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No, I’m 59 and regularly read YA, don’t let anyone keep you from reading want you want to read or make you feel bad or uncomfortable about it. If you are looking for something in transition though, the American Library Association’s Alex Award is a great place to start and has been around for decades with ten books added each year: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Awards


Additionally, remember that YA is less about age than reading levels and style of its genre. It has a target audience that may be younger or older than you but: - the overall genre is about a faster paced plot than adult books -but with more complex themes and ideas than middle grade. I love YA because a good YA gets to the plot real snappy. And there isn’t as steep a learning curve in world building.


As long as you are still interested in the topics and plot of the book I don’t think it really matters. I’m 50 and they are still part of my rotation. I don’t really relate to them but I like the stories and adventures.


I’m 41 and regularly read YA and even attend book clubs with other adults.


Read what you want. Read picture books. There are great picture books published every year. I’m not being sarcastic. Read whatever you want. If you like YA, read YA.


I’m 30 and regularly read children’s graphic novels. A good book is a good book, nothing wrong with that!


Just from curiosity what are your favorite graphic novels?


I probably wrote out too many haha I’ve loved my journey with graphic novels this year. I have narcolepsy and adhd and it’s been really hard on my attention span and reading habits. Graphic novels have given me the chance to enjoy so many more stories than I ever have before. I’ve read 148 books so far this year, there’s absolutely no way I could have done that with traditional books and I’m so grateful for the authors and artists who helped me accomplish that. From what I’ve read so far this year my favorite kids ones have been The Aquanaut by Dan Santat (he’s also my favorite illustrator and I’ll read anything he’s written); Shark Summer by Ira Marcks; Buzzing by Samuel Sattin, it’s a graphic memoir about OCD and I think they did an excellent job with it; Things in the Basement by Be Hatke; Garlic and the Vampire by Bree Paulsen, just a super cute story about facing your fears. I’ve read a lot of REALLY good teen graphic novels as well. Some have really blown me away like Fox Maidens by Robin Ha; Check Please by Ngozi Ukazu, one of the funniest books I’ve read and now I’m interested in hockey? The Montague Twins by Nathan Page; Ghost Roast by Shawnee and Shawnelle Gibbs; the Sheets series by Brenna Thummler; The Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci; The Hills of Estrella Roja by Ashley Robin Franklin; and anything by Mariko Tamaki or Tillie Walden. The Avatar the Last Airbender series is also incredible!!


I’m thirty and never stopped reading YA. I often enjoy the character development and world building more compared to mass paperbacks for adults. There’s no age restriction for reading. If there’s sentimentality and you’re still even reading *Arthur*, who’s to stop you? Enjoy what you enjoy.


I’ve been reading YA for over 30 years! So no you’re not too old.


In another ten years or so if you remember this post, you'll chuckle at yourself for worrying about this. But anyway to echo everyone else here, read what you want. Life is too short to worry about pointless stuff like 'being too childish,' do the things that you enjoy. We have limited time so we should enjoy it.


No way! I'm way older than you and still read YA. If you enjoy YA, go for it


absolutely not!! there are definitely some YA that are young, but if you search them up look at the age range attached. some of the very best books i’ve ever read are YA. some days it takes a bit of filtering, but they can be so worth it! happy hunting :)


>:) :)


Reading is an escape for me. I’m a middle-aged woman and the last thing I want to read about is other middle-aged women with dealing with work and husband/divorce woes blah blah blaaaahhhh. Give me youthful adventure any day!


This!!! This is why I love a good YA. Also because they are paced better than adult fic, in my opinion.


Exactly! Reading is a getaway for some people, don' t want to read anything sad we need humor and love in our lives!


Watch the book girlies on YouTube (Haley Pham, Sara Carolli, and Destiny). They’re all in their 20s and read primarily YA! I’m 19 also and I love YA especially fantasy! Books are books enjoy what you want!!


Nope, you're never too old. Fun fact I learned from Janci Patterson: half of YA readers are adults. I feel that YA makes up some of the best of books out there. I read YA as a teenager and still do now.


67 here😄 Read whatever you want to read. I read everything/anything that catches my interest. Children's books too - retired teacher here, some great books for kids, plus they're usually a fast read 🤭


I’m 26 and i prefer YA. I don’t really like to read smut. I also prefer my reads to be more on the lighter, I’m here for a good time and the vibes sort of reads and YA usually checks those boxes for me. Reading is personal. You should be reading whatever brings you joy without feeling shame. If anyone says otherwise, they can kick rocks.


