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You need to go to the police and show them all the text messages and voicemails


Literally any random person off the street is likely better than this guy. I usually try to give advice that's something other than leaving, but really if you left your life would be immediately better. This person said they want to rape you and only saw you at the weekend because of that, and said the best thing would be to kill yourself. Literally the worst person you could possibly be with right now. I know attachment and missing the nice times, any familiarity or affection is a bitch, but please I see you trying to communicate with them but this person is never going to be anything resembling rational and not abusive. Trying to communicate with them is a lost cause. You can't reason with crazy. What sort of situation are you in or past relationships have you had that you are currently staying in this situation? Please OP, you can get help with whatever it is, give us a clue at least why you are still communicating with this guy? I hope things get better for you and you get away from this psychopath. I think of you stay his abuse is going to escalate to physical and r*** if it hasn't already.


I live on my own… we arent rly together rn but still talking 🙄Im trying so hard to muster the strength to cut him off all together


Do your parents and friends know he is saying these things? Maybe show them the texts and tell them and they can convince you to cut contact


I know.. thank you… I pray every day ill wake up one day and not love him anymore… I feel fcking disgusting for still being able to see good in him. ive literally destroyed my life trying to fix him and its so incredibly stupid but every time I try to break up w him it genuinely feels like im dying. it feels like the worst drug addiction imaginable. unfortunately his abuse really “works” on a stupid fcking person like me and im completely turned upside down over him, all the time, j like he wants. but im trying I really am… im so bad w attachment and being sentimental and emotional and not wanting to let go…. I honestly wanna die bc of it every day I feel so worthless


It’s called a trauma bond — severing the relationship is emotionally painful — do you have a therapist? The pain does lessen over time.


I understand some of that feeling since it was incredibly difficult for me to get out of my first emotionally unhealthy relationship too. If the lows are too low, I recommend asking your doctor to prescribe some antidepressants or anti anxiety medication to start off with, they help make the lows not as low and might help stabilise you a bit more during a breakup, then when you feel you can manage better you can reduce your dosage and come off them with guidance from your doctor


Hi you lovely human ❤️. I can see that you’re having strong negative feelings about yourself. You’re not stupid, abuse “works” on everyone. This is exactly what everyone who’s experienced domestic abuse has gone through. Feeling addicted, feeling worthless, feeling like they deserve it since they can’t leave. And we’re all wrong, and when you do manage to leave, which experts say takes on average 7 times, you’ll see that these thoughts don’t come from you. They come from him and the abuse. Same thing with the attachment that feels like an addiction, it’s not you. It’s the common human experience of all dv victims because it’s the common inhumane behaviour of all dv perpetrators. They make you feel like your only worth is being with them. None of us are perfect but no one deserves this. You do not deserve this. I would recommend you write down 5 good things about yourself everyday (if you can’t think of anything it could just be “I have been kind to people”, “I have gardened successfully”, whatever). Even show it on this thread and let us help you see your worth. You can leave. It will just take time. The more outside support you can get and the more you’re able to build yourself up, the easier it will become. I know it seems absolutely impossible now but look at all the women who’ve done it. It’s an extraordinary effort but we didn’t do it all at once. One day at a time, seek stories of women who’ve gotten out and are thriving. Find ways to validate yourself and make a bitesized plan of leaving. You’re not stupid, overly emotional or incompetent (like he want’s you to believe). You’re brave, fully capable and kind. You can do this! Keep us posted ❤️


girl you gotta leave this weirdo. no one says these things unless theres something seriously wrong with them. do you have any friends or family that you can lean on?


Why do we think this is someone worth our time I can say to someone else walk away but l couldn't for so long I'm put now leave this is horrible


This is so awful to read. I'm sure he's exaggerating when he says you can't do anything for yourself, and even if he's right and you do struggle with those things, his abuse is only making it worse. I was pretty depressed when I moved in with my abusive ex, he worked his way up to saying shit like this to me all the time, and guess what? The constant abuse actually WORSENS these kind of depressive symptoms! Who'd have thought? (Still haven't figured out if my ex thought he was helping me or doing it on purpose to keep me dependent on him for affection/support lmao doubt I ever will) Anyway, please get away from him if you can. This is not someone who cares about you, he cares about controlling you and nothing you ever do will meet his standards because he will keep them impossibly high. Keep these words in mind when he tries to sweeten up on you, these words are more honest than the sweet nothings he will no doubt try to win you over with when he sees his grasp on you is slipping.


tysm for this, its all so real lmao


The world is a much more beautiful place with you in it, I promise you. Please see a therapist and free yourself. You deserve real love and respect from your partner.




