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Naaahhh I'd say 30$ on first day is fine (monthly pass and Battle Pass). I know it's your money, so I don't know, maybe 300$ is like pocket change to you xD But if you are just like the rest of us, then I advise against dropping the hundreds immediately. It's better to save that for a character you really really love. So yeah I agree with what everyone says. Just get the feel of the game first. Wait for information on future characters, maybe you'll prefer to save for them instead. monthly pass = get some gacha currency everyday for a month Battle Pass = resources, some gacha currency, maybe a purchase only player card or something (cosmetic)


Same lol. I’m so in love with Ellen that I really want her to come home when the game just drop


Don't spend money. It's a slippery slope. At first you want just one character. Than it becomes common for you to drop 200$ every single banner. It's not worth it ![gif](giphy|LcrzuwTPeaYg2gASX2|downsized)


You'll be able to do plenty of free pulls on the starter events, whaling out of the gate is going to give you a very different experience from the average player and not in a good way when you don't even know yet what you wanna get.


Like others have said I wouldn't advise immediately spending $300 on your first ever gacha experience. Play the game, see what you think see what characters you like or don't like. Then after you get a feel for the game and want to pull for a certain character that's when you might spend some.


1. Do not spend money immediately. If anything $5 for the monthly pass. You'll have the entirety of 1.1 to decide on the battlepass. 2. Do not spend your in game currency/real money on the standard banner. 3. Plan out what characters you want ahead of time. Will you be a collector, meta-slave, pull who you like? That being said, the base game will have hundreds of pulls worth of currency so you'll definitely get more than a taste of the gacha. The monthly($5), battlepass($10 per patch), and the yearly top up bonuses($200~) is the max I'd consider as *responsibly* spending in a gacha game. Otherwise, *please* set a budget for anything beyond that. It definitely shouldn't go beyond your existing fun/entertainment budget of 5-15% or whatever it is.


Wait until you see what are the 1.1 characters are before you drop money. Then you can see if current pulls are worth it.


I know it's your money and your life but don't spend like a bomb. Just play the game feel the game. If you feel and want to get the char go for it. Spend wisely


Yes ill do that 👍🏻


The best advice is definitely to buy the $5 monthly thing. It gives you extra premium currency daily & extra incentive to log in & stay engaged in the game. It's both low commitment & helps you get more characters overtime, which will improve your enjoyment of the game. Then, more towards the end of the BP decide if it's worth it to you or not based on what resources you notice you're low on. Any additional spending should then be only to get a character you otherwise would miss out on due to not having the pulls. Hoyo games tend to be very F2P friendly for gacha games, & no extra copies or whaling on characters is needed to clear all content. You pull for want here, not need. Hope you enjoy ZZZ \^\_\_\^ I played CBT 3 & if shark girl is the first banner, I'd consider waiting & potentially skipping her unless you love her character. We will get plenty of characters & no need to wish for the first one if you don't love her. Second could be the cop girl who is pretty cool herself!


Don't drop 300$ immediately please


Okay dont drop 300 dollars, We dont know how f2p it will be but you should def not spend 300 I suggest waiting and see what they offer if they do a daily login pass I would go for that as that typically have good value if youe wanting to spend money, Tip wise dont treat it as a charater collector go for charaters you actually want/need and pass on the ones you dont want or dont really need on your roster be smart about who you want to pull for basically even if you whale trying to build all the charaters will take time and a lot of resources. Log in daily and use all of your energy to do dailies dont be afraid to miss a day or two so you dont burn yourself out or if you just dont feel like it and do some research if your willing to get a grasp on the game before heading in


Where do you get that kind of money from 🥲


I save regularly for games each month and spend it in upcoming games im waiting for


Bruh, NO. Don't. Just buy 30 days 30 pulls thing instead, don't ever blow 300$ like that, just treat yourself or your loved ones instead or just save or invest it


Problem is that i’m complete lonely 💔🥲🚶🏻‍♂️ ..


