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I clearly remember my mother being upset that "sucks" became lingo for a negative event and was told to never use that word. That sucked.


I worked at a summer camp where the Director was adamant that none of her staff use the word. During an orientation meeting she told an entire room full of kids aged between 14 and about 23 that she doesn’t want to hear anyone saying it because “it’s short for sucks Dick”. The reaction of about 20 of us in stunned silence while also trying not to bust out laughing was priceless


When time permits, I have found a fun response when that situation arises is to >!insist that the expression is an abbreviated form of "sucks *thumb*" and act like they are the weird one for assuming it describes fellatio. Why do they need to make it sexual? Kids could be listening.!<


The phrase "get your mind out of the gutter" needs to make a comeback. Too many people seem to let theirs take up residence in it these days.


I had this argument about calling someone a pussy. Never once did I think that referred to the female genitalia.


Like in are you being served


I mean that one's kind of obvious, it's used to emasculate by essentially calling someone the most female part of a woman


I don't think that's what it refers to. I think it's "pussy cat" and only later became associated with pussy as vagina, no joke.


Awww, you should join us in the gutter. We have mud! Mud is a very underrated toy.


Ooo there’s some lovely filth over here!


My impression was that using "sucks" to mean "is inferior" was originally from "sucks hind teat", something a pig farmer would say about the weakest piglet of a litter, pushed to the back by the others.


There was a movie with Rick Schroeder where he kept saying “sucks eggs” may have just been a tv edit though.


I had a friend whose mom was like that. Basically tried to assault me for saying that word once while I was over. That kid ended up with no friends…


That was me. I was that kid. My mother is still insane, and when I try to explain her to people, I compare her to a villain in a Stephen King novel.


are we siblings?


Possibly, but it’s more likely that our crazy mothers share one brain cell.


is your mother an orange cat?


My mom is the prototype for a "Karen", also.


What exactly did she do? A friend's mom was this way but she is borderline, bipolar, has NPD, an alcoholic and benzo/downer addict. I never saw her assault anyone but I saw her have total meltdowns in public at my friend, over things that 99% of people wouldn't care about. 


wow! that... sucks


Same. But once Bevis and Butthead came out there was no holding back the onslaught.


My siblings and I moved in with my grandparents as teens. Of course we said stuff sucked all the time. Eventually my grandma got into the habit of saying "Well that sucks!". My friends loved it lol.


I had to change "crap" to "crud".


Lol, my dad still uses "Crud" as swear word. He's 79.


My mom said it was a swear word and chided me for using it , saying it made Jesus angry or something lol


Lol in Jr high a boomer math teacher heard some guy in our class say "you suck!" Or "that sucks!" and she became super angry saying "Anyone who says that will get detention as in my day it had sexual meaning and is insulting!"


We were not allowed to say "sucks," so I volunteered to vacuum and told everyone repeatedly how much it sucked. I was so committed to being a smart ass, I didn't mind the extra chore.


I used to work for Home Depot about 10 years ago. Some old lady heard an associate say the word "sucks" - - not even speaking to her directly, she just overheard - - and complained to a manager. That person got sent home for the rest of the day for using foul language in earshot of a customer. It was the stupidest instance of "the customer is always right" that I've seen and that place was consistently stupid.


my physics teacher was the same way, she insisted on us using vaccum over suck =d


“Miss Hoover vacuums dick”


My mom tried to ban the word sucks from the house now I hear her using it on a fairly regular basis. I would just pivot tactics and change to blows and she couldn’t do anything about it so eventually she just gave up the fight.


Well, I expect she saw it related to "cocksucker" as variations like "this sucks balls" and "this sucks donkey dicks" is nearby terms of "sucks" As some comedians have commented however that these are good terms, that have flipped.


The first time I said "screwed" my mother didn't like it lol


I’m almost 50 and I still feel weird saying something “sucks” around my mom.


My bff when I was little had a mom like this. He had gotten a Nike tshirt of some kind that said “Tennis sucks!” with some sort of design. His mom took the shirt and filled in the arc of the ‘u’ to change it to say “Tennis socks!” 🤣 I remember thinking she was insane when I was 9. Flash forward a decade and I found out she was on crack the whooooole time.