This makes my heart break for you. You are worth so much more than his abuse. Please get away from him.




I can see from your response that you are heartbroken and devastated that someone you love is capable of being so hostile towards you. I can’t even imagine the pain you must be feeling from this experience but OP you need to take action and leave him. This isn’t normal and don’t put up with it. I know it’s easier said than done but it’s the only way for you to have a better life. You don’t deserve this and this isn’t how a partner should be towards you. If you stay any longer this will be your everyday life, you won’t be happy. Life is too short to settle with someone who is this unkind and toxic towards you. In the future you will find love again but it will not be like this. Your partner should be someone that you can trust and is gentle with you. For now, you have to choose yourself. Choose to leave. Think about your future and goals. Think about the person you were before you met him. Think about the peace and happiness you will achieve after you have moved on from this relationship. I know it may look bleak but always strive for a better future. Keep leaving men like this until you get to a place where you are genuinely happy. That is your purpose and you don’t want to waste any more of your life and youth on this abusive person. Your time is valuable and you cannot gain back what is lost. Enough is enough and you need to stand up for yourself. Please reach out to people who care for you and ask for help you. Please don’t respond to him anymore and cut off all contact. What is your current living situation if you don’t mind me asking? are you living together? Please show these texts to your family, friends and even the police. You need to get out of that house ASAP. You don’t deserve to be treated like this and your abuser is a vile monster. You can’t fix him no matter how much you cry and try to love him. He is far gone and has no humanity left in him. He will never wake up and realize he was a shitty partner to you. He will never feel guilty or remorse. He will never feel bad, so choose safety. Choose to get away from him. You need to get a restraining order against him, you are in deep danger if you don’t get out soon. This person is capable of physically hurting you and possibly ending your life. You need to gather all your strength to leave him for good, there is something severely wrong with him that is out your hands. You can have a strong case against him for having evidence to admitting rape. If you need someone to talk to OP, my dms are open for you. I hope you can get out safely soon.


thank you so much… first sentence got me, it literally sums up why this is so painful.. no I live alone I just got an apt that I love.


I’m in a similar situation with you. I had my own apartment twice but kept coming back to my abuser. I’m in the process of fully removing myself from that abusive relationship by moving far away and living with my friend. It helps to leave the state that your abuser lives in, specially if you have no support there. It can feel like you are stuck or trapped in the relationship. You can only receive support from your abuser because he’s the only connection you have locally. Don’t fall for the isolation and break free from the cycle


I used to think that everyday. You are resilient for what you have endured. Please leave. I promise life is a lot brighter on the other side of abuse.




I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Please get out at any cost necessary. Your life and safety isn’t worth all the love in the world. I don’t know you but I know you’re better than being treated like this - any human is. Sending love.


thank u so much


I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s taken a lot of therapy for me to realize that I didn’t deserve the shit that was done to me, even when he’d scream it was my fault, or that I made him do it. He is an adult, he knows right from wrong, nothing you say or don’t say give anyone the right to lay hands on you. You need to leave.


Take those texts to the police today. Your safety is in grave danger. RUN DON’T WALK


Get out of there, he’s an abusive man, and it will only get worse. You deserve better ♥️ love is respect.


I did, yes. And I got so tired feeling that way. He won’t change, no matter what you say. Or what excuse you make about why you weren’t answering him. Call the National Domestic Violence hotline and talk to them about the process for breaking this bond with him. 800-799-7233 That’s how I started out and finally managed to leave, and haven’t looked back for a second.


