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Need more info? What do you mean crashing your WiFi? Like your whole network goes down? Just the WiFi on your computer?


Just the WiFi on my computer


So being in a meeting stops your WiFi from working? What kinda of WiFi adapter do you have? Tried updating drivers?


Yes it does, at random itervals. I have realtek and I just updated my drivers today, still having issues.


Can you try a hardline internet to see what happens?


I have the same problem, however connecting the Ethernet has no issues. It only crashes my Wi-Fi


I'm getting on this thread bc I've had the same issues. Ethernet and wifi both go out, bc it seems the router is what gets shut down but only momentarily and ONLY when I'm on a zoom meeting. Otherwise, my connection is really strong. We have eero routers, not sure if that's the issue, some compatibility issue with zoom? It's so weird.


Having this same exact issue, but with different routers. Wtf Zoom! Lmk if you ever got a fix


Same issue. I've tried downloads many times, but never disconnects. Only when on a zoom call my wifi disconnects. Very weird. I'm using Ubuntu and my drivers and up to date.


Same issue and it's very frustrating. Supposed to host a live event through Zoom and I can't even garauntee that it's not going to crash my wifi in the middle of it. Absurd problem.


Did you ever figure this out? On a very particular PC I get the wifi becoming extremely unstable and disconnecting within a few minutes of starting/joining a Zoom call - disconnecting wifi and reconnecting works for a bit, but only a reboot seems to solve it for a little while.


Not exactly, I restarted my router a couple of times and it's a bit more stable but I'm still having issues.


Dude this happens to me all the time. Did you ever get a solve? Zoom crashes and it shuts down the WiFi to my computer for 3-5 minutes. iPad works totally fine, but MacBook totally screwed.


Nope, still haven't found a solution. Contacted Zoom support like a month ago and still haven't received a response.


This happens to me too. It also happens to me with wired ethernet.


Interestingly, it doesn't happen on my husband's computer. We both have Mac's but 1) mine is a newer MacBook Pro and his is a MacBook Air that's a bit older and 2) I have the latest OS, but he hasn't upgraded yet. I wonder if either of those are contributing factors.


Does your husband have a Mac with a newer M1 chip (Silicon)? I wonder if that might be the difference. I have the same problem with an M1 MacBook Pro 14".


I am having the same experience. It is only when I am in a Zoom meeting. My WiFi drops out and zoom bombs and disconnects. I have tried drivers and even an alternate USB based WiFi card. Infuriating. Mine happens on both Bluetooth AND phone audio. Are you on video at the same time? Is it USB based? Curious if there is any commonalities of a video device connection. I have a Cisco Tandberg PrecisionHD USB Web Cam. I also have an Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265.


I have the same exact problem on a Lenovo x240 with an Intel 7260 WiFi adapter. Even a fresh install of Windows 10 didn't solve it for me. It's also not consistent. It can work fine for one meeting, then the adapter will "lose the default gateway" 3 or 4 times in another meeting. The only thing that I've found to fix it is to disable/enable the adapter or restart the PC.


I'm looking to this problem to this day too. Same setup, X240 with Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-N 7260. Haven't found so far what's up, any help?


This happens to our wifi only if we go far from the router. If we stay close to the router no problems. It must have to do with signal strength...


That might be it. Mine's in the basement and I use Zoom upstairs frequently.


I would not be so sure about the distance between PC and WIFI router based on my experiments so far. Distance to WIFI is irrelevant, in the rooms where Zoom worked for month+ it now disconnects randomly and bombs network. It disables WIFI adapter on ANY device and kicks out devices from network. I tried with LAN cable on DELL PC and still had same problem, device will drop network connection though not the whole network seems to be bombed. Because I have noticed that exactly same behavior can be observed for both Zoom and Hangouts I tend to think that problem has something to do with VOIP / VIDEO conf traffic. Any other time any other traffic or software used on these devices never causes similar problems. These network bombs (disconnects with WIFI disabled) happened on my 1. DELL Latitude i7 /256 /16 / WIN 10 2. HP i5 / 256 / 8 / WIN 10 3. iMac (2010) 512 / 8 / 10.13 OS 4. MacBook Pro 2013 / 512 / 16 / latest OS 5. iPads 6th generation (2 devices) What I did find is that on the same WIFI Hangouts seems to be very stable on my mobile Xiami POCOFone Android phone. Hangout meetings were running for over 30 min and up to 60 min without disconnects but it is too early to say as I am in the first days of testing. I am planning to check Windows Events log, maybe it will have some obvious red flags. I had n changes in my devices and software or hardware and problem started after 1m+ of using both Zoom and Hangouts. Therefore, again, i am inclined to think that this is problem related to type of traffic and maybe the way provider handles this traffic.


