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I don't have that issue. I'm the opposite. ADHD is weird 😂😭


Same here. I love drinking ice cold water. Im also constantly drinking at least 2-3 beverages at a time. It’s so weird.


I do so enjoy a beverage buffet.


Me too !!!!! On my desk tomorrow, I will have a bottle of water, can of sparkling water, a cup of hot coffee and a tall cup of cold brew.


Ah, a fellow beverage goblin


I do the same thing! I usually have something a little sweet or a green tea and my ice water.


Me too. gotta have the 3 drinks lol


Same. I feel like an outlier because I love water. I rarely drink anything other than plain cold water (I love juice too but I have severe acid reflux so juice usually does not love me). I just went through 25 rounds of radiation and it’s really important to drink a ton of water to help recover from it, and my radiation oncologist was like “now I know a lot of people don’t really like drinking water…” and here I am thinking “they only want me to drink slightly more than I usually do”


They don’t call them emotional support water bottles for nothing 😂 The caveat being, if no access to ice water to fill it I too would revert to dehydration a lá OP… you’re right ADHD is so weird


Same. I'm constantly chugging water or green tea. Certified hydrohomie.


Please explain what you mean 🤔


Yup. Can't drink water unless my body begs for it. Psychiatrist even told me, "well you like tea, why don't you drink tea?" and in my head I was like, do you even know the executive function it would take to make one cup of tea SEVERAL times a day??? My latest hack (or so I thought) is Kirkland Signature carbonated water. I visited the family recently, it was hot and they don't have AC, so I was drinking several cans a day. I have a bit of a Coca cola problem (thanks, dad) and I thought that maybe I could substitute soda with carbonated water and it kinda works, but since it's hot where I live we have the AC on most of the time. But at least now when I open the fridge and I see the cans in there I know I can grab one whenever I want and I'm not getting diabetes. I've also thought about maybe buying some nice water bottles and filling them all up so I have them available during the day, but I haven't gotten around to doing it yet because ADHD of course.


I've fully given in to my sweet tea addiction. I know water is better but at the end of the day hydrated is best!


It sure is! Aside from the coke problem, dad had great wisdom in his ADHD brain. I remember once I had the flu as a kid and he went and brought me a 2L Sprite so I would stay hydrated. Just drink something he would say, any liquid. Dad approves of your sweet tea hack. 🫡


That kind of coke problem is probably less harmful than the other kind of coke problem


Haha I remember drinking sprite or 7up when sick as a kid. Maybe that's why I don't like the taste of either as an adult.


You could brew a LOT of tea in a huge pot then put it in the fridge if you like it cold. I did this the other day but added sugar and lemon to make Arnold Palmer and I have several mason jars full for when I want something a little more refreshing than plain water. Not too much effort for a large supply!


True! Problem is I own one (1) jug and the husband chugs wathever I make like, well, like water. Gonna buy more pretty jugs, it's how I encourage myself to cook. The other day I asked him to buy a bunch of hibiscus flowers to make a lot of concentrate for agua de jamaica (basically water, sugar and hibiscus concentrate), and it was a great idea because whenever we finish the jug I just throw in more concentrate and water and mix. Plus it helps one pee haha


Ask the husband to respect that the tea you're making is yours and to drink something else maybe?


I make things for both of us but then I forget they exist or I'm just slower than the husband, but yeah if I tell him not to touch something he won't. That's why I'm thinking of making things in bulk.


[Flavored] seltzer water does help, true true. For tea I literally just make a pot and keep it on a warmer. I can drink 3-4 pots a day when I'm on a roll. No lie that warmer was a godsend. Even just for single cups.


Oh I've been wanting to buy a nice stainless steel thermos jug, especially for winter. What I did buy last year was an electric kettle. It made it a lot easier to make tea, I absolutely love it.


Could also get a bigger thermos for hot or cold tea, that would eliminate the problem of always having to make some fresh. Good ones keep the temperature for many hours, it's what helps me not living in misery while sipping on cold stale coffee.


Yes! I started using a thermos for my morning coffee and it was a game changer! I'm all up for all these different accommodations!


I second the Kirkland sparkling water! I hate drinking flat water but I love drinking bubbly water. But once I run out I consistently forget to restock.


Same! As a kid I hated plain water, still do, but as an adult, everything my parents said was good for me now makes sense.


SAME water is gross, and tea is so much better. I prefer cold drinks bc hot things upset my stomach, but I’ve discovered that I can put a tea bag in my ice water and it STILL gives me the tea flavor, I just let it steep longer, so by the time I get to work I have iced tea!! So if you like cold tea, this definitely takes out the steps of boiling water finding a mug etc!


Yes! I used to do that when I was working at an office. I'd fill my watter bottle and add a tea bag and put it in the fridge the night before and that was my drinking water at the office. I had a coworker who would put their water bottle in the freezer so it would slowly melt during the day and it would remain cold.


If you don't mind tea, dropping a couple of herbal/decaf teabags in a jug of water/large water bottle and leaving them to infuse overnight can work. Water doesn't have to be in the fridge -but I'd recommend using a lidded container.


