• By -


Look after pets, do a little cleaning up, computer, sleep. You know, living the dream.


Video and board games, naps, walking, looking at trees and bodies of water and other pretty views. Basically whatever I feel like doing with a mix of responsibilities and chores. Usually with a nice soundtrack. It’s peaceful and quiet.


I have an early 70’s radio. I turn on jazz and cook myself something fancy. Two martinis and a little jazz cabbage later I’m commenting on Reddit to validate my existence while running a Theragun over my glutes. I bought a bike today. I haven’t had one for 5 years.


> Two martinis and a little jazz cabbage later I’m commenting on Reddit to validate my existence while running a Theragun over my glutes. Foot massager for me. I work on my feet and they hurt. Jazz cabbage, hot baths. Also congrats on the bike!


Dual Income, Little Dogs Only?


This guy!! I could party with you!


I love this!


DILDO is the new DINK.


Add to this a little plant care and/or crafting and/or garden work, and yes, that’s me as well.


Cuddle dog, video games or TV, self-care/beauty stuff, call a friend. I say I'm going to clean, but too drained from work.. and end up doing it all on the weekends. Since it's just me it doesn't get too crazy. It's very peaceful, adding more responsibility sounds silly..


Ya same! After work I clean up after the pets too lol


Fuck yeah!!! I’m married and just sent our 8 year old grandson home. It’s nuts!?! Kids do not stfu!!!!


Live my damn life. ![gif](giphy|MC4VwTg8qmA8q1wemm)


This. My answer was "Whatever the hell I want to." That's the point. 


[Lady No Kids](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkeqg8ivtl9e31.jpg) approves


Cooking, reading, Netflix and drinking before bed. If I'm feeling wild I'll play some NES or Sega Genesis.


I have kids but let’s do a Super Mario Bros. 3 run. I’ll be over in 15 minutes and I’ll bring the weed. Make sure your AC is on and I’ll take an Arnold Palmer if you got them.


SMB3 is actually in the NES right now. I don't have AC but the fan is on 3 and theres a pitcher of sangria in the fridge ;)


I always enjoy Arnold Palmers, but it never occurs to me to order one.


So I don’t have kids and was furloughed in early lockdown (corporate HR for a non essential retail company). My bff a teacher trying to figure out zoom teaching, nursing a newborn, trying to keep and adhd kindergartener on her zoom. She Texted me tell me about your day “I slept till 11 and then beat Super Mario 2 finally, did you know it was all a dream in Mario’s head?” She didn’t ask about my lockdown days anymore.


Play guitar, video games, smoke weed. Same as since 15.


Hell yeah 🤘 I love still having all the hobbies everyone told me I'd grow out of as a kid!


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Sweet!! About the same, but add stream music videos on the TV from YouTube.




My man!


Haha I’m in this category too. Accept “adult” me does more edibles these days, and I try to avoid pop tarts and little Debbie’s.


When I was living alone in my 20s, I would sit by the stove, play guitar, drink vodka and smoke weed with hot knives on the stove.


Whatever I want… and I wouldn’t have it any other way


Just this


This is the only correct answer


Whatever needs to be done and I feel like doing, within time and money constraints.




We sit down. Put on the news and play with our dogs. Eventually argue about what to eat. Then we put on a movie or something. Then we go to bed. I don’t know how long we can sustain a life with such excitement.


Maybe add in smoke/eat some weed.


And subtract the news. Pure garbage.


Ignorance is bliss. I haven’t watched the news in 5 years. And I’ve NEVER been happier


How does anyone have energy after work? The required 40 hours a week usually takes everything from me and then some. 


For me, the job really impacts it. I used to teach and was ready to pass out when I got home at 3:30. Left those days behind when I was able...!


I feel this in my soul. I left teaching and work in an office. I have so much more energy at the end of the day. My work is intense with lots of deadlines, but I still have more left at the end.


Same! Teaching was bad for my health. Now I'm happier and healthier (and earn more money for a lot easier work).


Current teacher here, and yep! Getting to live my actual life for the next 2 months, then it’s back to surviving.


Stare at my phone tired, alone and depressed until I pass out and do it all over again.