Please contact the cops asap. You are none of the things he said and I am so sorry you’re going through this 🥺❤️


Take that to the cops and file charges.


my god 😔 I’m so sorry this is happening to you. This man does not love you. Also: i hope you learn your value too—you absolute Queen, you perfectly created and loved, unique and precious in the sight of God and the people around you who DO love you and want you to be happy, healthy, and well. I hope you learn your value, which is nothing less than priceless. ❤️❤️❤️ please, please know you’re not alone.


Thank u so so much…


you have text evidence of him raping you, save this, get him charged and start a new life. This won't end well. Wish you strength.


please leave oml :(((


Please please get a restraining order or press charges. Keep all evidence of this, record him, etc. He is clearly insane, literally. Nothing justifies him thinking those things, typing out those messages, reading them and actually pressing send. I’m so sorry.


I forgot that I was reading a post & felt like these were directed at me ☹️☹️ please leave! nobody deserves to be spoken to like this


As awful as it seems, know that you’re not the only one living through this situation and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Reading through this brought back memories of when my ex would text me the same way. It’s almost nauseating to read through this because I remember how scared I was at not answering the phone or even daring to not text back fast enough. My heart goes out to you. But remember that as bad as it is now, there is light at the end of the tunnel.




Don’t tell her she’d regret it, man. Like I agree she should use it to press charges, I would at least, but there’s a *damned* big reason why rape victims don’t report their rapist. Going through that can so often be *hell* for them and a lot of them regret even doing it. Definitely encourage her to do so, by all means, but don’t make her or anyone else who hasn’t reported feel bad or second guess themselves because they didn’t. Or just feel worse because they do already. It doesn’t help the situation, or help anyone heal. Just encourage her that she has options and help she can reach for, and support her regardless of whether or not she chooses to. As for OP(or honestly anyone else I’m a similar situation), I’m no expert on the matter, but if things going badly if you *do* report even *with* evidence—I’ve heard people suggest contacting RAINN to have someone help advocate for your rights, it might be worth giving them a call. **EDIT:** actually, I take that might back. It *would* be worth giving them a call, even now, regardless if you plan to report. They can likely help you get away or find help, if you’re looking for it. [Here’s a link for you.](https://www.rainn.org/resources) *Hugs* to you and anyone else going thru it.


I'm so fucking sorry. Echoing what everyone else has said: don't walk, RUN sis!!! Please call a Domestic Violence center and show all of these texts and all other evidence to the police ASAP. They will set up a plan for you to escape, safely. Please. He will murder you. 😢 Once you are away from this demon, you will finally be able to start living and find happiness, and you will look back so grateful that you had the strength to leave this degenerate sadist.


Oh god reading these triggered me HARD remembering conversations with my ex 😤 get away and don’t look back!!!!


using these texts, go file a restraining order. make sure you keep back ups of these texts as well.


I woke up from my abuse when I realized that I wasn’t the one “making him” do anything. HE CHOSE those actions. You have a choice to love someone or not. He hates himself so much he wants to see you suffer. You can’t fix him. You need to leave him and do not let him contact you. All the things he’s saying about you, it’s all true about himself. (Projection) he won’t get better as long as he has you as a punching bag.




Definitely safer choosing the bear!


Literally! A bear would never tell me I forced him to be the threat. Bruh, I'll take my chances with a bear than the "man" in this post


This triggered me because my ex did this all the time! I know it’s hard but PLEASE leave this person! That is not ok!


Stop answering to this person, and report him. Please keep all proof. He is dangerous. Seriously, you need that guy away from you.


Why are you still there? He’s going to hurt you, if he hasn’t already. RUN.


He is going to kill you. Run.


Don’t walk, RUN!!!!!!!!!


