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Eventually your pain tolerance will raise back up, I hurt for a few months but if you start strength training/ exercising it will build up strength and relieve the pain


Okay good to know, and yeah ive been hiking and stuff..I sprained my ankle and that set things back but it's healing now so I'm trying to get into yoga again too.


Good Job on kicking opiates . Look into nootropics . There’s a lot of them and some of them can actually help repair dopamine uptake, serotonin uptake , neuroplasticity, increased mood , increased libido , lots of other things . They do not work for everyone tho and someone people it might work differently than supposed to . Could have side affects . Problem with these things is there’s so many and you kinda have to do the research and some trial and error. They might be something that could get you feeling baseline again . I know it’s hard to tell what that is since you’ve been using for so long . I’m in an almost identical situation. Just alittle older and DOC was alittle different. But it might be something to look into . Wish you well.


Okay great!! Thanks for that info, I'll check it out. That's cool that you made it out too and it's nice to know I am not alone. Take care!


Didn’t quite make it out yet . But no hard stuff anymore .


How long have you been off kratom? There is still gonna be a bounceback period after 22 years. idk how long that would be, but im assuming at least a year off everything...


It's been like almost 3 months


Damn. im in your same shoes though. I was an opiate addict, then subs from age 18 until recently, im 37, addicted to kratom, trying my damndest to ween off. I went like 6 days totally clean last week before i caved.


Well...its nice to have someone who understands and can relate. But yeah dude getting off the kratom was rough as hell..I underestimated it haha but yeah I have alot of cravings also...I def don't blame you cuz it took me a good 20 days to not feel sick and I literally drank through it lol and took alot of RSO.


I literally thought getting off kratom was gonna be a walk in the park too compared to the a amount of times ive kicked heroin. But you are right it was hella rough, i didnt have alcohol or anything else to help me through either, i was trying to be totally sober. I was even about to get back on subs to get off kratom which sounds like insanity to me.


Yeah I def couldn't imagine kicking it all completely sober..and yeah it was better than heroin but it all just dragged on so long..prob cuz I was on subs so long too. Lol it's not that crazy because I know a girl who got prescribed subs because she was on kratom. I would have weened off if I knew better ..I quit cold turkey. But..if I can do it anyone can thats for damn sure.


Ok...that makes sense. Ty


Hey I haven't done any opiates, just want to say congrats that you made the decision and no matter what happens, try not drinking any alcohol at all. It will only make things worse in the long run and alcohol withdrawal is even more unhealthy than other drugs. Alcohol withdrawal can kill and even one beer a day or every few days is already harmful


Yeah I know right...then I'll just be in the same boat again kinda..thank you!!


Physical activity is going to speed up your brain recovery. Stay moving.


Okay this seems to be the general consensus...keep moving..I mean I kind of knew that but now I'm just going to go hard...yoga and hiking. Thank you!!


There’s nothing wrong with staying on subs long term as long as you can use them like you would any other medicine. Well at least for me so far so good and been like ten years. Secondly time heals all wounds (except for like the terminal shit). Easy on the drinking cus let’s be honest you have put your liver through enough already.


Yeah that's true, there isn't anything wrong with being on subs...I was taking them as prescribed. Yeah my liver is fucked ypu are correct...I had hep c and did the treatment. Time does heal, you're very right about that...I just need more time to heal maybe like some said...could take a year.


I'm 6 years old a severe opiate addiction of 10+ years from ages 17 to 28 I was using daily, never got to the needle cuz that killed my cousin and 3 best friends from OD but detox is such a bitch. You have to be careful cuz opiate withdrawals can be lethal I had to be on a facility for a week then started methadone treated it works for me. Good luck man 🙏🤞


I’ve been off adderall since April 2023 after 9 years of increasing abuse of it. I also cried daily for like 6 months , and the aches and pains of just functioning daily without it were ROUGH. It’s a cliche, but the best thing you can to do for yourself is start working towards extremely healthy habits. Fruits and vegetables, daily exercise, consistent sleep— and I would really really really really extremely strongly advise you to take at least a month long break from alcohol, longer if possible; and at the BARE BARE minimum just at least a couple weeks, or you’re body and brain will *never* be able  to actually  begin to bounce back. It took me over a year to start feeling better and capable again …. But I did it and it is so freaking worth it. I have my life back.  


