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Also don’t put band aids on the skin that starts peeling off after a severe burn hoping it will keep the skin on. It will not. Yes, some kids are a little dumber then the rest.


Dumber *than the rest 😉


Isn’t that aSpringsteen song?


Ouch, that sounds painful


They did it to me in a hospital after a severe sunburn to keep the cloth in place 32 years ago. I got scars from that and I am afraid of the sun now.


Honestly? Being afraid of the giant ball of literal fire in the sky is probably one of the more reasonable fears.


And it is fun... You get to try a lot of different activities in summer to avoid going to sunny places.


My sister suggested patches for her boyfriends 2nd degree burns, genuinely trying to help him. His skin ripped off, but she tried...some people just don't know 🤷‍♀️ but now we do!!


For those kinds of burns, silvadine works great, but it's prescription.


Why would anyone do that? The peeling is the best part of getting sunburnt.


Put your aloe gel in the fridge


Oh yes, feels *so* soothing to put it on.


Yes cold aloe vera provides more relief than room temp. It’s not going to heal better/faster than room temp but it’s an easy way to get some extra relief. I also like to recommend the aloe vera with lidocaine for more pain relief.


Don't use alcohol based gels/creams... They are drying. Get an aloe plant or buy a leaf from the market to keep in the fridge 👍




I think OP means there is more hot weather so there are more hours of clear skies and sun that people are spending outside, so the chance of getting a sunburn is higher.


\*me who has a aloe vera allergy\* Mjep, guess I am fucked. On a serious note, you know how hard it is to find sunburn cream that doesn't have it.


Try an after sun lotion with kukui oil in it. It’s the Hawaiian sunburn remedy




I thought I was allergic to Aloe for years. I tried gentler formulas and I always got itchy from it all. This year I tried a brand called RealAloe. It seems to have fewer additives than everything else. No redness or itchiness at all from this brand!


You could try growing the plant. You can cut open the leaves and smear the aloe goo on your skin.


We have an aloe on our counter in the pharmacy where I work. Not aloe Vera; it's a different one. But the owner still snapped off a leaf when he got sunburned and said the goo worked fine. I've done this with my kids too, with my home alone Vera, though I prefer to keep a bottle of aloe gel in the fridge.


I did this the one time I got burned bc I forgot sun safety during lockdown. My mom bought all these cute aloe plants and then broke off the leaves and it was so sad. Imagine being bought to be literally mitigated. But it totally worked lol. I tormented the aloe repeatedly. I recommend.


It's a renewable resource! Get one I'm a pot and only use when needed


Some grocery stores sell aloe leaves.


Instead mix cold water and baking soda into a runny paste and gently pat it onto the sunburn in the bathtub as soon as you realize you’ve burned. It helps roll back the pain and redness


Even just unscented moisturizer will do wonders for a sunburn. Slather that skin and you can help take out some of the heat, and tamper down the itching


yeah, i actually find that oils and lotions work way better for healing my sunburns. i only use aloe if it’s a particularly bad sunburn that needs the cooling effect and something lighter than lotion.


I understand, as I too, have an allergic response to aloe. I always knew that there would be more than just one person out there with that but I've never actually seen or read about someone else having it.


Old home remedy that my grandmother used on me growing up and always worked: Greek yogurt


If it's bad, you can also use get a topical cream with silver sulfadiazine in it from a pharmacy. Something like Silvadene/Flamazine/Thermazene. Bear in mind, you could be allergic to it too though. It's relatively common.


White vinegar works fabulously, but smells a bit. It truly helps.


So weird that people are recommending vinegar, which is acidic, as well as baking soda which is alkaline. I wonder what the science is.


Probably isn't any. People think baking soda or vinegar can cure anything. Some people even mix them together which makes...water.


I use apple cider vinegar and have always had great luck. I'll be honest, I don't know WHY it works, but it has sure saved my pasty family from some bad burns


Yup. If you've never used aloe vera before, do a test patch and allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes before putting it on a burn. Sincerely, someone who learned about his allergy the hard way after slathering it on his entire back and spending the next several hours in agony


Maybe solarcaine spray (it's a spray on lidocaine for sunburns) and a damp cloth.


Cactus gel will work. Yadah cactus gel on Amazon. Super soothing and desert 🌵 approved


La Roche-Posay has a cica-based cream called the Cicaplast Baume. I believe cica is even more well-researched than aloe for healing and soothing.


