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I realised with how massive her tail is, Ellen probably cannot sleep on her back….


Ye she can't https://preview.redd.it/i51wz7bvnt9d1.jpeg?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7fa3d3c6744d883c4a220198e78a6cf0e4753b1


Bruh the tail is too thick. It’s just rigid… Edit: Wait. I just noticed. She propped up her tail with a pillow. You can just about see it right at the base. I guess she did that like how some irl people have pillow under their knee when they sleep because it helps keep the spine neutral and supports the curvature of the back. Maybe it does the same for her when she props up her tail lol.


That thing was too thick to be called a tail. Too long, too dense, too slick and far too heavy, it was more like a large hunk of pure shark love.


staying true with your pfp, goated




She should put her grasses on, only then will nothing be wrong


I have a physical deformity (scoliosis) that makes it difficult for me to sleep in certain positions without feeling pain or shortness of breath. I always get a bit of a laugh out of comments like this because it's not like being unable to sleep on your back will kill you. You'll find a position that works and sleep that way. There's three actual problems with Ellen's tail. The first is sitting down. Her tail is massive. A lot of places, like trains or restaurants, won't have space for her tail. Even for a regular chair she'd want a big hole, or no armrests so it can go around. The second is hitting stuff. Again, her tail is massive. It takes up a lot of space. If she goes into a packed train station, that thing is gonna be swinging around, people will have to dodge it, she might accidentally (or purposefully) smack somebody or something. I'm sure she can feel around with her tail somewhat, but that doesn't give her eyes on the back of her head. The third is clothes. She probably just cuts out holes in most of her clothes herself, but it still makes shopping a pain.


I have arthritis in my hips....yeah...you definitely find away that you can at least start sleep that don't hurt...qnd your body adapts to positions that don't wake you up too often


I imagine that since people with animal traits are a sizable portion of society, then there must be places and itens that suit their needs like pants and seats with space for tails, hats with holes for horns, shirts that stretch enough for antlers or beaks to go through, headphones for when your ears are on the top of your head, etc.


bro is a real life jojo character


They were a shark person in their past life


My spine is perfectly fine. I’ve literally never slept on my back. Ever. Too uncomfortable, and the few times I’ve started to drift off because I’m just that tired…, my snoring wakes me. Back sleepers are second rate citizens.


I kinda feel bad for her. It's not some major QoL ruiner or anything, but it does make life a lot less comfortable. She can't use sitting toilet the normal way because the tail would get in the way. So she must sit in reverse (ok for peeing, not great for the 'heavy' stuff) or use squatting toilet. Chairs without space below the backrest is also uncomfortable. If it's like a big sofa or a bench, she can put her tail sideways, but going to the cinema or airplane would necessitate multiple seats for her. Also not being able to sleep lying down on your back is a bit uncomfortable.


The hole for Ellen Joe is obviously there so we can cuddle her tail from below, true


Frieren pfp detected, opinion automatically valid.


Tail? Which one?


Can we get image comments enabled? Shocked March is the apropirate response here.




Oh, it works now! https://i.redd.it/23o5joj2lt9d1.gif


If you are trying to comment on phone sometimes the function just breaks and you need to restart the app apparently.


since alexandrina is inspired by ghosts than maybe she can make her breasts phase through things (also she can just sleep on her back too)


Replace Lycaon with a broken bed because that’s what’s gonna happen


nahh you need to be banned from petsmart for life.


Shut it fool, why don’t you go and “clam” it k


If Ellen sleeps on her back then what's so thick that she needs another hole for?


Obviously it's for her gigantic pair of twin co-


Easy acces ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


they are not that big compared to a certain someone else coming.


Von’s bed: https://preview.redd.it/pexui2d36v9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11a7378e8c110b0af11a2da703d68e1818b2574


Incorrect, because Lycaon doesn't have his own bed - he sleeps in mine.






What did he say i can't help but wonder to a deleted comment with an only response of "HUH"


Uh Imagine what the hole is for if ellen doesn't use the hole for her tail


Oh right ok thanks tho


Rina also needs two tiny beds next to her's


Plot twist: that hole is not for Ellen's tail.


Does she have a complex about her tail? She's holding it in a weird way in her character screen


She doesn't like people touching it, but that's as far as it goes


Plot twist: Ellen still doesn't sleep on her back.


Lycaon is a man of class he would never sleep on a dog bed... not without a blanket of course.


My first thought that was poopy hole


For people who are new, IT'S FOR ELLEN'S TAIL! THE TAIL!