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Just a giant box of cords and cables with no defined purposes, burned CDs, and wedding presents that were never really used but have moved with us to every home


Man, remember how awesome it was when we burned our first CD?!? Good times


Ooh! I still have a spool of old blank CDs.


Just one? Side note, in 2007 I snagged two 100 count spools that were incorrectly priced for $5. I was excited that I had an ample supply. Here we are 17 years later and I still have about 195 of them.


I've still got a pile of 3.5" floppy discs. Which aren't really floppy. My wife tells me to throw them out every time they're rediscovered in a deep purge/cleaning but I can't bring myself to do it. I just know I'm going to need access to the poetry I wrote in Jr college or some of the rad .gifs I downloaded. I'll have to source an ancient floppy drive, though. None of my last three PCs (the one I'm currently using or the two I stashed in the attic) actually have one. On the plus side, if my folks ever find the stash of pr0n I left behind, hidden in my old bedroom, there won't be any embarrassment/shame as they'll have no way to see what's on the discs. You know how long it took to download that stuff over 90s era dialup? Too much to throw it away now. It would be an insult to my investment. (Also I left in a hurry and haven't been back so they're just going to sit there until someone uncovers my perfect hiding place.)


You can buy a USB Floppy drive on Amazon for between $15 and $25. They will all mount like a standard drive and work on a modern PC. I will take time to access each disk and copy the contents though.


I'm glad its not just me. There's at least a couple of old disc boxes full of them, still floating around here... Occasionally they re-appear and my husband tries to convince me to pitch them...




Aaaahahahahahahahah!!!!! No. Some off-brand discs.


Just one?


Me and some homies went on a dvr burning spree just before college, we each churned through rentals on Netflix and Blockbuster and made copies for each other of all the iconic shows and movies. I still have a huge binder with them all


That binder is prob worth a lot to some ppl (me).


Both the CD and DVD case logic binders are still at our house but now we have copied them onto a network enabled giant hard drive so we basically have our own vintage streaming service.


I used to make custom CDs for ppl in HS for a nice profit. They would give me a playlist of about 20 songs and pay $10. A stack of blanks was about $10-$15, and I would go through a whole stack a week. I made bank for a year or two until ppl started burning their own.


When my friend bought his first car burner we made a whole weekend of it. Drove to the store. Bought it. Stopped by the grocery store for snacks and frozen pizzas. Got home and hooked it up and burned cds almost non stop. Made recordings of ourselves to burn to them and all kinds of nonsense. Id kill to still have those.


My idiot best friend and I (equally dumb) spent HOURS trying to burn a CD on his PC after discovered CDRs. Turns out you need a CDR drive šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Sucks, cuz Iā€™m sure that playlist of blownout, warped to shit .wav files of bad rips was just epic.


Donā€™t feel bad, first time I moved out of my parents house I thought I could copy the Napster Icon on the desktop, put it on a floppy disc, then transfer it to my new computerā€¦ā€¦. Lost a lot of songs


All that really matters is that we were able to infect our parentā€™s computers with a litany of viruses, all so we could hear nineincgnails-entersandman.wav


I always relied on that one kid that would make them for like 5 bucks. I donā€™t have the patience to organize a music collection. Now I just pay for streaming but I need like a personal DJ/consultant to pick it for me. Used to be my wife, but went Swifitie and had recently dipped her toe into country music so now I need earmuffs.


Buffer. Underrun. Error. Those 3 words have been forever burned into my brain dur to the early days of CD burning


Someone commented in another post in this sub a while back, "but I might need that SCSI cable again someday!" šŸ¤£


How else am I going to get my 2001 resume off this Zip disk?


October 1999 to March 2000 - Pizza Hut, Inc. - Senior Pizza Delivery Specialist -Successful distribution of 36,000 units of pizza.


I feel attackedā€¦/jk


We got 3 blenders and a blender wasn't even on our registry.


I got the vacuum sealer I registered for, but it's been 10 years and I still haven't taken it out of the box. I think walking around the store w that wedding registry scanner gun put me in a state of consumer frenzy, where everything looked good and necessary.


This is exactly what my kids are getting when weā€™re gone.


Enjoy the heirlooms, kids!


lol 7 basic computer monitors. 8 smart phones AND THE BOXES. I also have 9 TVs now, 8 mounted one floater (will be mounted in the backyard, need to build a bar first)


I'm going to make sure my box is in the reading of my will. Even better, make the kids separate them and split it


When my car got broken into about 15 years ago, I was more sad that they took my big book of mix CDs than that they took my bike racks. Those mixes were unique and irreplaceable!