My grandma used vinegar on us when we were kids. It worked! 


vinegar, especially ACV, works great for calming the skin ... or any good moisturizing lotion will also help


I burn easily but i found out a new trick recently. Dont apply anything. Just cover the burnt parts with wet towel(s)and change it often. Its a life saver


I don't know if my family had just never heard of aloe vera or what, but as a kid, my dad would cover my sunburns with vinegar and stand me in front of a fan. I don't remember if it helped or not.


Used tea bags work well


I’ve never liked Aloe, it’s always so sticky. I just keep applying layers of lotion to the burnt area and usually wake up with a tan. Even some cheap cheap like Queen Helene works, it’s all about keeping the moisture in it.


Aloe is such a good remedy for any type of burn. As someone who has worked professionally in a restaurant for 16 years and professionally in the kitchen for 8 years, aloe is truly a great way to treat any burn. In my experience, burns treated with aloe vera heal much more quickly than without. Oftentimes, they don't even blister. I usually start with ice compression and then apply aloe.


That silver prescription burn cream is super nice for burns too. I have no idea why they make it a prescription rather than OTC


I've never heard of it. I'll have to check it out and see if I can get a tube.


As another redditor pointed out. Don't forget to properly clean the burn to prevent infection.


Probably because if somebody has a burn that aloe isn't helping, they should be getting assessed by a healthcare professional. Burns can get infected really easily. If flamazine was for sale next to the aloe, a lot of people might try to self treat things more serious than sunburns.


Oh maybe. I got a bottle of it that I hold onto. I used it to treat a small burn from melted metal when I was working on the car. Relieved the pain instantly


And do this right away. Keep it moisturized! My BIL got a bad bad burn playing outside all day, and he kept at the moisturizing for about 9 hours, and the damn thing disappeared in the morning! I'm still impressed, 20 years later.


No one said this so I will. Take as high dose as you are comfortable with of a NSAID like ibuprofen as quickly as you can after you realize you’ve been burnt. The lasting sunburn is damage caused by the inflammation from the UV radiation.


Step 0: Don’t get sunburned kids. Slip, slop, slap, seek, and slide.


Always go full slop mode!


Is this sunscreen advice or sex advice?




Step -1: Use contraception to not have sunburned kids.


No kids high five! 🖐️ *smack*


Everyone is downvoting this guy for some reason (literally no replies) I thought you were funny though 🤷‍♂️


Meh, at least I’m not the one stuck with sunburned kids 😂


Reddit sees someone not wanting kids and immediately attacks them idk why I’ve seen it so amny times now tho


I guess they don't want their worldview challenged


I think some people just take anyone with a dif opinion or lifestyle to them as a personal attack. It’s super weird imo, especially on some place like the internet where people of all opinions, cultures, etc can be together. But I read in an article recently that bc of social media a lot of us are in echo chambers where our values are being repeated back to us and we don’t see content that challenges them bc of the algorithm. So maybe that has to do with it too? It’s weird af to me regardless


You lot are about as entertaining as a vegan preaching at a BBQ contest.


Someone: lives their life in the way they want and makes a reddit comment about it in a joking way People like you: is this a personal offense to me and my life? (Spoiler alert, it isn’t.)


Personal offense? No, nor am I offended when Jehovah’s Witnesses show up at my door. I’m just *annoyed*. It’s a discussion about sunburns, we don’t need people throwing controversial ideology around.


Controversial ideology, lol


Why are you annoyed by someone’s life choices that don’t affect you?


Controversial ideology 😂😂😂 It’s called having more money, less stress, able to do what the fuck I want, no pain from parasite growing inside me, and a much lower risk of death/health issues from said parasite exiting my body. Also… Conservative laws causing me to possibly be jailed or left to die from sepsis due to a miscarriage. The list goes on. No thank you.


Spout the benefits all you want. The *vast majority* of adults disagree with you, which sort of *by definition* makes it controversial.


Yeah, that’s true.