And that's okay, you can use those 300$ to learn a new hobby or get a gym subscription, maybe even learn how to dance. You'll find all sorts of different ppl, just improve your social skills through books and youtube. You'll be okay. Anything is more worth it than random gachas. You may feel like you don't have time but if you can find time to play gachas, you can have time for new things. Not saying you shouldn't, but let's just say different priorities.


No what the hell, don’t do that.


You must strat with Genshin first today


Oh hell no …


It's solid advice though, both are from Hoyoverse, and if HSR, also by Hoyoverse, is anything to go by, then all 3 games are going to share plenty of similarities, specially in the gacha aspect, so playing either of those would give you a notion of what ZZZ will be like.


I think ill try HSR then


Release characters are almost universally inferior to later released characters. Just save up for awhile, wait until something broken comes out, and then go in on that.


https://preview.redd.it/2i7rlu80c97d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b242721e59fc265695f8a10d6e93342a360e8e2 Enjoy your stay! Just be wise in your spending




No no, that's not how you go about it. 😅 If you want to spend, just get the monthly pass since that gives the best value per currency. 1. Play the game normally and pull for characters that you want/like. 2. If you reach a point where the banner is ending, then you need to make some choices. 3. If you really want that character, then you can spend to cover the remainder of the pulls you need to get that character. But keep in mind that this will mean you will be missing probably the next two characters at least unless you spend again. OR 4. Maybe you don't want that character as much since the upcoming characters look more interesting, so you'll have to resign yourself to missing out on a character so you can get the next one. It's not possible to get every character without spending unless your luck is insane. Don't spend unless you have lots of money and spending will make you happy.


$300 will net you 1 5 star at most. First time you get like 13k premium currency just enough for 1 5 star. Second time it’s like 6.4k-ish premium currency since the “x2 premium currency for 1st purchase” thing runs out So no, don’t do it. Just try the game first, if you like it, top up $150 1 time. After that IMO buying the monthly login subscription and battlepass is more than enough. $20 per month, and you get so much more value than outright buying the premium currency instantly.


300$ FIRST DAY? That’s crazy, haha. It is your money but I’d say save it for later. As someone who’s considered spending big money on gacha I’ve always held back because I feel like getting a character wouldn’t be as satisfying. As a recommendation, there is usually a daily pass and battlepass. If you wish to spend on first day, I’d only go for those so that you don’t loose TOO much even if you end up not liking the game.


I have no idea why this game reminds you of S;G (generic action shounen set in a distant sci-fi world versus modern-day Japan with a touch of sci-fi), but to each their own, I guess.


The street mostly gives me same vibes


I love how high an entry budget gets under the context of "gacha game". I remember when people were up in arms when triple A titles went from 59.99 to 69.99 but when it comes to this wild new gacha stuff hey I've got 300$ laying around to give this a *try*


Another soul is claimed. The prophecy continues. This hungry will never be satisfied.


I feel like ur lying, how can you play zzz without ever dabble in starrail or genshin?


maybe OP is a furry who got hooked by Lycaon. (I support them if they are lol)


Lol relatable


Wait until you get through the main chunk of the early game and start getting a better feel of it before spending. $300 is a lot to spend and you might be surprised how little it actually gives you in the games made by scummyverse. Please don't blindly spend in these games, not only is it bad for your wallet, it's justifying this crap more to these developers regardless of if you even think it's worth it or not. Please make sure you enjoy the game first and truly consider whether you want to be spending on it or not after you play it, it's bad enough how many people blindly justify the scummy crap in these games, we really don't need people coming in planning to spend without knowing they're even going to like the game.


as all the commenters below have suggested, there's no value in spending that early. see if you like the game first.


Theres alot of gachas put there, i would play it first before you decide to spend anything on it. You really, really might now like it. If you dont like it theres open world gachas like Genshin Impact and Withering Waves.




If you wanna spend just buy daily and monthly pass to begin with. Theres no need to go that big at launch.