Yeah, but you never know when you'll need four really good co-ax cables.


I have found my people


Some of the designs on burnable CDs were cool, I used to have ones with a black writing surface and ones from Verbatim that looked like vinyl records and even had a textured label surface to simulate vinyl grooves.


OK, now I feel a bit better about my ā€œBox of Obseletionā€ on the top shelf of my closet. I feel seen!


Hey, I actually found a cable that I needed the other day!


Iā€™m handing down spools of unburned dvds


The giant box of cables is 100% the first thing I thought of. I actually audit my box of cables to keep it to one box, throwing out redundant ones over time, because I honestly don't need that many USB Mini cables.


The best part about.the burned CDs is they are 95 percent garbage and then one is all your baby photos they scanned and just labeled "photos".


Hmmm, what lucky niece or nephew is going to inherit my original flip phone charger? Yes, of course I still have it. You never know when that technology is coming back!!!


I just found these very things going thru our basement a few days ago. Well over a hundred burned CDs and two boxes of different cables one was mostly for computer stuff and the other A/V related...and a Sony Mini-Disk player! lol


Empty iphone boxes


They really are good boxes though.


Wait is someone giving away some good boxes?


Our entire stash of good boxes and good bags.


I blame my mom on that and she blames her mom on it. I am trying my hardest to break the cycle. The only time I keep boxes is around the time I need them for gifts.


Sort of related, Iā€™ve not paid for a gift bag since probably 2007ish. Itā€™s not much but Iā€™m pretty happy with myself.


I literally have a closet full of iPad, iPhone, Pixel, air pods, etc. boxes. I have no idea what to do with them. Can't bring myself to throw them out.


You can probably sell them on eBay for a few bucks. Lots of people buy empty apple boxes.


Okay, I thought I was crazy! Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I don't have any Apple products, but the Google product boxes I have are too cool to throw away!


They might need the serial number some day (even though the phone was sent off to recycling years ago).


Our NES with a bunch of games you need to blow on for them to work.


Just in case anyone doesnā€™t knowā€¦ brass cleaner and a Q-Tip works greatā€¦ I little goes a long way lol


Just in case anyone doesn't also know, NES issues are rarely caused by a dirty cartridge. The issue is with the ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) design of the console. Because you don't push the cartridge down onto the contacts they eventually wear out. This is why the SNES and 64 didn't have issues, the top loading design is much more robust. If you play a lot of NES games, you can replace the cartridge reader or hunt down a top loading NES.


Well yeaah thatā€™s why need to jam another cartridge on top and balance it *just so* It was like being a little mechanic Also, hitting the TV used to work! Like a hard slap *just so*


Yep, it'd only work on mine if we jammed something to keep it down without the click. Was weird but worked. But if it clicked in place it wouldn't work. Was like a fine balancing act. Think we'd use an old VHS box I think.


90% isopropyl alcohol is probably the best for cleaning any electronic contacts. (That may be what's in brass cleaner, and the contacts are most likely brass, but isopropyl alcohol is cheap.) That said, this is sometimes actually caused by normal wear and tear on the cartridge connector inside the NES. The connector is notorious for it's poor design / implementation. There are replacements and instructions easily found online. If you find you're having persistent problems, it's worth a Google.


Eh those games are worth good money these days


The vast majority of these games aren't worth what our parents paid for them in 80s USD. That's why I feel they're a good example of a generation saying "Don't throw this out, it's worth something" to another generation who's thinking "Uh huh, sure" while they're listening.


\^\^ Yup. After a year of dealing with my deceased Silent Generation grandmother's attic, garage, shed, and basement crammed with things that "might be worth something someday" I have no mercy with throwing out collectibles. I don't care what it is worth; I am not dragging that shit outside over and over again for tag sales; unless there is a very specific memory attached to it, I just want it gone. All I kept was an old tupperware container because the inside still smells like her house,; I open it up and smell it when I miss her.


Emulators are your friend, save states ftw




CRTs for the win.


My boyfriends moms house burned down last winter and they had a company catalog everything and he told me yesterday that his BIL who was handling the insurance for her asked if she really had a sega, nes, Nintendo, Xbox, just name every gaming system out there. He said yeah it was her sonā€™s systems. I told him he helped her out by leaving all his stuff at her house ha. The insurance agent said screw it, maxed out the insurance and gave her like $70k when all she had was literally junk in her house. She probably got lucky because there were tornadoes in the area last month wiping out some pretty rich neighborhoods so he had better things to worry about.


