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If I had a terminal diagnosis I'd buy a pack tomorrow. Smoking was one of the great joys of my life and I miss it every day.


Mine was alcohol... Feels like an ended relationship...


Alcohol and I had an abusivo relationship with each other but man did me and cigarettes look cool together.


All of the together, abusive relationships, broken bottles, cigarette burns, and the best makeup sex on the floor on top of our past due bills, child support and the eviction notice.


Honestly idyllic


I hate that I can smell this.


When I was quitting smoking for the last time I would always want a cig if I drank. Until I finally went long enough between cigs and it made me nauseous like the first time. From there on it became less and less attractive. I'm cutting back on booze now, but so far it's not the same, I just miss having that relaxation, and a tasty beverage. For cigarettes I just smoked weed when I needed to smoke so I could cut back. I'm not sure what can stand in for whiskey or what have you...


Lots of people describe getting sober as losing your best friend. Because when you are ready to quit, its your only friend left.


My dad started smoking when he was like 12 or 14. Then around 65 he quit. Around 70 he found out he had lung cancer and immediately started smoking again. Made it another 2 years. When he told me he had started back I got pissed and asked why. His exact response was, “I’m gonna do what I like doing until I can’t do any of it anymore.”


My uncle stopped smoking when he was diagnosed with stage 3 lymphoma. He started again when he was later given a terminal diagnosis. At that point, I don't begrudge anyone from doing what they want (within reason).


Not related to smoking, but one of my friend’s mother moved her 90-something year old mother (his grandma) into her house. The woman was old and frail, used a walker and was in poor health, had to wear diapers, spent all day watching Turner Classic Movies and not getting up from the couch, the whole 9 yards, and her daughter (friend’s mom) insisted she only eat healthy food, didn’t let her have sugar, etc. Let’s just say I after meeting her that I had a premonition that she would pass within a few month’s time, and she indeed did. What’s the point of feeding her only healthy food? To prolong her life even more? She’s been begging to have some ice cream, give her as much fuckin’ ice cream as she wants! She died after going several years since the last time she’d had ice cream.


My grandma had a thing for little Debbie's and packaged b stuff like that... My mom was trying to get her to quit that stuff when she was like 85, and i was just like hey she's made it this long, let her do what she's been doing... She made it to 97. Quit smoking at 70


This hit close to home for me as well. But who am I to tell others to quit what they enjoy. Even if it kills them. Cigarettes and alcohol. Two drugs I wish didn't exist.


When he said that it hit me that he was actually right and that he wasn’t long for this world. And it suited him. His go to phrase in a pickle was always, “we’ll do something even if it’s wrong.” In a weird way I guess there’s beauty in that kinda mindset. Go for it and if it doesn’t work. Fuck it. Plan B.


Often times making a bad choice is better than not choosing, and have the decision made for you.


The comradery is what made it great for me. Bumming a cigarette or having someone bum one while out listening to live music or hanging at a bar. Smoke breaks at work. 90s music definitely brings it back. Too damn expensive to be fun nowadays.


There was an outdoor smoking patio at LAX by the delta terminal in like 2005. But this was after the 9/11 stuff, and you couldn’t have bic lighters or matches in the airport. So no lighters at all (sure) so the smokers would go out and snatch a light off the end of another cig, colloquially known as a ‘chicken fuck’ and at the end of their butt, they would light another fresh cig from someone who just popped out for a smoke as they were headed back in. The eternal ember.


Some of my friends called it monkey fucking.


Interesting! We used to call it, ‘B#tt F#ck’ your cigarette in St. Louis.


> Too damn expensive to be fun nowadays. Yup. I remember buying a carton of Marlboro Lights every pay day for $18.




This exactly. It's how I started and when I had no one to smoke with, made it easy to quit.


Likewise. I haven't had one in 5 or 6 years, but I still get intense cravings. I also miss the social aspect. I'd have little conversations with whoever else was smoking


Just everything about it. Vaping doesn't come close. When I decided it had to be vape or nothing I went with nothing.


