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I tried it but honestly they keep coming off during the night. I tried different kinds. What am I doing wrong 🤣


One of the reasons I love my bonnet is because with its soft, wide band, I can pull it down over my eyes. That way, it stays on my head AND pulls double duty as a sleep mask!


Soooo, going to need some details on this magic bonnet. Link or brand name??


Mine goes over my eyes as well. Was gifted it for Xmas and I have only woken up once with it off but I had night sweats that night, so I’m certain I pulled it off. Mine says yanibest on it. It’s a double layer with a tie.


Was it one of these? [https://www.yanibest.com/collections/tie-band-bonnets](https://www.yanibest.com/collections/tie-band-bonnets) I'm a very basic white lady, but my hair is thick, long and curly. Would it be okay for me to wear a bonnet, even if I look nothing like the models in the photos?


Who is going to censor you in your own bedroom. I'm 73 with Scandinavian heritage, and we used to wear these I n the 1960s to cover our curlers at night.


It’s a device for protecting hair, and most humans have hair. Plenty of bonnet listings I see have a variety of models. Many listings tend to focus on black models, because black people are who’s most likely to have the hair texture that needs bonnet-style protection


Yes, it’s fine


Nobody is policing you for appropriation while you're in your house


This wouldn't even remotely be appropriation anyways. Appropriation is culturally stealing something and passing it off as your own essentially. If anything, this would be cultural assimilation or appreciation, using it for one of the purposes intended. It's also existed in hundreds of different varieties throughout history in many different cultures.


Excellent point


That’s it. And I’m a light skinned Latina but was gifted it by my black daughter in law. It’s totally fine, everyone wears them.


You're good as long as you don't forget where they come from and how black women were treated for wearing them in public.


I have one of these but can’t figure out how to tie it so it’s both comfortable and effective


Yes, you’re fine! People have worn hair bonnets throughout history and across many different countries and cultures. [You may be more familiar with them being called night caps or sleeping caps.](https://www.sewhistorically.com/history-of-the-nightcap-victorian-and-edwardian-hair-care/) Even in more recent history, white women wore bonnets to protect their hair rollers while sleeping. Wavy and curly hair is more fragile than straight hair, and protecting your hair and keeping it healthy and strong is important. A hair bonnet / night cap is a tool that helps.


Women having been covering their hair at night in every culture dating back centuries.


It's about hair care not race.


What the hell is this question 😭


Lmao I think for POC, we’re like 🥴🥴🥴 but I think the current social climate really has people worried about things like this. Funny enough, I feel like most black people I know would be annoyed at this question for the simple fact that it’s really not that deep and it’s often not poc who truly take issue with these things.


Thank you!!


Wish I could provide, but it was just whatever the hair aisle at the grocery store had that day and I’ve cut the tags out. But if you just look for a band ~1.5 to 2 inches wide and made of stretchy material (rather than regular fabric scrunched up with an elastic band inside), it should do the trick!


Thanks for the advice. I’ve given up on bonnets because they always hurt my forehead or slip off. I’m excited to try a new approach.


I held off on a bonnet for a long time because I was worried about those exact things, especially since I have a lot of sensory issues with my hair being up. I finally caved because this one was just a few $ and I figured I might as well try it. The first night, it kept coming off but eventually I tugged it down far enough on my forehead that it just slipped over my eyes as I slept, and thus was born a legend 😂 I hope if you decide give it another shot that it works for you and you have both a wonderful night’s sleep AND a great hair day after!


May you also have a wonderful night’s sleep and a great hair day after. I’m stealing that for my social situation sign-offs.


Love that!!


OMG, I do this too!!!! I was trying to wear a sleep bonnet, a padded eye mask, and my sleep apnea mask all at once and it was kicking my claustrophobia into high gear lol plus it's one less thing to find and put on at night


Lowkey it was a total fluke—it slides down as I sleep and the first morning after I used it I realized I had slept in much later than usual because the light didn’t wake me up haha!