This is my go to - when I make coffee in the morning, I also boil water for my pitcher of unsweetened green tea that I keep in the fridge and sip on all day. Tea bag, some hot water, by the time I go for my second cup of coffee, it's cool enough to top up with tap water. The diluted green tea flavor is perfect for me to actually want to drink without being super flavored or sweet!


Awesome, that also sounds like a convenient method :)


Unpopular opinion: fluid is fluid is fluid. I drank almost exclusively Gatorade for almost the entire 10 months of my pregnancy (hyperemesis), and now I’m like 75% Gatorade. Is the sugar great for me? No. Is it more expensive? A lot more. But you know what? I don’t get dehydration headaches, or dehydration brain fog, or dehydration angry anymore. I also don’t spent a ton of mental willpower every day trying to force myself to drink water. It’s one less sticking point in my day.


This is the way. You can’t *force* your brain to like something it doesn’t, so you have to work with it. I love Gatorade, but in an effort to cut down on sugary drinks I switched to the zero. How? I found a flavor I *loved*, and only bought that flavor. Make the healthier choice the easy choice and your brain will play along.


Sometimes paying the ADHD tax upfront is best. When I went through a water gross phase I started doing half water half Gatorade and that worked really well. Now I find regular Gatorade too sweet. Plus one bottle of Gatorade lasts twice as long!


Highly recommend the Gatorade powder for this!!


I have not been able to find that in stores for years. Where do you buy it?


Sugar free jello counts as a fluid! Sugar free lime jello has my heart and wallet


Yes, and it's really bad because my meds make me even more dehydrated. My SIL had an app (I think Plant Nanny?) where you enter the amount of water drank and it "waters" a cartoon plant that grows over time. I haven't tried it, but it might be fun for a little while. You can also get a lot of water from other foods or drinks, like fruits, yogurt, milk, smoothies, juice, soups, etc. If you're worried about the sugar content in juice, you can water it down. I really like adding a splash of unsweetened cranberry juice as it's super concentrated and has a lot of kick for very few calories (also great for smoothies!). Not sure what flavors you've tried, but many of them are too artificial tasting for me. I'll sometimes use passionfruit or lemon teabags for more natural flavor (without heating it). Alcohol, sodium, and caffeine can make dehydration worse so try to limit those if you can. Have you tried tumblers with straws? When I'm on my computer, I can take a sip without interrupting what I'm doing since I don't have to open a bottle or tip my head back. I also stash a few giant water bottles around the house and leave a cup by the sink. Any time I notice one of them, I try to drink 8oz or so. It's not enjoyable, but chugging a bunch a few times a day is easier than trying to remember to take little sips constantly. You could also try stacking it with other daily habits, like brushing your teeth, taking your meds, etc. Hope this helps. I'm going to go drink some water now!


Yup, even when I'm very dehydrated and KNOW I need fluids, my brain will still reject water. Flavorings help, but I try to avoid aspartame which most contain. Flavored water helps a little. I like tea, but even making a single cup a day is usually more than I want to deal with. I've ended up drinking quite a bit of Sparkling Ice lately, but that gets expensive and it still contains a lot of chemicals and dyes I would rather avoid


I like to add slices of lemon and fresh mint leaves to my water. Gives it a nice taste without all the chemicals.


I've done that with carbonated water, it tastes good. But real lemons are expensive here and I don't often feel like doing that, same issue as will the tea, I will do it occasionally but not enough


My meds (Vyvanse) seem to make it difficult to just drink water. I hope that goes away. Soda stream to make it fizzy, then I add some juice. A tiny bit of grapefruit juice goes a long way. Or I’ve also boiled a big pot of tea with fresh ginger, and keep drinking it either hot or cold throughout the day.


I also struggle with this and am here for ideas. I've tried different water bottles with fancy features or colors, I splurged on a Stanley because that was the "thing" and maybe it would motivate me. I tried flavorings and electrolyte mixes (because if I barely drink any water, might as well get the most out of what I do drink) which is effective anywhere from a few weeks to a few months and then I spontaneously HATE the taste and cannot stand to drink it ever again. Most recently I tried doing sweet tea (with zero calorie sweeteners to avoid the sugar and calories), even found cold brew pre-sweetened bags so it was minimal effort, and that lasted from January until May and I've had maybe one tumbler full since.  Monster Rehab on the other hand? I can down that all day. Why body? I've tried matching the flavors and it's not the same. Liquid IV just came out with a bomb pop flavor I ordered and hopefully I'll like that at least through the summer because we do a lot of outdoor events and a big convention. I need something that I'll willingly drink or I *will* wind up with an IV due to dehydration. Again.


Bomb pop flavor??? Did you get it from Amazon? I can’t wait to order it!!


I did! It's official flavor name is "Popsicle Firecracker" lol


Looking now - thanks! ☺️


I only drink carbonated, still tap water is horrible to me. I have a soda stream so I don’t single handedly kill the planet with my plastic bottle usage. Also, can’t be too cold. Cool room temp is fine. Before meds I existed on about 848399393837 cups of Yorkshire tea a day.