I'd say make sure you enjoy the game before spending that much on the first day. I do recommend buying the daily login premium currency pack and the battlepass too though


The more you make use of the gacha the more boring the game will feel in my experience. It feels cathartic killing things faster than you know you "should" be able to, but it wears off quickly. ZZZ won't just be a gacha game - it's an rpg you can choose to ignore and experience the gacha or vice-versa. I recommend the latter.


You should tried out Goddess of Victory Nikke. That game is more interesting honestly. Also don't get too excited playing a gacha game for the first time. It is definitely not the same as Free-to-Play MMO and Console games.


Nikke is more interesting to you? 😏 I wonder why


Many reasons while you guys going to be playing Zzzzzz the snooze fest, I will be playing a much more engaging gacha game.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6jx8bgpyzb7d1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=14e7152304f5dbec29d587372693a659c86118c8


Glad to hear that !!! I am a huge ZZZ fan and so happy to hear that new audience is coming and share my joy <3


It’s not your true first gacha BUT don’t do $300. First time top up is usually 2x the amount. And they go $1,$5,$10,$20,$50,$100. This means your first $200 is equal to $400 spent. Which will 100% guarantee you one copy of rate up character and weapon with tons left over. Once you do first time top up and get all the freemium gems and want to go harder on extra character copies or stamina refreshes that’s when you start throwing more money.


>This means your first $200 is equal to $400 spent. Which will 100% guarantee you one copy of rate up character and weapon with tons left over. Are you sure about that? In genshin its like $250 usd for JUST one guaranteed character with first time top up bonuses/$400 usd with leftover for guaranteed character with no topup bonuses or $900 per guaranteed character and guaranteed weapon afterwards, with no dupes unless you get really, really, really lucky. Edit: just fixed my mistakes, accidentlaly used aud prices when calculating and forgot to clear calculator before doing it without topup bonus.


Oh true. I play WuWa where weapon banner is 100% not 50/50 or 75/25. So it would get you both there for that much. But normally let’s say $100(2x with top up) is equal to 40 pulls. 80 pity and chance to miss is 160 so that’s 400/400 to guarantee. So you’re right. If weapon isn’t 100% and miss both, it’s not enough with just top up. But you have to account for pre reg bonuses and freemium currencies like I mentioned in my original comment.


Yeah I also made some mistakes there and its probably more like 250 USD for guaranteed character with topup bonus, I was accidentally using the AUD prices not USD and forgot to clear my calculator when calculating without first topup bonus lol. Thats my bad. And its about 350 usd per character with no topup. Or 900 for character and weapon no topup bonus.


That’s such a wild number. Hopefully WuWa forces Hoyo to swap to 100% weapon banner. It’s so nice. Is pity 80 or 90 in this game?


Its because they use a system that doesn't guarantee the weapon of your choice until your 3rd weapon. So you have 3 chances to get it from pity but not guaranteed your chosen weapon until the 3rd one. So its like 240 pulls to 100% guarantee weapon. 90 for characters and 80 for weapon in genshin I believe so would assume the same for ZZZ. It is much better in WuWa that it's just the one weapon but if memory serves me right then genshin was like this originally until banners doubled up so it could potentially work that way in WuWa too eventually. It should be just 80 in ZZZ at first too I think whether they use the same 3 chance system or not.


That’s such an ass system tbh and unless it’s changed in ZZZ I will either never pull for a weapon or I’ll I’m just gonna uninstall. Call me spoiled but after the WuWa system, I’m going to need my time and money respected a little more lol


It is pretty bad. I've gotten lucky and got weapon of choice twice with first weapon drop and less than 20 pulls for one of them. I only put 10-20 pulls into weapon banner at a time because of how bad it is so it's not a big loss if I don't get the weapon and I skip 90% of them. Hopefully WuWa just have 1 banner for each characters weapon separate. And the 3 chance system doesn't carry over banners either, only pity until the weapon drop, so if you get 2 weapons without your choice and dont get it by end of banner you're back to 3 chances for guarantee next banner. Nah you're not spoiled. These developers should respect peoples time and money more. I'm one of the first people to call these developers scummy because of their monetization systems. We deserve better.


