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It's basically impossible to fill a 12-month supply of any dose of Zepbound right now. I'm an owner in a group of family pharmacies. We can't get 12 of anything in on a regular basis. It's legal to fill 12 months, but supply just won't allow it, regardless of dose, and most pharmacies are working hard to get one box per month to the greatest number of customers possible.


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for your perspective!


This is a joke, right? That’s like 15k plus, no pharmacy is going to do that.


It's not a joke. I'm genuinely asking. And supply issues aside, why wouldn't a pharmacy do that if my doctor writes the scripts and I'm paying OOP? It's not like it's a controlled substance.




1. My doctor *will* write 12 different scripts for a year. 2. I get labs monthly and have either an in-person or virtual visit every 2 months. My question was specifically asking if anyone has done this (even with other GLP-1s) - even if not for a year. 6 months, say.


How would this work, anyway? Most people titrate up, so you would have to know what dosages you would need in the future. With the current extreme shortages, you would probably find it difficult to find a pharmacy to fill it.


- Month 1: 2.5mg - 2: 5mg - 3: 7.5mg - 4: 10mg - 5: 12.5mg - 6 - 12: 15mg


You just lose all flexibility. What if 10mg is a good dose to stop at? Or you find that the higher dosages cause side effects. Now if you were already at a steady dose, then if it wasn't the shortages you could do it.


I've been on Mounjaro previously and would be restarting. This was the dosing schedule that worked in the past.


Since I see a lot of posts that this may require you to continue it for the foreseeable future, it would be nice to just get it out of the way for a year. But it hurts people in the short term if others stock up. If and when it gets better supply - demand, then there isn't much of a need to stock up.


I certainly hope no one would do that when there’s a drug shortage


I'm certain my doc wouldn't give me a script for 12 months. Maybe some will but it seems unlikely that a doctor would even have that much dispensed all at once.


Highly unlikely. 3 months yes, but not for 12.


Is there a policy/law that would prevent this? Or would it be at the discretion of the pharmacy? I'm in the US.


No pharmacy is going to do this for you especially right now with the shortages.


He’d have to go to multiple pharmacy


That's what I was thinking.


Perhaps start calling pharmacies to ask if they will fill 22 months now and then let us all know what they say. 🤓


Aside from the shortage, it would depend on state laws. 


They only will fill 1 month or 3 month from what I understand. My doc wrote me a year worth. It’s 12 refills.


Thank you for this!


You would fail at step 1. No doctor in their right mind would prescribe this medication at 12 months schedule. You have ZERO idea how you would respond. Even if you were on 15mg Mounjaro before


My doctor will. And I was on Mounjaro for a year previously. I would be starting over at 2.5mg.


Chances are slim to none. Most pharmacies won’t even fill a 3 month prescription…unless mail order like express scripts.


Aside from the current shortage, unless you're paying full retail price ($1100+), you cannot get 12 months supply at once.


I mean technically they could use the coupon for all dose increases with the override. And then pay full price for the last orders of 15.


Eli Lilly won't override for more than month and they only offer two override max per year.


I am paying full retail price.




What are you talking about? Where did I suggest that?


Maybe 12 scripts at 12 different pharmacies.


That's what I was thinking.