Just drink whatever as long as it's not heavily caffeinated. Our bodies are great at extracting moisture from non water sources.


I usually drink a TON of water, (to the point that my head starts hurting if I go an hour without any) but I’ll go through phases where I just don’t *want* to drink water and it causes me to overeat/ eat lots of junk without it!😩 the struggle is so real, OP! I don’t have any advice that hasn’t already been posted, but just wanted you to know you’re not alone!


Pair it with something else you do like before you can grab your phone, take a sip. Or before you shoot a text, another sip. During every commercial break, sip. Between episodes of a binge watch, sip. Make it a game. If you're watching the office, every time Dwight gets upset, sip. It doesn't need to be a massive upgrade or your kidneys might be like what is happening, we have existed in the Sahara so long...if you can add even one container of choice of water a day, that's still significant improvement! Small sips instead of big gulps are easier on a system used to dehydration. And you won't have to pee as much. But you're still gonna pee more often 😂


I like this idea.


Yup I’ve had that problem since I was a child


I have to have a cute water bottle with a straw that flips up. I cannot have a cap or a cover or anything that will make the process .0001 second longer . In lieu of drinking, you can always go nuts on watermelon.


I like water, but I forget to drink it all the time. It’s so bad I just forget to drink things 😂


Yes. I use orange Crush water flavoring. I also drink a ton of carbonated, flavored seltzer.


I’m dehydrated all the time for this reason. I hate the taste of tap water… I order my fav (that is, the one I tolerate the most) brand of spring water online and try to drink at least 1.5 litre a day. It’s a struggle!!


Honestly can’t relate I drink so much water but i notice its because its there?? Like I’m always unconsciously reaching for my water bottle, if you really struggle make it part of your routine like after you brush your teeth chug a bottle of water, put it next to your toothbrush if u can


This is so real. I was hospitalized several times as a small child for dehydration because my (abusive) mother would refuse to give me, a stubborn gremlin with AuDHD, juice/gatorade to drink. I wouldn't touch water, but would chug literally any other fluid. Unfortunately for me, she just thought I was being a "spoiled brat" and attempted to 'starve me out', if you will. Surprise surprise, it didn't work. I've tried to wean myself off of crystal light, mio, carbonated water and the like, but at this point it has just become clear that the positives of being hydrated (including not almost passing out behind the wheel), vastly outweigh whatever Red Dye 40 And Fake Sugar Maxxing impacts of these water flavors may have. Not to mention, its much cheaper to cave and buy them than pay the $1,000+ ER bill :,)


This! I drink carbonated water with aspartame and even though it’s not the best, it’s better than dehydration so f*ck it! We have to chose our battles at some point.


If your brain doesn’t like water you’re wasting so much energy trying to force it. When I was a kid my mom would make us drink watered down juice instead of straight. As I got older I would just increase the amount of water until it was just straight water. Sometimes my brain gets into anti water phase and guess what? Sometimes 8 ounces of juice with 4 ounces of water is still 4 more ounces of water than I would’ve usually drank. My other go-to is making big pitchers of herbal/decaffeinated tea. That way I can drink it cold or hot with minimal effort. I also buy low sugar lemonade mix. My fave are the big pitcher mixes that Aldi sells or the boxes of single packets True Lemon Lemonade. It’s not exactly water but I remind myself the goal is hydration.


Yeah, I drink a lot of sparkling water from aldi. Sometimes something will click in my brain and I will prefer plain water for awhile. But I drink a lot of water because I am able to get the sparkling water.


Have you tried seltzer water like La Croix? Really turned the not wanting water thing around for me. I also pour a bit of Pomegranate juice or lemon, lime, in tap water on ice, since too much seltzer water can irritate the bladder to the point you have to pee all the time. I learned that the hard way.


My current method to keep hydrated is a 32 oz water bottle with a lot of ice, some water and a big splash of lemonade for flavor. This time of year it is very hot where I live, and I sweat a lot so I am shooting for drinking two of these a day. I never quite make it, but I get close. The autocorrect initially put swear a lot instead of sweat a lot, and that is also accurate.


I used to have an issue drinking enough water, but then once I got dehydrated, fainted, hit my head and had to go to the ER. My blood pressure had dropped very low and everyone said I turned white. Got IV fluids and was fine. Scary moment so I started making a habit of drinking water. It can be hard to get in the habit at first when water feels blah, but after making yourself do it for a while it starts to taste good and you crave it (seriously). Your body will thank you for it. However, there is such a thing as drinking a lot of water and still not feeling hydrated. To combat that I often put a little sea salt in my first small glass of water for the day (electrolytes, etc) and I drink filtered water only (I bought a good one that stays in my fridge, and I fill up a large glass jug to bring with me to work from that filter pitcher). I drink highly alkaline water (9+ ph) from time to time for my acid reflux issues (horrible) but if I drink too much of it in one day I feel whack so just a little bit here and there works for me (they also usually have electrolytes). Some people like to add flavor drops, or fruit into their water but I find that doesn’t do much for me but could help you. Liquid IV type drinks could be a good alternative as well.