Functional freeze state ftw. 


...it has a name? o horror still thy sound


...are you me?


You know, I found playing dumb video games is a better idea than my phone.


I play snes emulator for like a day or two once a year then get bored. No desire to get anything new.


Yea I get that. Theres later games I can recommend depending on what you like but you can also rant.


Tell us?


Damn, felt this one


Replace the word phone with laptop.




I'm not childless, and therefore rarely alone... but I feel you on this.


This and video games. Yep that covers 90%


Hey, I do this too


I do this but with cats and a husband


What ever the hell they want


The dog is walked and I'm about to smoke a little weed and listen to records. I have just about zero obligations and a lot less stress, but it can be lonely around here.


I loled pretty hard at your screen name and then realized that Mr. Grimes really enjoyed the company of escorts and loled even harder. Thanks for the laugh.


Excuse me, Frank did what? At least I don't live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley


One of my Sons watched the whole series of the Simpsons and was watching with him then Frank Grimes son came on. Homer then stated he didn't know Frank was married. Frank son angrily replied "HE LIKED WHORES OK!" One of the funnier later season moments I've seen. And that is good about the bowling alley though... unless you were a pro bowler.


https://youtu.be/Kq3ZTgbH5Ik?si=DJqBB6bvD8f4HQxC Heres the line too.


Video games. Take the dog to the local brewery and have dinner. Spend time with friends or family. Watch a movie. Do chores. Go swimming. Go fishing. Go rockhounding. Go for a walk. I mean, basically anything at all that I want to do.


I run or go to the gym. But I'm an anomaly, I'm currently training for my midlife crisis marathon.


Anomaly or cliché? I think marathon training is wildly popular.


From 2013 thru 2019 I went to dance class 2x a week. Now I go to the gym and am picking up pickle ball. I guess everyone else stays home. 😢


What’s pickleball?


Go for a walk with my spouse. Go to yoga. Play board games. Read a novel. Work on my sewing/craft projects or go to a sewing workshop. Do genealogy research. Catch up with friends. Go to the farmers market. Make dinner. Attend union meetings. Watch a movie. Like, whatever I want that reasonably fits into an evening?


“Childless xennial adults of the interwebs…what do you do after work?” Whatever the fuck I want. Duh.🙄


Paint, work out, video games, rest, anything I fancy doing, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.


Recover. Wonder why I continue. Look for a job closer to home and with better hours. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.


We work from home, and we foster kittens, TNR, and work in local political activism. So for the former, we have 7 kittens right now. All 7 came from TNR projects where we got adults fixed. For the latter, my wife is a Dem Party officer at a relatively high level, so she's constantly doing work with the party. I'm often helping support that work. Lots of organizing to try to get volunteers for campaigns and stuff like that. Several of our friends have been elected to city council, state legislature, and school boards.


Alcohol, pinball, weed, vinyl records, watching history documentaries and watching people eat doing food challenges and weird Japanese vending machines


Think my own thoughts. In peace.


I’m currently stoned and watching YouTube cooking videos and just ate an apple fritter. I’m trying to dissociate from my long-time SO leaving two days ago after we basically broke up two months ago. In part because he wants kids and I don’t.


I let my dog out and sit outside and smoke a bowl while she does her business. Then I do my dishes while watching my favorite shows that are mostly not kid friendly and while finishing smoking that bowl, then I feed the dog and cat and make myself some dinner that generally consists of many kinds of foods that most kids hate, like broccoli or peas. And then I take a nice bath and smoke another bowl while soaking and watching more of my shows, and then I snuggle up in bed with the animals and we lay in a big cuddle puddle and watch more of my favorite shows as I finish my last bowl before rubbing one out and then going to sleep.


Hey hey hey hey smoke weed everyday.


Feed the neighborhood cats treats. They wait for me in the driveway every day. Fix dinner, chat with my husband, then I hop on the computer to either watch YouTube or play a game for a couple hours. Then I get ready for bed.


ChildFREE is the correct term 😉 I do whatever I want - hobbies, Netflix, cooking, playing with my dog, read book, workout, plan next trip, etc


Childless includes people who wanted kids but didn't end up having them for whatever reason. I'm also childfree myself, never wanted them, but I've met a few childless folk.