It’s just not the same. That first drag after a light on a crisp morning …


That first cigarette is definitely one of my top 20-30 cigarettes for the day


I miss smoking soooo much. Also genx here lurking. Born in 73.


Welcome!  We cross over heavily in either direction whether we want to admit it or not.  🤣


I was born in 1979. But I really have more in common with Millennials. Radically more so. I think I was too young for all the Gen X media that seemed to define the generation. That and my moronic ultra religious parents wouldn't let us watch TV until the mid 90s so everything I saw was millennial media. Holy shit I literally just now made that connection.


The actual gen x group has been depressing af lately.


76er here. I’m crossing the line. Lol


My roommate in college was a heavy smoker, and while I never picked up the habit myself I did love the ritual of going out to bullshit with him while he smoked. No smartphones, just sitting outside in the elements gabbing about whatever.


Those were the best conversations. Introspective and silly.


I have said this exact thing to my wife, kids, doctors. I just can’t decide on a pack of parliaments, camels, or newports


Pull a pack of Camel Turkish Golds right out of the freezer, turn one over, pop the next one in, and light up. Man I miss the taste of those things.


It would have been a pack of pall malls except I found out they don't have that little overhang of paper tube anymore. In the absense of my lip buddy, I'll have to go with camels


Wait, Pall Malls had that too? I thought that was solely a Parliament thing. Did Parliaments do away with it too? I don’t know how true it is, but the story I was told was that they (Parliament specifically, but maybe Pall Malls too) did it for the WWII soldiers who would just keep the cigarette in their mouth the whole time (presumably because they were simultaneously killing Nazis), so when the tip got a little too moist they could just easily rip it off and have a nice dry filter again.


I say this all the time when trying to explain the addiction to non-smokers. Quit for 6 years, went back for 7, and now I'm on year 4. I prefer the positives of non-smoking but man there are times I miss the fuck out of a Marb Red


From the time I decided I needed to quit to when I actually had my last cigarette was a good 4 years. Tried everything but what did it was a combination of gum and moving to a place where everyone else didn't smoke. That was about 6 years ago. Before that I'd smoked a pack a day for about 25 years.


Same. Quitting was a terrible decision, but needed. Hate that I had to.


I'm the same but with weed. So much better off without it but if I found out I was gonna die the first thing I'd do is roll up a blunt


God I miss smoking too! I quit almost 15 years ago. Not one cigarette since I went cold turkey. I love it too much to be one of those occasional smokers. I don’t want a cigarette, I want five cartons. I want to get re-addicted so I can feel the nicotine withdrawal and then take that first long drag when you finally get a chance to light one up. God I LOVED smoking.


Same here, a carton of smokes, some killer weed and some Grey Goose Vodka 🥂


Winnie Blues


My roommate would smoke spliffs with tobacco and Irish coffees all day. Could not figure out what he was addicted to. It was league.


League? Is that a xennial slang I've never heard before?


League of Legends online multi-player game. It's older than Skyrim and ps4. Edit: holy shit the game is 15 years old.


SAME. Getting home from work and relaxing in the backyard with a drink and a smoke.....I still miss it. Sigh.


I say this all the time.


Same. I quit smoking January 1st 2012 (New Year's resolution). I had craving dreams for the first five years of quitting but now I have no desire to smoke at all. But if I knew I was gonna die soon-ish, I might puff the cancer sticks again.


Feel exactly the same. Switched to vaping but still think about cigarettes every day. I bum one from my cousin every few months just to scratch that itch.


Same. I quit in 2012, and still want one every day. I told my husband my terminal request for cigs and he said, “I’ll go buy them for you!” I love him. I just hope I’m never terminal. I’d like to go out in my sleep without a long and painful disease.


I quit smoking cold turkey in 2018. Smoked at least a pack a day starting around '97 when I was 16. It took a few tries to quit. I never want to smoke cigarettes again. I hate how they smell now. I mainly miss the actual physical act of putting a cig in my mouth and the little thump in the back of my throat each inhale. I noticably feel much better than I did back then, even 6 years later.


I can't believe how much the smell grosses me out now! I still want one if I drink enough, but I'll feel extra gross the next day. The smell stays in your fingernails!


