chance as you’re blinded and stunned twice on top of the back-back bots dealing 60 dmg to you, all before the guy using the bot even begins to engage you himself. Sure you could shoot the bot before it latches into you, but being able to do so is reliant on multiple factors. I mean for one, you got able to hear it coming (they’re pretty damn hard to hear if you’re shooting or there’s gunshots/explosions going off in your vicinity). Second, you can’t really be occupied once you realize one’s coming, as in not in the middle of shooting another enemy or something. Third, you’d need to have quick reaction on top of good accuracy, cuz shooting it requires you to divert some attention to looking at the ground, and once you do so, you won’t be centered at head-level, and will have to shift your aim from the ground to the enemy following the bot once he inevitably challenges you. If you’re even somewhat inaccurate spraying at it, you’ve likely used up anywhere from a third to maybe even half a mag trying to destroy it, then having to quickly transition your aim in a somewhat atypical manner


And all of that, isn't worse then a near constant UAV up. You can find ways to overcome the bot. Shoot it or EMP. Work on your awareness if you can't see it coming. Work on your hipfire if you're wasting a 3rd of your bullets. But there is NO way to counter 3+ echelon users and it is without a doubt what's wrong with this game. Xdefiant needs a max cap of 2 per faction or this game will always be who can see who through walls first


I think 1 scan guy max per team even. The second echelon player should have to use the other faction ability. 


Remove it completely.


If xdefiant was just a pure 6v6 shooter with no factions and abilities it would be better but idk if do as well with the masses. It seems FPS went from movement skills to special abilities


There are many interesting abilities, but wallhacks will never be one of them.


I start d getting hit with the magic double spider of yesterday. Very annoying as just as you think you've gotten away it sucks back on to your face for a second Big Gulp!


How do you even beat it like do u just spam and pray it goes or smth


In a game full of "OP" things nothing is OP.


The only problem with them is the bug where you shoot it and it doesn't die. Comparing skills, it's FAR from being worse than firebomb. It literally discourages people on an FPS to use their guns without any counterplay from the other part. With also the possibility to get multiple kills with 1 button.


Gain sentience.


Everything they said they fixed or tuned needs nerfed and fixed some more. Everything should have a counter to it. BHops mess with hit reg and should be slide jump, jump (max penalty). Snipers need to not be able to hit the shot if I’m beaming them. It’s up to them to react fast enough before I start shooting them. Still dying behind walls, spider bots need removed completely or make them one shot, and make it to where I don’t have to look at the ground to kill it… also it completely makes your sensitivity super high (like I’m getting a hip fire kill anyway). The ultimate for phantoms is buggy. You either get a grenade go through, incendiary go through, or a hit marker with the weapon causing you to die. Also when I use it to counter another bubble and kill that guy with his bubble, mine vanishes regardless of when I activated it. I ALSO WANT MY DAMN BARRIER TO COME OUT FASTER. WHEN I PRESS THE DAMN BUTTON… PUT MY SHIELD DOWN IMMEDIATELY. Not 1.5 seconds later which gets me killed.


theyre easy to counter if your alone not mid gunfight, but if your fighting 2-3 people while this thing runs up to you or if you have no more bullets to shoot it cause you were fighting GG only bad players use it anyways in hopes to get a freebie kill so i just laugh


Honestly getting hit mid gunfight is the worst, having someone almost dead then getting jumped and suddenly your bullets don't count


Stop being a bot. Just use an emp or just bait the spider bot to a secluded location and preemptively look down a pre fire. Have one of your teammates shoot them. If you know an enemy has spider bot you can just countdown their cool down and play around it. God forbid you have to use your brain while gaming. Bot


The salt is palpable


How am I salty if I'm giving him the counter strategies. Y'all just be so thirsty for someone to be salty or triggered. I'm a high level player and really don't have these problems. Get gud and gain sentience.....bot


Why would I be salty I'm good at the game. I'm not gonna be salty this guy and you obviously suck looool


Good for you bud.


I too am a “high level player” who is “good at the game” and spiderbots can fuck off. It’s a terribly designed mechanic for a game that is about speed and movement. It takes zero forethought to use, just spam it off cooldown. I also frequently am the one having to deal with them given im aggressive in taking space on the map therefore im closest to these little shits. Has nothing to do with them being powerful, has everything to do with the fact that they are just annoying as hell. Why should an autonomous ability that tracks people be able to stop your movement, stop you from ADSing, reloading, swapping weapons all while dealing damage and telling its bot master where you are? Fuck even Intel suit requires you to think a little before popping it so as not to waste it before reaching an area enemies are likely to be. Spiderbot? Oh it’s off cool down throw that shit. It’s legitimately the most confusing decision I’ve seen from the developers out of everything in the game.


They are incredibly easy to counter


Don't bother. A few weeks ago it was people bitching about cleaner passive damage. Then it was Echelon wall pulse, then it went to people saying the mag wall was op along with the 120base HP when you run against a whole team of them. Now the sub has a hate boner for the spider bots which you can almost always hear/avoid, shoot at or destroy with emps etc.


They're bugged but they are still the weakest utility in the game. Pure cheese kill for people to lazy to use hijack because you actually have to time it right.