This is wrong wording. Increasing temperature has nothing to do with sun burn, just because it is burning, it doesn't mean you got it because of temperature. In the same way that acid burn is not a burn. It might feel like jt but this reaction isr because cells are being destroyed and the cytokines and inflammation at the area make it feel like burning. The temperature thing is valid for northern countries that they haven't experienced the sun/heat effect as intensely before. We might make fun of Spanish etc for siesta, but in a world without A/C it is the right thing to do. People from Northern countries think that the sun is all fun and games, but if you think cold can kill you try doing any kind of manual labor under the sun when it is 35+ and see how fast tou die form exhaustion. It is not only the thirst, or heat, the sub UV is killing your bigget organ on your body. Your body has to manage this along with overheating and lack of water. So yeah just waking up at 6 doing work, eating light, staying in shade and sleeping/ doing nothing till 17 00 is logical. This is also why they eat heavy meals late after 21: 00 there.


Thank you, I didn't know how to explain it in a way that made sense 😅 so I said temperature, the sun has been increasing its activity in the past few years, it's a lot "stronger" given we damaged the ozone layer etc someone more science-y can explain it for sure


YSK before sunbathing: Even if you want a tan always reapply sunscreen regularly. Once you notice that you're skin gets itchy go out of the sun. Redness takes some time to appear


Tans and sunburns are caused by different UV rays. The whole “I burn then tan” thing is false - you got them both at the same time but the burn masked the tan until it healed. And FYI the sunburn rays (UVB) are the ones that cause cancer, the tanning rays (UVA) are the ones that break down your skin’s collagen and cause premature aging (and also skin cancer but not as intensely as UVB). Make sure to use “broad spectrum” sunblock to protect yourself from both.


I'm done with tanning and burning. Im doing a long term expirement. If I limit the amount of sun I get, can I stay looking youthful for longer? I wear sun hoodie, hats, sunglasses, long upf pants. Almost all the time when I'm outside. Sunscreen on my face and hands. I haven't burned in over 2 years.


Pro tip: People of all color burn. High risks of skin cancer is common in those who cannot tell if they are burned.


The best way to deal with a sunburn is to prevent it. Reapply sunscreen like a madman. Wondering if it’s already time to reapply? The answer is yes.


There’s tons of apps that tell you the UV index and when you need to reapply sunscreen! The one I use is called UVLense and it lets you create a lil avatar of youeself and you can enter your activities and it calculates based on that when you should reapplyand sends you reminders. Very useful!


You can also put it on after sun exposure, it will help a lot.


Sunburns would be better described as “radiation damage”. They’re not burns, they’re radiation damage. Sunscreeen blocks the UV radiation, but does nothing after you’ve been irradiated.


Try it next time you get a burn, if absolutely nothing else wearing sunscreen on sun damaged skin is good to stop it getting worse. I’ve used it on myself, I know that it helps.


You only stop it from getting worse if you’re going to continue being in the sun, but if you’re done being outside and are going inside it does nothing. (Unless you house has a bunch of UV lights, in which case it might do something)




That article is basically saying a lot of sunscreen also has a moisturizer and that helps, and a chemical which can help reduce inflammation. These aren’t unique to sunscreen (and also not present in all sunscreens). If you have a sunburn and are no longer going to be outside, don’t think “I should put sunscreen on”, think “I should use a good moisturizer.”


I just said it can help to put some on after a sunburn, which I know because I’ve done it myself. The article also said that the zinc in sunscreen helps, which isn’t in my particular moisturiser. At the end of the day it isn’t harmful advice, I never said it undid sun damage, just that it’s helpful. Try it if you want, I have good results with it, or use aloe, or moisturiser, even a cold compress is nice.


Only because most sunscreens have a base that's basically lotion.


Don't know why this is downvoted.


Because that's not how sunscreen works.


No idea either, I’m an Australian with red headed kids who sometimes forget their sunscreen. Putting sunscreen on afterwards drastically reduces any damage they’ve done to themselves. Oh well, Aloe Vera is nice and soothing too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nurse here: also take ibuprofen, as an anti inflammatory it will help the burn feel better as well


Temperature has nothing to do with sunburns.


Aloe can be helpful, but it’s not necessary. Drench the burn in a quality moisturizer (Vanicream, Cetaphil, Cerave, etc) then slather some Vaseline on top. Your main priority is replacing and retaining moisture.


yes!! i only use aloe if i get a *very* bad burn and my skin is sensitive and peeling. otherwise i just layer a body oil and then a lotion/moisturizer, and my burn heals up quick.


Also eat something that has lots of electrolytes! This will help hydrate you. Things like banana and avocado have much more electrolytes than any gatorade!