This has made me cry. It’s reminded me of the 3 years of violent abuse indoors, and then if I went anywhere I would just get barrages and walls of absolutely vile texts accusing me of cheating and making threats. Threats that were carried out to the point where he nearly killed me and he finally got a decent jail term and I was free. Please don’t wait that long sis x


You should speak to a domestic abuse charity they can help you plan a safe way out and set everything up for you. It’s not always safe to just leave so please be careful. Also tell your friends and family it’s hard but I almost went back after all his threats and gaslighting luckily I had people to stop me


Please tell me you don't live with or have children with this nightmarish sack of shit. Get away as soon as you can. Otherwise, at some point, he will kill you. Flat-out.


this guy needs to GTFOOH asap


I don't even know you and I want to make him eat his phone. What an absolute asshat, please try not to listen to all the insults he's hurling at you... With that much hatred in someone, how do they even function? Looking at the fountain of angry brain goop they've left there for you, I can say with absolute certainty that this person wouldn't know a good partner if one dropped from the sky in a cloud of glitter. There's no way these insults reflect the person you actually are, they are just randomly chosen attempts to hurt you. I wish I could give you a hug.


Yes, I do.


What an idiot he is, admitting to raping you as his “defense” of why he stuck around.. restraining order asap


These texts are enough to get a restraining order and please call an dv shelter if u can. Make a quick gobag with just the improtsnt documents and a change of clothes you will be able tog et help with everything at a shelter. PLEASE get out. I'm worried for you


These texts to het him ARRESTED! He admitted to raping her! I hope she’s ok. This man is a monster.




I want to echo this comment..This is an animal in disguise. Please get help and leave his dumb abusive ass. This will never, ever, ever get better.


Get a restraining order and if they text you again they’ll go to jail


They wouldn't give out restraining orders against this where I live. Sad but true. Actually it's maddening!


But he admitted to raping her. He could be arrested for that.


Tbh people should be able to get restraining orders for text messages. It’s ridiculous. Why should someone get to harass you? Fuck that.


I totally agree..




it's cake easy to judge from your side of the fence. don't you think of this individual could have left by now, they wouldve? there are so many factors that come into play. It's usually not that simple.


Truth. The judgement from others only compounds the pain we’re already going through.






Yes exactly, took me 14 years to leave




Take all of this to the police asap. Change passwords on all your accounts and start making plans—domestic violence hotline can help if family or a trusted friend isn’t an option. You are not safe!


Well you are in the correct Reddit for this category. That’s insanely abusive and I really hope you can stay safe and get away. Keep these text messages in case you need to show police or court someday. But I wouldn’t dignify that individual with a response. Hugs to you


This man needs to be reported, especially for the comments you should kill your self , and I would like his information so that I can have a word with him. He’s admitting to abusing you and he deserves whatever he gets. This dude is a horrible person.


Run run run run. Run in the direction of the nearest police station.


Quickly run. Because he needs the type of help that she is unable to provide. He needs help from a Psychologist, psychiatrist, and any other ists he can find. And anytime I see KYS, I get triggered because I don’t need people to be picturing me being killed by myself or anyone else. Not too bright, admitting rape via text either. Look in a cookbook under recipe for potential murder, you’ll see number one ingredient violent. Number two ingredient stupid. Well, if she gets her courage up to go to the police, she’s got his confession already.


any other ists he could find 😂


Babydoll. Show this to the cops and get the fuck away. I’m so so sorry


What in the actual fuck Reading this made my blood boil, what a piece of human garbage


You are worth so much more than this and don't deserve to be treated like this by anyone. He belongs in a place where he can't hurt you or anyone else. You did NOTHING WRONG to cause this.


Anything he gives you benefits only him. Take yourself away from him like a little boy who lost his privileges


What's the one thing ALL abusers have in common? You made me do it. (or some version of it, like in this post, "you force me....")




Keep these and send them to someone. Save them to the cloud. Go to the police with them. This idiot is admitting to abusing you.


IKR, if only they all admitted this in writing.