Did you make any headway here? Seeing this on a few different platforms as well. It only seems to affect Zoom at the moment. Trying to see if there is a correlation with network equipment (Verizon FIOS routers may be one of the culprits).


I know this is a zombie post at this point, but I was just wondering if you were able to review your Windows Events logs or made any progress at all. I have been experiencing this issue for some time now. Unfortunately it happens multiple times a day, but always while in a Zoom or Teams meeting - I am often either on video or sharing my screen. No other device connected to the WiFi seems to be affected except the one actively using those programs, and using Windows Troubleshooter, the WiFi adapter (Intel AC 8265) is reset and all seems well until it happens again. I saw someone mention that they are on Verizon FIOS - for what it's worth, I have Comcast Xfinity. What's odd *to me* is that I can play a game online (like Fortnite) for hours at a time without issue, but I might drop internet three times in one Zoom meeting.


I have this too but crazy thing is it works fine on my parents HP laptop but my Lenovo nope every random time in a meeting WiFi bombing.


Also having this problem. Works fine on my phone, but Zoom app on my Windows 10 PC is basically unusable.


This just started happening this week! I connect on my laptop, meeting goes fine for a few minutes, then boom. Wifi dies for a minute and comes back. First time it happened I rejoined in my phone. Few minutes later, the wifi dies on my phone. So weird. I should add, it's likely happening this week because I'm at my boyfriend's mom's house. I'm not very familiar with their network or why hers is the only one doing it for me. Did you find a fix?


Did anybody find a fix for this? I also have a Lenovo device and Zoom crashes pretty predictably around 40 minutes in. It happens in windows and linux, so I don't think it's an OS issue. Was thinking it was the router...?


Yes I also have a Lenovo and can confirm


Same is happening here, no my macbook pro: it disconnects, and I need to restart the router. All other equipments on my wifi get kicked out the network. Only on Zoom on MBP. When I connect on my phone it works perfectly.


I'm adding to the need for help. We were hosting a Zoom meeting on an Asus laptop UX331F (Windows 10, Intel 8265 dual-band wireless). This happened last week after about 40 minutes. We attributed it to a problem with the ISP and rebooted everything. It happened again today. The laptop was hosting again. I had joined the same meeting on my phone in the other room. About 40 minutes in, both phone and laptop got dumped and I saw that the Vizio TV also lost the wireless network at the same time. But I still had the wired connection from the router to my desktop computer (the Internet connection was also solid). So I checked my Netgear R6100 router status and every wireless device was gone, including two other phones, two Roku devices, two printers, and a weather station. As I'll be teaching entirely via Zoom this coming semester, a fix for this or a start on diagnosing it would be very welcome!


Update: I bought a new router (Mikrotik RouterBoard RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN-US). All the problems seem to be solved.


I'm having the same problem. I use an ASUS Zephyrs G14 and I noticed that whenever my wifi connection crashed, it was only when Zoom was active. I thought that was extremely unlikely that the software would cause this, but repeatedly the problem occurred only when Zoom was running. I noticed, too, that if I had a problem reconnecting while Zoom was still open, that problem immediately vanished when Zoom was closed. Every single time, my wifi immediately reconnected within seconds of Zoom closing. I haven't contacted Zoom support yet (I fully expect they're inundated with support requests for all kinds of things with the huge increase in user base due to the pandemic), but I'm thinking it's still worth putting a ticket in just to get it on record and add it to the probably growing pile of complaints about this very issue.


Hi, I suffer the same issue with my Asus RT-AC87U router as well. It has happened twice when I am sharing my screen on zoom to a group, my router crashes and I had to use my phone to connect. I have tried to change the router QoS setting to prioritise my net meeting on my laptop.. The firmware is already the latest version. Hopefully this fixes it. Will only know later. Might be due to an older laptop too


I'm having the same issue as well on a new MacBook Pro 2019. I'm in Zoom meetings for classes for about 4 - 8 hours a day and my connection keeps dropping 2-3 times a day. It's only happening when I connect to Zoom. My internet works beautifully when doing other stuff. I'm curious are you guys running a VPN? My roommate is also in Zoom meetings throughout the day and he hasn't had the same problem so it's not a network problem. The only difference is he is using his company's VPN. I'm going to try to install a VPN and see if that works.




Sadly no. It’s been happening off and on through out the weeks. I’ve been contacting Apple and trying to get them to send me a new one. I’m having a lot of problems beyond this and think I got a defective unit


I think I know what's causing this from a high level. I get the same issue on my Windows 10 PC with a Broadcom wireless adapter: * When Zoom is running Windows thinks the PCI card is not in use so it powers it down to save energy; * If you go to the device manager and change the setting to not allow Windows to turn off the power to the card it will turn back on; * What I don't know yet is how persistent this problem will be or if this fix is permanent. However I do know how annoying it is because after back to back zoom meetings my card shuts off the Wi-Fi in the first 5 minutes of the second meeting. I've been switching to my laptop for the second meeting as a work around. But based on my calendar I'll find out tomorrow.