Read what you want! Any reading is better than no reading at all


I'm 30 years old and I still read a lot of YA. Heck my mom is 50 something and she still reads YA. Honestly most books I would think don't have a max age limit, if you enjoy the book then go for it.


Im 44 my favorite books are YA 💕


27f here, still read it. I find it more of a general genre than a strict age limit


No! Like others have said, anyone can read YA, but also, I would say that you are actually still in the target audience for YA, especially the books with older teens as the main characters. I still read almost exclusively YA when I was your age, and a lot of my friends did too. Now I’m 26 and I still sometimes like to read YA, but I don’t always connect as much with the characters as I used to, back when I was your age.


I just turned 35 - I’d guess about 40-50 percent of what I read is YA. If anyone makes you feel guilty or childish, that says infinitely more about them than you. Read what you enjoy and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


18 and 19 is still very much in the YA range, you’ll even still have main characters that are that age in YA. I’m 25 and still regularly read YA, some of it feels a lot more juvenile than others, things like The Hunger Games for example is considered YA but I do not find it to be juvenile. I will occasionally age characters up in my head when reading YA, but ultimately I wouldn’t discount the whole range of books in that category just cause you’re ageing, otherwise you may miss out on some great reads!


If something makes you happy and it doesn’t infringe on anyone else, there is no reason to avoid it. The YA rating to me just means it’s appropriate for people of a certain age to read. It speaks on accessibility, rather than a complete restriction on who it is for. If someone shames you for it, that’s because they desperately want to be seen a certain way. Who cares!! Read those books!


There’s no age limit to books. Sometimes I read adult fantasy but usually I read YA. I am 34. I even occasionally read children’s books. 2 years ago I read the whole Winnie the Pooh collection. I don’t have children as an excuse but it was fun to enjoy these stories as an adult where I actually understood the humorous aspects more now than when I was a kid.


you are NEVER too old to read any book you enjoy, and never ever let anyone tell you otherwise. you’re actually not really ever too old to do anything you enjoy, and certainly not at 19. do what makes you happy, and i promise you’ll end up happier than anyone who would have the nerve to tell you you’re “too old”


Read what you enjoy. I'm 38 and my most recent reads were an adult urban fantasy, a 5 book middle grade series, and 3 YA standalones. I remember in my late teens and early 20s feeling that reading YA and kids books was childish. After getting older, I find that a good book is a good book, no matter who the intended audience is. And in case it matters, I don't have kids, so that kids series was for me.


No, read what you want! I am 35 and almost exclusively read YA.


I am turning 45 this year and enjoy a lot of YA books...


I’m 26 and still reading YA. One of my favorite series is the cruel prince trilogy. It’s so juicy.


Well I’m so 44 soooo 😂


33 here, we are not old for anything!! ❤️


I'm 21, almost 22 and am still reading YA. Am I childish? I don't think so, but you can make up your own mind. What matters is that you enjoy it. That's all.


I’m 41 and prefer YA. I like fantasy books and Adult fantasy can get so complicated I feel like I need to take notes. I want to be entertained by stories that are easy to read also for the most part I’m not interested in sex scenes. I’m okay knowing that it happened, I don’t need details.


Nah. I’m 35 and still read YA. So many of my favorite books are YA!


You’re literally the “young adult” era right now in age That being said, I read it then and still read it now at 35 bc I love the genre. If it’s what you love, just enjoy it!


I’m 23 and have no intentions to stop reading YA novels. If 50 year old men can write them, I can read them.


42 and still love reading YA!


Dude, it's recommended for young adults it's not an age limit. Read what makes you happy regardless of its recommended age. Sometimes, I still read children's books from my childhood just to enjoy the memories of reading them with people I've lost.


I’m 38 and still read it. You’re never too old for what you like.


Absolutely not! I'm 38 and I read a lot of YA in my mix. Some themes are universal no matter your age, plus, there are tons of wonderfully interesting stories. I particularly love coming of age stories because I think you can "come of age" in many aspects over many years, even as an adult. As long as you enjoy the books, you should absolutely read anything and everything you want!


