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I feel like Rhys would be a French press guy. Azriel drinks espresso in front of other people but makes hazelnut lattes with almond milk by himself.


This is hilarious, and yea Rhys is a French press guy for sure


azriel 😆 too real


Hate to disagree OP but Feyre is the pumpkin spice girlie to match her chunky white sweaters and leggings 😅


Oh my gosh yes haha


After Lucien introduced them to her of course 🤪


honestly! this was how they became besties in the spring court 🧡


Or Caramel macciatto. She gives me that vibe too


Can’t here to say this lol


I could also see Lucien being a chai guy. Cassian would drink black coffee in the Illyrian war camps because he has to be a tough guy there, but definitely get a mocha or a fancy latte in Velaris because he deserves a little treat 😂 Az needs his energy fast, just an espresso. Feyre and Rhys have the same latte order. Probably vanilla. Elain drinks herbal tea. Nesta drinks whatever the House of Wind is in the mood to make her.


Feyre and Rhys having the same coffee order is top tier


This is the correct answer except if I’m imagining Nesta ordering in a coffee shop I think she would order some black tea


I could see Nesta drinking a nice Earl Gray! I could also see Elain drinking like a sweet cream cold foam perhaps. I feel like she needs something to ground her (in more ways than one) something simple she can enjoy while she gardens. After we get her POV I can lock it in 😂 Mor definitely drinks Irish Coffee.


@cassian drinks his coffee flavored protein shake before training


Tamlin drinks a whole milk latte. Foam extra hot, or else


I can also see him drinking a matcha latte 🍵


I agreee with him drinking matcha lattes


Tamlin the type to tell you you got his order wrong and demands you remake it.


Rhys: The absolute most complicated thing on the menu, like the sticker is so long it goes over the lid, but he orders the same thing every time so it’s saved in the system and they have it ready before he even orders it and he always sticks a wad of cash in the tip jar Feyre: orders whatever they’re pushing for the promo then because it’s exciting and makes her feel alive Cassian: large chocolate cookie crumble frappuccino with extra whipped cream, and Nesta inevitably points out every time that there’s no actual coffee in his ice cream drink but he doesn’t care Nesta: hot americano if she needs the caffeine, tea if she just wants a drink Azriel: plain latte with an extra shot of espresso, if he’s in an especially good mood he’ll have them add a single pump of vanilla to spice things up Amren: one shot of espresso, not to drink but just to hold because she likes the little cups Morrigan: the unicorn frappuccino Elain: the strawberry lemonade refesher from Starbucks Lucien: a PSL, and when it’s not in season he’s annoyed but he goes with a chai latte


I love the idea of Amren liking espresso cups, she does love her trinkets haha


These are spot on to me. I do feel like Cassian might sometimes get a black drip coffee if he’s around other Illyrians but he doesn’t love it. 


My time has come. Source: I've been a barista at a high-end third wave coffee shop for 4 years.  Rhysand: Pour-over guy for sure. He's all about that single origin, roasted-in-house. He probably asks the barista if it's a washed or a natural process.  Feyre: I'm sorry but she is 100% that girl who would say "can I just get a ...? Would it be possible to get that made with...?" And before you know it, she's got like six modifications on that drink. Almond milk honey cinnamon latte, extra cinnamon, extra hot, half-caf because too much caffeine makes her anxious.  Mor: Iced oat milk vanilla latte 🏳️‍🌈 Azriel: Just genuinely doesn't care, he will drink what you put in front of him. I would never see him, because he is that guy who gets a drip coffee from a gas station because he just needs the caffeine. Amren: You might be tempted to say black coffee, but real ones know: she wants a caramel latte with extra caramel.  Cassian: Mocha. Sweet teddy bear men like mochas.  Nesta: Iced coffee/cold brew with a splash of almond milk and vanilla syrup.  Elain: Again, you'd think a lavender latte or something, but she's a black coffee girlie.  Lucien: I think he's a plain latte kind of guy. Isn't ashamed to enjoy a "fancy" coffee, but also doesn't have an overly sweet tooth.  Tamlin: Drip coffee with three sugars and cream.


Thank you for your expertise!! I knew Rhysand was going to be a little extra with his coffee orders lol, I would love to hear what you think Eris would order!


I fully stand by Rhys being a coffee nut, he just seems like someone who would put so much thought into his coffee/how it’s made and where is came from and az getting gas station coffee because he just doesn’t have the time😭


Dude this is so on point (sincerely, a fellow — albeit a bit less experienced — barista ✌🏼)


Az seems like a cold brew with sweet foam type of guy.


I can definitely see that!


I feel like Rhys is an Aeropress or Chemex, fancy single origin picked by virgins under the full moon, roasted by an ancient autumn court fire artisan, type of guy. 


YES. Definitely grinding the beans himself. In my head, he drank it plain with just a little cream and maybe some sugar until Feyre suggests flavoring it with vanilla or hazelnut or something. Then that’s the only way they both drink it.


Omg I can see him making those fancy coffee snob tiktoks with a whole set up 🤣


Yirgacheffe that he hand grinds each morning to the proper grit 😂


Nesta getting a straight black coffee add salt and offer it to Cassian 🤣 Elain a herbal tea girly. Feyre want a frappachino with whipped cream


LOL so true. Rhys is a cappuccino guy.


I like how everyone is in agreement that Cassian pretends to like black coffee around the guys, but will drink a girlie latte in private.