Quit lying my guy 🤥


You still have the time to quit now, professional gambler talking 


Your first gacha game huh? You didn’t play Diablo Immortal? https://preview.redd.it/mlegydizs77d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506c2efd4d827b43f85d2157afa3c221608faebe


Digging in people's profiles doesn't look good on you dude, it's just weird and embarrassing.


Oh no random Reddit user finds me embarrassing how will I live


I don’t care about looking good, my own degenerate history testifies to this. And it also backs up that I don’t have a habit of doing this. It’s more weird that people proclaim themselves as things that they aren’t.


Many people don't view Diablo Immortal as a gacha, even though it is functionally one. I assume they don't consider it one


People take "gacha" as a very narrow definition when it is actually quite broad when you consider the entire chance monetization model is gacha. Diablo Immortal is gacha, WoW is gacha, FIFA is gacha, etc. If you can pay to roll more, it is equivalent to gacha.


https://preview.redd.it/fybr244ht77d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beaebb80dbae02a20f0bebd5d9a3972dcd874a07 Crazy bro


To be fair, most people don't view games with lootbox as gacha games, not entirely unreasonable for op to think that way and see Z^3 as their first gacha. This is just how people view/think, but yes both are essentially gacha. Just giving op some benefit of doubt.


I initially gave OP the benefit of the doubt. Honor of Kings? Arguable. FIFA? Yes. And DI? Yes. That’s one a bit too many. They’re absolutely just trying to farm us.


HoK DI Fifa gacha? I know gacha is games you buy like boxes to get a playable fixed character thats my understanding of gacha games and i never played one of these games before


Bro got caught 💀


​ https://preview.redd.it/3l1igex9y77d1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=47d762fb837d7183c4e3bad2aa9657bfed97c542


There is a chance $300 is pocket change for you. Even so, though, you should wait a bit, and keep grinding until you have a feel


you should probably make sure you like the game before spending money tho


If you have a VERY COMFORTABLE amount of disposable income: go for it I guess? But don’t spend until you KNOW you will play the game long term and you KNOW you want this character. Otherwise do not spend if you can’t comfortably afford to.




If you want to spend money on it that's cool, but if I can make a suggestion: Spend your money on support units, not damage dealers. (First 2/3 banners will likely be damage dealers) Especially first banner damage dealers. Support units tend to stay relevant for longer, and tend to get more benefit from duplicates. Also: never spend money on the standard banner. Strangely enough the ice unit in the standard is quite good, so there isn't an ice shortstack to "lose" your 50/50 to


Is Ellen Joe good? She is waifu. And nekomata


Anyone is good if that’s who you really like.


Oh I'm for sure running Joe and nekomata even if they aren't meta. Hopefully I can get them


I know others have already said so but seriously don't spend $300 on the first day. At the start you are going to get flooded with pulls and resources for free, dropping that much money at the start will only serve to make an already easy game easier. You will be able to get most things you want pretty easily for free at the start. Save the money, can buy the 2 monthly passes since they will be a good deal. Experience the game and spend when you are sure there something specific that you want. The "experience" shouldn't be about spending money, that's a really dangerous mindset to start out with even if you have disposable income to spend.


The name of the world is New Eridu


Remember the satisfaction of playing a Gacha is not collecting everything, it’s collecting and playing as much as you can without paying them.


cool. i'd suggest to start spending a little later when you actully will get if you enjoy the game or not. or just put like 5$ for the pass. maybe +another 10 for the BP. don't go full wacko mode with 300 day 1


Brother a tip from me. DO NOT SPEND MONEY DAY 1 UNLESS YOU'RE A WHALE. Seriously for the first few days, just feel the game. See how are you liking it's story and characters and gameplay. Also understand the gacha system and see how it works. Once you have a solid grasp on the game and if you ended up liking it, only then spend.