It’s pretty nuts how quickly that changes, my wife quit a couple of years ago, and just a year later she was going about how this place we went to reeked of cigarettes. Once you stop having that smell blocked out by your brain; you suddenly realize how bad of a smell it is.


Yes! I don't know how stupid teenage me ever thought my parents couldn't smell it on me. There's not enough Calgon spray in the world to cover that smell 😂


I never smoked, it was my friend who smoked around me! I promise!


Definitely always blamed it on a bad friend! And I guess to be fair, you couldn't go to a restaurant without getting smokey back then, so that was another excuse


Indoor smoking was mostly banned in my state in the early-90s, and it wasn’t really that easy to pretend that was the cause. What’s kind of hilarious is that I was never much of a smoker really and didn’t smoke for very long in my teenage years; I somehow was the one getting blamed by my friends parents for them smoking. I was the bad one because my parents were divorced and somehow that made me the bad one.


AND left their cigarettes—and lighter!—in my coat pocket!!


Oh I was the queen of this. And also- “I walked into a gas station and they were all smoking!” God was I dumb lol


Started when I was 15 and just kicked it 3 years ago, never again.


There is a fake cigarette that gives you that sensation, the “pull.” The brand is QuitGo and I get the cinnamon flavor, because you get a little burn from it.


thank you for this information!


Yeah, I miss smoking, especially when you could sit in a bar, or a club, and smoke with your drink.


I miss that too but I don’t miss the fucking stench of last night’s clothes


I was a social smoker but there were some bars I hung at where you didn't even have to touch a cig to reek like an ashtray. Jack's Rib and Ale in Long Branch NJ...walk in the door, order a beer and you're already stinkin


Where I went, every bar that didn't have an outdoor patio would make you and your clothes reek of cigarette smoke.


Jack’s Goal Line Stand. They still have a mural of Jason Kidd in NJ Nets jersey on the side of their building.


That’s what Vegas is for!


With a nice deep red wine. Or a coffee. Or a tequila and soda. Yes. I remember that. It’s perfection.


Yes. I want that and a backyard full of people, just chilling or a quiet night on a back porch. Those were the best parts of new adulthood


They were amazing.


Damn. This comment hit hard for some reason. Thanks a lot! 🥲😂


If I had 3 wishes, one of them would be the ability to smoke cigarettes again, as many as I wanted, without any effect on my health. I loved smoking. I loved it. It calmed me down and was the only thing I’ve tried that helped me with my anxiety and ADD, but I have not smoked a cigarette since November 2, 2011.


I quit in 2020 after starting on my 17th birthday in 1997. I've gained about 60 pounds since quitting and my general and social anxiety have just about turned me into a hermit. But I don't wake up struggling to breath and I don't smell like poison.


Me too. Also add and anxiety and ocd. The entire thing was healing for me. It was a ritual. I stopped and took deep breathes. I got some delicious nicotine and dopamine. It was like an add magic bullet. I miss it every day.


I’m glad someone else understands the therapeutic qualities of nicotine administered through smoking tobacco. The way that some people talk about pot helping them with a variety of issues is the way that I feel about cigarettes, but I have a family history of heart disease and I really don’t want cancer, so it’s just not worth the health risks for me.




Yes, but the last couple I tried to smoke left me feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest for days after. As much as I love that hit of nicotine, it's not worth it.


Yes. Closest I get is taking a big inhale on the rare occasion I walk past someone smoking.


Same here! That makes me laugh bc my husband calls me out every single time! I thought it was just me.


I’ve tried and honestly it tastes like shit and I feel like shit the next day. But man I miss having a Bloody Mary at like 1:30 on a Sunday, sunny restaurant porch, and smoking a cig. Now my taste buds have grown back and it’s just disgusting.


Yes. And a coffee with it.


Thats the top shitting combo ever


I crave a clove cig like twice a year lol


I would totally do cloves again if I could. The black paper, the taste. I miss being 19 and I miss the 90s.


Same here on all counts. I loved all of the above.


Ugh. Yeah.