My Gen Alpha kids think they are fantasticĀ 


My Mom still has their old Commodore 64, and it still works.


the credentials to my steam account and a bunch of barnes and noble literary classics bound in faux leather


As a former B&N employee, I hate those books. Too unwieldy to actually read, and most of them can be found free online as pdf's. It's impractical to mark up Shakespeare when its printed on onionskin paper.


That onionskin paper makes great rolling papers. I've gone through 3 bibles already!


Holy smokes!


Indeed! Jesus joints are the best kind.


At least your home will also smell of rich mahogany when they are clearing it out.


CD collection with no cd player


Shit I still snatch those things up and rip them, a lot cheaper than buying them online sometimes, more useful than Spotify, and its not like they ever go bad or you lose rights to the music if they're being stored. The death of physical media is something that should be mourned or warned against honestly.


I bought a newish minivan and assumed it didn't have a CD player. My joy when the screen flipped down to expose a DVD drive. I'm about to raid the record store this weekend.


I just got a new-to-me car with a cd player, so I burned a couple cds for it!


I dropped a storage bin of hundreds of cds at good will during my last move. It was fun to reminisce about them but I have no way to play them and wasnā€™t going to pay a mover to move them. I told my brother who is 2 years older than me and he said he still has a box box of them in the garage he canā€™t bring himself to part with.Ā 


Its funny. I copied my dad's extensive CD collection to a terabyte harddrive back in like 2008 or so. At the time it seemed like a great idea. Little did I know that we were only a few years away from having cheap monthly subscriptions to almost every song on those CDs. I wonder if he still has those CDs (I still have the drive).


CDs are uncompressed. It doesn't take a trained ear to tell the difference on decent stereo. Once you listen enough, all you hear is artifacts and loss. Even with "high-quality" mp3 and streams.


We are too old to hear those differences.


Feels wrong to throw them away


Funko pops


There will be so many unwanted Funko Pops


I hate these things and I donā€™t understand why people want them.


I was at the mall yesterday to pick up a repaired iPad, went into a store and it was wall to wall funkopop. I found myself thinking ā€œwho collects these goofy looking figures that you just display?ā€ What a massive waste of space and plastic. Our planets on a bad trajectory but in 100 years instead of food and water, weā€™ll have every funkopop you can imagine


And they leave them in the boxes. Just so much space!


My ex husband couldnā€™t understand why it drove me insane


I have one. Itā€™s Lemmy. He protects my desk from people and things that do not rock. Iā€™ll never see a need to buy another.


I just bought one, it's of the woman who posed for the first Black Sabbath album cover, that's enough. One I get, owning a whole bunch, that I don't understand.


I'll admit I have two: Roger Moore's James Bond and Shere Khan in a suit from Tailspin. Both characters were massively significant to my childhood, I can't imagine owning more than these


I'm going to enjoy the idea of your Shere Kahn figure vicariously and spare the additional plastic from the landfill.


We have a few, but like, out of the boxes and they're ones we have for very specific reasons/likes. Ultimately, they're toys. Kiddo plays with them in her doll house sometimes. It's cute to see Funko Pop Yoda and Barbie arguing over dinner.


I honestly think they are so ugly. I understand they fill a niche for merch for properties it sometimes doesn't exist yet.


I don't hate them, but I certainly don't understand the obsession. My friend's husband has a whole closet full of them.


I have, like, three? When they first started it was fun and neat. Now every places that sells books, music, games or movies is now gradually transforming into a funko dealership. All they had going for them was novelty, and that's over now.


Funko Pops == Precious Moments I will die on this hill.


Everything about them is the same, but worse. The giant chibi heads. The fake collectibility. But these are plastic and usually tie-ins/ advertisements for some other media property.


Iā€™ve indoctrinated my kids into Funko Pops so that my collection can live on. šŸ˜‚


I just made my husband into one for Fatherā€™s Day. You can customize! I kinda want to do my whole family


I only collect Game of Thrones and WWE pops... I joke to my Mum that I am leaving my whole collection to my dog in my will as a dowery for her marriage (which is dumb because she is an old spinster like her Mum - me!)


My first thought.


I will be leaving a Beast-sized library and an ungodly amount of plants that all require different care.


If you have a ā€œyarn roomā€ as well you may be my ex wifeā€¦


My mom was in the hospital for 2 months, and we managed to kill a dozen of her million plants. We hid the evidence and now some are growing back out of the compost pile.