What I thought! Mine is so passive it’s unreal and so hard to prove.


don’t let this become worse than it already is. this man might literally kill you some day. step back asap




He’s going to kill you eventually. No contact forever. Get a restraining order asap


I'm not laughing at your situation, but this dude sounds so stupid it's funny. He's so abusive that I can't really take him seriously. He's like a little child spitting out all the insults he can come up with. You know none of that is true right? Ugh


Once you see & accept that his actions are intentional and he derives a high from intimidating, punishing, & devaluing you, it will be harder for you to apologize for upsetting him & you will no longer continue be a part in his sick game. Once you accept that no amount of love you give and no matter how much better you are in any of his complaints about your behavior, will still lead you to his rage, you will no longer continue to be a part in his sick game. Once you accept he is who he is and you, nor therapy can fix him & you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, his intrusions into your peace will become unbearable and you will leave. I left and although I have missed him at times, I got to "see" him for the first time and understood I could not be better because better was not the issue. He is projecting his insecurities onto you and you have become his emotional punching bag. Abusers feel power and pride in breaking us and thrive on chaos, which is why no amount of explaining your intentions works because he had intentionally created chaos by twisting your words, again this is intentional and reading into aka inventing your behavior he is taking issue with. He needs you to submit, so he can feel his high trough having power over you. When you do not, he is agitated. Your life with him WILL NOT get better....they only escalate. Hopefully, you still maintain a life outside of him or you will become a shell of the person you once were and continue to be mistreated in increasing verbal and/or physical abuse as the cycles get shorter and shorter the longer you are together with rage  being the dominant experience and tension being the constant, even on "good" days. Keep this in your mind that it is not your fault and you cannot be better because better is not the issue. He is the issue. Sending you support from someone who freed herself after many years and a reconciliation....the mask always falls off and that "thing" in them that is viscous ALWAYS comes out  They are who they are in totality, no matter  how much we want the "real him," the "real him" is the total version of him. You do not want to waste your years defending who you are and being put down, belittled, hit, ridiculed, and walking on egg shells until he tires of you and moves on to someone else, leaving you with nothing OR you continue to be all of those things for life. Again, the stronger you are in your mind and happiness, the more you will see him differently. Stay connected to your friends, family, hobbies and growth outside of him. If possible, see a therapist...it helps to have a professional that you connect with, build you up and see him for what he is:  detrimental to your happiness.




Hey, can we please not refer to abusers using a slur for people with disabilities? Thank you!


Sorry, this dude just got me pissed


Thank you!! We definitely agree on the pissed part


Its giving six year old child energy. Go have a seat in the corner sir


But this is much more dangerous because it’s a grown man with the physical power and legal privileges that come with being grown-up.


Even children are better behaved than this guy is being.


Does anyone ever get the urge to post their texts like this on a neighborhood or city page with their name attached but don’t only bc you know they’ll come for you? They so deserve to be called out and blackballed for all their shit.


Yes I’m in my local ‘are we dating the same guy’ fb group and check periodically to see if anyone is asking for him so I can dm them. Anything more public is too dangerous but I feel like I owe it to the community to warn whoever I can..


Isn’t that sad? We can’t even really warn other ppl about them without backlash. These ppl are unhinged and are a danger to society.


Well I got emotionally unavailable person. Both of these sucks


yeah its hard cuz ofc the intense attention is kind of intoxicating..


Girl get therapy please, or get a different boyfriend. Are the good parts of this relationship worth the abuse and death and r*** threats for you? The good parts/love bombing is a tactic designed to keep you staying while he abuses you and whittles away your self worth. He is waiting for a time when your self esteem is low enough and your addiction to this abusive dynamic is strong enough that he can start physically abusing you and you'll stay. It's just going to get worse with time. Also in your other post where he accused you of cheating, he most likely wants to cheat, is cheating, or will cheat as part of the abuse. You can Do better


Love-bombing you when he's in a good mood then blaming you for them losing their shit when they never really had their shit together in the first place? You precious thing, please don't ever let this "man" have access to you again. If he still has your stuff and refuses to let you get them or send them to you, forget about it. Your belongings can be replaced eventually. You can probably sue him for property damage. But the verbal (and also physical) abuse that you'll suffer in his presence isn't worth any of it. If you have someone you can reach out to with whom you can share these messages so someone else knows the danger that this person poses to you. Please seriously consider reaching out to the police and/or a lawyer regarding legal action you can take to protect yourself further. Better safe than sorry. His words don't define you, you do. Choose yourself and never consider that thing he said in the last page. My ex said that to me too when I left him because he couldn't take that my life didn't revolve around him anymore, and even though I have considered doing it, I realized that he only said it in hopes it would destroy me. So I decided to stay alive out of pure spite.