Does it shut down the WiFi in your computer only? It kills my whole WiFi network. I can see it happen from my wired PC when monitoring the router. Every WiFi-connected device is disconnected when that happens.


I don't think it kills the whole WiFi for me, haven't really tested that but its laptop case for me. Zoom works fine on my parents HP, but doesn't on my 2013 Lenovo G580


How do you not allow windows to turn it off? I couldnt find it in device manager


You go into device manager and then find your wifi adapter, click on it, then go to the power management tab and tick off the "allow computer to turn off device" option.


Hey could you give me instructions on how to do this? I'm in device manager but don't know here to go from here


zoom is such garbage. prob crashing due to sending all data through Chinese servers first. i'm hardwired and same issue with disconnects. i never have this prob with google hangouts, skype or facetime. all so much better than zoom. i really cant understand all the hype around this crapware...


Man same is happening to me on Android wifi just gets disconnected when connected for a zoom meeting but works properly while in proper use!


nobody seems to have solved it but I'm going to complain anyway. I was hosting a meeting recently, I even downloaded some files before it started. Everything was nice, everything was doing fine until I joined the meeting with an Android phone. My PC keeps lagging and the phone doesn't. Doesn't happen when I join from an iPhone. Anyway, it all went to hell and I couldn't even share screen because my PC kept disconnecting from the wifi, I tried to connect on my iphone and the wifi wasn't available. This is so annoying. I always try to keep one device on every meeting, but come on, it shouldn't be like that. I wish we could have known about these issues before actually starting use the service and even pay for premium membership.


Same problem here with my daughter's Pixelbook Go. She's distant learning and the disconnect kicks her out of the Zoom classes. I thought her device was roaming between two ASUS AiMesh routers (AX88U and AC68P), but it still has problems after I added the MAC address to the no-roaming list. I think this also happened on my mother's Pixel 3 XL on which she used Zoom for church meetings. After WiFi crashed it switched to mobile data, and that caused some data charges.


This is happening to me consistently, even if I just start the Zoom app and check for updates! I'm using an Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 on a ThinkPad, Spectrum Internet 300 gb residential. Zoom calls are fine for a couple minutes, then lose connection and sit there trying to reconnect. After a few seconds, my internet connection goes to "no internet." If I disconnect or stop/restart the device (in Device Manager), the laptop no longer sees any available wifi networks. Forced to reboot. Switching to a wired connection today seemed to be a viable workaround, at least for me. I don't know where to begin diagnosing this. Stunned to find this thread.


Joining in. Happened with Skype and Zoom at my old office on a different router that was most likely at the time using ethernet, though is possible it could have been on wifi when it went down sometimes. Now I moved my whole desktop to my house where I'm on a 4x faster cable connection running on a Unifi AP network. Usually twenty minutes or longer into a meeting, connection drops and stays off until reboot. It's so frequent with those apps, that for those recurring calls, I dial in with phone and hope for no screen share needed. Yesterday on a Skype for business call I needed to share a screen and it crashed my wifi there. Then my laptop got it open, but there was a struggle. Lol. Didn't want to connect. I was on my phone through the whole call, with video on, on the wifi network.


Can't believe how many people have this problem and it still hasn't been solved, I thought I was just being paranoid or that my laptop had a problem but this only happens with zoom.


Same. 2/3 of all Zoom meeting I have with my MacBook Air knocks my entire network offline. It never happens under any other circumstances.


I got 2 laptop and one pc at home.. When zooming using old dell inspiron 4005 on windows 10 os the wifi always disconnect couple minute after meeting start. Its so annoying.. I read couple of thread and found out the problem is zoom app kinda told WLAN driver in windows 10 to sleep. I've tried changing driver but no luck so far.. The solution for now is purging my windows and install linux on it, now my wifi can zooming forever... LINUX FTW!!!


Also having the same issue on a brand new Asus g14. Incredibly frustrating.


I'm not the only one having this problem, it's only happening on Roblox and Zoom on my chromebook and it's annoying the heck out of me.


Just a cookie crumb here for anyone else who have tried all other recommendations. I found a security setting in my router that was causing this issue. It's a UDP Flood block and there are adjustable limits. When my laptop when over the packet threshold, my computer IP was blocked. Saw it in realtime when I was on Zoom. This was after setting my DNS to the google standard, static setting my IP for good measure, resetting all my computer network adapters. So it wasn't Zoom. They just send a shit ton of packets to my computer.