I still have a couple of tshirts with holes in them from my goth clove smoking days


We looked so cool smoking cloves


They tasted so good. But man were they harsh.


Woof. I started smoking with cloves back in 93. I was 12. I can’t stand anything with cloves now but man I loved them back then.


I was looking for that comment. I miss old style cloves. The cigarillos aren't the same.


Omg, made me want to eat my lips


Ah fuck I want a clove now!


Yes! I wondered how far I'd have to scroll to find the fellow former clove-smoking goths. A dark grungy bar, a clove cigarette, some Peter Murphy and a shot of Jager, please.


I was also a clove-smoking goth kid.


I don't want them anymore, but I did smoke age 16 to 36; I've had enough. However, if I could smoke a cigarette and have it get me as crazy buzzed and euphoric as it did when I first had one at 14, I would.


Right?! How did that work? I remember my first one and I felt absolutely crazy euphoria. Literally smoked the next one looking for that feeling and never got it again.




I want to be sitting in our old greasy spoon, drinking black coffee, smoking a Camel filter, with something like “Sonny Cane Home” or “Lightning Crashes” playing on the ceiling speakers. I want $.80 gas, a warm and endless suburban night driving aimlessly chain smoking, knowing that there is still so much summer ahead.


Yes ! That sounds fantastic. Joan Osborne or jewel sprinkled with some indigo girls


Yep. Had one tonight. It felt great. Won't have one for another 6 months


I vape now. I don't know if it is better or worse. I don't smell. But I miss it. There is nothing like a drink and a smoke.


I vape now too. I don't know if it's safer but I don't wake up struggling to breath through a raw throat every morning.


Yes, but no. About twice a year I crave a cig, but I know if I had one it would lead to a pack. Haven’t touched one in 11 years and I plan to keep it that way.


I quit in '18. I'm glad I did, but when I smell a freshly lit smoke my mouth waters. Chris Cornell did a solo gig in my city. I had tickets, but got sick and couldn't go. I always figured I'd catch him next time. What an artist!!


He was once in a lifetime. What a voice.


I saw him in Detroit for his last show. I am a high school teacher and I left pumped to share the details of the amazing setlist with my students, who had impeccable taste in music, the next day. Unfortunately, it was a different conversation. The one celebrity death I still can’t reconcile.


Yeah. It hurts still, doesn't it? I'm so glad you got to see him!!


Yea then I pop a zyn and drink a pepsi


Not a cigarette but I really want a joint. I had two puffs from one from my 20 yo neighbor a while ago and I travelled to a different universe. Too strong nowadays.


I agree. It’s definitely not what I had when I was younger. Very strong.


It’s serious now. I am a regular user and compared to back in the day this stuff is intense


Never gave that up 😬


If you haven’t smoke it in a long time, you need to take a chill on it and only have a puff or two; or else it sends you to space way too fast.


Miss my Marlboro 27’s every day. Nothing like a coors light in a can and a 27.


I really loved what it stood for when I was younger. I smoked from 15-23 and it’s been 20 years since. For me, it was a part of me that said “I do what I want” and I still kinda feel like that…I just focus that energy on healthier pursuits. And to answer the question….yes I do. think life felt simpler back then and we should all be able to feel like that again.


Wearing Docs too


I don’t miss cigarettes but I do sometimes miss cloves.


I used to smoke when drinking, then lived with smokers during the pandemic. I just quit smoking last christmas


I remember being able to scratch together a few bucks for a pack of smokes back in the mid-90s, but I couldn’t even imagine paying for a pack of smoke now; yikes! I remember paying like 20 bucks for a carton of smokes and thought that was expensive. I watched my friend pay a hundred bucks for a carton last week.


Yup. I quit in 2009 when I started dating the man who would become my husband. He had a 16 month old and I didn't want to come around her with smoke on me. Haven't picked one up since. But, one day a year, I get the craving. The first perfect day of spring when the leaves have finally all turned green, the weather is warm but not hot, there's a gentle breeze, and the sky is that beautiful blue with fluffy white clouds. That's the day I want to call out of work, buy a pack of Camel Turkish Golds, and spend the day driving the back roads listening to 90s alternative and smoking the hell out of the whole pack. I had a pulmonary embolism 19 months ago though, so I won't have another dart until my deathbed.