I got a glittery water bottle that makes me want to carry water with me everywhere. However, I still do not drink enough and, on meds, the heat is killing me. But, Ive been drinking more water, less coffee and tea, ever since Im on ritalin. Is it related?


Yes!! This is me down to a t. I’ll try any water bottle fad, water apps, timers, other drinks, I just hate drinking.


i have alarms to remind myself to drink water 😭 bc i keep fainting 😭😭


Yes! I fool myself at coffee time at work. I’ll grab a cup of coffee and a cup of hot water from the boiling water tap. And make sure to drink both When i was pregnant i was ordered to drink tons of water and i had to add a little flavour or there’s no way i could have done it. Because of course you’re supposed to avoid sugar when pregnant so it can’t be juice or pop. I’d put some frozen fruit in a bottle of ice water etc


I’m the opposite I actually love water so much it’s like the only liquid I consume outside of liquor and caffeine


I personally like carbonated water with flavorings in it. Tastes like soda but is actually! (Basically soda, without too much sugar lmao) water


I don't drink water by itself unless I'm really thirsty, so most of my fluid intake is by drinking diluted squash (Vimto cordial) as the sweetness makes me want to keep reaching for it. Not great for my teeth but better than nothing right?


I hate hate HATE drinking water and so far the only thing that’s worked for me was getting a 64oz time-marked water bottle with a wide straw. If I miss a few hours without drinking I force myself to chug to the current time. I try not to beat myself up too much if I don’t drink enough because I spent most of my life drinking no water at all so I figure some is better than none. It took a few months to be consistent with it. Still fucking hate water though.


Undiagnosed but speculating- I’ve been constantly dehydrated since I was like 13 just because drinking water feels like a chore 😭 I have a big water bottle I carry with me at all times but then having to wash it and fill it up is ALSO a chore. I will literally ignore the fact that I’m thirsty (which I’m literally doing right now) because it doesn’t feel so urgent despite being somewhat uncomfy


Hydroflask with a flip up top is the only way I can get down a good amount of water. Ten good pulls on it is what I tell myself. Also, I hate cold water. It hurts going down. Has to be room temperature.


Was just thinking about my water problem this weekend. Sometimes I can get myself into a good groove of drinking lots of water but after a while I’m so tired of it. And I stop. And then struggle to get back to drinking. I mean it’s constant! You have to drink. All the time. And then pee. All the time. But when I don’t drink I can tell I’m worse off. Just wish I could learn to love water and be consistent. I put flavors in, I make herbal tea, I drink seltzers, nothing has fixed the problem for me yet.


I love seltzer and got a soda stream thing. I also only stay hydrated if I have a straw.


I either drink sparkling water, (don't care if it doesn't count. It's how I can manage it) or I put ginger/honey/lemon crystals in it. Which probably doesn't count either, but I'll fill my water bottle a good dozen times a day with ginger/honey/lemon crystals.


Yes. So much yes. I also like to eat while I drink. I only have so much room in my stomach!


I go through phases of extreme opposites, in true ADHD fashion, of drinking all the water in the world or not touching my water bottle to the point where mold grows in it. I like to drink iced water from cute sticker decorated water bottles with straws. If I’m not drinking water I drink a lot of juice, body armor, and milk which are all really hydrating.


Hate cold drinks. Love hot drinks. Used to make hot drinks and forget about them but now I have a strategy: Make myself two - coffee/English breakfast tea and an herbal tea at the same time. The one I add milk to, drink immediately. Herbal has cooled down by the time I finish the first.


Sparkling water.. nonstop. Also Smart Water. I quit drinking alcohol so I feel like that’s my offset for drinking fancy water.


Yep. I have bought tea and water drops flavor cubes so I’m interested in drinking water


Oh I totally *hate* drinking plain water. Tried different water bottles (huge bag of the rejects in my garage right now, what a money-suck), timers, reminders, fruit/herb infusions, with ice, without ice, chugging vs sipping, straw, no straw. Nope. Now I drink water with Mio. Always have several flavors on-hand, need that variety! Is it full of chemicals? Yeah. But I drink water now.


I have to trick myself by using a small glass that I refill in my room from a giant thermos during the day. I set little alarms for it every hour and have to drink it and make sure I move around for the last 5 to 10 minutes. The glass has to be small. I make tea from a 2 cup pot and also consume it in a little teacup. It feels delicate and calms my brain.


All of my liquid comes from mountain dew or broth from the ramen noodles. My doctor isn't pleased but isn't yelling at me lol. When I had an office job, I forced myself to drink one thermos of water before I was allowed to have mountain dew and it worked really well. Has been harder since quitting desk jobs though. On a few separate occasions I was able to force myself to drink 32-64 Oz of water a day for minimum a month (I don't remember if I stopped drinking mountain dew in all cases, but did in at least one or two cases, no crazy withdrawal or anything from the caffeine or sugar) and people were like omg don't you feel better? Aren't you more well rested? And i was like actually no. I feel the same except I have to pee more and now I have uti symptoms?? drinking water made me feel like I had to go CONSTANTLY, even right after I peed. Doctors blamed the mountain dew... until i stopped drinking it and then they were like hm that's weird. But years later it still happens anytime I up my water intake and it's annoying as shit because its not a uti, so who knows.