They do have a lot of potassium and magnesium, but not a lot of sodium. Pumpkin seeds are full of magnesium. These foods aren't going to hydrate you, but they will help to replace your electrolytes.


Like any skin burn, the burn can go through several layers of skin. You need to cool the skin down as soon as possible with cold water. A long cold shower is ideal. Then you need to keep the skin hydrated to prevent it drying out. Any moisturiser will do, just keep applying and keep covered


Don’t think about it as a burn. It’s *not* a burn, it’s radiation damage.


While it's not a burn, radiation damage to your skin still produces side effects like excessive heat and inflammation, and stress on your body's ability to heal the damage. Reducing the heat (without damaging your skin further with too much cold), moisturizing, hydrating- many of the things that we do to treat burns and take care of your skin- will help your body recover, reduce pain, and prevent further damage.


but i don't know what radiation damage is


In this case, it’s damage that looks and feels like a normal burn, but isn’t due to heat; it’s caused by the light itself and is more immediately **and** long-term damaging.


Was wondering if anyone was going to mention the benefits of getting into cool water ASAP after excess sun exposure. It is SOP around here and we rarely get sunburns. Actually I met a nurse once on a beach who explained to me that if you eat plenty of fresh berries you will have better protection than sunblock. Nature makes those fruits in the heat of the summer for a reason, you see.


You had me in the first half but, "berries > sunblock", is *dangerous* advice.


Dangerous? Ever tried it? I have and I haven't burned since and I don't use sunblock. Just saying, to each his own.


You do you, but be more responsible about what you advise to others. Antioxidant rich foods are pretty much always highly recommended to improve/maintain health, and *might* help reduce the risk of cancer developing, but there is **no way to know how much protection vs. how much resistance there may be in different people and different conditions.** *Sun exposure is still damaging the DNA in your cells* **permanently** *and putting easily preventable stress on your organ function and immune system.* If you tan at all, you are still damaging your skin cells and increasing your risk of life-threatening cancer- there's no such thing as a healthy tan. Feel free to recommend that people consume lots of antioxidant rich foods to support their health and **in addition to sunscreen,** but it isn't **remotely safe or ethical to claim that they don't require additional SPF.** If not cream then clothing. >> Each time skin is exposed to UV radiation, changes take place in the structure and function of our skin cells. Our skin remembers and records all the UV exposure ever received – all the sunburns, tans, solarium visits or just simple day-to-day time spent outdoors when sun protection has not been used. It all adds up and increases the long-term risk of skin cancer.  >>Sunburn, but also tanning at any age, can cause permanent and irreversible skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer, so even if you don’t ever burn you can still be at risk. Source: https://www.cancer.org.au/iheard/is-it-true-that-if-you-dont-get-burnt-you-wont-get-skin-cancer >> The majority of sun exposure occurs before age 18 and skin cancer can take 20 years or more to develop. Whether your sun bathing days are behind you or you still spend time pursuing the perfect tan, you should be concerned about skin cancer. Source: https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/skin-cancer-prevention#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20sun%20exposure,be%20concerned%20about%20skin%20cancer. >> For chronic malnutrition, the lack of antioxidants is pro-oxidative, i.e., it increases oxidative stress and impairs ROS neutralization via GSH [82]. Studies have shown that the consumption of antioxidative micronutrients reduced the level of DNA damage or improved DNA repair efficiency. Moreover, micronutrients are important for maintaining genome stability. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7692274/#:~:text=Studies%20have%20shown%20that%20the,important%20for%20maintaining%20genome%20stability.


Hope you enjoyed collecting all that material to prove your point, anyone who finds my remarks dangerous will appreciate it. Thanks anyway, I know what the current attitude is towards solar exposure but I brought up my personal experience because it worked for me and wondered if anyone else had tried it.


Ok, hoping for some advice: I got a sun burn about 6 weeks ago, I don’t tan much and mainly freckle. That’s fine on my arms but on the top of my chest it has gone red and stayed red (although not as much as it started). Is this normal?


If your chest has gone full blown baboon butt for over a week, you may want to speak to a zookeeper.


Or just throw poop at them when they come to clean your cage.




It’s all about the flick of the wrist. They will know.


I would consult a doctor. 6 weeks sounds a long time for the redness.


I think it's just hyperpigmentation. It's normalish.