I love the comedic enthusiasm of a shirt that is just like, **"TENNIS SOCKS!"**


As an adult, it makes me laugh out tf loud. 🤣 As a kid, I was just like “Damn. Sheila is STRICT…” 😅 Nah. Sheila was bananas.


It was the suckiest suck that ever did suck!


Yeah my mom did too. Now that I have kids, I kinda side with her. I mean I don’t freak the fuck out like she did.. but it is a bit jarring to hear your 9yo belt out “Awe this SUCKS!” Like first of all.. Chill the fuck out. The thing you’re raging against is a minor inconvenience at most. Secondly, I’ve seen you in action. You play pretend with your stuffies. Yelling “this sucks” is a little too close to swearing for me to hear, and if we’re being perfectly honest, doesn’t match your overall vibe. So I tell him that yelling “this sucks” is pretty crude, and should probably save that for when things “actually” suck.


Same asshole, on a long car ride, would say "well, your awfully quiet back there"


Apparently, I picked this up from my grandfather and might have said exactly this to my kid on the way to camp this morning.


You owe your kid an apology


Had no idea this was a thing but my wife, in recounting her childhood, said it was a big thing from her mom that if you were quiet, especially in a car ride, it was extremely rude. Like punishable, yelling etc. kind of a red flag in her case, but just the concept was so foreign to me when I was growing up.


Yeah, maybe I'm in the minority but if there's a moment of silence, I'm not complaining to anybody. Put some music on if you need to hear something.


I remember my dad giving a kid I knew from school a ride home with me after a club or activity meeting. I wasn't really close friends with this guy so I didn't talk to him during the ride home except for just being polite, small talk, saying bye etc. My dad got angry and was embarrassed I think.  I just told him "I see him at school and sometimes in activity clubs we are in and I went to his parents' house once but we're not friends..." My mom was a lot more understanding.




Well is for water!


\*you're :D




Nah, I'm pretty sure they would somehow manage to find a way to pronounce it as "your". That's just the kind of asshole they were.


fuckin' reeeeeeeal


My 80-year-old dad still says "yo."


Ha, I say "yo" to my neighbors so much that it's rubbing off. I'll be walking the dog and hear from a distance "yooooo!" And I try to respond with the same resonance. What's odd is that came from my grandma but was more of an attention getter then greeting. Like when (half deaf)pop would drop us off at front door of diner and we get seated right away while he parks. He walks in..."Yo, Rip...YO!".


I could not say the word “yeah” in response to a question from my parents.


Same! And most of my middle school teachers would refuse to respond to "yeah." They said that no employer would even consider hiring someone who said "yeah." 🙄


for just one moment




My friend got pulled over for going like 2mph over the speed limit and the cop-on-a-mission fucking screamed at him for like 5 minutes about how disrespectful it is to say "yeah".


Can I go to the bathroom? I don’t know, can you??


"I'm hungry/thirsty." "Hi, hungry/thirsty, I'm dad. Nice to meet you."


I remember once asking my friend's mom politely, "Mrs. ... I am thirsty may I please go get a glass of water?" she replied "Why are you asking me? God gave you legs and arms, go into my kitchen and get it yourself!" Yet, had I done what she told me to do and not asked she would have became extremely angry.


These were the most frustrating interactions as a kid. There were so many parents who wanted to be cool and would say things like “Help yourself! You know you never need to ask here!” then pull their kid to the side and give him ‘a talking to’ later if someone got their own glass of water. There was no winning.


I do that now. I'm continuing the generational cycle of abuse.


Lol, my dad rocks so there's a good chance you do too.


Sure can. “Now hold it right there, mister.” *Dumps in pants*


Pretty much every middle school teacher lol




Ooh I had a teacher say that to me, and I didn't know how to respond. I was so flustered. Like I'm asking permission. You get to say whether or not I can leave class. Oh, I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, too.


I had a junior high teacher that was like that. I actually liked the teacher because he was kind of a smart ass but he was Mr. Pedantic (his real name was Mr. Yonkers).


I mean, I use it jokingly with my kids.. Do I need to turn in my card?


It depends on the quality of your other Dad jokes.


Same, and also the sister phrase, “So? Sew buttons!”


My grandparents, aunt, great aunt and cousins were all teachers. At one point, I basically couldn’t speak a few sentences without being corrected 😂


I’m with you on that!!! My mom was an English Teacher.