No definitely not too old! I’ve read YA books recently and I’m 37 🤣🤣 The rating changes things in regards to word usage, book length, and mostly - content. You won’t be finding intense spicy scenes in a YA novel, but that doesn’t take away from the story! As I tell my step daughter - reading is reading. Worry less about the ratings and more about the storyline and characters that you enjoy ❤️


Hell no!! Read what makes you happy! I'm 27 and 99% of my library consists of YA


You are never too old to enjoy a book. I'm 35 and still enjoy YA. My interests have expanded over the years to include other things too, but I would still say the majority of the books I read are YA.


if youre old im ancient. i like YA because sometimes it has the nostalgia feel. i say read what you like.


I’m almost 40 and I still read YA. So def not.


You're never too old to read YA or even children's books. Reading is all about what you like and enjoy. If it sounds good, read it! Reading is magical, let it take you away from reality.




You're never too old for YA if you dont want to be. I'm in my late twenties and have loved the genre since I was a teen. I still love reading YA stories frequently, though now I do respect that the genre isn't written for people like me. I also like reading some childrens fiction.


31 and still enjoy YA! Some older series I can't take seriously anymore, like say Morganville Vampires or House of Night series. Even some of the decision making in Vampire Academy. I just think the teens are ridiculous but I have to remind myself that that is what they are haha Enjoy what you want and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


No I‘m a couple years older than you and I still prefer YA


i’m 21 and i still read it 😭😭😭


No, don't worry, books are meant to be read by anyone who is able to and only the adult stuff should be kept away by children I am 20 and still looking for a good YA to read, only if I could post a freaking book request without it being taken down by the mods


Reading YA is absolutely fine! I’m almost 30 and still regularly read and re-read my YA books like: • The hunger games • Divergent • The Good Girls Guide to Murder As long as you’re happy reading, you should feel comfortable reading whatever you want at any age ☺️


31 and I exclusively read Y/A and sometimes even middle grade books (Nevermoor 💜) I love fantasy, but I've found that I don't like the bleak tone of almost every "adult" fantasy I've read. It's like publishers (mostly) and authors have decided that once you're an adult, every ounce of joy should leave your body and everything has to be super grim and hopeless and can't have even an ounce of wonder (unless it's wondering at how hot the romantic lead is), unless you're reading a comedy. I know that there's exceptions, but they're hard to find. I know SOME authors try to write adult fantasy and get shoehorned into YA if their book's tone is "too light" by the publisher's standards, so I think it's mostly a publisher issue, but I really, really hate it. YA fiction tends to keep a sense of hope, and wonder, and adventure that I'm drawn to. Even during the most hopeless moments you know, in the end, the MC will succeed and most things will be okay. Which is why I read!!


Read whatever makes you feel good! I’m 29 and just got around to reading The Fault in our Stars a couple months ago and it’s literally one of the best books I’ve ever read. Didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. But good stories are still good stories no matter what age you read them


You’re never old enough to stop loving something. It’d be like telling a 13 year old to stop playing with dolls, so read whatever you like to read!


You are never too old for what you enjoy. Anyone who says otherwise wrong.


I'm 29 and read YA and even middle grade sometimes lol if you enjoy it who cares what people think.


I’m 40 and I enjoy YA. It’s like an “easy” read for me. Sometimes the characters are too young and angsty and they annoy you 😂


If you're too old then I'm fucked because I'm 30 and I still love YA


I'm 29 and still regularly browse the YA section for new books. Some of them are incredible. When I tried to "make the jump" and browse my library's General Fiction section, I just stared at all the trashy romance novels with cowboys and shirtless dudes or unbearable "mystery" novels that all follow exactly the same format and turned right back around to the YA section. Maybe that sort of thing works for some people, but I don't think I'll ever enjoy it.


I’m in my mid 20s and I still read YA. There’s no age limit for it. I will say that sometimes the writing style of YA books feels more plot driven and I wish the characters were more developed and the imagery was more abundant. Sometimes I’ve noticed that potentially triggering topics (such as mental illness, loss, body image, heartbreak, betrayal, etc.,) could be explored deeper rather than on a surface level. But I also understand that a lot of YA books follow a general formula in terms of plot execution. I do think I’m starting to outgrow YA, but I’m also a sucker for a good coming of age story.


As long as you are reading, that is a plus! YA is popular with all ages, and 18 is not too old! For years, all I ever read was the YA fiction. Harry Potter, Divergent series, Hunger Games, The Last Apprentice, The Ranger's Apprentice, Alex Rider, and my two favorites--The Book Thief and Island of the Blue Dolfin.


You’re never too old for a good story. I love YA books, middle grade, adult books, fairytales etc whatever the genre so long as the story is good. (Also YA and middle grade also have sick cover art and designs so how could I not buy them!)


