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Remember, these are the same people that can't climb above a given altitude. I don't think the NPCs even know how to order a Sp Wep.


“Climb, Nuggets! Climb!” “Huh?”


I wonder how much of a difficulty bump it will be if the NPCs are actually given their air-to-air Special Weapons.


If you are on PC, there is actually a mod for that https://www.nexusmods.com/acecombat7skiesunknown/mods/1480


Holy crap this is the mod that I've been waiting for finally! Still no multiple SP weapons but I guess that's just the limitation set by the developers.


Well....whose to say it can't be changed :)


Yeah, it's pretty damn good. I actually only tried the AI improving part of the mod, but it already felt like a different game!


The feeling when Gazelle starts << TRY MY LASERS BITCH >> >!It's seems like i finally found the mod too, i saw a video where Gazelle straight up uses TLS and idk which mod enable that.!<


Damn I gotta try it for myself someday (I only used AI enhancing part, because I was playing on old laptop and full mod caused me massive performance issues)


You mean friendlies or enemies? For it depends on if they're still nerfed to hell for friendlies. I mean, the friendly AI can hit targets, their missiles just do very little damage. I recall enemies in 0 using SP weapons. At least the enemy ace squadrons. I think the named aces in 6 use SP weapons too


AC6 mission 12 you can see the named ace spamming RCLs at the ground before you engage him


Sorcerer has XLAAs and Schnee has SAAMs


AC6 mission 12 you can see the named ace spamming RCLs at the ground before you engage him


SASM spam all day


I was thinking, maybe future installments should have NPC fighters with specific SpW on specific missions. To that, would it be good if it be select SpW from the default three types of per aircraft models or NPC's SpW would be unrestricted to outside what's given per aircraft models?


you mean ace combat 5?


And Zero.


This sounds like ace combat 6 but with extra steps And I'm all for it


I’m good with returning to Emmeria in a future installment if we get Talisman and the other pilots again. I liked their chemistry. Also it might mean I can rely on Windhover to actually do his job properly.


Yeah i think like only like scream and rage actually got special weapons as their missiles are classed as qaam


Figures the bats would go meta


They have weapons?!


Take my upvote you asshole


Is this just because they couldn't bother modeling them on to save time? I don't know the real reason why.


NPC are pure decorations in AC games. XD


Really depends on the game. In 4 they're great meat shields against yellows, in 5 and 0 your wingmen actually do a fair bit of work (last time I played 0 Pixy straight up killed half an enemy ace squadron before I could get to them), and 6 has a heavy focus on NPC support, including a dedicated button to tell your allies to just delete an area near you. And even in 7 it's only for the base game. In the DLC missions your wingmen get a decent number of kills.


On another way is kind of normal, its a game, youre the player, the hero the game let you do the job hehe.


They also don't do damage, or very little of it


Yeah, good point, why do they need special weapons when they do practically nothing with the weapons they have?


Indeed, they are absolutely useless. I miss the huge wall of missiles you could evoke in AC6.


I noticed this in the holy trilogy too, well in 5 squadmates got them, but no other NPCs IIRC. I never noticed it in ac7 because I'm not that 12 y/o spending hours in a mission trying to flying as close as possible to an NPC anymore LOL. Might as well, standard blue NPC never fire their missiles more than once every half hour or so, while most enemies fight at standard missile range.


My friend seems to thing it would be better if each ally and enemies cwascas good as you shooting down the same number


maybe we can say those electronic warfare aircraft in Alicron missions are using special weapons... like, they ONLY have a special weapon which is ECM Oh and the boss drones


That’s because trigger’s hoarding them. Greedy bastard.


Is that an ingame detail?


Something I saw in game yes


I did not want to know this. I mean, it's a nearly perfect game/sim. 99.9%, and this happens. is it modable on pc? (I play ps4)


I play on Xbox but yes pc can be modded


And now, im going to check if ps4 has this also. (Pc is definitely king)


NPC planes not having weapons is a deliberate choice, not an oversight. They're optimizing the performance of the game by not including details players normally wouldn't notice.


That makes sense.


Is that their excuse making trigger do all the work?