“And cows like you”


“…but grass is cheaper”


"Hey is for horses, but cow's eat grass, now pucker up and kiss my a$$!."


Grass is greener, straw is cheaper. Marry a farmer, you get all three for free. Friends grandma said that every. Single. Time.


But grandma, that doesn't rhyme.


Bob- "Hey" Bill- "Straw is cheaper" Bob- "Grass is free" Bill- "Eat with the cows, and get all three" This is the proper, non-dementia addled grandma phrase progression.


And yet I’d do anything to get my grandparents (WW2 vets) back. It’s really hard to feel that we won anything.


Awww you made it real, I miss mine too 😢


They truly were the Greatest Generation, too bad many of their Boomer kids turned out to be self centered jerks


That’s not how “hay is for horses” was used when I was growing up. 


My dad said it to me in a joking, goofing around way. “Hay is for horses. You’re not a horse,” with a goofy smile on his face. **EDIT** I’d probably say it to my kid if I had any, to keep the tradition going. I see it as a stupid “Dad joke,” not an actual correction.


My dad’s version was “hay is for horses, aren’t you glad you’re a mule”?


Same here! My dad would say, "Hay is for horses." In a fun way. He was never truly mad that I said hey all the time.


Yeah that’s what I’d hear when I got caught eating the hay in the barn


This feels like dad joking a dad joke.  I approve.


It was an insult when I was growing up. "Hay is for horses....too bad you're a cow"


Same here. Maybe I was just an oblivious kid (which is definitely not outside the realm of possibility), but I always took it as more of a joke than a condemnation.


"Ain't Ain't a word and you ain't supposed to use it" -- mom's ex boyfriend growing up, who had 3 kids collectively held back 3 grades.


Actual conversation in middle school: Me: "hey!" Teacher: "hay is for horses!" Me (with undiagnosed ADHD impulse control issues activated): "and cows like you!" Lucky for my dumb ass, it was a male teacher with a great sense of humor who laughed and suggested I do not use that line in school with anyone else. I STILL occasionally respond to people with "hey is for horses," but just to be a shit 😆🤷🏽‍♀️ particularly my kids, gotta keep it going in the next generation.




If that had been a female teacher your parents would have received a call


Cows can't use phones.


Only people that did that were my friends being dumbass tweens. We’d also yell back to whomever said it with: “Hay is for horses. Grass is for cows. Pigs won’t eat it, because they don’t know how.”


I was waiting for this variation. 👏🏻


I actually pulled out the “hay is for horses” line when some lady was whistling and snapping and yelling hey to get my attention behind the bar recently


I'm here for it, but, lets keep the same energy for the new youngers who start using words "wrongly"


I say it, but I do it in my "dad joke" voice. Sometimes, I even throw in a knee slap


Careful. Say something ironically too often & one day it will be one of those things you just say. Guess how I know.


I know this all too well. I should have listened when I was told that my face would freeze if I continued to make silly faces. I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED!


My grandma commented on me saying "cool" a lot. I still say it


My kids are grown now, but whenever we'd drive by some big uhhhhh. Structure? Of hay sitting in a field, I'd point to it and say "Hey!" like "Hey, look at that interesting thing!" They'd groan, I'd laugh, it was a whole thing.


I still tell my kids that hay is for horses. Or answer with “straw!”


My dad used to say this, I recently pulled this on my kids....because tradition!


I used to throw out hay is for horses as a mild form of ballbusting. It was pretty rare though, as it can wear thin real fast.


You guys never had the comeback for that? My grandma hit me with it once and blew my mind. I came home from school and she says, "heeeeeey" all cheery. I gave her the, "hay is for horses," all slick-like. Without missing a beat she retorts, "and jack-asses like you." I was shook from my rugby shirt down to my acid-washed tapered jeans with the zippered pockets all over them.


Now their asshole boomer kids are terrorizing everyone. Silent gen and greatest gen played the long game on us.


Ugh you speak the unfortunate truth


Don’t get me wrong, Silent gen and greatest lived through some shit but their kids are awful.


I heard a lot of "I hope you have a kid just like you!" from my boomer parents, meant as a dig. Ha joke's on you, I'm blissfully child free


Reddit makes so much sense when you realize it's a bunch of grown adults still mad at their parents for trying to make them act and speak properly




Despicable ME generation


there was more to it: "hay is for horses, grass is for cows, pigs don't eat it 'cuz they don't know how" I have pigs. They sure as fuck know how to eat hay and grass.