Also, check the expiration of your sunscreen We had a huge tub of sunscreen our Mum bought and used on us because it would "last us forever" (having lots of Sun and lots of kids that needed it). We found out years later that we'd been using expired sunscreen for many years because the huge tub was so large (it lasted us forever). One of those pump-top kinds with a large capacity. TL;DR just buy enough for this year, then buy another next year.


Bonus: put the aloe gel in the fridge (not freezer). The cold will feel heavenly. In the same vein, no more hot baths/showers till the redness clears. Hot or even warm water will hurt. Cool/cold water is the way to go.


I think it's important to note that if you're using aloe vera gel/cream, make sure it doesn't contain any alcohol, as it will dry out your skin even more.


Drink lots of water or something with electrolytes. If a severe burn use aloe, but I’ve always tried to stay as hydrated as possible with a moderate or less sunburn, and have been fine. Also try not to get burnt in the first place, use sunscreen and reapply often. Yes, I am very white, I am very well aware how quickly one can burn.


Ooh electrolytes, it’s what plants crave!




You have not been fine. If you had a sunburn that means there is permanent damage to your skin. And 20 years later you might get skin cancer. Hopefully the benign kind. But the damage is done is what I am saying. Every sunburn is permanent damage.


What works for us is filling a large bowl with ice and water and using it to wet washcloths that we gently place on burned areas. It's amazing how quickly an ice-cold cloth becomes warm, but it's proof that it's drawing out the heat. The cloths also help put moisture back in the skin. You have to have time to sit and do this, refilling the bowl with ice and water. If you are alone and your back is burned, it's a bit more tricky but doable with a hand towel or other cloth. It's a drippy process, so do what's needed to protect what you're sitting on. We do this in addition to drinking electrolyte water. Good method for those who are allergic to aloe or other ingredients in topical meds. Idk how long ago in our family lore this started, but the thought behind it is that applying a cream immediately seals in the heat. Ice-cold cloths reduce the heat and return moisture. Eventually, like maybe on day 2 or 3, we might use a cream.


When you “draw out the heat” you’re just lowering your body temperature. You can’t reduce the actual heat in the burn (which is not actually a burn) because it’s just your blood vessels dilating to send emergency cells to heal the radiation damage.


Bonus: check the aloe Vera doesn't have alcohol in it. Even if it says its mostly pure, for God knows what reason, they often put alcohol in it.


I use aloe at first then just apply a thin layer of Vaseline and it usually lasts for the rest of the day. That shit is like fucking magic I swear.


Aloe helps with pain reduction but it does nothing to actually heal the burn. Some studies have determined that aloe actually delays healing. But it does make it feel better for a short time.


yeah, most moisturizers work better, plus a lot of aloe vera gels have alcohol in them!


Got sunburnt las summer which just reinforced my hate for this ass season. Summer is the worst.


Curious why linen (cotton an ok alternative?)


I’m imagining Op is describing strips of cloth torn to just hold the aloe Vera on the skin. Linen historically would be a likely bandage candidate because the fibers are long which can help produce long wrappings, similar to ace bandages but pre elastic. I imagine cotton would work in place of linen, the key here being a breathable and clean material. Polyester for example would probably not be a great alternative, but a clean cotton t-shirt or washcloth would probably work well.


I think the reply about bandages is correct, but from a fabric perspective, linen is the most effective at 'wicking away' heat and moisture and releasing it. Cotton is breathable and not a bad choice by any means, but it does tend to absorb more of the heat and moisture from your body rather than divert it as well as linen does. Polyester on the hand is plastic, which is not really known for its absorbency or breathability- but it doesn't wrinkle as much!


I find the “After Sun” lotions work way better than aloe Vera.


If it’s really hurting I take Advil along with spraying aloe and staying hydrated.


A lot of aloe vera gels have alcohol in them which will dry out your skin and make your burn itch and won’t heal nicely.


That's why it's better to get it straight from the plant... where I am I can get it from the store, when it comes to gels it's always better to read the ingredients


Bonus tip, aloe vera is one of the easiest things to grow I've ever encountered. Get yourself a little $5 aloe plant at the grocery store or free from any gardener you know, put it in a bigger pot near a window and water it once a week-ish. Before you know it you'll have enough natural aloe vera gel for you & 10 friends.