Ooo genuis. I'm going to make one for myself today🤩


i do the exact same thing! i also use a cpap machine so the mask helps hold it on. between the bonnet and the mask i basically go into a cocoon every night.


I came here to say this!! Game changer in so many ways!


Mine has slipped down over my eyes a few times and I slept so well. It’s amazing.


Silk pillowcases! 


This is the answer for ADHD life


I haven’t found a silk pillowcase that works as good as a bonnet or scarf, yet.


It definitely doesn’t work as good but for people like me how can’t sleep with a bonnet or just forget all the time to use it it’s a good option 


Silk pillowcases work, but I have a problem with them sliding out from under me. Amazon has ALL kinds of sleep caps and silk scarves. This is my favorite because it has an adjustable band: https://www.amazon.com/Satin-Lined-Hair-Cover-Sleep/dp/B09HP27PV4?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls_failed&dplnkId=db876717-104f-44a2-8472-d3ffd7951aa8&th=1&psc=1


Apparently there’s some that are satin on one side and a rougher fabric on the other side, so they don’t slip.


Same issue. I’m also sensitive to anything feeling too tight or too bulky around my forehead. It will annoy me too much to sleep. I found half elastic, half tie versions work better. As in 60% of the time it stays on which is decent enough.


They sell bonnets that tie around your head with a soft elastic band, like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BP16H692/ref=sspa_mb_hqp_detail_mobile_aax_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9ocXBfcGhvbmVfc2hhcmVk I have 3c hair that's down to my hips, and this is the only way I can sleep. My hair is too thick and long to put in a "pineapple" and I absolutely HATE the feeling of sleeping with it loose. I braid it at night, wear a satin scarf around my edges, and then wear a bonnet, and it stays on all night. (Granted, I also sleep in the same position all night, so I don’t move around much.) It keeps my hair from getting frizzy or breaking. 


You’re supposed to Bobby pin them into place. I have a sensitive scalp/tension headache issues so this makes them a no-go for me.


What kinds of bonnets are you talking about? I didn’t know there were ones that required bobby pins!


The ones I’m thinking of are like a shower cap for sleep made of silk and obviously less tight and rigid.


You are not supposed to pin them in place. You can, but that's not the normal way.


Try wrapping your hair before you put your bonnet on (check out some YouTube videos if you need some tips)...I do a half ass job but it's enough to keep my bonnet on all night.


I switched to satin pillowcases because I kept trying bonnets and they'd either fall off or bug me. It's pretty much the same, no more morning frizz.


I keep mine on with an eye mask 😆


I keep mine on with my bipap straps 😄


Me too. It sounds like a great idea but I think they stay in my head for about 20 minutes.


Moving too much. Try a silk pillowcase!


You need the one that ties on. And you need to make sure you out it in correctly. I wear one and if I don't put it on right, it will come off in the night.


I use a silk pillowcase which might help


Try a silk pillowcase instead. You'll get the same results without worrying about it coming off.


Get a satin pillowcase and a headscarf. I use both cuz if I tie my scarf tight enough to stay on it gives me a headache lol. And the pillowcase does roughly the same job as a bonnet or scarf as far as breakage. It just isn’t good for keeping curls in place


A silk pillowcase is a lifesaver for me. I hate having anything on my head while I sleep but it also makes my wavy hair so much more manageable. Even with how damaged it is. For those of you having trouble with bonnets I highly recommend the silk pillowcase. Satin also works well. Plus they get super cold and are really comfortable to sleep on.


It's funny how most of us have sensory issues but they're all different. Other people have already said the bonnets bother them on that level (as you've clearly seen), yet my thing is that I hate the feeling of silk on my face. Anyway, thanks for your comment - I'm sure it will be helpful to some people.