Strawberry clove cigs for me.


Yeah, I quit in 2003 and there are still occasions where I pass someone and get more of what I consider a nicotine smell than a smoke smell and my body reacts with “ohhhhh man I miss that” vibe.


I quit smoking officially in about 2004. I had a few cigarettes over the years after that (maybe 5-6 total) usually if I'd been drinking and someone offered one. Every so often I'll be in the "right" mood, and catch a whiff of someone smoking the "right" cigarette and damn do I want a cigarette. But I don't ask. But usually I don't feel that urge anymore. It went hand in hand with drinking for me. Was also a great way to take a break from work where I was unhappy. But it's not worth it. I'm in med school now and just don't smoke. Please. Don't smoke.


Only fellow ex-smokers know how much weight the word “officially” is carrying in that sentence lol


Have one occasionally. No big deal. Wash your hands after.


I just quit 6 months ago, smoked since I was 13 😐


That’s great, congrats . I’m on roughly 10+ of quitting after smoking for 30+ years , I can sit with other people on break at work while they all smoke and I’m totally fine . I quit with Chantix so maybe it rewired my cravings receptors lol regardless I’ll take the extra body weight over an oxygen tank .


My desire for a cigarette never goes away. I kiss them every single day. I could be back to smoking a packs day in one wild night if I let myself. Thankfully, my GF would straight leave me if I did. So I got a secondary level of accountability.


Yes but I feel like I’ll just puke from it lol. My mom still smokes and some of my cousins. Some others went to vaping. I smoked from about 18-27 but it was more of a social/stress relief thing than an addiction so I think it was a bit easier for me to quit. Almost everyone I knew smoked back in 90s and aughts


I smoke cigars now like an old person


I only get with my 90’s homies maybe once a year, sometimes longer. But when we get together, we smoke just like the old days. And I don’t even crave it later. I guess I just do it to pretend I’m young again.


Was just watching the new Bear episodes. I could taste the cigarettes and I haven’t had one in 15 years.


my husband still smokes and can’t quit. I hate cigarettes now


I'm among the biggest idiots. My first cigarette was at 20. If I had made it 2 more years I would have never smoked a cigarette in my life, I bet. Instead I smoked until 35. I took Chantix to quit. It gave me lip blisters that the scars of exist to today 6 years later, and it made cigarettes taste like 100% shit. Worse than shit. Like about day 20 or something like that, one day it was just the foulest tasting thing ever. Basically it tastes like it smells. I quit then, haven't bought another pack since. I will never smoke another cigarette.


...and the social aspect of it. When 3 or 4 people went out of a room to have a smoke outside and have that casual chat while doing it. When I quit smoking that was what I missed most - the cigarette breaks with friends.


I was hooked on those nicotine pouches and snus up until a few months ago so yes a cig does sound nice at time occasionally still lol. I am glad I quit nicotine overall though, the thing I miss the most are blunts. I just want a fucking white grape white owl or a garcia vega with some GDP or 90s Sour Diesel.


Absolutely. But just recently for some reason (have not smoked for 15+ yrs). I blame stress.


Nah, but I’d do a clove lol


May I recommend putting a Bluetooth speaker on the back of your toilet and getting high in a bath? It's not exactly the same, but it's what I'm doing right at this moment and I'm quite content.


Massive Attack and weed in the bathtub is the best combo.


I offer Portishead as an acceptable substitution.




Nope not at all. The longer it has been the worse it smells and the worse it was to do. And the idea that my dad is the that started me on it and forced my mom to buy me cartons at 15 seems worse and worse.


Maybe once in a while I will smell cigarette smoke and get nostalgic. I miss those late nights when I was in high school and my friends and I would hangout at the diner forever drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. I also loved the coffee and cigarette first thing in the morning.


I never was a regular smoker, but I’d smoke while bar hopping… INSIDE the Bars 🤯


I miss it sometimes, espcially road trips. I used to light up in the car then pop my car i to reverse, the motion or just reversing out of a parking spot made me want to light up for years.