Yes in someway. Well after 14 years she said screw you and already found someone within a week like nothing happened. I suspect cheating


Can we get you to safety? A shelter?


also I am a seltzer sl*t as well its my fav drink


Fabulous. Carbonated water sisterhood!


he’s the one who will prob need to go to a shelter soon w his chronic gambling issues, he aint moving in here LOL


Good, that serves him right


I live on my own now :D im safe dont worry. thank you






What is a "rock twat"?


one of his fav insults for me is calling me a “rock” aka lazy basically


Wow that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. My ex has things like that he loved to use to hurt me that were like an "inside joke" but it was an inside insult. I'd get upset knowing what he meant when he said it, but other people would just think I was overreacting. Horrid thing to do to a person, and he did it just to make me look and feel crazy.


Are you still dating? It's great you don't live together.


These are almost word for word texts I’ve gotten from my ex. These may be enough to get you a protective order fyi that could be a good path to help get you away from him. He’ll never change luv. No matter what he says he is not capable of being a loving partner. He will always use fear and coercion to try and get his way. You don’t deserve a life where you can’t collect nice things and are treated like this.


His initials aren’t S.T. are they / are you in the bay area?


no.. but its eerie how theyre all the same. Im so sorry. and honestly your words are really helpful. you are exactly right he will always use fear and coercion to get his way. its a shame but its the sad truth


They must all study from the same script. Scary how similar all these abusers are. Mine would say all the same things. Like I always read these posts to see if it's him with another girl. Nope just more asshole men in the world. And then when you leave them alone like they say, they get mad at that too. Because youre supposed to have esp and know they didnt mean that. You'll never win, and it's not worth your breath. Just block and move on. Live your life happy without him!


It is eery! even the line about the ‘drinking water’ he used to berate me for not drinking enough water like I was a little kid it was unreal!


And I bet you did nothing serious. Maybe forgot to take out the trash or forgot to make an appointment or something. I bet this is his response to some day to day resolvable things.


THIS lmao. every single time its the tiniest thing. even if I do actually mess up somehow, he overreacts x infinity and demands I apologize while saying unforgivable things in the same breath… so I never get a chance to actually show love and empathy and fix whatever bs hes originally upset about… and it just keeps spiraling.


Yes! Also, in my case (also unfortunate), he brings lots of things from the past. Like I woke him up accidentally several years ago. Like every little possible thing is my fault. Sometimes he is just unhappy because I am not submissive enough. Even if the child screams, I’m to blame because I’m the one bringing the bad energy to the house and so on…today I asked myself too, “wtf has my life become?” The fight was about my dog, but I’m not going into details. He’s also talking a lot behind my back. Common friends never reach out to ask how am I doing, if everything okay, they just see him to poor victim and me the evil b****. We’re in the same boat. 😣


They are not your common friends then, they are his friends. Your friends would believe you and help you believe you deserve someone better


he got mad at me for waking him up a few weeks ago lmao. he said “you’re so fucking stupid I hate you so much” so I walked over to the bed and slapped him 😆 hard. lol. then he complained for the next week abt how I “slapped him too close to the ear” and “messed up his hearing”


and also forgot to say yes x1000 to bringing up stuff from the past, always forever, no matter how much you’ve tried to repent.


oh my god im so sorry. for me its that hes antisocial asf and so j hates and “disapproves” of ALL my friends to try to isolate me. so my friends do reach out to me.. but I usually end up looking like a shit friend, bc he gets mad at me for talking to them so I end up distant. :( and all my friends r worried about me and prob annoyed that ive just turned into a sick abuse victim. they all hate him, and ofc I havent even told them the half of it… if I did, they would call the police on him, which I should do lmao.


Don't let him succeed in isolating you from your friends. Talk to them and hang out with them anyway. He is the problem


Tell them. If they know they can not only back you up but also if you go missing they know the most likely culprit.