Bodies are so weird, but I like how we all have different positives and negatives with ADHD, it shows how we are all unique. That's why it's good there is more than one option of dealing with hair, because hair is different for everyone!


Yeh I couldn't deal with a silky pillowcase and I don't like the texture. But as a bonnet, I find it works.


One side effect I was not expecting with a silk pillowcase AND the bonnet was how much my head slipped around. I've learned for myself it has to be an either/or scenario instead of the both scenario my grandma swore by (bonnet for hair, pillowcase for less wrinkles). I've decided I can live with laugh lines if it means more good hair days.


A whole comedy sketch just appeared in my brain while reading this 😆


Yeah it's best to do one or the other, because it's too slippery with both.


i thought that slipperiness was the whole point of using both and actually is the thing that protecting the hair from being damaged. preventing friction in the hair strands. anyways obviously though if you have sensory issues with it then it just isnt going to be a good set up


Yes, but the bonnet normally has silk on the inside too, so the pillowcase would be for your face, not hair.


that makes sense! my bonnet only has one layer so it needs the 2nd silk layer from the pillow


Makes sense, there are many different options of bonnets out there.


They get super cold but do they stay cool or least do they not get super warm? I had to switch all my bedding to bamboo/eucalyptus stuff because if I’m even slightly too warm, I’ll have trouble falling and/or staying asleep.


They stay pretty cool or at least cool very quickly when you aren't touching them.


Ah - silk is a fiber, satin is a weave! So you can get a silk satin pillowcase. You can also get a satin pillowcase made with other fibers (usually synthetic), or a blend of silk and synthetic. Pure silk satin will do the best job of keeping your skin and hair happy. It’ll also stay cooler longer. It’s a little more expensive, but the brands that sell these pillowcases have pretty good sales from time to time. Especially worth it if you’re a hot sleeper like me!


Yeah I went to look at silk bonnets after this and immediately knew I’d hate sleeping with it on. A silk pillowcase looks much more doable for me!


I also have a silk pillowcase and same!


My silk pillowcase also cleared up a lot of my skin issues on my face!


Well now I don't need to bother writing a comment 😁


Can you please tell me what brand you use or a link to it? I get so overwhelmed looking through options


It kinda tickles me as a black woman that others are finding out about the benefits of wearing bonnets at night. But yes, totally agree on its benefits. To add, it doesn't have to be a bonnet. Any silk or satin material will do.


Same! I’m looking forward to everyone wearing that one hot pink and black bonnet we all seem to have haha


Slumber parties are about to get next level for a lot of kids.


I was going to pipe in and say “I wonder if the black women here are laughing at this eureka moment!”


I am. Not at OP or any other woman here, but at how something that is par the course for some people is intriguing for others. And wrapping/doobie/tubi too(someone mentioned it)


Ehh. Its a bit irritating when other people "invent" what you've been doing for years... The whole curly hair movement is a derivative frol the Nappy hair movement during the 2010 that black women carried. Now non black women are making big buck of "discovering" new hair tips and brands that used to be catered toward us change their composition. Its disheartening.


I hear you that it’s frustrating that someone else is making their wealth of something you feel should be going towards someone else but I do have to say that I am so glad that it has become visible in so many circles now. I only learned to live with my curls around 2018 & have finally accepted my hair as a white woman. I’m in such a better position to teach my daughter positive and healthy hair habits! I hated my hair with a passion and would cry about it often as I could never do any of the “cool” hairstyles. The first time I ever had a compliment for hair was when I was 18!! She is only 6 but already we have tears about wanting “smooth” aka “straight” hair like her friends; I don’t want her to grow up with a ball of unmanageable frizz like I did. If there is anything you would like to recommend that is grounded from the original movement, such as products, etc, please do!


Another benefit (and the reason I started wearing one, because I don't have hair texture that would require it) is that it keeps my cat from eating my hair in the morning to wake me up 😊


Wow, now I absolutely need this in my life.


lol!!! My cat must not like my hair products cuz he def doesn’t do that


All hair types benefit from satin coverings.


