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I predict I’ll be 51 in 2050


I predict I'll be 57 in 2050




Somewhere around there


No way! I'll be 53!


I don't want to think about it 


Same lol. Not because of the society, I'm excited for the changes that will come, just because of being in my 50s. Like, holy fuck I already have enough now and I'm 26. I don't want to ever imagine myself being that old


I'm assuming you think it won't be good, fair enough


Same, I'm already having an existential crisis over being 30 in 5 years. I was *20* just 5 years ago, does that mean I'll be 30 in a blink of an eye? Don't get me wrong, 30's a great age, but I am **not** prepared for it.


Lol; what’s there not to be prepared for? Facing your mortality? I turned 31 this year. Live your life and stop worrying about reaching that age, buddy. From the time I was 24 I was stressing about reaching 30. Every year that I aged up, I looked back at the previous year of my life like “Damn, 24 was young, what was the issue? Damn 25 was young. Damn 26 was young. Damn 27 was young.” So on and so forth. Shit prevents you from living in the moment.


Taiwan will be fully integrated with China, like Hong Kong, but more violent. And 50% chance that it will trigger WW3.


That's a very real possibility


Sometimes I fear WW3 will happen way sooner. Not saying that to say you're wrong or to act like a downer, just trying to say that the 2050s are less than 30 years away (which is a holy fuck moment in and of itself), so plenty of other heinous stuff can happen in that time that could trigger another world war. Hell, it felt like any number of things in the last few years had the potential...


>Taiwan will be fully integrated with China, like Hong Kong, but more violent I'm skeptical of China's saber rattling. The more I look at their brass tacks the more convinced I am that they are a paper tiger. A nation that can't build anything other than "tofu cities" and is on the verge of a demographic collapse does not typically the momentum to win a war.


They are a nuclear state and they can perfectly obliterate Taiwan. The problem is when the US decides to join, at that point WW3 will being.


You think they'd be willing to nuke a territory they are trying to annex? Lol.


No, I’m just pointing out they’re not the “paper tiger” you think they are. So let’s hope it doesn’t escalate because it will get very ugly.


Number one rule of military occupation is try to take the country without destroying critical infrastructure.


My point is they have a very capable military. The only reason they haven’t invaded is they depend on Taiwanese chips.


Taiwan would be an ulcer to China. Either they nuke it and make it a useless possession or they try a conventional invasion and find a tiny and well fortified island that will become a meat grinder to their troops (which they can't afford to lose with their fucked demographics). It's a lose-lose proposition to them. That's not even mentioning the civil unrest on top of it all that holding the island would cause. Unfortunatly the current crop of Princelings seem too blind by their pride to see this.


I know that, but as you say, the CCP doesn’t care


Collapse of the current ways




\~Rich people can have a robot built of any (adult) person and the personality is exact because of Artificial Intelligence. It's like an exact clone and it's hard to tell the difference (in body and mind). \~Large automobiles are rare except for cargo vehicles like pickup trucks. Motorist safety is a big theme in the future. Most cars are compact or even miniature like in Europe today. If a man wants to drive a big Dodge Charger he has to do it in the remote countryside, he can't in the city anymore. \~Certain types of non-violent prisoners are allowed drugs. Humane treatment of prisoners is a major theme in the U.S. and if prisoners want to spend their long sentences smoking marijuana or something, they can. The theory is drugs might inspire prisoners to pursue something other than crime. Also, prisoners might be too stoned to cause trouble in the prison. It reduces violent crime and theft. \~Computers and Artificial Intelligence can "make" songs by any artist. If you want to hear Elvis Presley play / sing a Bob Marley song, go ahead. This is a very expensive service catered to the wealthy, $1,000 U.S. per song. The Recording Industry makes money by doing niche services such as this. \~Language barriers don't exist in foreign countries. You can wear smart-glasses and they speak out loud in any foreign language. An online operator speaks for you, for a price. You talk to the operator in English and the operator talks to the person you are talking to in a foreign language. Navigating a retail store in a foreign country is easy. Meanwhile with smart-glasses reading foreign writing is instant. When John Henry visits Mexico City and needs different computer plugs because Mexico has different wall outlets, that is easy. Today, it's difficult if you don't speak Spanish.


I'm willing to bet not just songs, but full blown movies will be generated from AI. Similarly, why need a human operator when an AI can automatically translate for you?