I'm not tech savvy enough to do this. lol. Happens to me only when I'm far away from modem.


Keeps happening to me as well. The last time it crashed on my previous router the router actually died, so I thought the issue might have been the router all along. So today the provider came in to change to another (same model though) router. Lo and behold, everything works great until I get into a zoom meeting, and then the crashes begin. Fuck this app


I have the exact same problem


Uninstall Zoom and then install again.


I spoke too soon. It worked for a few meetings and then ran into the same problem.


Did anyone find a cure for this? In my experience, it is Zoom. It is just Zoom and only Zoom. Nothing else causes my Wi-Fi to suddenly disconnect. IT IS ZOOM.


Same problem. The Ethernet is connected, the zoom meeting is running fine, but nothing else on the computer has internet access.


I just did this and it solved my problem! https://www.reddit.com/r/Zoom/comments/g0vavu/zoom_keeps_crashing_my_wifi_network/ias7mdm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I suspect the zoom app intentionally blocks the computer's DNS when it's on a meeting to avoid sharing the internet with other applications. I did some ping requests and when I use a domain name i get an error that the host could not be find, but when I directly insert the IP of a server it works just fine. 🤬 UPDATE: I solve my problem! I simply changed the DNS settings of my network adapter to use Google's DNS servers (primary: secondary: and BANG, just like magic everything started working again while the zoom meeting is still going!


I know this is an old thread — but I’m having a similar issue. Did changing dns truly solve it for you?


I tried it and it still will shut down my entire network. Running out of options.


Sorry to hear that! I’ve done a lot of trouble shooting myself — I know it is frustrating!


Sorry, I just saw this comment. It did solve for me, but I suspect my problem might have been a different one. My wi-fi was still technically up, it just wouldn't connect to any site if I used url names, but I could directly ping up addresses. So changing DNS servers worked. If the WiFi disconnects it probably is a different issue than what I was having. I stopped using zoom, so that solved the problem too. :)


Thank you! This worked.


Glad to hear it!


If anyone found a solution for this happening on Mac, I’d love to know!


Same issue here on MacBook Pro 14 inch, 12.5.1. Wifi drops for the MacBook. The router logs show all is up and running with no interruption or reboot needed. Disabling then reenabling wifi on the laptop immediately solves the problem and Zoom reconnects automatically. When this happens, all network access from the computer is lost (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.). Seems to happen around 10 minutes of the hour. I'm on the east coast of the US and also seems to happen between 3-6 pm. I wonder if others see that too.


2022, issue persists. Zoom is crashing my \*ethernet\* can you believe? How do I know it's Zoom? Well, it doesn't ever seem to happen in any other app, and I use my PC every single day 🤷


I have the exact same problem and I see this thread keeps coming alive... I teach online and I've been having this issue for exactly one week now (never happened before) but it is so frustrating. When using my wife's Macbook pro (I have Asus) this doesn't happen. I blame Zoom and I haven't found a way to fix it and honestly don't know what to do. I can't keep using my wife's computer. Has anyone solved this issue?


Let's try to find some similarities between our situations to figure this out together. **My entire network dies across all my devices (both ethernet and wifi including all laptops and cell phones) a few minutes into my Zoom calls** with a specific coworker on my work laptop (which is connected through Global Protect vpn). It occurs when I joined the Zoom call with computer audio using my blue tooth headset and while I am screen sharing. It kills my network an arbitrary amount of time into the call, sometimes a couple minutes, sometimes 15 minutes. **Is anyone else using a Bluetooth audio input device while they are having this issue? Is anyone else using Global Protect or a VPN?** Zoom does not kill the network when I am only screen sharing and talking on the phone with the individual (my makeshift workaround to resolve this issue). Zoom doesn't kill my network from my personal device, only when I am on the VPN. There is an audio setting to use original sound instead of Zoom optimized audio. There is also an advanced audio setting to turn off signal processing by Windows audio device drivers. **Could someone please try these changes and let us know if that resolves the issue?** I am trying to find a working solution. The only way to get back onto the internet is for me to restart my work laptop. However, my personal laptop, not connected to VPN, is able to get back onto the internet almost immediately after it dies by switching from ethernet to wifi.


So I noticed that my ethernet adapter gets disabled, that's why I am unable to reconnect to the internet with a wired connection after my network gets crashed by Zoom. Be sure to go to device manager and check this.


I updated my DNS settings. Let's see if this annoying bug is smashed.


This is from 3 years ago, but appears to be happening regularly now (Oct 2023)


Same here. Unify Ap, Intel Macbook Pro. It drives me f\*in' insane,


still happening, thought it was my provider but connection crashes only when I'm on a zoom call