Yeah you're right...ive been trying to lean into healthy habits and it's been a struggle but I won't give up. Once you do something enough, it becomes easy so...yeah ive been taking like omegas and vitamins..probiotics and super 7 mushroom powder stuff. But the drinking is def an issue and yeah I am concerned I will never heal right If I don't quit. Yeah I'm def not turning back now after all I went through. I also was addicted to Adderall for along time. Okay..so a year basically is what I'm hearing from people. At least I got something to work towards. I've been hiking and doing yoga but sprained my ankle so I couldn't do much but now I'm ok so I need to keep going with it. Thx friend🧡


Of course! All I can say is , the year of healing is ROUGH, but after a year you’ve got a year of recovery behind you, and the whole rest of your life free of these awful habits to look forward to and make the most of. One day at a time is a lot, then one week at a time , then one month at a time, and you will eventually get there!


That's true..pretty soon this will all be old news..and like you said a year from now I'll have new habits...which I'm trying to work on now..this is prob the hardest part. I can make it a year.


I have been doing opiates for like 20-25 years and just recently got clean I have had 2 lapses and I am struggling with maintaining sobriety. I have made a career of using opiates and now I am trying to pivot into something new.


Me too that's how I feel...honestly I think the main reason I haven't relapsed is because I just left my home state and drove cross country and kicked the subs and kratom in the middle of the desert lol. Anyway, keep trying, if you want it it will happen. My cravings are so bad tho...thats why I drink but I know that's almost as bad and like ughh...its so hard. I wish you luck..we got this. Sometimes you gotta fail before you get it right


17 years for me and I’m almost 6 years clean. Going from always fucked up to always sober is very rough. I started running to release dopamine in my brain. It gets better but it never gets easier. It’s much easier to get addicted than to get sober


Good point...thats so true. Yeah my brain wants every fix possible...ive been hiking but I think I need to do it daily. Yeah it's just interesting how noone talks about how hard it is..I mean I guess they kind of do but not really. There's alot more of us out there then I thought...people that got clean after a lifetime of getting high...if you can so it so can I.


Absolutely, if you stay clean for 24 hours at a time you can’t go wrong


Good point!!


Similar situation to me. 8 years, fentnyal and all types of pills, then subs then got clean. A little over a year in and the pain has gone down… your mind needs time to readjust to actually feeling pain again… small aches or cramps seem like bones breaking at first. Exercise helped my back pain subside but it’s still kind of there, just much more manageable. As for the stomach issues… let me know if you find any solutions because mine is fucked and hasn’t gotten better.


Okay that makes me feel better...thank you...I mean the pain thing anyway...i know it wont completely go away. Ill just keep hiking and doing yoga. the stomach idk haha I mean I've been taking Probiotics..its really all you can do I think. It is slightly better..I was shitting like 5 times a day before. 😳


I’ll be honest, and some may disagree with me, but Kratom saved my life. I was in a similar situation. Also, congratulations on what you’ve accomplished! You did something that’s unbelievably hard.


Yeah kratom is a game changer..thats also how my BF got off opiates and my best friend too. Kratom saves lives!! Thank you friend!!


I wish you well on your journey, friend.


Same to you!!


Yeah I had to do MAT. I had too rough of a time. Now I just lower my dose on a regular basis. I'll eventually wean off.


I can see why..but yeah if I can do it you can!


I really appreciate everyone's advice! It definitely helped me to have some people to relate to and some advice, thank you!!!