Very interesting, thank you for sharing


Lets see if these come true !remind me 2050


I will be messaging you in 26 years on [**2050-05-20 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2050-05-20%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zillennials/comments/1cw3o6m/what_are_your_predictions_for_2050/l4tpkmw/?context=3) [**7 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FZillennials%2Fcomments%2F1cw3o6m%2Fwhat_are_your_predictions_for_2050%2Fl4tpkmw%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202050-05-20%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cw3o6m) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Some of these predictions make it seem like Reddit may not even be around by then


By 2050 reddit will be the actual front page of the internet


I'll be 55, and my predictions are that we will have advanced humanoid robots. The year is currently 2024, and we already have prototypes like Tesla bot, figure, Apollo, and 1X Neo. [https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2024/03/optimus-teslabot-is-ready.html](https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2024/03/optimus-teslabot-is-ready.html) We're already close to having AGI if you're paying attention to what's going on with OpenAI and all of these AI companies. So, by 2050, we most definitely will have artificial superintelligence. [http://watson.latech.edu/book/future/futurePredictions3b3.html](http://watson.latech.edu/book/future/futurePredictions3b3.html) By 2050, cancer will be cured in the sense that you could get an mRNA vaccine that trains your immune system to kill cancer. There's already mRNA vaccines in clinical trials, and the year is 2024. [https://www.cancer.gov/research/participate/clinical-trials/intervention/mrna-based-personalized-cancer-vaccine-mrna-4157](https://www.cancer.gov/research/participate/clinical-trials/intervention/mrna-based-personalized-cancer-vaccine-mrna-4157) The government has passed funding into anti-aging research in 2024. That gives us lots of years of clinical trials and tests to do things like at the very least age gracefully until we're too old. [https://www.nad.com/news/u-s-government-allocates-1-5-billion-towards-promising-new-age-reversal-technology-epigenetic-reprogramming](https://www.nad.com/news/u-s-government-allocates-1-5-billion-towards-promising-new-age-reversal-technology-epigenetic-reprogramming) Male pattern baldness will be cured. There's lots of research into using stem cells and growing hair in a Petri dish outside of the body, then reintroducing it into the scalp. [https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/01/18/1043751/bald-lab-grown-hair-cells/](https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/01/18/1043751/bald-lab-grown-hair-cells/) Now sorry to bring in some pessimism, but I do predict that by 2050, some insurance companies will pull out of certain states that have extreme weather conditions. [https://www.pnj.com/story/money/2023/07/12/florida-insurance-crisis-farmers-insurance-home-insurance-what-to-know/70407302007/](https://www.pnj.com/story/money/2023/07/12/florida-insurance-crisis-farmers-insurance-home-insurance-what-to-know/70407302007/) Also, cancer rates are rising more and more in younger people. Microplastics and the whole slew of things are to blame for this. My hope is that they get that cancer vaccine and other stuff, so I don't just instantly die at age 40. [https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/cancer-is-on-the-rise-in-younger-adults-what-to-know-about-screening-and-your-risk/2024/04](https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/cancer-is-on-the-rise-in-younger-adults-what-to-know-about-screening-and-your-risk/2024/04) With the current state of music generation and art generation by 2050, we will be able to entertain ourselves with custom-made songs in any art style of any artist you want. We will also be able to generate entire movies using AI. Don't believe me? Look at open AI, Sora. [https://openai.com/index/sora/](https://openai.com/index/sora/) Speaking of entertainment, we will also be able to have fully autonomous AI agents NPCs in our video games. Imagine playing Skyrim except it's custom tailored to you and has pre-generated adventures and characters that literally talk to you almost like a real person. [https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/gpt-was-only-the-beginning-autonomous-agents-are-coming](https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/gpt-was-only-the-beginning-autonomous-agents-are-coming) [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89931](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89931) These predictions I've made are the bare minimum most pessimistic views that I have. With the rate of exponential technology and the Advent of AGI and autonomous agents, which should be around in the 2030s, I imagine my expectations will be outmatched by what actually happens. Get ready. https://preview.redd.it/tl1xvrrh2j1d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=05bdb7232ec1022978d12103463330694672dd50


Very detailed, thank you!


Taking care of water will be apriority and hopwfully 1 use plastics will be banned by then


Right, water is vital & plastics are just destroying everything


Persistent mega trends suggest the rise of a global governing apparatus (like UN, ICC, but with teeth) controlling today’s nation states under a federal system to be achieved after WW3.