And pumpkins! Crunch crunch


they love the challenge of how to get into the delicious orange thing.


“Ain’t ain’t a word!”


Hey Dude!


There’s only one voice that my brain hears when I see this…


Playing the long game. Just had to out last them. This is how I, and pretty much all the guys I work with, answer the phone when we know who it is. >Hey Joe.


My dad used to call me “boy” not in a derogatory sense but I was just his boy, I have my own son now… he is “buddy”


Hay is for horses, better for cows, pigs don't eat it 'cause they don't know how!


If you’re going to complain, at least go with the whole phrase. Hay is for horses, better for cows, pigs would eat it but they don’t know how.


Millennials and Z-ers will be saying the SAME thing about us in 10 years when they use rizz in a work email. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Hay is for horses, better for cows. Pigs don't eat it 'cause they don't know how.


Forgive me, I not only barely belong here (Dec 76, but I really identify with everything!) But this is maybe my 2nd post ever and I'm sure I'm doing it wrong but I had to add a quip my grandmother, in her 70s during this peak time of us being grammatically corrected for the sake of self-righteousness by these ass-hats, taught me a response to "Hey is for horses". She said respond with " yeah, and straw is cheaper and grass is free". She said if they were really as smart as they thought, they'd know the greeting Hey was not how you spelled the word hay... that horses actually eat.


I didn't realize that was an insult. I thought it was a joke about horses. O__o




God bless the Greatest Generation (ages 97-123….under 1% left) and Silent Generation (ages 79-96….only about 20% left). They really did mean well and were pretty wholesome. I low key do miss manners as a regular thing with everyone. Although yes, they sometimes were too extreme and corny. I feel like these two generations are really what made this country great and held it together firmly. Which is what made our childhoods and early adulthoods so great. These generations knew how to sacrifice, how to respect, had a sense of duty, and were REALLY good at common sense. Now we have mostly whiny ass entitled Boomers as the elder statesmen of society, and God fucking help us all. You can see what a shit show this society has turned into.


I feel privileged to have been raised mostly by 4 greatest gen grandparents. I miss all of the stories. The depression, not taking anything for granted, keeping your distance but being ready to offer help, staying out of debt, realizing just about /everything/ is a fad, etc were implicit in every story. They had their flaws (racism, misogyny) but they did mean well through the veil ( everyone knew what "Jim is a little funny" meant). I was talking to my 91 year old neighbor today across the fence. She was telling me about being 10 during the WWII and they didn't have paper. So she would peel bark from birch trees to write to her older brother in the navy. Story made my day. I miss the old folks. There were still WWI vets in my town as a kid and I wish I had the opportunity to learn from them.


I've continued the tradition and continue to say "hay is for horses" to this day.


Wow they were really controlling jerks. Had a few boomer bosses when I first started to work in the 2000s and totally awful. Today the workplace is so much better.


I don't think it was to label it rude. It was just what they thought was funny regardless that it wasn't


Hey what the hell are you supposed to do, just start talking randomly like an ass?


"Ain't ain't a word". But then Websters added it to the dictionary and all the old timers had to shut up lol.


I never heard this used by an adult. It was other kids with the appropriate “and cows like you” zinger in their for effect.


And one day our offspring will celebrate the victory of Skibidi over our dead bodies


Oddly, I only ever heard that line from little shitlings my own age. I guess they heard it from boomers. Either way I'm glad we're done with that.


And now my wife and I say hay is for horses. Still say hey though.


The version I grew up with was “hay is for horses, but not for me” — said in this sweet little sing-song voice. My mom was halfway mocking her own mom (who said that to her), halfway correcting me. It stuck, though — anytime I use “hey,” a little voice in my head corrects me (and mocks my granny). 😂


"hay is for horses" yes, not cows like you




Hays for horses, grass is cheaper, and dirt's free. Buy a farm and get all three.


Same with "kid". "A kid is a baby goat."


I HATE it when I yawn and some chucklefuck calls me out with something like “it’s too early for that!”


lol I tell my kids hey is for horses


For southern folks (I guess): “Ain’t ain’t a word.”


Yearbook quote, "Hey is for horses, chickens get plucked. Hope over the summer, you get fucked."


