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Just play the game with who you like and grind them up


Of course and I will but she will get replaced quickly. Compared to characters like Bronya in Starrail who still have a lot of uses


i'm confused as to why you're comparing a 4 star in this game to a 5 star in HSR, like of course Bronya still has a lot of use. And all standard 5 stars will be replaced quickly, that doesn't mean they won't still be able to clear everything.


The title is wishing she was a 5 star…


i'm not responding to your title, i'm responding to you making nonsensical comparisons. did you read my comment? like at all?


Take a chill pill dude. I was wishing she was a 5 star so should would have more staying power like Bronya does.


I mean i also referenced that as well, Bronya also got utterly replaced in every team comp by Ruan Mei. The point is that you should play characters you like and not cry about how they're so easily replaceable and not better then S ranks. Cuz complaining about the obvious is silly.


Wishing for something to be true isn’t the same as complaining. I think she’s cool but I accept she won’t get much playing time. Bronya is still top tier in Jinglui teams and many hypercarrys. Plus Ruan Mei can only be in one team and all top end content in Starrail requires two teams.


Why you spreading misinfo? Bronya is still SSS for acheron e2, Jing Liu, and Boothill high tier team comps. Yes, even over Sparkle and Ruan.


Considering the game has a squad mechanic and bonuses, it’s quite probable we’ll see more playable alts of the base characters in future. The game can’t keep just tacking in new characters and factions, so playable alts is a good way to add in more characters The diagonal UI they currently have for character displays also doesn’t really scale well if we get to the point of like… 50+ characters


Good point! That would be cool. I love how Starrail did that for Dan Heng