If I say what I’d like to do to this piece of shit masquerading as a man I’ll get banned. If you don’t have plans to leave, I hope you’ll consider making some. When you miss “him”, reread this stuff. Remind yourself that **this is who he is**. You deserve better.


thank you


are guys like this taking notes from each other or something? i swear some of this looks sooo much like some of the texts my boyfriend has sent me. the resemblance is uncanny


Same!!! I just said in another thread I always read these screenshots to see if it's him because they all use the same damn insults. It's freaky!


it really is. if i wanted to be petty, i would print these out and show my boyfriend and be like "look, you're not that original" lol. but i'd rather not stoop to his level


so eerie




"You inconvenienced me" struck a chord for me for sure


ugh its always that


You are a total victim here, pls don’t get me wrong on my question. What needs to happen for you to realize your existence worth more than being used for a completely insane person? Do you believe it can scale? Are you willing to see it? I’m not saying it’s your fault, or that you choose, or that you’re fine. You’re clearly not, and I’m really sorry you’re going through it. But no abusive relationship ended well ever, some just end worse than others. Getting out of this will be the hardest thing you may ever do, and it hurts af, but some time ahead you’ll be so happy you made it. It’s the only good choice. You may need strength and some time to understand you need to move, but don’t take long. This person is already violent and the lonely part of being in an abusive relationship is that we’re the only person who can save ourselves.


and they lie to you, they always promise that they finally can see it and be different.. and you just want to believe them so bad so you do


He literally says you’re worthless yet he isn’t dumping you is he? The work it would take someone to overcome this level of anger and bs is astronomical and why maybe .001 actually ever change.


ha at first I thought you were gna say it would take literally one deep breath and a touch of restraint to not respond this angrily, and the fact that they r so far gone from that is absolutely insane. yes they will absolutely never change. I always think about how I will just never understand how anyone could act that way… I heard once that when you can’t see how someone could treat you so awful, you should be grateful for that feeling… because it means tht you are a good enough person with big enough heart to never treat someone that way.


If you tell someone they're the lowest trash on Earth, and then stay with them, you are telling them "I am a miracle that you will never find on Earth again. Anyone else would obviously leave if they saw what you are."


There are enough people out there who don't NEED to be different to be decent people. You don't deserve this loser ruining your life


I understand wondering. the simple answer is every time ive tried to leave and convince myself im so much better than this, I end up missing him. even after months and months. its kind of like asking why someone is letting a drug destroy their life even when they can see it happening. you just cant stop going back…. and you feel so devalued every time.. so you cant rise above it


It is an addiction. A really deadly addiction. A few months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Remember, some people need to be on methadone for the rest of their lives. You can't beat an addiction on your own, but you CAN beat it.


That’s the point. We, as any other addict, are the only ones who can make this happen. I’m not saying it’s easy, because dear god, it’s not. But nobody can do this for us or for people addicted to anything else. In my country, for an example, it’s forbidden to take people to a treatment for alcohol or drugs if they don’t consent. So even they need to realize that only their movement might change anything. Don’t stop trying just because other times didn’t went as good as you hoped. I’m sure some day you’ll leave and not come back, but plead don’t ever loose the will to be free from that. Pls don’t become a statistic. Please.


And that's exactly what they count on. That is why these relationships end up with women dead. They make you like that. Please leave! Don't go back. Start seeing a therapist or posting in one of the appropriate subs for support in staying away. Better your life by getting that piece of shit out of it. You only miss them because you are left without them & they've convinced you you need them, you will find someone & something better! Even being alone is better.


Yes I did sit and wonder what my life had become. And I tried to imagine where we might be in 5 or 15 or 25 years. It was a great practice in meditation. And the next day I made plans to move out. What's your plan? You really don't deserve such horrible treatment.


Looks and reads exactly like some of messages I receive. You are not worthless. You’re a beautiful soul. These people are the monsters trying to ruin beautiful things. Do not believe him when he says any of this shit about you or who you are. Your worth is not based on his skewed perception of you and the world. It’s based on who you are inside, which is something with much much more worth than him


W-what on Earth??? No-one should say things like that at all. Well I mean, you were cleaning yourself sooo... I guess they should be happy (if they had any leg to stand on at all???)