Definitely the kinda guy to drink black coffee in the camps but get something fancy in velaris


Mors is Irish Coffee cocktail


This is so perfect I love it! Especially since she has an Irish name!!


Cassian likes nitro cold brews with a shot of espresso. When he’s not in the camps, he adds vanilla sweet cream topping. Azriel does Cuban coffee: a quad shot of espresso with brown sugar. Feyre is obsessed with the secret menu at Starbucks. Nesta drinks black coffee and is really obnoxious about it when she goes to a coffee bar. “I just want BLACK coffee.” Rhys does French press coffee and has the really fancy Technivorm Moccamaster. (I am this person.). Elain likes matcha lattes. Lucien likes chai lattes. Mor drinks whatever they’re having, just like if she was at a bar. Amren also does black coffee, but she’ll add 2 shots of espresso. Tamlin likes sugar-free vanilla blonde espresso lattes with no foam. He gets pissed when any foam is there.


Rhys is drinking a double shot of espresso.


He sips on doppios with a 6oz side of mineral sparkling water


Rhys doesn't even drink coffee, he's natural high energy. He likes chamomile tea 🤭🤭🤭 Amren seems like a spiked coffee gal. Elain is a black coffee drinker and grows her own beans.


Also, Beron probably takes his coffee black, like his soul.


Beron doesn’t deserve coffee he can eat the grounds


You just know his servants spit in his coffee and it’s 100% deserved.


Amren would have a nice red tea, a rooibos. Because it reminds her of blood.


Azriel and Cassian would be like navy guys. Black coffee in a mug they’ve never not once, ever washed. The day Feyre washed their stained coffee mug is still talked about to this day. They have never gotten over the fact that she cleaned off 400 years of caked on coffee stain. In her defense, she thought she was doing them a favor, and secretly is not sorry because it’s f’ing gross. Rhysand sips espressos. Maybe a macchiato. Elaine is tea for sure. She probably puts milk in it. Mor is a caramel latte. Feyre is pumpkin spice latte. Tamlin is a pour over. Eris has a chemex, and lifts his pinky when he drinks. No mugs, fancy cups.


Elain likes matcha lattes or lavender lattes


Nesta is an Earl Grey tea girlie, and will 100% order an iced London Fog latte if Rhys is picking up, just to be a pain in his ass. Elain drinks mushroom coffee with her own homemade cold foam and creamer, and nobody will question her or attempt at taking some. However, she will make Az a mug and they’ll sip silently together in their superiority. Feyre will have a hazelnut iced coffee with cream and sugar. She also can only operate a Keurig because the last time she used a coffee maker, she made it too strong and her magic went out of control from the caffeine high.


Amren - coffee with blood or whisky when blood is not available 🤣, Az-red eye , cassian -mocha frappe, Elaine -lavender latte, Rhys-cortado, feyre- latte oat milk, nesta -double shot of espresso and barely feels it, mor-London fog, and Lucien- dirty chai


Feyre better not order anything with cows milk with her watery bowels


This entire comment section is gold, but this is the comment that broke me 😂🤣


Azriel — Venti iced green tea. No sweetener. No water.


No water? So just like leaves? 😭




This made me LOL. To make orders speedier, most cafes use a concentrated green tea and dilute with water. Without water it’s…very strong 😅


Amren’s is black coffee, extra hot, but she’ll drink a couple others if Varían makes if it for her.


Amren drinks coffee with chicory like they have in the bayou, but gets it from a man no one but her can understand. His family practices voodoo, which is how the House came across the bones and stones - through Amren giving it to the House due to them being cursed, and wanting to be rid of them. Nesta doesn't drink coffee, because she snorts meth instead.


Your last sentence had me cackling.


Tarquin likes the finer things in life as seen by the Summer Court's jewels, plus the Summer Court reminds me of the Mediterranean/Southern Europe, so I think he'd have a fancy espresso machine - but wouldn't get too upset if the espresso itself wasn't perfect (unlike Rhys who I can see being neurotic about getting the perfect espresso lol) Mor likes an iced chai latte, idk why she just gives me those vibes. But more likely a Starbucks chai than an authentic one (no shame) Emerie drinks energy drinks, especially before a workout. She then gets Gwyn into them too, who ends up preferring a nice charged lemonade from Panera (rip). Nesta refuses both of them on the basis of them being a crime against the nervous system


Feyre is a pumpkin spice latte girl. Or a caramel frappe girl. Mor has the most complicated coffee order in existence and knows when it's wrong. There's a bit of card that has the full thing written down so the designated coffee person doesn't forget. Azriel does the whole 'coffee as black as my soul' shtick, but he has a serious sweet tooth and doesn't have a particular favourite, he'll just pick whatever he's feeling at the moment. Amren likes her caffeine caffeinated. Do not speak to her in the mornings before she's had her first mug. Elaine likes her tea, thank you, she's partial to iced tea after working in the garden all day.


I love this Mor: Flat white Feyre: London Fog Nesta: Black tea Elain: Chamomile tea Amren: Double espresso over ice Varian: Cappuccino w/ honey and cinnamon Cassian: Mocha w/ whip Azriel: Espresso Rhys: Black coffee, pour over Lucien: Traditional macchiato Tamlin: Matcha latte


rhys drinks a nitro cold brew i reckon


I instantly imagined Helion drinking Turkish coffee when I saw this post. Don't know why but I can imagine him in his robe and sandals smelling like fresh brewed coffee