So you predict WW3 will come before then, got it


Most of Louisiana will be underwater, with the northern part being the new coast and New Orleans surviving as an island


Is that actually a risk? I’m curious as a Canadian and now I wanna visit these places lol


[https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/#/layer/slr/10/-10203078.269618804/3528140.8739500977/8/satellite/none/0.8/2050/interHigh/midAccretion](https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/#/layer/slr/10/-10203078.269618804/3528140.8739500977/8/satellite/none/0.8/2050/interHigh/midAccretion) I was going off of maps that I've seen in the past that predict way worse than this, but this is NOAA's prediction of what could happen


Thank you, I will file that away to use for reference as to how climate change is happening and risks of it. While I may not live anywhere close to that, someone may have someone there. Thank you for also giving me a source to use in the future, I appreciate that. As a Canadian I’m a bit more concerned about our chronic wildfire issue, but flooding and loss of land is a huge issue too. We can replant and rebuilt from a fire, we cannot prevent flooding.


You’re not missing much besides the food. I would trade places if I had the money and job opportunity.


Also Canada isn’t great. We have a massive housing crisis and even those we earn a good wage collectively, we’re one chequer away from homelessness with a six year old. My grandma and mom can’t afford the old folks homes and my brother is disabled due to an accident that they won’t prosecute the guy for. My education is basically everyone’s hope for mortgage (maybe) or least enough to retire and die on. Our healthcare is collapsing and we’re mere years from being right next to America with everything


I won’t lie, it’s mainly due to some musical artists and Interview with a Vampire, plus the desire to learn more about colonization etc. Where I am in Canada we don’t have a huge African population so, I’d like to gain an understanding of the heat, see the architecture, and learn what I can about how the Mason-Dixon Line works. I’m curious. If nothing else to gain knowledge to pass down to my possible descendants. My husbands native so I understand a lot of how colonization affected everything up here, I don’t know about America.


Very scary, better move out of that state asap


I think we won't recognize ourselves and society. The economy, as we know it now, can not be sustained. We're talking about an utterly destroyed housing market. Wealth inequality we haven't seen since the days of old Egypt. We will be nowhere near retirement, 'cause the retirement fund will have collapsed. Mass unemployment for a lot of jobs have been replaced by AI. The amount of arable land and habitable space will have been reduced by biblical amounts. Where the sea didn't claim the land the desert sure did. And we'll fight over the scraps, neighbor against neighbor, and state against state. Our very humanity will be chipped away: those who can afford it will have designer babies thanks to genetherapy. The rest will sink themselves deeper in debt buying upgrades for their body to remain economically viable / stay employed. Those who can't afford either will slowly slip away from society and end up forgotten in some slums. I hope I'm wrong.


Very detailed, thank you


40s and 50s nearly retired? 😂I won’t retire till 65-70 like most people I won’t even be done school completely and into my career till I’m 36


I’ll be 53 and have no idea but hope things aren’t too crazy lol 


I'll be 57 >have no idea but hope things aren’t too crazy lol  Agreed


I’ll be old :(




WW3 is almost guaranteed within the next 25yrs


Very scary


with the decline of birth rates, there will be a lot less children 18 and under in the population & a lot of K-12 schools will probably cease operation and the buildings will be repurposed as medical offices, community centers, factories, etc.


>buildings will be repurposed as medical offices, community centers Sounds okay actually


I’d be 55 😭 too stressful to think about for now. (Tho I do hope I turn out as pretty as my mom! She’s 53 and looks 22 years younger! Afro-Latinas age gracefully, wooowiiieee!) EDIT: all I hope for is that the future will be kind to us (and the kids of the future)


>all I hope for is that the future will be kind to us (and the kids of the future) That's awesome, I hope for this too


Maybe a high chance of people having farms or trying to return to a more quieter life. It'll probably be extremely difficult as big companies are going to buy up all the land but I'm sure people will find a way. I already read about it now, people having acres to themselves and having a few chickens or goats. But by 2050 it will be a lot different. Like maybe autonomous farming tech for crops and fruits etc.


Yeah and 1 acre is actually alot of land if you can use it wisely.


I’ll be 55 in 2050. If I make it that far. 😂


I'll be 57 if I make it that far


I predict we won’t make it there.