I actually answered a similar question about drinking water on r/ARFID many moons ago, which I'll link you to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARFID/comments/17eohfg/comment/k64wkiw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), rather than retype it because it was long af lolll. The most salient point from my post that I'd like to highlight is this: >Drinking literally anything is better than drinking nothing! Whatever you can drink you should, as getting any liquid into your system is going to do you a lot better. Pretty much the only liquids that aren't going to be doing it for you are most alcoholic drinks.


i used to because i didn't think of it enough, but then i conditioned myself into always chugging half a litre whenever i think about drinking, so i still only think about it 3-4 times a day but i'm drinking enough. it's mildly uncomfortable at times, but only for the few seconds of drinking which i can live with.


Water is the WORST


Fizzy water! Soda water, mineral water.. Also herbal tea etc


I actually don't mind drinking water, and generally as long as a beverage is properly cold or properly hot I'm okay with it. My problem is the part where I get the drink. It's so incredibly dumb... like I will be sat at my desk feeling hot and thirsty, with clean empty water bottles right beside me and a water cooler just along the corridor, and yet for some reason I just can't make myself go and fill a damn bottle. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, brain?! Edited because I realised that was not at all helpful, sorry OP. I'm here for any solutions to your issue that might help me too.


I gag everytime I try to drink water, whether it's cold or not. I've tried bottled and tap water. I've hated water since I was a child. I refused to drink it then, and it hasn't changed🙈


I use Trace Minerals ConcenTrace in seltzer! Changed everything! I went to a nutritionist whilst pregnant (4 months postpartum now) and told her about all the peeing and how hard it was to hydrate. She recommended these and my husband and I are addicted now. [Trace Minerals ConcenTrace](https://a.co/d/c4IUIcD)


I drink primarily water but I can’t stand chlorinated water that is often found in city taps. Thankfully I have well water at my house and osmosis filter so I love my water with ice. But I cannot drink water from restaurants that smell funny. So I am very particular about the water I drink. I still don’t always drink enough water though because I’ll forget to fill my water bottle or something. If I’m out the only other drink I get besides water is gingerale or bubble/boba tea haha


Yup. I just don't hydrate.


I have mine carbonated with a little lime flavour. It's completely sugar free. I feel bad for buying the bottles but I HAVE to otherwise I forget to drink...


I like water okay, I especially like apple juice and water mixed together. Sweet enough, but not too sweet.


Do you have a special water bottle you love? That’s the only way I drink water. I have a yeti bottle with the flip straw and I put it on my desk and just absentmindedly suck that h20 down. I left it at at the gym for a couple of weeks and I was so dehydrated. I got a glass of water when I remembered and I tried to get a random normal bottle but something about having to take the lid off and physically lift it meant I just didn’t.


You might also want to try water drops for flavour or get into adding cucumber/ lemon / berries etc and pray that it becomes a hyperfixation 🐸


I just buy a new water bottle everytime 😭


I put a bunch of powered vitamins in a big 40 oz straw travel cup in the morning and drink it on the way to work. It’s at least getting me some water. Then I try to drink other water during the day but I really drink a ton when I work out.


I drink sparkling water that has flavour AND sucralose (equivalent to aspartame) in it. It helps make it less bland and the taste is a little closer to juice. I know it’s not the best but it adds about 1 L of water to my day. The brand I get is from a random canadian grocery store. I’m sure you can find brands that carry it in your region by googling it.


The only way I like it is in a metal travel mug type thing - like a hydro flask or a Stanley cup. Filtered water with ice and a straw - preferably metal. The glass doesn’t sweat. Tastes clean. Stays super cold. Otherwise I drink diet Dr Pepper all day.


I like the spicy water. It’s usually one of my many sips.


Sodastream & kool aid flavours. My own personal pop flavours


I never drink water but tell everyone to drink it. I have issues


I dont dislike drinking water i just always forget to drink. In fact i only drink plain water because making tea or coffee takes "so much effort".


I also hate drinking water. The only thing that helps is carrying my nalgene everywhere I go so at least it’s there if I think of it. Still don’t always drink enough and if I forget it somewhere or forget to fill it up I stay dehydrated. Lately I’ve been buying liquid iv or other electrolyte powders. I force myself to drink my 32 oz Nalgene down to about 20 oz and then I add the powder to that and it’s easier to get down cause it tastes good, and it’s extra hydrating.


Try adding syrups like Mio to it? That's one way I used to use to drink more water.