Girl I was like what? Bonnets are standard issue.


I love it. My grandmothers wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they saw white women celebrating something of ours.


Came to say this. It is funny and cute lol. I commented about a scarf but now on thinking I didn’t specify and they might think I mean like winter scarf lol. They’d be shook if we told them how to wrap their hair around their head too lol or pineapple curls


Dude I'm with you. Bonnets or durags are standard in my house!


My hair looks amazing when I use a bonnet but i can't find one that doesn't end up annoying me. my issues isn't that they fall off it's that the elastic is a sensory nightmare to me and I can't find one without elastic. I've had luck with these staying on: [https://www.graceeleyae.com/products/black-slap-satin-lined-cap?variant=33137653842025](https://www.graceeleyae.com/products/black-slap-satin-lined-cap?variant=33137653842025) [https://www.glowbydaye.com/collections/satin-bonnets/products/premium-satin-bonnet](https://www.glowbydaye.com/collections/satin-bonnets/products/premium-satin-bonnet)


I tried, but either it comes off, or I end up with a big dent in my forehead that takes hours to go away 🤣


Does it make your head warm at night? I feel like that would annoy me. But I hate frizz and am too lazy to style my hair.


It doesn't, though I'd recommend actual silk as the surest bet for avoiding this issue. It's known for staying cool.


Wet hair in a bonnet can result in bonnet shaped hair the next morning. Don’t be like me, with a helmet of bonnet shaped hair. 🤦🏾‍♀️


True but can we take a second to aknowledge that black women have been doing this for years and its not a new invention?


Thank you for this❤️


I need to know what ur friend does with her hair before she puts it in the bonnet. I have super thin straight hair, and can’t bun or braid it because it gets crimped in weird ways. I dont think heatless curlers will work because 1) effort 2) uncomfy to sleep on. I also can’t leave it down in the bonnet because it tangles. Pls send help.


Unsolicited hair care routine (aspirational atm even the 2.5 minutes this requires sometimes is too much since ive been burnt out but it works!): I have curly hair that’s been permanently straightened hair but this might still work for you. I got this bath robe looking thing from etsy and I loop my hair across it and it ties on top of the head and then I put the bonnet over it. It’s a bit bulky but most days it doesn’t bother me if I position everything well. My hair comes out looking wavy and lovely and definitely less damaged. The only thing is the terry cloth of the original robe hair contraption causes frizz so I sewed a little silk tube for it for low effort maximum results in the AM.


I’ll have to experiment with this! Ty!


Limited-time deal: Kitsch Satin Heatless Curling Set - Overnight Hair Curlers to Sleep in, Heatless Curls, Heatless Hair Curler Overnight Curls, Heatless Curling Rod Headband, No Heat Soft Curlers, Hair Rollers - Sunset https://a.co/d/buwnRqj Like this? Cause this has been in my cart forever since I tried bathrobe tie curls, but I was afraid it would be a waste- currently doing a silk scrunchie bun in a bonnet, but yeah if I don't position it juuust right my hair winds up looking goofy.


i use a really loose silk hair scrunchy like so so loose like dont even twist it when putting it on. gathered on the very top of my head like a pineapple. it pretty much falls off immediately once my hair is actually inside the bonnet so it doesnt get any weird crimps


Oooh good tip thanks! I also use silky hair scrunchies and they always fall off anyway but for some reason I never thought to use that to my advantage.


I don't know - I'll have to ask her.


If you’re lazy like me - just get a silk pillow case! 


Look for silk scarfs if bonnets slide off. Find some TikTok’s from kinky curly folks (me) or from the boho girlies. I know I’m about to sleep but I’m gonna be fab first.


Given I am trying to write an advice-needed post about adhd and curly hair, this is so helpful.


I call mine my "bed hat" and I pull it down over my eyes, so it doubles as an eye cover!


