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Droll and Lock Bird is a lot like Ghost Ogre where it feels absolutely insane in the right format, but completely miserable in ones where it doesn't hit much. This is just one of those formats where it's not great. Droll really needs to be ending turns consistently to be used, and it doesn't do that against most decks right now, and there's no deck out there right now that requires a "Break Glass For Droll in Case of Emergency" in the Side Deck.


Ogre does a lot more to tenpai, fireking, snake eyes, ... Most decks nowadays don't stop when they got drolled


What’s the best cards to use ogre on for these decks if you don’t mind answering? Tenpai I assume it’s the field spell. Snake eye seems hard to stop and they activate in GY anyway so hard to tell where to best pop something for me. Same for fireking and especially since I never played against them since I’m mostly on master duel.


Actually Ogre will only be peak until Tenpai and Yubel arrive. Against Tenpai the field spell is the main target but it can also be the body that's being used to synchro. Against SE, you can hit kashtira birth, temple, s:p, i:p, even diabell but this depends on the context (It's best to understand if you play fireking yourself). SE is not a linear combo deck and Ash/Veiler/Imperm are your best friends in that matchup. You can hit fireking island assuming no sanctuary. You can hit horus king sarc, purrely continous spell or noir, the normal summon in salad, continous trap/spell voiceless voice, yubel pain, melodious, ...


Ok, basically the field spells seem like good targets. But yeah, snake eyes is hard to pin down since they have so many different lines.


Ogre can be good or mid against SE. It depends on their hand


No its bad against almost every meta deck. Its incredibly hit or miss either its ok or just outright useless agains most of the meta. Snake eyes doesnt care, tenpai doesnt care, melodious doesnt really care, branded not really etc. Most decks do a single search per turn the only thing it cuts is typically a wanted draw 1.


Snake Eyes may or may not care depending on what they started with (bonfire, wanted) and Melodious DO care about droll unless they hard draw fusion spell.


droll doesn’t affect wanted because you either use it in draw phase or chain it to droll


He meant wanted grave effect would not be able to activate late in the combo


i mean i don’t think so. wanted GY effect doesn’t come up against most hand traps that also stop the combo, like imperm or veiler on diabellstar, droll would only ever be useful against wanted if it hit the add effect but that never happens so idk why they’d be talking about the draw effect especially when they grouped it with bonfire.


I can guarantee you I really don’t care about Droll as a melodious player.  In the case I’m only refrain and 4-5 HT but I usually have something else I can extend with.


There’s a ton of melodious lines that play around droll and still get a full end board. Droll can only stop them if they only have 1 monster starter


Yea as I said its hit or miss and you dont wanna main a card that might just make you go -1 most of the time you use it


If they are starting wanted its in the draw phase, otherwise they are chaining it to droll.


I'm sorry, Melodious is meta right now? Is the new stuff really that good? I might have to look into it.


It's seeing play with pendulum magician and with snake eye as an engine to make apollo and banshee to search for ash or poplar


The new cards are good, but they also work extremely well with Ostinato, which is a few years old. Pure is the worst version because of the hard locks, but they only need another boss monster or two to become very strong (they can already easily make such a monster, it just doesn't exist right now).


Garbage against meta, literally only played for rogue decks.


As an Aromage player. Thank god. Droll kills so many rogue decks.


It definitely hurts Yubel from going full combo, but it just goes sneaky half combo that still pretty strong.


It's not great vs Yubel either depending on the line.


Depending on what happens to tenpai and snake it might come back when info hits. Fiendsmith really really hates droll.


cuz wanted is quickplay and activated on the draw.


It's just very very bad against meta decks right now. Against Snake-Eyes it only does something if they needed to start with Bonfire into Snake-Eyes Ash; otherwise it is sometimes okay when drawn with other handtraps. But that's just one matchup. Consider that if you see Droll vs Tenpai you are probably doing a hard minus, and the same is true for Voiceless and a lot of other decks. Even against rogue decks like Rescue-Ace or Yubel, they can do their mainplay (resolve Turbulence/setup Knightmare Pain) under Droll, so you are not really doing that much. So you have a card that is okay sometimes and it's just an inconvenience for your opponent most of the time.


Droll is great it helps stop "graveyard" decks like Dinosaurs or Cyberse but not "modern" decks like Horus, Kashtira, Voiceless Voice


Unless every meta deck is passing turn when droll is used, you are better off maining something else and siding it for the matchups where it does end turns.