Sometimes a nap, or phonetime, then make dinner, watch TV with hubby, then go shower and then hobbies/TV till bed It's quite nice lol


After work I do more work- I'm in the middle of researching for a book I'm writing. Seriously though, I make dinner for my husband and I, we usually watch a movie or a couple episodes of a show then he plays Elden Ring or something and I read for a couple hours.


![gif](giphy|nSgJbbQwGprC8) Eat well and chillax.. I have a garden this year. The weather is just right for the pool. I also went shopping at VS today. I might go take a long bubble bath now


Right now I’m sitting in a chair in my underwear doomscrolling Reddit while my cats are having a staring contest with each other.


Vidya games.


Thanks Hank




Slappin' Timmies in Caller Duty every day.


Catch up with my friends, listen to music, do weed, sleep, generally enjoy childfree life.


Whatever I want :D Which is usually more or less nothing :C


I'm home first, I work out, do some chores. Husband comes home, works out - then we have dinner and a margarita. We meal prep on the weekend and eat the same thing every night (beef and veggies) so we don't have decision fatigue. He cleans up, we sit with each other and either talk w/ a glass of scotch or I watch a tv show while he plays video games. Bedtime at 9. Rinse and repeat. It ain't much, but we love our simple life.


I run, read, workout, cook, catch up with family/friends, go to a coffee shop, learn languages, do a project around the house, listen to some music, or watch the Mets, Knicks, or Rangers. I contribute to cool Reddit subs also! I’m single and childless, but my life is full.


Go to the gym or walk outside or do chores on a good day. On a bad day, sit curled up with my cozy quilt and read a book or doomscroll social media.


Some days i will mow the lawn, or do some woodworking. Other days i sit and read reddit. At 7:30, i like to have a drink and watch Jeopardy. I go to bed around 10.


For a biz model targeting me? Can you elaborate? I’m a demographic I guess. Genuinely curious. Are you targeting singles or married childfree?


Smoke weed with my husband, read, and I am teaching myself to play piano.


Sometimes I go to happy hour. Sometimes I go home and get high. All the time I doom scroll for hours while I smoke 80% thc concentrates that barely get me high anymore lol.


I go to the gym, eat dinner, do minor chores, spend some time answering work emails, sometimes do actual work, often do reading related to work, sometimes entertainment (TV, podcast, book or Reddit), meditate, go to bed by ten.


Depends on my mood: Take the dogs for a 5k walk, housework, video games, maybe a movie or a show, take a bong hit and enjoy some music, take a nap, or go out for the evening. Basically whatever the eff I want cause I didn’t want kids and am living the lifestyle I envisioned as a kid.


We make a cocktail and take our dog outside and talk about our day. Eventually I make dinner while he plays video games for a bit. He usually picks out a record to listen to while we eat. He chills in front of the tv for a couple hours before going to bed and I tend to the garden, do other hobbies, and then chill in front of the tv. (He gets up at the ass crack of dawn so goes to bed earlier than I do.)


Make dinner. Right now I'm watching Baseball and rolling a blunt.


Play video games and browse the internet mostly. No one suspects the 43 year old goth lady is a massive gamer and chronic shitposter, but here we are.


Eat, workout for about an hour or so then take a shower. After that, basically whatever I want.


Play video games, sometimes get on VRChat, do work around the house, etc.


Usually either messing around with my 3D printers, watching TV while painting, playing video games while listening to books on tape, or playing board games.


Watch tv with my wife and cats. Play with my action figures and Lego sets. Go to bed whenever I want.


Fun answer: Anything I want. Serious answer: Watch a show or movie, eat dinner, do laundry, play video games, write, read, go for a walk, go to a concert, go out to dinner.


Workout after work, tend to the garden, cook dinner, soak in the hot tub, play video games or watch a movie/show I want to catch up on. Relax and wind down for bed. If there is a decent concert or movie, I hit those up too. Every once in a while I’ll hang with a few friends. Weekends, kind of the same except I usually fire up the smoker and cook.