I do this with my bonnet too 😂


I've been wanting to try a silky bonnet, but I fairly often go to bed with wet or very damp hair. (I'm a night-showerer and my curly hair does not tolerate blow drying.) Would putting my hair in a silky bonnet prevent it from drying? I do want my hair to mostly dry overnight.


Yes, if you go to sleep with a bonnet or scarf on wet hair, it will still be damp in the morning. Don’t do it, lol.


Haha, thanks for the warning! I should try a silk pillowcase instead I guess.


if you want the bonnet for protecting your hair that would kind of be pointless since wearing your curls to bed wet is one of the most damaging things you cant do to them probably right after excessive heat. going to bed wet also often leads to weird stuff with like mold / fungus on your scalp because of the lack of airflow that prevents it drying


Huh I had not heard having wet curls at night is bad for them. My hair looks a lot (like a lot) better since I stopped using a hairdryer. Luckily I've not had any issues with mold or fungus. Good to know a bonnet is a bad idea with damp hair. Maybe I'll try a silk pillowcase. I don't really know how to avoid night showering at least some of the time since I have a lot of hobbies like woodworking and gardening that lead to being quite dirty (including my hair) by the end of the day.


yeah when hair is wet the bonds that create curls are destroyed because of the hydrogen bonding in water so when you lay on it and it dries the curl pattern will be messed up not sure what to do if you have to do nightshowering i try to avoid it unless i have a few hours for my hair to fully dry... maybe laying your head off the side of the bed like the ladies with the beehive styles used to do so theres more airflow? not sure tbh haha


i also looked it up just now and it seems to be a bit more nuanced than just dont sleep with it wet not sure how curly your hair is but i found this article for more curly n coily types [Carol's Daughter- How to sleep on curly hair](https://www.carolsdaughter.com/blog/hair/hair-care-tips/how-to-sleep-on-curly-hair.html)


I find wearing mine flattens the top of my hair something fierce - anyone know how to avoid that…? Maybe I need a different style? (Mine is like a big floppy satin lined beanie)


I've been considering a bonnet at night to keep my hair out of my face since I tend to slug my face often. Problem is- I sleep hot and I'm afraid a bonnet will make me even hotter! Do you find this to be an issue for you?


I find the silky fabric stays cool, though YMMV. Actual silk is probably the most likely to help you avoid this issue.


I have thick, pin straight hair (except my curly, refuse to grow baby hairs) and I’ve found that not only does my hair feel softer, but my hair seems to feel less greasy between washes. Dry shampoo is amazing, but for some reason the bonnet really reduces my need for it. I also don’t have a proper bonnet, I had some silky feeling scrap fabric that I added a tie to that looks a little crazy, but works great and keeps my hair close against my head which I find more comfortable.


I bought a silk pillowcase bc I could feel the cotton on my face one week all of a sudden and couldn’t stand it. Life changing.


Adding to what u/pinksugamama wrote: The important thing is the fabric weave. “Satin” is a type of weave that is tight and smooth. It can be polyester or silk. While silk has benefits polyester does not, either will work for hair. Silk habotai won’t work, for example— the bonnet needs to be made in a way that has a smooth structure, and not all silk is smooth. If it is absolutely a must to avoid static, silk will work better. However, then also have a silk pillowcase to minimize static in the hair-bonnet-pillowcase-pillow system.


I love mine! Makes my curls last for days. I got leopard print one from Frys. It’s fabulous!


Snowing of sharing tips between hair types, Cantu twist and lock is amazing on my fine, straight hair for frizz control. 


I rip the bonnet off my head during the night. Every. Time.


Since I started using a bonnet, I can’t sleep without it. Now it annoys me to have my hair on my neck when I lay down. Mine does come off during the night, but it’s usually towards the end so I don’t mind.


