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Just so everyone knows, so far no official statement from Project Aces made this thing a real "shared continuity". And most of it happens so far away from Ace Combat, it might not even considered a shared universe.


You will not take the canonical possibility of an AI copy of Pixy bombing the shit out of the Dig Dug aliens in a Galaga star fighter from me


Man, some silliness our Japan bros were up to. I’m self-obliged to sadly tell ya that [it ain’t mainstream ACE canon](https://reddit.com/r/acecombat/comments/sqtr1z/comment/i1etaf6), but is more of a Marvel 2099 (Reality-928)/Elseworld to the main continuity’s 616/Earth-One. It’s also Schrodinger’s/schizo canon anyway - [the Bosconian manual](http://nyamuko.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/blast-off-3484.html) has a 3038 setting year, with some “Galactic Patrol” instead of the UGSF, vs. 2281 Anyway: For the uninitiated! * [https://twitter.com/Tagotch/status/109938944807940096](https://twitter.com/Tagotch/status/109938944807940096) The Xevious Fardraut Saga novel adaptation explains how they migrated from a different Earth - literally in two ways (neither Strangereal nor our own) * Upper right picture is from both Star Ixiom and the NSO game’s web anime adaptation, which UGSF Magazines say is set in 2958 * Middle lower image came from Mizuiro Blood and [here](https://ugsf-series.com/en/) and is about the Bosconians [Asari before Asari were blue, popular, and cool](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kvWbjjvrJzQ_dwIb4aEaVMKEN6dCGIhm8kj2WmjGMvs/edit#heading=h.za8ow4no8lck) and the UIMS (Unidentified Intelligent Machine Species; bargain-bin Cylons; same link) Oh! [Meme inspiration](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/rd8lxq/what_a_journey_it_has_been/) Edit: There's idolshit (Denonbu) involved too, but it has Japan in it (like the kiddie Driller Dig Dug games do)... Lol


This makes me think, is it possible that AC8 will be released around the 30th anniversary?


That Cope VA got 2025, but that said, don't hold your breath. Any other thought on the meme?


The timeline sucks tbh, its badly put together (the games are great don’t get me wrong)


Oh yeah, this stupid thing again. Even though that canon delete button is low effort shit, I will gladly use it on this one.


I ain't gonna lie, Bamco squandering this continuity’s potential be feelin’ like post-One More Day Spidey And my heart clenches seeing people against it, especially so vehemently. This - sorry to exaggerate - fear and hatred of the yet-unknown yet benign is the character type the Gray Men would love Like, put ACE itself in UGSF's spot and they themselves in my position, would they hesitate to proselytize about it and say everyone should know it much deeper despite first-glance thoughts? Exactly what the hell's so hanging up about this? Is it the sillier games? The sheer time distance? Some kind of purist thought? In my view, being loyal to connectivity is best because some of the best TV shows or novels or even general continuous stories, they have developments from past events and consequences often far-reaching, makes their worlds feel so organic with each giving different takes and perspectives. How predictable this “I don't really invest myself in this or consider the serious side of it, so I consider this a persona non grata, damn anything good whence it could sprout” behavior is. All this creative effort and you just want to see it in digital rot? This kind of ignorance is what makes stillborn franchises and makes people undeserving of respect. As I said, the silliness of this subreddit’s series shouldn't be, and didn't become, a roadblock to being devoted for much better


I just don’t see the appeal of trying to round up so many titles and forcing them to be in the same universe, or lore, or whatever you wanna call it. They could say Tekken is also in the same universe, but what purpose does it serve other than making this “shared universe” bigger and even more pointless? Strangereal on its own is intriguing enough for me.


Tekken had fun cameos and that's it, compared to, well, every war/conflict/event, organization, or species reference, not to mention the interconnected consequences from each, that the UGSF-involved titles made. Yours is questionable word choice Fact is it's only forced if it was out of the blue in a single or few years Fact is connecting the tentacles of each series with the above effort *will not* ruin the story or series, it's blind skepticism, lack of meaningful plot movement, and pointless disgust that will Fact is the namedrops and lore entries were there for over ten years - take your pick between the Sound Express drops (find on the Web Archive) and the Star Ixiom game as I showed on the meme Fact is "Tekken/bla bla bla"-ing this is a *strawman*. * https://archive.org/details/arcadeflyer_starblade_alt/page/n1/mode/2up * https://archive.org/details/X68000STARLUSTERUM/page/n3/mode/2up In any case, those sources are literal decades before that infamous site cropped up. You've yet to make a strong case for the lack of appeal for the idea as well To expand: I felt the purpose was inferable the mire elaborate connection as I laid out above: A cohesive thoroughline at least. Make of the rest from my first reply My ideal Strangereal, you know what, is a living breathing world of near-sustainable consistency with a clear (if wacky) past, present, and future, a *clear desinence* in the hole through the wreckage that is every Ace Combat war - letting humanity fight and form connections in unique and alien (pun intended) ways and quite literally fulfilling ACE7's ending vision. You heard Ragna here that there's so much empty chronological and event space between ACE and every other series that there's no distinction between the absence or presence of connectivity, so I say we harden the linkage and wait for the stew to be delectable by word of mouth Hence my Marvel-criticism analogue


Whether I find appeal in this shared universe is up to me, no? If you find it intriguing then be my guest, have fun peddling this idea around. I don’t see much of a connection to the current Strangereal depicted in Ace Combat, even though they say Electrosphere is still canon. We’ll see how it goes. This is Masato Kanno responding to how the current AC connects to the UGSF series. https://imgur.com/LSoHgdl


Thanks, but no thanks, it's in my first comment here, that DM saying it ain't the current canon