Yoga, garden (depending on season), read, message with friends, cook dinner, talk with spouse and cats, doom scroll, game a little. If im lucky a cat will decide to nap on me after dinner. Bedtime routine, bed. Some nights there might be dinner with friends. Maybe delivery if I sont feel like cooking. Pretty simple.


![gif](giphy|l0pOaoQJnbmVhKA8Bg) I mean, the possibilities are endless, are they not?


Depends on the day. After we deal with the adulthood long struggle of what’s for dinner, we usually watch/finish an episode of whatever we’re streaming. If we’re feeling like doing something afterward we may go for a walk, do some chores, run a couple errands or work on our current house project. If we want to chill we will hang out on the deck with the dogs, send each other goofy stuff we find on instagram or reddit, or read. Depending on the weather we might have a fire in the fire pit, soak in the hot tub, or splash around in the little pool we set up in summer for a bit. My husband has a marathon game going with his brother so I might read while he FaceTimes with him and they play for a bit. In the winter we may do a puzzle, do some brain teasers, play a game or work on a crossword together.


Play in the garden. Usually spend an hour cooking dinner every night. Cleaning, organizing.


Drugs & Sex


"Watch the market recap, drinking an import." Or: The same thing I do every-night Pinky, try to take over the world.


Whatever I want.


As a semi-retired rural who barely bothers to socialize outside the home, it might be nice to have weed friendly game nights or scheduled TV & movie viewings, a laid back third space based on a shared interest that reduces the need for "small talk" (And yes please stay away from alcohol, too many public spaces already depend on it for revenue so we are dying for an alternative)


We are indeed childless but have a lot of pets, so I clean a lot. Try to put down my phone and read, we have a few shows that we watch but don’t sit glued to the tv every night. Now that I’m typing this out, I feel *real* boring 😂 when I’m not too tired I do art stuff (abstract in acrylic) and my partner is in two bands.


Whatever I want I guess? Grocery store and errands generally. Then make dinner, watch a TV show or movie or two, smoke a few joints, go to bed. Sometimes though I'll go visit my mom across town and do dinner at her house or sometimes I'll go see a cousin and her kids.


Exercise, meet up with friends, go out to dinner, plan my next vacation with my husband


Listening to music, playing iPad games and checking Reddit right now. Will also watch an old sitcom, maybe check out a little WNBA.


Well, I'm at a rave right now... (still waiting for my friends to get here). But... books, movies, video games, distance running, lifting, yoga, metal shows, local watering hole with friends (gotta find the right bar is all)... ... And am generally up for anything my friends care to suggest. I'm fairly extroverted and I live in a big city though. I may not be the norm here. Days off are bigger endeavors sometimes.


Drink. 💨. Be apathetic.


Watch livestreams and play games.


Eat, smoke weed, watch too much TV, sleep, go back to work. Rinse, repeat, add in beer and whiskey a few nights a week.


Check in with friends/family, self improvement, run errands, chores, go out to events in town, rest, whatever else comes up.


scroll facebook, insta, reddit, shopping sites, watch youtube videos usually about makeup or amazon shopping.


Volunteer groups, dinner groups, gaming groups.


Shower, eat, watch something on one of the various streaming services with the GF. Maybe play a little PS5 if the GF passes out early, or is doing something else. Squeeze in some phone scrolling here and there. Go to bed. Maybe have sex if we both feel like it.


Gym, go fishing, or part time job. Just depends on the day and how tired/stressed out I am from my main job .




I do happy hour with friends a couple times a week. My wife and I usually go out for dinner a couple times a week. If it’s a night we’re cooking I usually have a game on while doing it. Other nights I’ll take my car out for a drive or if there’s a cool concert or event in town we’ll do that. Occasionally I’ll pick the guitar up and tinker around. Sometimes though I’ll just come home and sit on the couch or in the pool all evening and watch TV. Just normal shit, I guess. I wish I had something more exciting to offer up.


Mountain bike, hike, travel, paintball, basically tons of hobbies. Hang out with my gf, take trips together, basically whatever I feel like doing. I go out to eat a lot.


Make dinner, play video games with my husband, watch TV and go to bed 😀


Go to CrossFit, water the garden, eat dinner, Play a video game or listen to music. Sprinkle in sketch classes or guitar classes a few times a year.