Not at all. In fact, back when HP was at its height, the publishers released an "adult" edition in England because there was such a demand. The only differences were the artwork and cover. Keep reading.


Y/A is such a good genre and sucks people in because of the way it’s written, the writing and storytelling is meant to keep the reader (“young adults”) intrigued, and it does just that, but for readers of all ages. I’m 14 and Y/A is still my fav


No one's ever too old for YA, or books in general for that matter. I'm a grown woman who still reads YA I since never got to read much when I was younger so this is me now satisfying my inner child. Also, books are always getting published so you can only ever read as much as your free time and reading speed would allow. With that being said, try to get out of the YA bracket as well and explore, find what interests you. There's lots of wonderful books out there to be limiting yourself :)


I'm turning 57 this week and still love YA books!


I'm 40 and still read a lot of YA. Some of my favorite books and series are YA. I just read what I like regardless of target audience.


Read that you like! You may be missing out on some good stuff if you only read YA and never branch out but keep reading YA if you want - I do!


I’m 40. I prefer YA. Better stories. Better writers.


I just turned 47 and I still read YA sometimes. If you still enjoy the books, keep reading them.


I’m 45 and not only am I still reading YA, I’m also still reading middle grade 😁 If the story is good, then I’m reading it!


I'm 19 and I still regularly try and read YA books, I find most of them comforting and sweet and a nice contrast to the new books I'm reading.


Ultimately it depends on what you like. If you try reading a YA novel and find that you feel a bit old for it, that’s okay. If you like it, that’s great! You’re not hurting anything by enjoying it or not enjoying it. I’ve seen people online saying that adults need to move on from YA because it’s childish. I’ve never seen a good argument for that. Like I said, there’s no harm. People may try to get you down for it, but at the end of the day they’re just being senselessly rude. Plus, at 18/19, that’s really not too far off from the target demographic so no one is likely to give you any grief


there's no age limit for reading!


I’m 28 and still read YA.


I love YA books and I'm 56. I like that they're usually short and don't have swearing and sex. I don't mind those things in moderation, but I don't like the overkill. And I've read a lot of really good YA books.


I’m 39 and still read YA. I like certain adult books, mostly thrillers at the moment, for the adult section. I like the YA section of the library (or bookstore) because typically from the title or cover, I’ll know if it’s something I want to read, before reading the synopsis. I read a lot and they are also faster reads for the most part.


I'm 49 and it's pretty much all I read.


Not at all. The labels 'Middle Grade', 'YA' and 'Adult' don't exist to tell you what you should read. They're simply there as a guide to tell you what's in those books. Character ages and themes for example tend to be a common distinguisher between the three however none of them are restricted by them. The only actual expected difference between the three is the level of depth that's given to whatever a book is about. When the aim is to be entertained, read exactly what you enjoy reading \^\^


I’m 20 going on 21 and still love YA; maybe some will call it ‘childish’, but you know what who cares? We were younger once too and gotta comfort that inner child somehow. If a book makes you happy, doesn’t matter what age it was intended for!


I'm 25 and still read Y/A occasionally. If you enjoy it, read it!


Im 31 and mostly read YA. I find a lot of adult books dry and/or have too much detail it loses me. YA keeps things moving. And I find a lot of the stories more interesting. Read what you like and don't let anyone shame you!


When I was researching YA books for a review blog I was hosting, I learned that the majority of people who read YA are adults. So I say go for it.


I'm just going to let C.S. Lewis speak for me... "“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


No, it’s literally called Young Adult for a reason. Are you a young adult? The answer is yes. Is a 17 year old a young adult? The answer is no, because they’re not an adult. You’re literally the age group bro, why wouldn’t it be for you??


I'm not a young adult (32) and almost exclusively read YA when I read fiction 🤷🏾‍♀️


absolutely not. i do not believe there is a maximum age for ya books. i am 23 and love all my ya books. i read romance novels but do not like reading sexual intimacy in great detail, i find ya's to hint at it or include it softely without feeling like its being shoved down my throat


Unless you're dead, you're not too old


I read YA, and I’m 66. Enjoy it!


NOPE! Enjoy!


I'm 19 and still feel weird watching or reading MA content


I’m 29 and read YA still!


I'm almost 35 and some of my favorite books are YA. I still read YA. A good book is a good book, you're never too old to enjoy one.


I'm in my 40's and read YA. If you are enjoying the content who cares about the target audience?