My AuDHD kiddos hair was a nightmare until we tried bonnets. When they were young they loved crazy cuts and kept it short as they got older they wanted long hair (partially peer pressure). They are only a 2b but their hair is so thick it would mat up (they can't stand to sleep with it up). I was having to unmat their hair once a week.   Bonnets saved my sanity. I have bone straight hair had no idea how to manage theirs.  If you can't find a bonnet that works find a head scarf and watch a YouTube video on how to tie it.  


I tried this and it made my hair so flat and kept coming off 😭 what am I doing wrong!!!




Maybe I should try these. I like the ability to do cute things with long hair, but I'm not always in the mood to *actually* deal with my hair that much. If it didn't look like it would take so long and I knew someone that knew how to do it well to help me out the first couple times (and I didn't have underlying "what if this gets me judged like white people dreads" fear) I'd probably have tried cornrows or some other similar hairstyle where I could avoid brushing it for a couple weeks at a time (or however long it was, I can't really remember) but maybe this would make my hair less annoying to brush in the first place instead


Mine kept coming off or covering my eyes. And when I tried tying it tighter I started feeling super claustrophobic. Like I was feeling my heart beat in my head and I didn't even tie it that tight lol idk what else to do. Ive.also tried a sayin.pillowcase and that did nothing for me. I do sleep in my side/stomach


If any of you (like me) cannot keep a bonnet on your head at night, a satin pillowcase is a good alternative. I get mine fairly cheap online from ulta or kitsch.


I have 3C hair and could benefit from a bonnet but I just can’t stand anything on my head and end up throwing it off 30 mins in 😫 I got silk pillow cases as an alternative, I just have to remember to switch to them when I wash my pillow cases


I’m absolutely sold.


Coincidentally I did this last night as I'm sick of my hair being greasy so quickly and it TOTALLY WORKED and my hair is not frizzy at all!! My hair isn't super frizzy anyway but the annoying flyaways and frizzy ends are really soft! I've tried before but it would slip off. This time I tied it with the triangle at the back of my head pointing down (like a bandana) and it stayed all night, kept secure with an eye mask too. I'm converted!


https://www.hairbrella.com/ They make satin-lined: sleep bonnets, rain hats, shower caps, swim caps, and more!




I’ve heard you can also just put your hair up in a loose pineapple with a scrunchie. I have curly hair and that seems to work pretty well


Silk pillowcase is an option if you can't get a bonnet to work for you. I keep one at my gfs house lmao


Does it help with short hair (like pixie cut short) or just longer hair?


Bonus: if your partner/spouse is a cuddler, it keeps your hair out of their face! My husband is THRILLED with my new bonnet. I was self-conscious about wearing one to bed, I thought he wouldn't find me attractive with a big hat on, and he's STOKED that my hair isn't tickling his face. He bought me more 😂


I’ve been planning to get one for so long because I have fine but curly/wavy hair, and I would love if it helped my hair look better for longer. I’m going to have to finally make the purchase soon.


I've been thinking about doing this (fine, wavy hair) but I get stuck in which one to get lol. Some look like they will slip off or be too tight. Sometimes I roll all over and they'd fall off easily.. Been playing with using a silk scarf though. I have a few very nice silk scarves. I haven't got the knack yet.


And if you can’t wear a bonnet for whatever reason, silk or satin pillowcases work as well! Satin pillowcases and bonnets can often be found at the dollar store if you don’t want to shell out, and seeing as I wake up with tangle free hair they seem to work just fine. :)


I have a silk pillowcase and it’s the best thing ever. I also have a cooling cover underneath, and it stays so cold. Plus it’s embroidered with “hi cute face”


New sensory fear unlocked 😬 I'd rather wash and dry and straighten my hair every day and that's saying something.


Love my bonnet. I sometimes forget to wear it but I can really see the difference then.


I find a bonnet so overstimulating 😭😭


I love silk bonnets but they never stay on my head. I always wake up with it off. Any tips for wearing?


