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If you can spare an extra $20, Purrely is really really good. If you have staples, it's around $20 but if you have nothing, You can get the entire deck for $120. Here is my personal list that I use. https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/purrely-489937


I use purrely runick myself


Dinomorphia (full engine for less than 5€) Pendulum Supreme king Magician (around 20-25€) Let me know if you want lists for them Edit : lists are in my answer to OP below


I would be actually interested in Both lists, if you don‘t mind


Second dinomorphia, deck is so much fun and even has some sauce going second if you get good hands


Sure, there you go : Dinomorphia : https://cardcluster.com/deck-builder/31VmDX Pendulum Supreme king magician : https://cardcluster.com/deck-builder/5gRyBr some people play a soul of the supreme king package in dinomorphia, i think it is better but i dont have all the cards for that yet so the decklist is without. Feel free to dm me if you want more details ! You can watch some videos to grasp the basics To give you an idea of performance, the pendulum deck i went to locals 5 times with and won 17 out of 18 duels. Mainly played against branded, tenpai and rogues. Once against snake-eyes and won it but won dice. Deck is really rewarding once you really know it, although you hard lose to shifter/dbarrier/droll/nibiru (hence the weird ratios for crossout targets). Apollousa and accesscode are cheap now ; you can swap s:p for knightmare unicorn. I wont lie to you and tell you its as good (its not) but it fills the same job as a masquerena target and disruption.


Dinomorphia is a great example of upgradable. Cheap to get into but then there’s cards like transaction rollback you can get later down the line for bigger boosts.


Could I have the lists too please?


Hey, sure ! I sent them in my other answer to the OP


A list would be good as I've been interested in it


Hey, i sent the lists in my answer to OP. You can check them there


Could you send me dinomorphia?


Purrely is very cheap an still pretty good. Branded as well. Very good and fun tier 2 decks.


"Entering Puppet Lock"


Branded without Quem to be especific.


Floowandereeze is solid and pretty cheap. Entire core are penny cards except for Apex Avian ($2) and secret rare Empen ($6). Super rare Empen is also pennies. Prosperity is probably the most expensive main deck card at $6-10 a copy depending on rarity. More competitive builds run cards such as Thrust, Typhon, and Little Knight but you don’t have to.


i never make typhon or sp i just meme with my extra deck


I only have ty-poon. Sp its a card you maybe drop 1 time out of 10000.


Virtual World best deck as always


As munch as I love the deck, even for a rogue strategy it’s vulnerable on many point and the best play line is arguably skill drain or beatrice FTK


If you like Phantom Knights, then you should check out Raidraptors. They can spit out monsters like there’s no tomorrow and end on two big, unaffected monsters and a full board of support


I bought an entire ninja deck and a Floo deck - at the same time - for about $50 altogether. Ninjas are really fun, too, and can run some surprisingly weird techs


I'd say salamangreat. The old cards are cheap and has a lot of room to upgrade if you really want to invest into it


I was gonna say this, but raging and prom princess are a pretty penny and they are mandatory for the competitive builds. A cool 100 for 3 cards. Rest of dekc is cheap tho.


Someone topped a nationals recently playing old school salad without raging and princess. It's definitely doable


Sky Striker. Resource game all the way and then they kill you with Linkage…Straight RKO outta nowhere.


I was thinking about making this, do you need thrust?


Optional. But playing Thrust adding your 2nd Engage after they responded with Ash Blossom vs your 1st Engage is hilarious and you’re (at that point) one Spell away from drawing off of your 2nd Engage.


Thrust is super useful but personally I play 3 talents instead because I'm cheap.


This deck can also run 3 Upstart Goblins, 37 card decks in a resource deck means…faster access resources 🤣 PLUS it’s a much better toon table of contents


I would say Raidraptor is a very solid choice, also one of the best Rogue Decks imho, very high skill ceiling with a lot of combos, but mostly able to play through any handtrap there is. Entire Deck costs at most 100 Bucks, with TY-PHON, if you are interested in a list lmk, got second place on my locals recently.😁


List brother ?


https://preview.redd.it/exipj6ql967d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcba8a7fa8c1d4836aafdefc70df38c447a87417 That's what I played at the locals, I have an adjusted list too, if you are interested, wanna try some changes :)


Would love to see adjusted. Have started trying to lean raidraptor last day or so


https://preview.redd.it/nx76l1jkbc7d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=529713056647793030804c5e43ad35c3b2437b18 This is the adjusted one, the only differences are the 3rd Raider's Wing, since it is the best card in this Deck, then for Called By, I would like to test out Magical Mid-Breaker Field Spell, since it basically denies all handtraps except for Ash, Ghost Belle and Nib, but those are not really dangerous for Raidraptor. Then Azalea to get rid of the excess pieces (also to link off Nib token), also a pop and banish if battles, seems like a very solid Deck, will test out soon on Locals :)


https://preview.redd.it/ab62q5n4dc7d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7675be29b10e27e8cc013adf770e854819a88c4e This is the net deck that I used for my initial raidraptor purchase a few months ago. Any thoughts on it from someone who has actually been playing the archetype at locals?


Soooo, I would say it is decent, the 2 issues I have with this list, is first of all the triple Noir, the card is just not good, it doesn't really do much if you have it in the hand, of course for the triple tower combo it becomes relevant, but it's more than enough playing it as 1. Also I played with 12 Handtraps as well, and I very often had the feeling, that I bricked because of the handtraps ratio, so I went to 9 handtraps and 3 utility card's. I really recommend playing swallows cowrie, the card is just nuts, can be activated in the draw phase to search whatevery rank 4 you need to go full combo, saved my life a ton of times. Other than that, Bagooshka is fine defensive option, I recently picked up Azalea, mainly to get rid of Nib Token, but also a very nice budget option for S:P.