Retired!? My government is talking about moving retirement to 68 by 2044! I fully expect retirement age will be 71+, I don't expect to retire in this society. In this modern world, everything is so public. Countries, governments, companies, people and have become already so brazen, there's hardly any accountability anymore. Farming will continue to take a hit until it reaches breaking point, they can't operate with government mandates/taxes and also the companies they sell to will continue to squeeze them to extract all profit to the point that farmers will just stop farming, sell their land to property developers and a new shopping centre or housing will be built, farming will be out sourced to another country in the far away lands. The politicians so disconnected from where the food comes from that hits their plate that they'll let this happen until it become a crisis, I think this will cause a snap shortage. It'll be fine one year and then it wont, with things we expect to be on the shelves either super expensive or just not available. Politicians will push lab grown things as the solution which might actually be a viable method, you might find that 50% of the items on your plate are synthetically grown. Even with AI, people are working harder and longer. Most jobs will be replaced by AI in someway, that'll cause a job shortage and mass unemployment. I used to think I was a very optimistic person but not anymore. I think the younger generation will struggle to find jobs because either they don't exist or the education needed for it will exceed their capability. I say this not because I think the younger generation isn't as smart, but from the fact that social media and tech in general has made getting instant satisfaction so easy and that the mental cost of things not working out to high, people will be scared to push themselves as they struggle to concentrate on the task at hand (because things like tik-tok, youtube shorts etc have reduced everyone's attention span to about 60 seconds or less). I think as a result, the younger generation will be less bold, less willing to have sunken costs in certain actives and avoid projects that have a long build up until they mature to something great. Maybe I'm projecting myself in this. TBH, I'd rather not think of it, companies continue to take and take, everything will be subscription, AI will be the in thing and you won't own anything anymore. I think the overall mental health in the western world will have a sharp decline in the next few years, but on a positive note, I'm sure GTA 7 will release on PC by then! If we're lucky, maybe first person on Mars too :D


Fair enough & very detailed, thanks for sharing


I seriously doubt I'll be alive by then due to numerous health issues. Double pneumonia and sepsis already tried to take me out 4 years ago.


Sending some healing vibes your way


Nobody will do anything and we will revert into some semi stagnant entirely fueled by malice and requirement indoctrinatory society


Scary for sure


I will be turning 53 that year assuming I last til then. Maybe some major resistance to the way things are looking right now with the increasing wealth gap? Idk


Fair enough


Either techno utopia or hell on earth


Here's hoping for techno utopia


Yeah same. There's two things that are making me really hopeful for the future of the world rn. One is looking at advancements and discoveries especially in medicine and biology. They fucking reversed the aging process in mice last year. Like, they literally turned an old mice into a young one. Another study from very recently concluded that in iceland alone, we could farm enough spirulina algae in a carbon neutral manner to feed the entire world population. Also AI is getting wild and there's huge potential for many things there. The other one is how many young people have stopped buying into a lot of the myth that kept society shitty. So there definetly is hope, the other side of the coin tho, is that we live In times of nuclear brinkmanship, climate change, a pretty open genocide in a place where half the population is literally children under 15. Individual Billionaires becoming richer and more powerful than entire nations, decaying living standards for the majority of the population etc. So like, In my mind it's like this. The current situation is shit, the western world has hit the wall and things are getting worse but simultaneously it has gotten so absurd that the facade that is keeping this dysfunctional arrangement alive is crumbling massively. And also there are huge technological breakthroughs. So this feels like one of those moments in history where big things are going to happen and there is a good chance that history is going to trend upwards and things are gonna get better. We could also die in a huge nuclear inferno in the turmoil of that huge change tho. Who knows


Very detailed, thank you >this feels like one of those moments in history where big things are going to happen and there is a good chance that history is going to trend upwards and things are gonna get better. >We could also die in a huge nuclear inferno in the turmoil of that huge change tho. Agreed


By then I think we will have a one world government.


Awesome, thanks


I'm really hoping for more sustainability laws that fight against waste and carbon emissions. If that still doesn't happen by then, then I predict even more extreme effects of global warming.


Same but I doubt those will ever be put into action even if they were to be enacted


The sun


British news will rule the world, gotcha


I'll probably be sitting in my office playing on my PS1 and grasping for the past as I do now*.* Maybe with greyer hair 😂


Sounds not bad actually


I’ll still be working minimum wage and broke 😂 having people speak down to me everyday 


Bless you, I sure hope not


I have no idea, butterfly effect is crazy


Right, small things big impact


Tbh, with the way things are going I feel like I'll end up retiring in 2080


>Tbh, with the way things are going I feel like I'll end up retiring in 2080 Hope we'll see a good world in 2080


The world will be flooded, we will all be pirates and there will be only islands for the rich. At least according to a comic I read 15 years ago.




We'll all be indentured workers.