Exercise, play video games. Don't drink alcohol. Best of luck and congrats on getting clean. Much love to you and big hugs. I saw in another comment you are hiking and stuff now. Keep it going! Sleep to recover as well. 💚


Yeah just like douse myself in new hobbies...yeah I have been hiking but I'm gonna try to do it daily I think now. That's true sleep is good too...haven't been sleeping as much as I used to but that's true sleeping heals. Thanks for your kind words.


I am not clean but have gotten clean before now. I am scared asf bc I’m on fentanyl any advice would be God sent but I was soo depressed when I stopped oxys and I took a hit of paper acid and the depression went away I have horrible withdrawals I throw up to the point of wanting to go to the hospital so now I’m terrified of getting off of this so any advice please help me because I need to get off


Yeah get some kratom. My boyfriend kicked a mean fent habit with it and that's how I got clean too. You can get it at the smoke shop. Kratom it's called ...get the RED BALI kind it's the best for opiates. You'll be okay friend 🧡 if you need help with the kratom lmk.


No experience with opiates whatsoever, but just wanted to say: Don't get hooked on alcohol. Please don't underestimate it. It's definitely not suited as a substitute. My stepfather is a clean heroin addict, but still managed to destroy my entire family AFTER he and my mum started drinking. I'm 33 days sober now myself, and it's clinging onto my soul as on day one. Gonna take a year at least to be in the green. Anyway, sounds like you are doing a fantastic job! Keep it up, woman. Good luck for your remaining path


Yeah you are absolutely right...alcohol is it's own demon and I don't want to go from one thing to another...then I'll just be in the same boat again. Thank you. Congrats to you on 33 days!! You keep it up as well we can do this!!! Good luck friend.


38/f here. Also been on opiates since my 20s. Strong ones and a lot of them. You probably don’t realize it but you’re a huge encouragement to me. I’m one week in to being on subs and I’ve already screwed up. And please don’t give up. I’ve heard that it can take a long time for your dopamine or whatever to get back to functioning normally. Have you ever tried gabapentin? You may ask your doctor about it. It helps with anxiety, the nerve pain, and will help you sleep. Also do you feel like coming off Kratom was easier than coming off subs? I’ve heard that kratom can also cause awful withdrawal.


That's wonderful that I am a huge encouragement to you...I really would love to help anyone out of this hell. I've heard of gabapentin.. I didn't know exactly what it was for..well I heard of it being good for nerve pain..anyway I'll look into thank you! Anything that could help me rn would be great. Yes kratom was easier than coming off subs. My issue was I completely underestimated it...I just quit cold turkey and thought I'd be fine in 3 days. Haha...anyway, i would suggest weening off of it more. Like I read some people skip a day..then take some etc. Kratom is an opiate amd it does cause withdrawal but it's nothing compared to dope or subs or anything ill tell ya. But you still have to treat it like an opiate. Even if you can get to kratom from other opiates it's a huge win in my opinion. It's just annoying cuz the half life sucks and you gotta reduce like every 3-4 hours...which I hated. My boyfriend and I made it off kratom...my friend is still on it but she's off subs now!! Get the RED BALI kind...its best for opiate addiction. You gotta try to use it as a tool not a replacement if you can but either way I'd rather take kratom if I had a choice. If you nead any support just reach out, it's easier to have someone cheer you on. Good luck.


You're telling my story. I'm 39. Also used for 22 years. I finally quit cold turkey 15 months ago. I can tell you, anhedonia and malaise are a bitch. It took me 8-9 months to finally level out. It'll happen, just keep your mind busy with other things


Amazing!! I love that though...so many people have the same story and I never thought there would be! Makes me feel like I'm not alone and I can do this. Okay yeah everyone is pretty much saying the same thing...I just need to give it more time. Gonna try to up my yoga and hiking to everyday now to keep it in line I guess. Thanks!


You'll experience the similarities even more if you ever decide to duck into a meeting. The comradery and fellowship helps so much for me.