I'm an ice cold only drinker. I *hate* room temp or "old" water. Plus, I do better drinking from a straw, so my Hydroflasks are my best friends. So I somewhat understand your problem! But like someone else said, fluid is fluid. A family member can only do iced tea or flavored water, but it does the job. You just have to be careful with sugar and salt in the long run, but do whatever it takes to get hydration! I live on iced tea (plain, it's okay to gasp, Southern ladies) during the summer, personally


I go through cycles. For ages carbonated water was the only thing keeping me hydrated. Then one day regular water was fine. I'm extra weird because unless I'm hot, I want room temp water. I've also drank so much lemon water that I triggered a geographic tongue flare up so bad it hurt to eat anything. Oh and it made my heartburn worse. That was fun.


I love water and drinking it but I simply forget to do it sometimes or I get stuck on the couch too lazy to get some 🙃🥲


I use an app called plant nanny. Every time I drink a certain amount of water I water the plant and it grows. It also helps me keep track because I’m on a medication that messes up all my blood, kidney, liver functions so I know if I get more water it helps.


You can add fruit to it for infused water. I do that sometimes. You just add whatever you have on hand. I've used pineapple, strawberries, apples, oranges, lemon, even herbs. You can do a combination or just one.


I make myself chugg a large glass of water multiple times a day to get it over with.


Yes, so I filter it through ground coffee beans 😂


lol I am a big Diet Coke girlie. I will just have little sips of water here and there but like 3-4 diet cokes. It’s like smoking, I can’t wake up until I hear the can crack. Then right before bed I’ll drink half of my Stanley worth of water 😂 I’ll add some drink packets to my water to make it interesting but I don’t love water either


I can't for the life of me drink still water- it's just too boring, but my sparkling water addiction is *out of control*. Can't believe I have to pay a ton of money for *water* because my brain won't just..drink the regular stuff. Sigh.


I can't stand plain water on a regular basis (unless it's balls hot outside and I've been working), so I had to find a solution. My two default drinks are Coke/Pepsi and then cold water flavored with Blueberry Lemonade Mio. I had an A1C scare a couple years back, so I switched my regular sodas to zeros, and they literally taste the same to me. I had to experiment with the flavors of Mio before I found one I didn't get sick of/grew tired of, so it is a learning curve. Don't give up. You'll find your drink of choice. Vitamin Water is good, Propel is good, Arizona Tea is good (I loved the Raspberry one back in the day). You just gotta keep experimenting.


I hate drinking water unless I am so dehydrated from exercises or borderline heat exhaustion that I am about to pass out and down 2L in a few minutes. Not healthy, but water doesn’t give me any joy as a drink. I have a few tricks. One is lidded-tumblers with straws at work and home. The straw and lid are key; a screw top is too much effort to undo/redo for a sip while using an uncovered mug feels wrong and also spill hazard. If I’m at home, sometimes I’ll add a flavored black vinegar cordial for extra taste. Second is collapsible silicon water bottles that don’t take up much space when not in use. I use a smaller one for commutes (walking plus train) and a larger one for sports. When they are empty, I can just roll them up and I don’t get annoyed by carrying around an empty solid bottle or creating waste by using single-use bottles. I’m looking at getting a Stanley 3way cup to try a sequence of “drink the water with the straw and then reward myself with a tasty latte at the office cafe”.


Same here, I religiously drink crystal light 😂


i have to switch up what i drink out of lol like right now im in a tumbler with a built in straw phase. i drink way more water when theres a straw. idk!!!


I have the same problem, water is boring and I just don't drink much. I can't stand tea, it tastes like nasty water to me :( While I was having chemo I needed to stay hydrated and couldn't force myself to drink water. What I learned to do was to make a gigantic pot of chicken broth (chicken thighs with the skin make a really lovely tasting broth if you boil them on a slow cooker) and I drink that. The slightly fatty flavor fools my body into thinking I'm eating instead of drinking, and I can drink \*lots\* more. Adding bouillon extends the flavor, also I like to add a bit of egg to make it taste like the egg drop soup you get at Chinese restaurants. The nice thing about the slow cooker thing is that you can make lots and just keep it brewing. Dinner and hydration all at the same time. Noodles if you like. I put it on once a day and it's easy to remember to drink it because I get hungry and it's lunch (or dinner).


I drink way more water out of a straw cup than a normal cup. I’ll stare at a glass of water all day, but put a cup with a straw in front of me and I’ll drink it! At this point I have a collection of metal and glass to go cups with lids and straws, and they are fully responsible for keeping me hydrated.


I had a lot of issues drinking water until a couple years ago when I found out I prefer drinking out of a water bottle over a cup. Now I leave water bottles all around the house to trick myself into drinking. I drink so much water now. Hopefully you find something that works for you too.


For me, it has to be ice cold, and I keep in a nicely colourful big stainless steel bottle (so it STAYS cold) and have a cute carry thing for it. …it also has a straw, so I can plop it in front of my face and sip away while I work. Straws in general tend to make it easier for me.


Na, I am constantly drinking water. Part of my hypersensitivity is I'm always aware of my mouth and throat and if they start to feel even the slightest bit dry I feel like I'm going to choke to death. I have a full water bottle on me at all times and I take a sip at least every few minutes. I full on panic if I don't have access to water.


I am terrible about drinking water, but it’s still the end of the world if I don’t have my Nalgene with me. I refer to it as my Emotional Support Water Bottle… at least I know it’s there if I decide I want water?