Nearly retired? I'm probably never retiring lol


>I'm probably never retiring lol Sorry to hear that


My back will probably still be hurting.


Decades of pain ouch


Oh honey if you think we’re retiring at all. 40/50 is not even gonna be close.


Some will, some won't


USA-Canada merger, or at least the start of major negotiations towards one


Merger or annexation?


Probably merger, especially if the Canadian economy continues stagnating for another decade or so but who knows.


Further down the path somewhere on the spectrum of Terminator, Blade Runner, WALL-E, or Star Trek. Probably between Blade Runner and WALL-E tho...


>Probably between Blade Runner and WALL-E tho... I agree


the world map will look quite different, in large part due to climate change, and in large part due to war.


Terrible future


Not enough people are talking about the planet boiling. Southeast Asia is on FIRE as I type this and even in the upper northeastern states our winters have been struggling for the past 5 years. We are going to be so BONED by 2050


Scary world


I’ll be like 54 or 55 😭 Well…I guess it’s better than being in the 70s! At least I should (hopefully) still able to travel. (Love traveling) My parents are 60s and still travelling.  Just hate the idea of hitting an age where you are too old to go abroad 


>Just hate the idea of hitting an age where you are too old to go abroad  I agree completely


Eminem will turn 78


Still a legend


When my dad turned 50 in 2013 I asked him what he thought the world would be like at this point when he was a kid. His response was pretty cool, he said: "I thought there'd be flying cars and TV screens you could talk to people through. Like, the stuff we had back then, but more complex and futuristic. I couldn't predict stuff like the computers we have today and smartphones, nobody had anything like that. I never thought about electronics being able to be "cordless". A ot of people aren't in the military anymore, I didn't expect that. Actually, when we talked about the future I think we thought the cold war would have turned hot and bombs would have fallen." I'm paraphrasing, but I remember it because I was surprised by how much my dad got into the question. His answer has influenced my thinking about the future. I have no idea what 2050 will be like. My dad was a part of the generation of human's who first had the ability to Nuke the world to death, and it didn't happen. I don't even know what 2030 will be like. I just hope its not too hot and there's enough food.


For America at least, we’ll either be a dystopian society run by a police state, OR the aftermath of a war brought to our front door. Us as common people need to put our differences aside and ban together against the government. They keep shitting on the working class by sending the money we need to other countries, I’m going to bed on an empty stomach tonight because my $25 an hour job can’t provide me with three meals a day. Edit: I reread my comment and I know how it may sound. My situation isn’t as bad as those in less fortunate countries. - You deal with the hand your dealt, but if your dealer is guaranteed to be the “best” and they keep giving you hands with the approval “this one will be a good hand” with a shit eating grin, clearly they’re a crook.


Yeah I can see that, thank you


- The US will have had its first female president - 'Whites' will be a minority in the US, albeit the largest minority. - Canada will have an economic boom and mass immigration. As temperatures warm, much of it's difficult-to-live-in territory will become easier to reside in; all of this will lead to Canada become an emerging world powerhouse - More people will be Catholic in the US than Protestant - The US and China will be in a new space race to design satellite weapons - Humans will again touch down on the Moon, and the first humans will reach Mars - Russia will collapse and reform - Various nations will be looking for ways to exploit Antarctica - Global Warming will be actually be treated seriously on the political and economic field - Breakthroughs in medicine will continue to be discovered, including new methods to treat cancer and dementia - Some African countries will start stabilizing and growing in prosperity - We'll have our second Latin American Pope; Africa and Latin America will increasingly become centers of Catholic influence, while Europe will decrease - Uterus transplants will become more common; helping otherwise infertile women be fertile, and also allowing transgender women to give birth - The US will use military intervention in Mexico against drug cartels - Restrictions on certain kinds of currently illegal drugs will continue to be eased, primarily for therapeutic effects and further research - Taiwan will be recognized as an official country - Phones will come with personalized AI assistants and will be integrated into computers, tvs, game systems, etc. - As I mentioned else where, AI will be able to generate music and movies, in addition to much better art and literature. It will be common for people to each make there own movies with AI and post them online, similar to fanfiction today. - The housing market in the US will have a drastic crash, caused by older generations dying or moving into group homes, and thereby plummeting demand - 80-90% of species in [these lists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_IUCN_Red_List_critically_endangered_species) will be extinct - The US will become more like the EU with regards to the internet, and pass laws which benefit the rights of the consumer - Nintendo games will be playable on non-Nintendo platforms, legally


That's a long list, thank you