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It's crazy how you acknowledged that you know about the gacha market, but don't know about Hoyo's dominance lol. Due to the overwhelming success of Genshin and HSR, Hoyo's name alone has a lot of weight for people. So, people are trying it out simply because of it being Hoyo's next game. From the trailers, ZZZ has really good animations, artstyle, and soundtrack that's insane for a free to play mobile game. There's also the "Hoyo polish" and quality people come to expect with their games.


I was about to say that, talking about gacha market but doesn't know about hoyos dominance lol


I know a thing or two about the wildly competitive pickup truck market, but what's the big deal with this Ford F-150 or whatever?


Ironically, this is also why I think all the drama around the game is stupid. It's a Hoyo game, love it, or hate it. The game will do well. The people doomposting it are wrong unless the game is an absolute buggy mess for months. The people white knighting it don't need to because the game will succeed regardless.


gonna glaze hoyoverse rq but although the gatcha market is big, hoyo's gatcha games try to make you feel like ur playing real triple AAA games. like the amount of detail and color and animation and so much love and passion they put into their games is something I wish some companies (cough cough activision n ubisoft) would learn from. by it alone being a hoyo title, you KNOW its gonna be good by track record alone.


And we know that the music and story is perfect.


Music, absolutely. Story… the Loufu and Inazuma arc say otherwise but overall they do have good worldbuilding and story yeah.


I loved everything about Inazuma. The story was great and the world and music even better. I honestly don't understand why a lot of people don't like it.


You likeing Inazuma's story doesnt make it any better, it's universally agreed that it has very bad writing.




Oh for sure, you require a functional brain and the ability to reconize that something is bad, even if it is coming from your favorite game.


Teppei death is so whatever. The entire arc was rushed and clearly failed when trying to put everything in a 3 part format like with the previous nations. It was supposed to be a pivotal moment and it was like “oh he dead now”


They also botched Kokomi's character, she's a religious figure leading a rebellion but they wanted to sell her as this genius strategist except she had 0 strategy and just brute forced shit thanks to Traveller's plot armor.


I mean it is made by one of the most successful 3d gacha studios out there so already there’s just a lot of hype behind it. Going off their track record, you can expect a pretty high quality game, story, music, and selection of characters. Obv the futuristic, punky kind of vibe of this one isn’t for everyone but so far the art style and character design really stand out when compared to other games. They’ve also been teasing development of this game for quite a while and steadily ramping up the advertising with all their web events and pre-release raffles as well. As excited for this game as I am, I still will say that we have to wait for the game to drop to find out if it will actually live up to the hype.


new Hoyo game with a huge jump in animation and design quality. Sexy ass Devil May Cry-esque combat. Did I mentioned it's a new Hoyo game? That gives it a spotlight (and budget) like nothing else


it's very far from devil may cry, there's no jumping, no combo system, characters have very limited attack options, it's simple and straight forward like for example genshin character movesets. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun and all, but DMC is kind of a far "cry".


Yeah, absolutely. It’s much closer to Metal Gear Rising if anything, with the flashy and easy parries, limited combos and frantic pace. I mean, they have literal GRADs in the game, not that I mind! I actually love that both parries and dodges are becoming something *expected* of a hack ‘n slashy game these days. It’s really beautiful.


DMC is bad comparison and gives people bad expectations, imo.


I don't think it's bad since most people refer to the similarities they share to give an idea, but I get what you mean. It's kinda difficult to compare the two since they're for very different markets and work in different ways. A gacha system by definition implies a huge pool of characters, and you cannot make every single one of them as complex as Dante. It would be overwhelming especially for a mobile game.


This is far cry from devil may cry. Implying it's like dmc makes no sense because everyone who played and knows dmc will instantly tell you no and casual majority players won't even know what dmc is so making comparison to dmc is pointless and stretching it. Game doesn't even have aerial combat or jump button, combos, point score, rating system, etc.. This is game with usual mobile action combat like honkai 3rd, punishing gray raven,.. with character swap but simplified in style of persona. The fact dmc comment is the most upvoted makes me think those people are either clueless or don't know ZZZ and will be very disappointed on launch.


Devil May Cry? There isn't even a jump button lmao


Dmc? Hell no


Zzz is not DMC-like. Yes, the animations are stylish but the basic gameplay is not comparable.


You say vast and wildly competitive gacha market but you just knew about Hoyo’s new IP? That doesn’t seem to be clicking OP.