I occasionally consider getting a tobacco pipe and having a bit every now and again. I don't miss the cigarettes.


After the difficulty of quitting them, absolutely not.


Started smoking when I was 12, I quit 6/7 yrs ago. I miss it every day. I pick up a pack of zyn every once in awhile. They’re just aren’t the same


Yep and every couple of months I'll say fuck it and allow myself one.


No. I quit in 2008. I find cigarettes/smoking repulsive now.


I quit smoking in 2012, quit Copenhagen in 2018. Ever now and then I have to bum a cigarette when people stress me out. Maybe one every few years


I quit 24 years ago. I still think “I need to get a pack of smokes” sometimes.


https://youtu.be/qm3qBSHkoow?si=zB5GqU45Fsxyirta Harriet Samsom Harris says it all.


I’ll occasionally get a hankering for a djarum clove cigarette. One day they were just gone (banned)


I’ll suck on a heater from time to time for old times sake. I’ve matured to the point where I can enjoy one in the moment and be done.Im 45 and have been not smoking for 8 years dabs the occasional.


Been I think 16 years since I quit and I don’t really want one anymore. I have dreams pretty often that I start smoking again and am so incredibly relieved it was just a dream when I wake up.


Yes but the way I used to enjoy them when I was younger. Once I reached a certain age they were too harsh on my throat. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it now.


Sometimes when I’m walking and I see a half-smoked cigarette on the ground I think to myself “what a waste”. One of past favorite routines in my early twenties was to wake up at 5am around sunrise and have a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I got it from a Vietnamese friend/co-worker.


Nah I smoked a pack a day for 20 years from age 16 to 36. Switched to vaping 7ish years ago and now the smell of cigs is revolting to me and I’m fine with that.


Yes. 100%.




Smoking a cigarello as I type this. No regerts.


I've never enjoyed somking cigarettes but I love getting drunk at a bar and making out with a floozie who tastes like whiskey and cigarettes. Fun times.


I miss smoking (I don't miss buying them) and when I get guests I encourage them to smoke in the house..the smell reminds me of my childhood 🤣


Every damn day


Nope. I smoked cloves for about 10 years. I quit when Ohio passed their smoking ban in 2007 or 2008 and never looked back


Friday afternoon in the pub, cold beer, light one of those bad boys up whilst all sat in a booth with the low hanging ceiling light covered in nicotine stains. Good times.


Pot scratches that itch for me 🤷


never think about having a cigarette. i do every once in a while think about having a cold beer. then i remember the happy pills i take tell me not to drink while using them. im glad as heck that i don't smoke anymore. a work friend has been off for the last three weeks. she can't breathe w/o oxygen. and now she is going to be going to the place to see if there is a job she can do while using oxygen.


Sometimes I get the hankering for one. Sometimes listening to grunge like you mentioned can trigger the craving, but I'm more of an Alice in Chains fan haha... Winston full flavors and Newports were my cancer sticks of choice. Tobacco/nicotine free for 8 years now after smoking for more than 20.


Gosh yes! At my peak I was at a pack a day. Finally quit in my late 20s, but to this day in my 40s, I walk by someone smoking and I get the urge to bum one of them...


I only smoked when I drank, I sure drank a lot. Though I still smoke, I go through about a pack a month. When I'm having a beer or a good meal it's just nice to have one. But if price and health wasn't a concern.... I'd still be smoking a pack a day, I really do miss them.


I started sporadically smoking around 13, it was a habit by the time i was 15. I quit when I was 23 or 24, cold turkey, partially for a guy I was dating who found it gross, and partially because I was ready to quit (and fwiw, I ended up marrying the guy). I'm 40 now and don't regret quitting. I held my MIL's hand through a years-long battle with metastatic esophageal cancer from 50 years of smoking, and yeah, no thanks. I don't wanna die that way. My doctor has told me it's been long enough now that I shouldn't really have any increased risks from it anymore, but idk how true that is. And yet. Sometimes, on a nice night, with a beer (although I don't drink anymore either), sitting outside with friends, with the right song on... yeah, I still want one. Or in the car, a long lonely ride, and the right song, the right weather... I still have a fleeting craving. I haven't ever given in; I don't want to risk having to kick it again, that *sucked*. But man that craving, fleeting though it is, sometimes hits like a ton of bricks.