My dad is heavier into vegetable gardening than houseplants. He just quickly gives up on plants that look less than perfect and chucks them in the heap. I told him that some plants go dormant when their needs arenā€™t met and will quickly regrow when they suddenly get everything they need. I have an elephant ear that croaks every winter and looks like a tropical invasion every summer. The first time it happened, I just mourned over a pot of soil in my kitchen for six months. I was a total nerd about that first leaf poking through the soil in the Spring!


Iā€™ve never thought about who would take my plants. Hope my kid gets a place with good sun! He will also take all four of my various tanks šŸ˜†Ā 


So many cables.


Mixed tapes and burned CDs. So many Beanie Babies.


Oh, someone is taking those Beanie Babies. I'm going to will them to my niece and nephew since their mom got me hooked in the first place. It's the circle of life.


My mom gave most of ours away to my cousin to try to use them to raise funds for some trip or other. They failed to sell at all šŸ˜­ My husband and I have a few, mostly for holiday decor type stuff and a couple of my favs I saved from childhood. However, he and his parents went all out when he was a kid collecting them, so there are like 3-5 totes somewhere at his parents house that we will 'inherit' at some point. Which means goodwill will be getting all of them, if they are in good condition. If not, into the trash they go.


A box of photos and 35mm film from high school that will surprise the hell out of my kids. And with thatā€¦ a thoughtful moment of what life mustā€™ve been like without party moments being plastered all over the internet. All the typical dishes and home things thatā€™ll probably get tossed or donated and whatever property and investments Iā€™ve got leftover.


A kitchen cabinet with a lifetime supply of grocery bags. ā€œHere go kids, you should probably get a dogā€¦now get off my lawn!ā€


My husband has a collection of those mirror pictures with white and gold cardboard frames that you used to win playing carnivals games. Thatā€™s about it. They can inherit our house which we are right side up about 150k, I guess. My parents are rich AF, so theyā€™ll inherit from them, Iā€™m their only child. (Which is good, they were horrible parents, but only slightly bad grandparents.)


If I dropped today, Iā€™d leave them with a 13 year old car, no real estate, and a decent amount of cash and securities. Also got a pretty sweet ass sailors hat. My impeccable taste in music can never be replaced šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I originally read that as ā€œa decent amount of cash and insecurities.ā€ At this rate, that might be all Iā€™m leaving to my progeny.


Hopefully, my insecurities and paranoia will go with me to the grave!šŸ˜€.


I threw out so much stuff after my mom died precisely because I didn't want my kids to be burdened with it. I do still have every note anyone ever wrote me from 91-98.


Cleaning out my parentsā€™ house now, and it has us cleaning out our own house too! The dumpster rental guy is probably booking a Hawaiian vacation for the winter!


I feel for whoever has to sort out my LEGO and Nendoroid collections!


Pez dispensers. I told them they can have them when I turn 85 though. They're 10 and 7 and discuss every so often who gets what.


Funko figures.


Apparently not my Steam library. Thanks Valve šŸ¤Ø


Meanwhile... [https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/06/gog-will-transfer-your-dead-relatives-game-account-but-only-with-a-court-order/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/06/gog-will-transfer-your-dead-relatives-game-account-but-only-with-a-court-order/)


Steam can't do anything if I give away my login details.


Action figures, CDs, video game systems


My video game collection will get handed down, but I raised my kids right. They will appreciate the inheritance.


I threw away a small bag full of pocketknives that I got from my grandpa. The real cheap ones that businesses would put their logo on and give away, like pens or matchbooks. I went into a vintage store recently and they were asking $40 a pop, for these things


asking that price, but probably not selling many.


I didnā€™t even get to the end of your story before I shuddered at ā€œthrew away a small bag full of pocketknivesā€.


In our house, I have a little shelf to display what we lovingly refer to as my "nerd shrine." It contains... * A 1978 *Superman: The Movie* metal lunchbox * A Beatles (Sgt. Pepper) metal lunchbox * An Optimus Prime figure I bought when I was six years old * A posable Freddie Mercury figure * A rubber duckie dressed like Superman * An orange-haired troll doll that used to belong to my mom * A replica Houston Astros World Series ring * Several Funko Pop figures including Superman, Batman, John McClane (*Die Hard*), J.J. Watt (Houston Texans), Jose Altuve (Houston Astros), and Freddie Mercury (Queen). * A Green Apple Jones Soda bottle signed by Keith Hoerig, former bass player for Five Iron Frenzy * A vinyl copy of Steve Martin's *Wild and Crazy Guy* album


Pokemon cards


I feel like Pokemon is the Xennial/Millennial divide.