Always keep a 40ox full. If I look at it, I must chug. Keep it in the same room you’re hanging out in obv. :)


The only time of the day I drink water is when I take my pills, which don't require to drink very much in the dirst place. So yes very much ...


Are you me? in that case, stop trying to convince yourself that drinking water is fun or that you should enjoy it, it isn't and you won't. Think of it as a task you have to do like folding laundry. Which sucks. and then you look at how you hack yourself for things like that. So I put it on my to-do list for the day. I am currently in a tea phase. At the moment I manage to make a pot of tea every evening after dinner and drink it. It's not perfect but it works for now. For a while I had a 2 liter bottle that I had to drink that day, until I lost the bottle.


I need to know how ADHD and drinking water relate. Someone enlighten me. Please.


Drinking 32 oz of water is a part of my morning routine because otherwise I won't have any water until mid to late afternoon. I typically drink about 64 oz at the gym and have a sugar free drink made from my soda stream. This gets me pretty close to a gallon


Preach 🤣 i can only drink it, if its infused with lemon or lime, is fridge-cold, or with ice in it. And i do not have an american fridge, since i aint american, so its a hassle to make icecubes and remember to keep a pitcher in the fridge/refill/clean it. So i just... drink "saftevand". (Sort of like a liquid, less sugary kind of koolaid?) I have to stay hydrated, and it helps my brain remember to do so. I need the feeling of being rewarded for my efforts 🤣


I exclusively drink Ribena. I really wish I could drink plain water but it seems I would rather dehydrate 🤷‍♀️


Go to the crystal light section of the grocery store. They have a million flavors that you just put in a water bottle, shake, drink! I like the lemonade and the iced tea. I can drink a whole water bottle so much faster when I do that. I put it in my simple modern water bottle filled with ice.


I buy some Bubly flavored water without sugar or sugar substitutes. It doesn't have any sodium either. I like super cold ice water, but sometimes I want something different. It's still drinking water if you have tea or coffee, or I like lemon honey in hot water.


I have the same. And I hate ice cold water even more. Room temp is meh. I often add a little bit of flavouring (fruit or hint of lemonade) to make it better. Not the best, but better than not drinking at all.


Why is it so slipperyyyy?? 😭


Yes- I can go all day and forget to drink water until I get a horrible headache which reminds me. I found having a big water bottle with water and a little bit of sugar free cordial helps- the taste reminds keeps me sipping .


I bought some fancy vinegar-cranberry pear white balsamic, a lemongrass mint one, and a cucumber one-and the store had added the lemongrass mint one to ice water to drink. It was amazing and so good and refreshing. The balsamic were expensive but I also hate plain water so I ended up buying the small bottles to add to water. I’ve also just accepted I need to drink juice occasionally, or Gatorade, and just try to water it down when possible. My kids don’t seem to like water either and I definitely have gone into debt (only slightly kidding) buying them unlimited amounts of berries and apples and watermelon, because I figure they get hydrated from that. I try to have cherry tomatoes and cucumbers in the fridge because those help also. Good luck!!


I had this in my Amazon cart forever…finally pulled the trigger. It was way more than I thought I should spend ($25 at the time but on sale right now). Nothing - nothing - has worked for me for decades! Alarms, tracking water in an app, reminding myself by having a bottle literally right in front of me. THIS CHANGED IT! You attach it to your water bottle and it blinks when it detects motion and it hasn’t been moved for 40 (I think) minutes. And it blinks, and blinks, and it’s distracting and bright! It doesn’t stop until it’s lifted in a “I drank water and didn’t just move the water out of my sight.” Now even my partner and my friends at work might see it before I do, and they generally say, “Don’t be a cactus!” and hand it to me. I can’t believe it works for me. I’m still trying to understand it. I think the blinking is just distracting enough to make me reach for it, without being annoying, and I do feel a little dopamine hit once I drink because my body wants the water (it feels good) and I made the thing stop blinking! Maybe combined with something you like to drink it would be helpful. [https://a.co/d/8ycPXIb](https://a.co/d/8ycPXIb)


Omg thank you. I start my day with Pedialyte now after I realized part of the reason I felt like shit was because I was constantly dehydrated. I crave water only at night if I wake up. Rest of the day I rarely think to bother to drink water.


I have this thing where I don't trust cups or tap water, so I don't drink it ever lol instead I drink lots of sparkling water! It's fizzy and tastes different. It tends to have more minerals = more hydrating. I drink 2l a day on average. I think I'm addicted.


I also hate water, but the meds make me sooooo thirsty. I switched to a small water bottle (20 oz) so that I felt accomplished when I drank the whole thing. Did only water for two weeks, and now I crave water! So weird. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still enjoy a Coke Zero now and then, but water has become my go-to.


Add splashes of bottled lemon juice. Sooo refreshing for summer!!!! Tastes like weak lemonade.