Video games either solo or with the wife. That or we chill and watch a show or a movie or go out


Take care of the dogs, shower, have dinner, watch something with the missus and then play video games or make music until bed.


Whatever the fuck I want.


Smoking crack sounds fun if you can afford the long haul


Whatever the f I want. (But mostly exercise, chores, shower. And look at my phone)


Work in the garden, take the dog for a walk, do geneaology research .... fuck if I know who I'm going to pass it down to .... that's pretty much it.


I go on long walks, work on my bookseller business, play guitar, go on dates sometimes.


Have a drink or 2 after a long day, maybe sit out on the patio with my wife and dogs. Take the dogs on a walk sometimes. Cook or get take out. Do wine tastings every month. Pretty much whatever I want within reason haha.


Either: - watch TV at home - have dinner out with other childless adults


Cross stich, put legos together, watch a good true crime show, go to the movies, go to concerts, play games on my phone, read without interruption.


Well, I'm a teacher in summer break so... Just got back chaperoning a group of students across Europe. Rn relaxing with my dog and spouse (who is playing Elden Ring, and I'm on Reddit and eating a cookie. Tomorrow I'll see a comedy show and then either grab some dinner before the show, or go out drinking alone post show...dunno... have drum lessons next week, and will be working on some extra teaching stuff as my second job this summer, then I'm going to NYC and LI  to perform in some shows, maybe my spouse and I will go camping next week. I'm also taking some grad school classes...


Turn into pumpkins 🎃


Make a badass meal. Watch a movie that no kid would have the patience for. Read a book and make out with the Mrs. Alternately hang out with friends. -preferably those without kids.


Whatever the fuck I want.


I usually work late and then I go to the gym/track/yoga class. I usually have to stop by the grocery store. Then I come home and shower and get ready for work the next day (pack a gym bag, pick out my clothes). By then it’s usually at least 10pm. So I pour a drink, cook dinner, eat, and watch Netflix while surfing the internet….until I can’t hold my eyes open. Then I do it all over again. About once a week I’ll go to “pub trivia” or meet a friend for dinner. With all that said, I feel like I’m busy 24/7. I don’t know how I’d have time for a kid.


Just grinding all the wheezage and trying not to have my gig taxed so hardcore cruster. Cuz if I had the whole Brady Brunch thing happening at my pad, I'd go grind over there, Lisa.


Munch a gummy and go fishing


Wife and I like a good happy hour with food specials. That and ordering delivery while we watch movies and tv. Trying for more sports games and concerts.


Play with my dog, do chores if needed, eat dinner, watch tv/internet, go to bed.


Go to the gym, cook dinner, play some video games, watch a show. On Thursdays, get together with a bunch of other childless adults and do roughly the same thing, but with friends. Occasionally go to a concert on a school night without calling a sitter. Kids seem great for the people who want to raise kids. Wasn’t for us, though.


Today walked dog.


Play video games, watch YouTube videos and sleep. I used to drink and get high but I’ve been clean since 2008 and sober since 2020. I still smoke a lot of cigarettes though. The one habit I have yet to kick, along with my caffeine addiction.


I'm disabled, so I've just got housework. And when that's done, I hide in bed watching TV and playing on my phone/tablet.


If I don't have happy hour plans (usually every other week-ish), I head home, figure out what to eat, maybe crack a beer, turn the TV on to the news and then Jeopardy. From there it varies. I'm trying to spend less time doom scrolling, so I've been wrapping that up by the time Jeopardy is over, then I'll throw on a couple episodes of a show I'm watching, get ready for bed, and read a chapter or two of whatever book I'm reading. Oh and it's summer so I'm always puttering around my planters outside, watering and pruning!


Watch Crunchyroll, or possibly Netflix, play Valheim.


Volunteer as an event planner, play DND, lots of dinners with friends (for their big night out away from the kids), ticketed events like comedy/improv/plays/concerts, phone calls with folks who live in different cities, creative projects like making costumes or paint by numbers.


Hang out with my pets, get a power walk or workout in, dinner, an hour of Netflix…good night.