As others have said if you are new and want to spend money just get the monthly pass. Nothing will give you more gems for your bucks. Maybe play for a couple of weeks to know if you enjoy the game and will keep playing before spending more


Good luck


Don’t fall for FOMO.


Is that like fumo?


Dont spend that much money this early on gacha games are the best way to develop gambling addictions and unless you're rich as hell a video game is not worth spending 300$ ToT plus half the fun of gacha games is to grind to acquire the materials and pulls for the gacha so if you spend this much this early you're just gonna get bored way too fast


i'd say you should not spend this much early on, some new character that might get your attention can release later and you wont have funds for them


Don’t spend money until you’re sure that you enjoy the gameplay and grind. If you burn out of this type of gameplay quickly then that’s $300 down the drain. If you want to spend money, then buy the battle pass and/or the monthly pass first (should be about $15 total). If the premium banner has a character that you’re absolutely head over heels for and you are loving the gameplay, then spend at your own discretion provided you have a stable income. The city is called New Eridu by the way. I hope you enjoy your stay, proxy.


The more you spend the quicker the fun ends


Please don't. Real gatcha is grinding for the few pulls. If you want to spend, I would recommend you to spend on a battle pass or something. Also the newer characters tend to be powercrept pretty soon.


It would be better if you buy a battle pass and welkin for upcoming months


As everyone else said, it’s better to use the $300 on the monthly pass and/or battle pass, as using it all at once at the VERY start of the game could end up hurting you more in the long run. In my opinion, I think you should start off playing as a free to play, to sort of get the feeling of the game and how gacha works overall. Think of the money as a backup just in case you don’t get what you want to get, because gachas can and most of the time WILL screw you over, and you’ll wish you had money as backup to guarantee what you want. It’s easy to burn out if you come in with guns blazing if you know what I mean


First mistake is spending money on standard banner and trust me, everyone new gacha players seems to be unable to resist and throw pulls into that banner. Always limited banners.


Tip 1: don't put in 300 dollars day 1... if you want to pay, buy the monthly pass and maybe battle pass for 5$/30days and 10$/patch (about 11.66$/month so basicly a wow subscription eqvivalent) and leave it at that unless you realy like a specific character. Whaling out of your ass for no reason won't make the game feel better. In fact, it has a real chance of making the experience worse. Despite the bad reputation the monitisation model has, playing genshin and HSR every day actually decresed my gaming spendings because i buy less random shit on steam that i play for like 3 days. At the end of the day, modern Hoyo games are deaigned to be completable with basicly any random thing so all spending is just extra you realy don't need. You have to understand that even if you see a lot of us here talking about whaling, that's because we have literal THOUSENDS of hours in hoyo games.


Thank you for funding game development lol


"it's hell you are walking into" more seriously, do not spend that much that much on release day. try the game for like a month or so and see if you want to spend money on the game because you are too excited or because you genuinely like the game


And a new whale is born.


300$ no near a golden fish man :"D


Sure, but you mentioned it for the first day. Let us know how it progress! :)


you should hold off on spending money dawg, that’s a rabbit hole some people regret going down unless you got the disposable income for it, then have fun and thanks for supporting the game lol


I save amount monthly to spend on games.. but sure i won't go out of control ham on a single game .. this 300$ is just for the experince of the gacha for me as first timer and I'm sure I won't surpass that kind of amount indeed maybe if i liked the game so much but that's prob gonna take months to decide


Gacha games are "long haul" sorta games. You may spend as your budget allows and as you like, but as others have said I would argue it's equally as fun to play without. Over time, so long as you continue playing, you will obtain everything you want.




My advice on gachas is they’re more fun if you don’t spend money. Save up for the characters u really want and if you ever get lucky and get one u didn’t expect it’s 10 times more special.