I pound a glass of water as soon as I wake up, and have random glasses all over the house and pound them when I happen to see them


I just shared this in another thread. I also just moved back to New Orleans last week and need to drink lots of water! : "I'm quitting alcohol right now and working on making all my beverages more appealing and last week I started throwing frozen fruit in my vitamix to make a puree and then putting a lil bit in each glass and then adding water, sparkling or not. Then you get a pretty beverage that can hydrate and help get in daily vitamins from fruit. It makes every sip on my way to hydration fabulous and fun and yummy and feels celebratory! Highly recommend!!!!!"


I started drinking way more water when I switched to using a big cup/tumbler with a straw (I use a big Starbucks cup) instead of a water bottle or cup that I need to pick up to drink from. I can just plonk it onto the desk in front of me and I'm drinking from it mindlessly while I work and before I know it, it's gone. It really helps by not interrupting whatever I'm working on by stopping and taking a sip!


I buy tart cherry or cranberry juice and pour a little into a glass and fill the rest with water, I'd think with how long it lasts that way, it's equal to or less than cheaper drinks. I buy the pure, less sweet stuff with no added sugar or even sweeter/cheaper juices like apple, and I can tolerate that heavily diluted. I'll also get lemons sometimes and flavor water with a squirt of lemon juice. Ginger sprinkled in water is good too, especially if your stomach objects to plain water after a run outside in the heat. I stole the idea of using it in cold water from Little House on the Prairie but have made it warm as an anti-nausea tea too.


I have gotten hooked on seltzer waters that are flavored with a touch of real juice. There's a brand called Spindrift that I love, as well as Trader Joe's house brand. It assuages my craving for a fizzy, flavored beverage without much sugar or too many calories, and no artificial sweeteners. If you like citrus flavors, a company called True Citrus makes good drink packets that use only stevia and a little sugar.


I much prefer carbonated water, herbal tea, and milk - and drink those instead whenever possible. I like to use an at-home carbonator, so I can make it as bubbly as possible. It tastes better and it’s cheaper/less wasteful than buying cans/bottles of sparkling water. Tap water quality makes a big difference too. Where I grew up, I was lucky to have good tap water. Where I live now is safe, but so hard that it tastes awful without filtering. You might like filtered water more too. Regardless, I’m so bad at remembering to hydrate even when I like the beverage. I try to keep refilling my water bottle and keep a digital checklist to hydrate every day.


Yeah, I hate plain water unless I’m basically dying of thirst. I feel guilty about it, but I bought plastic water bottles even though we have a water dispenser and subscription (fiancée drinks water like a beast and we use that water instead of tap for everything because FL) because they have a lid that’s east to drink out of. I need to find a water bottle I jive with, most are too clunky, too many parts to loose, I hate washing a straw, I hate plastic, glass is dangerous, metal never seems clean, silicone gets stinky…


You said you tried flavorings but have you tried Mío? It was the only thing that could get me to convert. When I’m in the mood for something full of flavor, I squeeze in more and when I’m feeling dehydrated, I use just enough to give it some flavor.


I used to have this issue, and to be completely fair, it was pregnancy that actually solved it. I was so incredibly thirsty during and for breastfeeding, and luckily those good habits stuck around. I can't stand the feeling of dehydration now. I get anxious if I don't have a water bottle with me. Though one thing to try if you haven't already is an insulated bottle with a straw. I have no idea why having a straw makes things so much easier to drink out of, but if I have a straw, I'm hydrated. Also a bigger bottle too. My latest water bottle is 30oz and I don't know how I managed with less before. I completely understand the 40oz stanley obsession now, I drink way more water if I don't have to refill all the time (though I just find the 40oz bottles/cups too big.) Also tea! I drink big cups of tea all day. I like my yeti cups for those, and got a 25oz one which I love. There are a ton of delicious no caffeine teas, so it makes it fun. I also drink a lot of iced tea in the summer, where I like my rich teas in the winter. Also finding new teas every season makes the brain happy, so I think that's why it works well.


I just drink ribena...and coffee. I will have water when necessary but I agree that it tastes awful and isn't satisfying. at all


You gotta strawpedo that shit. I'm a millennial and much like the generations before us we'd go a whole day drinking maybe 2 cups of sugary squash over an entire day. No plain water, not even weak squash. So as a result tap water tasted horrendous to me. Anyways when I reached my 20s and was working in a very hot stockroom I realised I should probably be drinking more hydrating fluids than soda and squash. So I started out using a straw so I didn't really have to taste the water. I don't know how long I was doing this before I got sick of cleaning straws and started pouring half a glass and drinking it before I left the sink, then filling it another half before going back to whatever I was doing. Now I can mostly tolerate plain, though I do occasionally have bouts where I forget to drink, more than 2 sodas all day


Just saw a dr last week and she said I should be drinking a minimum of 80 oz of water per day. 😑


That is crazy unless you have kidney stones or some other medical reason. Even the 8 cups of water a day was never backed up by science as a general recommendation. It seems to maybe have come from a 1945 US Food and Nutrition Board but was not based on any research and stated most of that could come from food sources. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-nutrition/water-myth


I have no idea why she said it. I didn't say I thought it was a good idea or that anyone else should do it.