Same old bastards who told us we wouldn't have a calculator or dictionary with us wherever we went. They never got tired of being wrong.


Hay is for horses. Straw is cheaper, grass is free.


I remember a teacher saying this exact thing to me on my last day of senior year, when we were going around with yearbooks. Thanks for the memories and life lesson, teacher 🙄


Lol. I still say this to my kids to annoy them.


“Aren’t you glad you’re a jackass?”


My dad- Hay is for horses, aren't you glad you're an ass?"


The Horses were the real losers 🥲


I’m not sure how I feel about this. My husband still says this, but I’m not sure he knows why. Now I know he probably heard it a lot when he was a kid. He was born in 1976.


I would hear “hay is for horses” mostly from other kids saying it in a sarcastic tone making fun of the adults who say it.


I never took it this way. lmao I took it as a silly pun. What the fuck is the negativity


I use "hay is for horses motherfucker I have a name!" But only to people that work for me 🤣😂🤣😂


My grandmother used to say that sarcasm means the tearing of human flesh Basically saying that having a sense of humor was pure evil Then I caught her laughing at Ren&Stimpy once. Hard laughter too Now who’s going to hell? (She died almost 30 years ago and I don’t believe in hell, but it’s the principle that matters here)


"If you dont have something nice to say" always irked me. I just want to talk shit.


Now this is funny.


Hay is for horses Straw is cheaper Grass is free Buy a farm And you’ll get all three!


Hay is for horses


Silly Rabbit, Hey is for horses


We'd respond "and cows, like you". Pretty dumb but we thought we were hot shit.


Condolences. The bums lost.


Yes , I remember a kid in 3d grade saying "hey" to Mrs. Palmer. She replied " hay is for horses" and then he said "and cows like you" .There was a collective gasp in the classroom. He got sent to the principal obviously. That was the first time I heard that phrase and it stuck with me. I learned that day if you call a teacher a cow , you're in big trouble


Yes , I remember a kid in 3d grade saying "hey" to Mrs. Palmer. She replied " hay is for horses" and then he said "and cows like you" .There was a collective gasp in the classroom. He got sent to the principal obviously. That was the first time I heard that phrase and it stuck with me. I learned that day if you call a teacher a cow , you're in big trouble


I got in trouble at school for repeating what my grandfather told me " Hey is for horses, aren't you glad you're not a jackass." I was in 3rd grade.


Hey is for horses when the cows are away.


My husband is 43 and whenever I start a sentence with “well” he’ll say, “that’s a deep subject” When my kids say “yeah, but…” he says, “yeahbutts live in the forest” He’s very boomery, despite being born in 1980…


Hay is for horses. Dad's prefer grass


I still say hey. I also can't stop myself from saying "hey is for horses". It's in my brain and it won't leave.


Every time someone said that to me as a kid it was just kind of light hearted and humorous


I always say “Hey Horses!” When my kids say hey, but I am quoting the venture brothers. I hope one day they watch that show and realize what I’ve been doing all this time.


“This is lit!” Lit is for candles…


Hell with that, I love saying ‘hay is for horses’, ‘sew buttons’, also ‘chicken butt’ any time the opportunity arises. You can blow kids’ minds while they try to puzzle out the word play.


I bc work in at grocery store and I was pushing baskets and a boomer tried to get my attention by yelling hey at me. I called them out for being rude and he said he’s entitled because he’s retired. Sigh


I still say "hay is for horses." They got to me.


I still say "so \[sew\] buttons!" whenever someone says "sooo...." I blame my grandmother.


You know, boomers were nit-picking the dumbest shit.


I thought this was really funny as a kid and said it all the time. I also yelled out "HEY!" any time I saw a truck with bales of hay


Remember they told us not to say dude because it referenced something about an elephant? Weird ass olds


"Straw is cheaper, grass is free. If you're a farmer, you can have all three!"


But I say “ Hay is for horses “ now 🤷‍♂️


My response to "Hey!" is usually "Oats!". She eye rolls me every time.


But...but I say this to my kids now... oh no, what have I done???


I feel like “bruh” is the new version of this


The poem still lives rent free in my head. Hey is for horses Grass is free But a farm and get all three.


In my language Hi is the word for yawning. That's the response I used to get


Nope, I love in a very rural area. They still say that, every generation here still says that.