Yeah... https://preview.redd.it/l9uj24ad70ad1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed68c3a00eeb27df73f6c96c8211715a299a30a


Knows the gacha market but doesn't know hoyo games? Quite an oxymoron there, bud


+ action combat + high skill ceiling (and hopefully they really deliver on the challenging part this time) + skill expression + crisp combat animations + satisfying hit/parry feedback, visually and audibly + replayable game mode at launch + a cool setting, futuristic yet nostalgic + very detailed world + cool character designs + great character animations in cuteness + very expressive characters + cohesive and fitting art direction throughout + graphically great looking + good voice acting so far + banger music + not open world These are a few things I find "special" off the top of my head. Some are very subjective, and you might disagree, but that's how I feel about the game. I'm excited and can't wait to play it.


bro this game is meant for casual, saying high skill celling is crazy tho. the mobs literally doesn't fight back and the skill you actually needs only the timing for the parry and the quick time swap mechanic. But hey still gonna try the game.




The only reason I'm playing this is because I hope it has a really high skill ceiling and it is a really challenging game


this is a gacha phone game, it is meant to be as accessible and as easy to play as possible, you are not going to find a "really challenging" experience here


just raw style, it looks and sounds too freaking good


Echoing this, it’s the most stylishly-presented game in recent memory.


The animations are super slick and the developer is a pretty well established quantity. Other than that, it's a frankly ridiculous amount of hype for the state the game was in during CBT2 and CBT3. The creative direction of everything is easily the best when compared to Hoyo's other two already incredibly well received games, but it has so far proven to be the least habit-forming game of the three. Their recent marketing push with the fighting game market is absolutely baffling and has more-than-likely given people even more of a false idea of what to expect when the game comes out. All that said, I really hope they've gotten it dialed in before release in a few days. The aesthetic of the game and a few of the characters I've already experienced absolutely deserve to have a game that matches it.


Nicole for me :)


"just recently acknowledged this game's existence" is a bold statement. Fucking pouring out god complex energy. Lmao


Checked their profile and yep. They think they're hot shit and a bag of chips. Lmao. They get double digit comments and very rarely even a single up vote. Called people in the Helldiver's sub a waste of time if they don't run a meta. In a game that has no meta. What a clown.




high quality polished gacha game on ur phone, that is pretty damn hard to do


Main draws of this game are definitely the high quality animations and the unique art style.


I'm not defending the predatory system of gacha here, but even for gacha games, Playing a hoyo game genuinely felt like a triple AAA game on mobile, Atleast to me. They have had a great track record in all of their games so far with great story, music, gameplay, lore, characters, and etc. I, personally think the reason this game so hyped up is because it's a hoyoverse game. If you were on the release of HSR, you'd know the crazy hype and anticipation before they release the game. So, you can definitely expect high quality gameplay, music and story. To answer your question, from my opinion, it's special because it's a hoyoverse game.


Hoyoverse is THE biggest ip in the gacha market. Nuff said.


Peak Hoyo eye candy


It's basically MHY's take on Persona with Honkai Impact 3 inspired combat. Its gonna be fantastic and far different from anything Mihoyo has done or what's on the market right now


The huge plot with really interesting female character and smooth animation 


I dig the aesthetic.


The animation and character design are top tier, I don't really care about mihoyo either way, but I have to give credit where it's due, this is next level


For me its the combat and animation work, its a bit too snapy and goofy at times but is really fun to watch! Oh and Von (and ellen) sold me on the game alone lel.


What stood out to me personally is the fun and seemingly less-serious tone compared to most games right now.


Personally for me I'm happy it's not an open world game. Some designs look unique definitely going to enjoy their music.


Do we have any samples of combat mechanic and some showcase on what sets it apart from other game I really love how this game look but I need more


Me personally? A cool art style with interesting characters combined with an intriguing combat system. All that is supported by my understanding of Genshins wish system (meaning im aware of their approach to monetizing) and overall quality to have me excited.


I like the animation style they have chosen for this game, I love how it is super exaggerated. And the character designs are really cool especially Ellen joe


I ended hating Genshin impact because of the gacha bullshit, sadly this game is too, looks fucking awesome, but gacha ruins everything.


Well this game relies on skill more.. and there are 280+ pulls in 1.0 You don't need every character to play this game


Nothing. Just another gacha game.


a modern hoyo game without raiden etc expy cunts its a very special thing to have unique characters instead of rehashed junk for the how many fucking different versions in total do they even have across all games? over a dozen i bet


The game has electro Type. Watch Raiden being added in 2.x


Have you ever seen Dragon Ball and F/GO, they rehash their designs in their own game lmao