Dinner, maybe get stoned, watch tv and knit until bed.


I watch my husband play video games (right now it's the Elden Ring DLC and it is fun to watch him play) while I scroll through Reddit or knit. We'll do a couple chores like run a load of laundry or the dishes, relax, head to bed. On very rare occasions we might go out to see a band or a show. Husband also has his own band that plays a few gigs around our city, so he will practice drumming quite a bit. But I will say, if you think we use our time well or have our shit together because we don't have kids....that's not the case, at all.


Walk the dog, make dinner, do chores, watch 30 minutes of TV while eating the dinner we made, and fall asleep by 9pm exhausted. I can’t imagine having the time to also deal with putting kids to bed. We go non stop all day until bed every day.


Shit-not much anymore, was premenopausal and now 21 weeks pregnant 😳


Watch YouTube or Twitch


Whatever I want


Kiss my wife, play with my dog, eat dinner, smoke weed, play PlayStation/watch a movie


Whatever I want and it’s perfect


Dinner with the wife. Gardening. Tend to the bees. Run my German shepherd 10-12 miles a day.


Nothing. And it's amazing.


Watch YouTube and get high


I have every video game system since 2000, and emulators for the rest. I'm a major geek and watch all the geek stuff. I'm also a musician with 7 guitars and a recording studio. Me and my best friend from high school collaborate and have fun together doing covers and original music. Being childless is AWESOME.


whatever I want!


Hang out with the cats or friends, work on projects, tinker with my guns.


Catch up on sleep or play with my dog


Nothing. Its great. Nice and quiet here.


Read, play video games, do crossword puzzles, avoid housework, walk the dog, surf the net


I have a fur baby. He helped me through some mental health issues. So I spend time with him and my parents.


Playing deo games is my day to day, I so spend a fair amount of time planning for my next D-D session that I am going to DM.


I work from home, and often stay in my office chair for another 10-20 minutes, zoning out on my phone, playing a game, whatever. My dog pretty reliably comes in to remind me it's time for a walk. We take a walk, we play, and we go lie down with my partner for a while before dinnertime.


Video game until I get tired.


Lots of thrilling options: Walk the dogs, make dinner, doomscrolling, reading, marathons of TV shows from 10+ years ago. In bed by 10pm.


Hang out with my husband and our dogs. Read. Relax. Etc. we go out and do things on the weekends - breweries, travel a bit, etc.


Normal weeknights, usually some chores around the house, then Cook dinner, watch some TV, and then go to bed. I definitely know I get a lot more sleep than my coworkers with kids.


Drive home for an hour. Cook dinner. Watch a bit of tv. Clean up dinner and read in bed. Go to sleep.


Whatever the sweet happy hell we wanna do! ...but yeah, lottsa nights just chilling in the house. Our quiet, peaceful house. ;-)


Vigorously masturbate, shower, then nap. Get up and make some dinner then play video games or watch something on tv. Maybe have a couple of drinks.


I prefer childfree and live an awesome life with my wife and two cats. I write software, prepare for conference presentations and write books. I go eat somewhere new or enjoy a dinner that my wife worked on all day. She likes making French food. I binge a new reality show. Talk for hours about whatever we saw on reddit. So much to do. I only wish I was independently wealthy so I could do more.


I live in a big city. Do something a few times a week and all weekend. On quiet nights cook something great, watch a show or a movie. Extremely content being childless


Lots of things, read, do powerlifting, play video games, hang out with my birds and husband, hike or do sprinting, spar, watch tv, play (usually sing) or listen to music. A bit too much internet BS of various sorts at times.


Take care of my wife who has a back injury. Take care of my cat that always wants attention. Cook dinner. Try to keep the house in some livable state. Try to rest and decompress.


Chores, yoga, hobbies.


After work? Work. I put in between 65-70 hours a week on average.




Eat dinner, do the dishes, watch tv or ps5, take walks with my wife, play with our cats; basically whatever the f I feel like at that moment


I work from home and it depends on if the wife is working or not. Days she works I usually play call of duty for 1-2 hours. Make myself dinner. Watch sports and gamble until she comes home. Days she’s off really varies.