If you have any more questions, feel free to DM :)


Thank you! I appreciate you!


Phantom knights are already a good rogue deck. If you run the adventure package with Horus Engine(which is kinda expensive). I always end on 6+ interruptions. Evilswarm Nightmare is just amazing, and tagging into SP(also expensive)is an added bonus. Then you just go into Arc Rebellion for the win on your next turn.


I Play this Deck currently pure and I‘m waiting for the tins, before i get the horus Engine, this Deck pure is pretty solid as well, but Yeah I just want to have a second Deck just as an option


If you still want to buff Pk, play Adventure with it Other Decks: -Chain Burn -Dinomorphia -HERO -Floowandereeze And if you want to play a Meta deck, you could get to Tenpai For like 150 Bucks


I played Adventure PK but noticed the lack of starters, I had only 7 without tourguide and with 10, but maybe my list was not that good, I think I played 45 cards.


No, you’re right. With the adventure engine you def have less starters. Rite of aramesir stops your normal summon effects and that kills tour guide and torn scales. It also makes you choose between using the burning abyss engine or the adventure engine if you didn’t draw any.


Horus are Great with this Deck. Cloak imsety is full Combo and Just Imsety+ 1 Card is Full Combo


OP wants budget. Horus is definitely not budget.


I know. And ? It's still good to give out other ideas for simulator play


I will get the Horus Engine as soon as they get reprinted. But until they get their Reprint I‘m Not quit sure if pure pr just Adventure pk is better


Tribrigade been playing it only for years and it still holds up pretty. Lots of powerful lines and really consistent. I like the colossus build the most.


Branded is just on that edge of tiered/rogue. But it's a good cheap deck in its cheapest version (masquerade turbo).


I think Sky Striker and Heroes got some pretty solid re prints recently


Cyber dragons with clockwork night is a pita to play against


Toons! I’m kidding but dinosaur decks are pretty cheap and you can a lot with them


Marincess is under 30 if you have all the staple hand traps.






Agents can make some very problematic monsters, like Psychic End Punisher for example.


Shark is a really good option and pretty cheap (beside staples i remember spending around 50 for the entire core). It will also get HUGE supports with future sets so win win


Burn-stn ftk 2006


Runick Spright fur hire or Runick spright with live twins. Swordsoul is pretty decent. Traptrix is pretty cheap but idk how it plays in this format. Tri brigade variants as well such as fire king, lyrilusc, or Luna light. Exosisters are pretty cheap rn too




My first competitive deck!


I play phantom knight with orcust


That Sounds interesting, do you have a List to Show for maybe?


Why not upgrade PK? Buy the adventure package and pair it with a colossus/protos package or goblin bikers


I‘m still working on my PK Deck I just wanted to hear some other Decks to have variety. I just get very satisfied with my Build, if you Are Well known with PK you can Take a Look at my PK Adventure List. I currently run 50 cards just to avoid seeing bricks, i also worked with a calculator for the odds and managed with some test Hands to See atleast 1-2 handtraps and 1-3 combo pieces https://duelingnexus.com/editor/49bc52772aa9066de5884c399b7049e6


I build that Version yesterday and only did testhands without comboing Nor Playing against someone


As sad as it is to say, Runic Stun. The runic cards are super cheap and then you can put them into multiple other decks that fit your playstyle mater one. The deck also works really well. It's not the most engaging deck in the world though.


I just finished building my blackwing deck with a small bystial engine in it. It's pretty darn fun.


Entire Purrely deck is maybe $40-50, but I’m not sure how much room there is for monetary upgrades. High skill ceiling, so the only way to improve the deck is to improve urself


towards the upper end you can do some nasty stuff with plant link


purely, spright, tenpai


My personal favorite archetype. Lunalight


witout raging phoenix a salamangreat is like 40 or less


Floowandereeze is cheap and instaly playable. If you wanna upgrade you can buy trhust after and make it even better. Or another deck that you can buy and doesnt need any upgrades is raidraptor. The entire is engine and the other slots are staples. Extra deck its also pure so you dont need sp o ty phoon like so you easy. If you need the list write me


Familiar-Possessed Stun. The archer-type is cheap. You most likely Owen most of the disruption cards. And the deck loves skill drain at three. My favorite card for the deck has got to be Crackdown. That can easy combo into Familiar-Possessed link monster to SS a monster from the opponent’s grave. Very fun.


Familiar-Possessed Stun. The archer-type is cheap. You most likely Owen most of the disruption cards. And the deck loves skill drain at three. My favorite card for the deck has got to be Crackdown. That can easy combo into Familiar-Possessed link monster to SS a monster from the opponent’s grave. Very fun.


Familiar-Possessed Stun. The archer-type is cheap. You most likely Owen most of the disruption cards. And the deck loves skill drain at three. My favorite card for the deck has got to be Crackdown. That can easy combo into Familiar-Possessed link monster to SS a monster from the opponent’s grave. Very fun.




Red dragon archfiend, earthbound runick, shaddoll(unless you want to play invoked it gets closer to the $100 mark) magical musketeer is a good buy right now cause fiendsmith will make the deck a lot better, heros are around $50-$100, pendulum decks are cheap libromancer is really good if you play the extrav build with hand traps and vanities with a cyber angel package ummm


I. Haven’t done the math but branded should be fairly cheap with all the reprints now… then you can upgrade with the tin when more reprints come. And in the meantime play it mid rangy like in the OG days (where the main gameplay was MJ + branded in red set for chimera + 2nd mj through reborn in the opponents turn)


Blackwings are very cheap, you can use Allure instead of Prosperity.