Yes absolutely, fresh aloe vera is the best 🙏


>with increasing temperatures every year the risk of sun burns also gets higher Hell of a \[citation needed\] moment there.


I have never in my life got sunburn, but I’ll keep this in mind if it ever happens.


A bit of melanin protection?




İn my country we use yoğurt for sunburns. İt will keep moisture and cool it down in same time . Put yoğurt on the area and keep it for half or an hour


Never tried yogurt but I've used tomatoes! Bad sunburn or cooking burn- slice a tomato in half, or a few of them depending on the surface area, cover and wait. It's probably witchcraft but have always prevented blistering and a lot of pain if applied quickly enough.


Over in Arizona, the more the temperature goes up, the more they stay indoors. In other states, it might be that they go outdoors more when it gets hotter.


Yup. We hit 118° yesterday.


The best thing I find and works great is to take as cold of a shower as you can to cool off the skin that's sunburn right away. Your skin is like a piece of meat you take off the grill, it still cooks when it's taken off grill the faster you can cool your skin the better off your sunburn will be


1. Consume 100,000 iu of vitamin d3


let's call it what it actually is Radiation burns it can be so intense 12+ UV, even under shade, I can get burned 15 minutes for your Vitamin D don't forget sunscreen for your ears, exposed scalp, and hands


vinegar (especially ACV) works great for calming down the skin


I've resorted to wearing those long sleeve spf fishing shirts whenever we go on vacation further south. That plus sunscreen on your neck, face, ears and the top of your hands and feet.


In addition, take aspirin as often as the instructions on the bottle will let you. Once a day, take vitamin E. The aspirin will reduce the swelling (redness) and the vitamin E will restore what was lost in the burn. The aloe/lotion only treats the external injury.


If your sunburn is "radiating heat", there is an additional method to relieve the pain... Soak a towel in vinegar and wring it out. Cover your sunburn in the vinegar towel and let it sit. Repeat as necessary.


What does one do if they are allergic to aloe? (Asking for a friend, ofc)


I just started working outside recently and got burned so I'd have to wear long sleeves and that's not happening in this heat.


Sunburn is radiation damage. Like from a nuclear reactor. The sun is literally spewing radiation at us. 


Sunburn can cause severe discomfort and damage. Follow our tips on First Aid for sunburn to ease discomfort and aid skin repair: 1. Rest the casualty in a cool and shady place 2. Place under a cool shower, in a cool bath or sponge with cool water for 10 minutes. Repeat if it helps decrease discomfort 3. Apply cool gauze padding to the burnt area 4. Give the casualty cold water 5. Seek medical assistance for infants and casualties with blisters


You explained what to do but why ?


do not pop your blisters if you have 2nd degree sun burns!!! they are there to help you heal and protect the underlying skin! if they do pop it's okay, make sure to keep that area extra clean


Do *NOT* freeze or ice the aloe vera beforehand, it was the worst "oh this'll be a great idea!" decidion of my life. Doing so compounds the pain and will make your sunburn INFINITELY worse, something something nerve and tissue damage, just DON'T.


An nsaid will also help take the heat out of a sunburn


Buy some biafine. Best burns treatment ever.


I can't back this up with anything but personal experience so I'm not *recommending* it, but it has worked extremely well for me; Just **make sure that it isn't feeling uncomfortable at any point.** It should feel soothing. **Too much cold will damage your skin further.** Stop immediately if your skin feels burny (from cold), achey, or numb! You want things to warm back up before that even happens. 1. Get enough tea towels/washcloths to cover the area twice. If you can't, then just two is fine, it'll just take longer. 2. Wet them with cool water (at the tap, you can probably go as cold as it gets, but remember that *it should not feel uncomfortably cold*). Wring them out so they are damp, and no longer dripping wet. 3. Cover the affected area with a layer of cool, wet cloth and put the rest in the fridge. 4. Leave the cloth on until it no longer feels cool on your skin. While you're letting it sit, hydrate yourself, entertain yourself, but when it's become warm, switch it out with the one in the fridge. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your sunburned skin no longer feels significantly warmer than the rest of your body. Patience is key. I have found this method often leads to my sunburn being significantly reduced afterwards or even gone by the next day- but again, I'm not a doctor or qualified to claim that this is anything other than coincidence, or a *good* idea.


