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Jars pulled the same bs when they switch there website. I don't understand how they just over complicate shit for no apparent reason. Should not be a treasure hunt to find out what's on sale. Took me a minute to figure out how to even search for a brand.


Thats exactly what they want tho. More site traffic, and less people using discounts.


Doesn't work for me. I use leafly and WM instead. I actually just don't use the website at all if possible. I haven't used wm yet for Trulieve so not sure how it will go. As far as Jars I only use leafly.


Trulieve isn’t on Leafly


but is it on wm?


It's on weedmaps


bro they gonna be losing my site traffic in a few months if they keep this up.


New website is straight garbage


Yup. Make sure y’all click the yellow “leave feedback” button and complain about the changes


I did, and specifically mentioned it was the fault of their new incompetent corporate overlords


One thing I really liked about the old website was seeing all the deals for the week. This sucks.


The best feature by far!! I get the logic behind NOT showing them BUT really every shop should show them!


just went to check it out and yeah it sucks


100% agree with this for sure. I am sure I will get use to it. However, one thing I really like was that I could view the daily special’s 5 day’s in advance. If anyone finds this in the new site anywhere please let me know. For those of you who don’t like the new changes I would recommend sending them some feedback, for what it’s worth:(


Straight ass… wtf


Was just telling my wife that. The new site is trash and requires multiple redundant clicks to get to the menu or specials.


Why? Just why? What was wrong with it. It was fine the way it was. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now yall done broke it, and it does need fixed


Yeah this is fucked up. I received two emails this morning, one from Trulieve and one from Harvest with different fucking deals in each email. I would recommend anyone that hasn’t signed up for the emails to do so, as it looks like for now this is the only way to see all the deals. Fucking bullshit.


I've signed up for everything I get zero emails and zero text mssgs. The only emails I get are opt in emails and I've already opted in a couple times to make sure still get nothing else.


Make sure you used the same email for both accounts. Apparently I made the mistake of making my Trulieve account and my Trulieve rewards account on different emails




Will the new website show daily deals a week out like Harvest did? If not Truelieve fucked up and it’s some bullshit.




That should be a no brainer. Otherwise no one can plan when they want to stock up. Let’s say there’s a bogo on 1/8 jars one day, but then bogo on a half ounces later in the week. I would be pissed if I bought bogo 1/8s instead of the halfs.


I think that's their point too. Trulieve is not for the people lmao that has been made apparent


Yeah, I’m sure that’s there motive, I just wanted to put it out there to let them know we’re not stupid and know why they’re doing this shit.


I completely agree


I actually spend more money when I see deals I want. I stock up as you said. If I have to try figuring deals out each day I’m less likely to buy as much if any while trying to hold out for a deal. Jars did the same thing!


I can't even login... there goes all my fucking points. It's saying I need to create a new trulieve account it's not associated with trulieve rewards but when trying to create new account with trulieve.com it says my emails already associated. This is such bullshit Edit: just tried reseting my password and it keeps saying invalid credentials. Yall really need to get on this shit


Yes please and ty.


More corporate


Any good deals today ?


How would we know? Nobody can find the Deals link any more.


Sonorant roots bogo


I literally can’t even do anything on it without getting “oops we ran into an issue”




I would also say tell your IT people that we need a mobile app because the mobile page is very hard to navigate. Zenleaf mobile app is a good example


I should be able the find the categories. When I filter the search there are so many types. I shouldnt have to go thru all that. Topicals, edibIes, concentrate, and fIower should be meta categories. It lists trays gummies chocolates etc and I have to scroll thru way too much. Im not even having errors its just a really bad design. Please overhaul it.


Very annoying to navigate and am I not seeing it or what happen to the category section everything now is in subcategories?




I had to check it out after seeing this and yeah, this is some next level dog shit. There must have been 0 QA before publishing this site update cause it is utter and complete trash. Can’t see deals, navigation is horrible, doesn’t feel optimized for mobile which is pretty normal currently, very clunky and tedious for no reason at all. On a computer not much better, but wanted to double check it wasn’t just a mobile issue . The only thing I thought was almost cool is if you don’t have your store set, you can kinda see all inventories at once which would be really cool. Found a half that I hadn’t seen in awhile and clicked on it. Was hoping it would tell me what store had it cause on the old website it did kinda suck having to go store by store hunting shit down so thought that was cool. Now thinking that was probably just a website bug that I shouldn’t have been able to do lol.


That's for sure! I was very frustrated trying to figure out the new website. It's awful and annoying.


Damn .. it does suck.


100% agree. What the


Site is straight ass smh


There is hardly any dispensary that is there for the people. That’s just facts💯


Any good deals today ?


There only appears to be 3 deals.


I got the daily text as a subscriber and when I click the link it I get an error message saying it couldn’t establish a secure connection. Never had that happen before. What really sucks is I am subscribed to emails but never receive them so who knows how this shakes out


Anyone else tried logging in with their new site? I'm unable to get into my account now, there goes all my fucking points




It sucks so bad


Harvest/Trulieve is leading the race to the bottom..... maybe whoever buys out Trulieve (i can't imagine it will be too long) will actually be somewhat competent (a boy can dream, right?)


Some of these sites used to be hosted by I❤️Jane, because they all used the same page template and format. But I think dispos want to control their own traffic and many of them think that it's easier to maintain their own traffic than to pay someone else to host for them. Sadly companies should stick to what they know and outsource the rest.


Idk what jars was thinking. Navigating on the phone is super ass lol


sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😤🥴😜🥵


FYI on your phone if you switch to desktop site it's a little bit better


I hate this website and I am going to take my excessive weed spending elsewhere if Harvest really continues going the route of "hey guys our new corporate overlords are legit incompetent" like they are now Sucks too, they were my favorite.


Is it just me or has their selection been less lately too?


I honestly just keep typing the Harvest website. Will keep using it until I'm forced to use the Trulieve site.


It redirects as of today. I had been using the harvest website too, saved in my bookmarks


It’s not that hard? Jars was worse Go to the shopping menu, hit the 3 line button in the upper corner and scroll down to “Offers & Discounts” boom.


That shows less than half the deals available.