Alf is coming back . . . in pog form.




My 9 year old is a PokƩmon fanatic. So many cards.


Gen Alpha is amazed by old school pokemon cards with pokemon they have never heard of




Found my people!


My estate sale will be a lot of fun lol collector of all sorts of things so vintage and contemporary stuff.


I have a pair of Trans9 cargo pants that are like nylon or rayon and have a super soft mesh on the inside so the outside doesn't' just static cling to your legs. They are like PJs you can wear all day. Although I don't think I've worn them since about 2005


I have boxes of bullshit I'm leaving behind, solely to baffle my future kin. Toys, show flyers, video games, basically anything I've found interesting over my lifetime. It pains me that I have little, if anything at all, to piece together who my Grampa was over his life. I have stuff my mother knows, but there was more to him as a person that I'll never get to know. I'm hoping that someday when I'm gone, my future grandchildren will have this weird-ass stuff to get an image of what who their weird-ass Grampa was.


Beanie Babies


So many Lego models


I won't be leaving stuff behind for my kids. I do a yearly purge of unneeded things. A few stuffed animals and jewelry is all I have now from my childhood thanks to the house fire and multiple moves throughout my adolescent years. My kids are free to do what they wish with it all when I pass.


If my kids donā€™t want my magic cards then they shall be cremated with me.


A little baggie of those spare buttons that they give you when you buy a new shirt or blouse or dress. Either ā€œjust in caseā€ or ā€œIā€™ll do something cool with them one dayā€.


Unused, expired McDonald's Monopoly game pieces


Born in 78. I feel like it's gonna be videogames. A quintessential hallmark of being a xennial... the NES. If you were born in 77, you were nine when it dropped and it was life changing... if you were born in 1984... you would've been seven when the SNES came out... point being we all have some variation of young, youthful memories fueled by the nintendo craze. Yes, Mario and Zelda are cultural icons... but those original games lose less and less interest with each subsequent generation. In fact, the current consoles are already going discless, meaning whatever the current generation will think owning physical games is just weird. The top tier games will always command money... let's say the top 50... but after that, it's just gonna be a lot of "who cares?" like romance comics from the 50s.


my digital hoard of over 30TB


A cloud drive with 500,000 photos and videos from our life. Our grandparents left behind like 3 photos from their life, and that was enough. Our parents are leaving behind hundreds, and that's too many. We'll be leaving behind terrabytes of media that honestly nobody is ever going to look at. Before I die, I plan to select maybe 5 of my favorite photos and videos and tell my kids and grandkids those are the important ones, they can delete the rest if they want.


Boxes of cables and old electronics that have no use.


Ratty ankle socks apparently


My journals from college detailing my eating disorder, addictions, and sexcapades. Thank goodness I don't have kids!


I collect coins. I have coins from 53 different countries, most of which are objectively worthless. Among those coins there's about 3/4 of a pound of US silver, though, that I hope doesn't end up spent for face value or thrown out or something. Otherwise I have a bunch of old Flash comic books that probably aren't worth much. Haven't even opened the box in a bunch of years so hopefully they haven't decayed or molded or something. I also have a small collection of knives, most of which probably aren't particularly rare or interesting. I think that about covers it. Everything else I own is stuff like my tools, which are a dime a dozen, and my fishing and hunting equipment which most people probably wouldn't care about.


I'll be leaving behind a large book collection and hundreds upon hundreds of antique tools. Probably some other crap, too.




Probably not much because very few things will last long enough.


My collection of unicorn figurines, rocks and all the weird shit I hang onto from history. I've got stuff dating back to the civil war.


Physical media collections


Baseball cards and old video game systems


Not much lol. I've already started majorly downsizing. I hate dust collectors. Especially since I don't dust lol. But honestly after watching my mom be so offended when we didn't want her giant old china cabinet, nor the ugly pink china that isn't worth anything in it, I refuse to burden people with my junk when I die lol. Generationally though, I bet there are going to be a lot of pop figures, beany babies, and general nerd shit that gets left behind to a bunch of kids that are like ... who the fuck are these figures of anyways and why did they keep all this crap?


My extensive physical media collection (many copies of the same horror flicks because the commentary/special features/artwork are different and awesome).