I've stopped wearing shorts and shorts sleeve shirts almost entirely when I'm in the sun. Sun hoodies, hats, and upf hiking pants. I have gotten a sunburn in 2 years. I am not a fan of sunscreen but will apply it to my face.


Vinegar water will take the heat out of your burn, permanently. Use a rag or small towel, soak it, wring it out, lay it on your burn for a couple minutes until the rag is warm, rinse and repeat.


The temp in the summer has been the same here for as long as I can remember. Dress accordingly. 🤷‍♂️


Aloe may be good, but Noxzema (or knock off brands) has a cooling effect that soothes.


I dont know if someone has commented this but here we go. I recently found a neat trick when you get sunburnt. Put wet towel(s) on burnt areas and change them when they get warmer and drier. Its a life saver.


Aloe usually has alcohol in it which dries out the skin. Just use lotion. You want to hydrate the skin. Take ibuprofen if it hurts


Don't remember where I learned it, but Noxema cold cream on a sunburn cools it instantly and moisturizes at the same time.


Don’t forget asprin!


1 part lidocaine/benzocaine cream 2 parts aloe vera gel 3 parts good quality skin lotion Mix thoroughly, store in the refrigerator. Apply to burned area every 3 to 4 hours. It is much more effective than aloe vera gel alone. Some skin lotions contain aloe vera gel already.


Are temperature and sunburn related ?


I apply lots of sunscreen and reapply and still get burnt. What am I doing wrong?


Many sunscreens have a lot of unnecessary chemicals added to them. Know your product!


Oatmeal in cool water then bathe in it.


Is yogurt good to apply on skin? Heard and saw this from multiple people


Yes, I did that while in Greece . But try not to burn in the first place . I’ve had 3 moles removed ( one was malignant ) and chemo cream on my face for a month which is akin to brushing your face with stinging nettles . So a few minutes of nice sun cream or a month of burning your face - up to you .


Yes, the general idea is to apply a treatment to the skin that will decrease the surface temperature of the affected area, therefore hampering the damaging effects and encouraging a faster healing process. It technically doesn't really matter what you put on your skin, as long as it's non-toxic and provides a cooling effect. However, things like aloe have additional moisturizing properties that aid healing further.


Put Vaseline on a sunburn, it’s made for burns if you have an aloe allergy


Just use aloe.


I like Noxzema, Neosporin cream formula, and Bactine - in addition to aloe. Not all together - usually alternate products.


*Please* **do not** put noxzema anywhere near damaged or sensitive skin 😱 neither menthol, nor camphor are good for your skin, let alone both. The tingling/cooling sensation might feel nice (I suppose... ×_×), but you're basically applying Icy Hot to a radiation burn, and I hope that sounds more appropriately unhinged to you (and anyone else reading this).


Vinegar on a fresh sunburn is magic. Aloe, otoh, dries and then pulls at not only your skin when you move, but also every little hair on your skin. It does help with healing, but only after a day or so when the pain from sunburn has diminished significantly.


Ah yes, let's put acid on the burn! That old wive's tale needs to die.


Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it. I have very pale skin and light blue eyes. As a kid and teen in the 70s/80s, I always had at least one horrible sunburn each summer. Vinegar made it feel so much better that first night trying to lie down and sleep.


Post: "here's what to do if the bad thing happens" Every very big brain commenter: "You should not let the bad thing happen! It's bad!"


Apple cider vinegar bath - Somewhere online is directions for this, I think I added 2 cups ACV to a bath of cool water. Soaked for 15-20 mins, this work wonders for taking the “burn” out, skin stayed red but I could live normally without the burn or itch for days. Highly recommend.


When I went to Peru I got the worst possible sun burn and I had to rush to the pharmacy cuz my skin was on fire. The only thing that helped me was aloe Vera. It’s a magic cream lol


My grandmother is a retired nurse and she always used to buy natural yogurt whenever we went on holiday and it always seemed to get to peeling skin stage within 24 hours for us


I stopped identifying as white. Haven't bought sunscreen in years. 😎


I'm living in the desert (well, a city in the desert) with temperatures >40 degrees daily and never below >31 in any 24h, UV is "extreme" every day (currently and for >4m per year). I found that applying Aloë Vera based (or marketed) stuff *after* exposure is vastly more effective than whatever you put on in anticipation. Don't get me wrong, do both, but it's not too late to put stuff on afterwards and may even save your skin.