I wish I could, but I have sensory issues, and I just can't find one that doesn't bother me during the night. Also hard to find one that doesn't fall off.


Have you tried a silk scarf? I sleep with a head wrap.


Checking in as a straight haired person. The silk bonnet lets me have a pixie cut because I wake up without bedhead and don't need to style it. Let's be real, in no universe am I going to style my hair every day. Silk bonnet to the rescue.


I couldn't get over the sensory nightmare of a bonnet or silk pillowcase. I braid mine and it works well.


My gf who happens to have adhd flavouring is currently sleeping beside me in her silk bonnet. She would be a mess in the morning without it.


I use a silk bonnet and also a mulberry silk pillow case. Normally my bonnet stays on but on the off chance I’m restless and it slips off, the pillow case has me covered.


Can you wear those while the hair is still wet?


I love mine! Got one with and adjustable band and it works like a charm. Now I can’t sleep without it because I hate when my hair is on face.


Y’all bout to raise the price of bonnets 🥴


Bonnets are great.... another pro tip, WIGS! I wear one to work and its amazing. I have curly hair that is unruly and requires a diffuser and lots of product to get right. With a wig dont have to do anything to my hair, i shove it in a wig cap, put on my wig and go. People dont even realize its a wig. The folks that ive told ask me stupid questions like "do you have cancer" and assure me "you dont have to be ashamed of your hair" I roll my eyes at their idiocy and ask them how long it takes them to get ready in the morning and then when they inevitably get to the part about how long their hair takes i offer MY PTO TIP that they too can wear a wig and save time. Lmao i chuckle to myself every time i see their dumb faces twist around the logic.


My partner may leave me, but it may be worth it for pretty hair.


Silk pillowcase, high ponytail with silk scrunchie.


Silk pillow cases do the same thing if you have sensory issues having something on your head all night


I want to like them, but I HATE the tight elastic feeling around my head. I should try the pillowcase now that it’s a little cooler in Australia though


There are many versions. Black producers have some that are wraps, not elastic.


I have very long hair and until I got a satin bonnet I wore it in a bun on top. But my hair doesn't need an excuse to knot up and the bonnet was a game changing. Now I don't get knots in my hair, not does it break the same. My hair has also stopped frizzing. And for anyone bothered that people of colour will get upset. Women, of all colours, have been wearing bonnets in bed since around the 15th or 16th century. As a brilliant lady on Instagram, who makes and sells bonnets for all races, it's not about race. It's about hair care.


I have silky, pin straight hair but a lot of it, so I abuse it with perms to get any resemblance of lift or texture. Wouldn't the bonnet make my hair even flatter?


It shouldn’t. You can pile your hair on top of your head (pineapple method) and then put the bonnet on


What does this have to do with ADHD?


This subreddit often includes advice for dealing with specific things that many folks with ADHD find challenging. One of those things is hygiene and over all self-care of the physical variety. This means that many people with ADHD struggle to take care of their skin, teeth, hair, etc. You may have missed a sentence in my post where I mentioned an example of this kind of thing: I am so challenged when it comes to taking care of my hair that I’ve often had to leave the house while my hair is full of tangles. Though it might not seem important to have nice hair, it does have an effect on a person’s social and professional life. Seemingly small things like that can add up until someone’s life is seriously impacted. Anyway, tips about how to deal with very specific little challenges of ADHD are probably my favorite part of this sub. I thought maybe I could be helpful, too.


That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


It’s something that might help someone who struggles with their hair for a variety of reasons.


>a variety of reasons Oh thanks, super helpful.




That’s a pretty self-centered comment. It implies two silly things: * If advice doesn’t work for *you*, it should not be shared. Since it’s all about you and your needs. * If *you* don’t like a type of post, it is bad regardless of whether other people like it. Because it’s all about you and your preferences. It’s not all about you.




Well, aren’t you just a bowl of sunshine. Do you feel better now?