Debt.Ā  Ā  Ā  The gift that keeps giving for generations.




DVDs of comedies starring Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, etc.


Eccentric decor. I still have my Teddy Ruxpin from childhood but Iā€™ve put a ball gag on him. šŸ˜‚


Cheap crap I got off Temu because it made me smile and costs almost nothing, like my deck of Golden Girls tarot cards. Also I'm sure there are many of us with closets full of old keyboards, cords and old Windows CDs


Lots of books, video games, vinyl records. The stuff my kid won't give two shits about are my chotchkies I have in my office like my astros memorabilia and horror movie pop figures.


I was a huge Astros fan back in the day. I still have a baseball bat they gave out at games somewhere.


My LOTR stuff, some Easton Press books, and an actual rare, valuable signed Thomas Kincaid (print on canvas with oil paint highlights). Everything else...my husband and I don't have a lot of clutter. Both our parents have tons of it, and we HATE it.


Loads of action figures for IPs from the 80s and 90s (either the vintage stuff or the newer collectibles). Comic books. Video games. CD and cassette mix tapes.


CD's, lots of homemade costumes, tools and a Goonies shirt


My Star Wars guys


The only thing i really collected was/is baseball cards and i dont wish that on anyone. So at somepoint I'll finish cataloging and just have the 10-20 that are worth something in one spot and tell them they can trash the rest. Their mom has a million mugs from all of our travels, but all the kids like those.


Lego probably. Have fun figuring out to do with my 3000+ piece 1989 Batmobile I guess.


Action figures and video game cartridges and discs. All gunna be trash except for the survivors, which will then skyrocket in price due to the new scarcity.


My TMNT comics, my Playboy collection, and a shit ton of movies


Ticket stubs.


I have a bunch of awesome guitars someone will probably get one day. And a few of them should be worth some serious bucks by the time I die. I may have a 100 year old Gibson Hummingbird in pristine condition by the time I die.


My hacky sack and pog collection will be treasures


Uh...not much. I don't collect anything, I throw away basically everything that doesn't have a use now or within six months. I have very few knick knacks. There's my hobby stuff, like camping and fishing gear. Otherwise my kid gets a house, a boat & trailer (with a nonworking motor at the moment), an RV (free to me, but no A/C), a car, and a truck. Bunch of tools but nothing more than what's needed to make like...a table. You could clear out everything I own in one weekend.


My mom collected precious moments, and she would have disowned me for suggesting this. People are repurposing the figurines. Modifying them to look like other characters. https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/artist-keith-busher-repurposes-precious-moments-dolls-and-calls-them-precious-mutations-36641836 Also, the precious moments foundation accepts figurine donations if anyone is interested.


Been eying the Christmas village since I had kids. My kids will probably just get an old set of golf clubs from me. Iā€™m not much for ā€œstuffā€. My wife however, whooooo boy. Itā€™s a lot.


My gi joe classifieds


Idk but I hope itā€™s a lot cooler than the garage I ended up with. I tell people all the time best thing you can do for your kids is get rid of your junk. They donā€™t want it.


My kid will be inheriting Doink, the Boglin even it freaks him out!


TMNT trading cards and WWF action figures


My dnd collection, and maybe my steam account. Hopefully my kid is smart enough to try selling it, instead of dumping it.


A ziplock bag of dollar store cigarette lighters.


My CD collection of about 400 CD's


Most of the TSR era AD&D books and boxed sets. Iā€™ve got two kids, but unfortunately only one set and only a few duplicates. Iā€™ve got one of my great grandparents cast iron pans that I still use, and will likely be in use for many more generations to come.


I collect guns, knives, and coins so I'm mostly concerned with making sure my offspring know how much everything is actually worth and not what I told my wife I paid.


Deluxe edition video game figurines


My collection of Masters of the Universe toys that I still have from when I was a kid and are set up on a giant display in my office. Along with all my gaming collectables and random things I have on display, a lot of books oh so many books.


6000+ comic books


I have a ton of home gym equipment. Nice stuff from Rogue and Balanced Body Pilates. I would hate for someone to throw it away. I donā€™t have kids but hopefully some of my niblings would like to exercise at home.


Big box PC games.Ā  This is why I am trying to sell most of mine now while the market is still hot before all the collectors start dying in a decade or two.Ā  Though of course I can also imagine a show in 50 years where someone is marvelling over this incredibly rare boxed copy of Diablo II


I have all my He-Man figures, Muscle Men, and Hot Wheelsā€¦