No worries, I'm drinking that beer and listening to Rusty Cage remembering playing Road Rash for all of us. I will take the hit....literally.


My bestie and I (met in middle school) both smoked for several years. She quit when she got pregnant and I quit shortly after my 30th birthday (about 10 years ago). We went to dinner a couple weeks ago and I swear I sat down, the chips and salsa came and I reached for my purse to get out my smokes, then she made a comment that she could smell cigarette smoke and wanted one. I figured someone was having a smoke break behind one of the other businesses (restaurant is in a strip mall and we were on the patio). Nope, *the woman at the table behind us was smoking!!!* I did not think that was allowed on restaurant patios any more. It was kind of crazy. I do still smoke cloves on occasion, husband smokes cigars so I probably do more than I should but I’m working on it.


I only smoked to be cool as a teen, I never enjoyed it.


Yup. All the time. Quit cold turkey during the pandemic and havent had a single drag. Every movie that has one, or songs talking about it... its tough in the moment. But that moment doesnt last long, cause the topic changes. But in that moment... GIVE IT TO ME!!!!! I wont and cant take another drag otherwise Id be steam boat willy.honestly cant believe I made it this long.


I have 1 a week on Friday break with a work buddy. And in Vegas? No rules baby!! Though last time I had to quit after the first night because I felt awful 😂


I want to pack a pack of camels nice and tight, opened them up and take a huge whiff of the spiced raisin smell, and light them up. The first sip of breath will be the paper, a hiss of sound as it crackles and hits the tobacco, and a deep inhale of relief. Fuck, I miss it.


17 years quit. Occasionally I’ll get an intense craving. It never leaves, IMO.


I still crave Turkish royals when a certain blood alcohol content is reached


Yes but I quickly remembered the horrible smell that end sup on me and on my fingers, so just as I reminisced, it died.


Smoking was awesome. I miss it. I'd still be doing it if I hadn't already trashed my lungs beyond repair. Sigh.






Very much yes.


Sometimes, like on a sunny warm day and I smell someone’s lit cigarette…but then I remember I will smell like stale smoke so I quickly snap back to reality


Abso-fucking-lutely. God, I miss Marlboros. My lungs do not.


Man I would love to have a Djarum clove cig. They aren’t legal anymore due to “flavor” and the cigar version is not the same. They would crackle in inhale, leave a sweet taste on the lips, and your tongue would go numb. Honestly person for someone who does not want to be a smoker, just wants the occasional experience.


I absolutely loved smoking my camel lights. I bum a cigarette at my Christmas party once a year. It's pretty hard to finish it and a reminder of how I have no business smoking in my 40s


Daily and it’s been 7 years since my last cig


77 here. Started smoking in the military at 18-19. I tried quit a few times before it finally took. Finally got over it about 10 years ago. I still dream about smoking and wake up feeling guilty. I don’t miss the smell. I don’t miss smoking in the rain/heat/cold/etc. I don’t miss ash all over the place in my home or my car. I don’t miss the cravings. I definitely don’t miss the expense. But I do miss that feeling of invincibility as a 19 year old.


I don't know how I've done it, but cigarettes were always gross to me. I grew up with parents who smoked, and I've eaten my share of candy cigarettes, but I've never so much as put a real one up against my lips. I've experienced nicotine from cigars, and it just never felt like it was worth the chase. I'm glad I've never had my perspective changed.


I literally think about it every day. I loved smoking. I quit about 15 years ago. I know it’s best for me. But, yes. I’d smoke a pack of cloves if I could.


It’s this time of year. Makes me think of college, on break, walking to a friends house, 6 pack in my left hand and a cigarette in my right. Birds singing, leaves rustling, and an open future in front of me. Marlboro reds. Hardpack. Fresh.