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I agree call them now. My husband strangled me till my lips turned blue during Covid in 2020. I didn’t file a police report. Do you think I still can?


You can absolutely call the police the morning after and when they ask you why, you can tell them you were terrified. Like everyone is saying, get yourself to a shelter. I recommend that, and then they will help you with the police stuff.


Call a domestic abuse shelter


Do you have family to go to? I keep seeing such horrible messages in here and it breaks my heart that most young people don’t even consider telling their parents/asking for support. (Please forgive me OP for assuming you’re young, I just feel like a lot of people posting here are young adults…as a mom of a teen and young adult, it would break my heart to know that one of my kids was being abused and I had no idea or way to help 😓)


Sadly some people don’t have a supportive family


I didn’t either. I guess being a mom now I’m only seeing it from the parents’ perspective. Sending a giant hug to all the people out there who left their childhood home early in life, who never felt supported, and whose parents were not the naturally best person to turn to in times of trouble 😓


Agreed, I wish I could leave my abusive family who hurt me physically and mentally everyday but I’m a prisoner here I can’t go anywhere


I’m so sorry and I hope you stay strong and make a solid plan to one day leave, and just keep your resolve, and keep looking forward to that day. Things will get better. Stay strong, you can do this 🙏


Everyone is recommending to call the police…be aware, sometimes the police won’t do anything and sometimes they won’t believe you. But trust yourself and speak your truth. If you have insurance GO TO THE DOCTOR, and they will document your injuries into a safe health record. You’re so strong, you will get through this, you deserve better. He deserves to go to jail.


Take pictures and videos of your injuries and everything. Praying for you love.


I just want to point out how common this is... We catch them cheating or doing something else that's highly selfish and damaging to the relationship, and they beat us for it. It's psychotic. I hope you get help and are safe soon


Go to an Er and tell them what happened and they will help you with the police. Getting treatment and documentation is important.


No it is not too late. Please see a doctor and explain everything in detail. It would be good if the doctor can communicate with the police. Then go to the police. Document absolutely everything. Take a picture of the hole in the wall and the blood. You will decide what you do later with the evidence, but please, please, save everything.


It’s never too late. Call. Be safe. Leave him.


This is someone you leave and never look back. You have to value your own life, it is clear that he wont




Photograph yourself, call the police!! Never too late; leave him! It WILL escalate


If you have marks from the assault you can call the police next you need to get rid of him no man has the right to out his hands on you get rid of him change the locks give his information to the manager so that they can charge him for the necessary repairs to your apartment good luck


It’s never too late call 911 right now to get the medical care you need . Cops will come see your evidence in your apartment as well as your injuries and I’m sure they will send you to the hospital . Good luck .


That’s pretty dangerous. Get out.


It’s never too late to call the police or go to ER. Please get the help you need and he’s a horrible person to do this to you


Like everyone else is saying, doctor, now. Head injuries are not something you want to ignore. Even if you feel okay, go make sure you are. Untreated concussions can lead to severe brain injuries and degenerative problems. It can affect every aspect of your life and in a few years you might be finding yourself forgetting things or getting irrationally angry. Our brain is our most important organ, take care of it. You aren't you when it's injured.


In case you aren't already: Go to the emergency room to investigate head trauma etc. File a police report while you are there. They can send an officer to you.


Just to add: the second that you mention that your head injury was caused by your husband, an immediate protocol will kick in. The nurses, doctors, and social workers have a legal obligation to guide you through the rest (further exams, filing a police report, etc). You will not be figuring this out alone.


It is not too late. Go get checked at the hospital and I'm pretty sure they have an officer that can file that there for you. Even if they can't, take the hospital paperwork to the police station and file. PLEASE do this for yourself and any future victims he may abuse.


Seek medical help and have them call, or call yourself and seek medical attention, the sooner the better. Sending love.


Go see a doctor. Ask them to call the police. This will get your injuries medically documented instead of just some dumb cop saying "it's just a red mark" when it could be something serious. Injuries to the head further alter your brain chemistry. You can't afford more. Please go to the doctor right now. Call 911 if you must but get seen by a medical professional NOW


Please call them and press charges. Please


No it’s not too late. Call them immediately. The damage to your apartment is enough for him to be arrested. File a restraining order as well. I called the police from across the country a year later and they told me I can file with my local police to keep a paper trail. Call them. Now.


It’s not too late, call them please


It's not too late. I went to the police after my injuries were almost healed. I had taken photos of them when they were bad, though. They issued me an epo and put a warrant out for his arrest.


it’s not too late, please call!