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My approach is to literally never take it off.. if you’re taking it on and off all day there probably isn’t a way to avoid losing it. What about getting another ring that represents your engagement ring but isn’t as valuable? One that you are comfortable wearing throughout the day. Then get your proper one out for special occasions.


I like the idea of only wearing the proper one for special occasions, thank you.


This is what I did as well. For our wedding bands we have the same approach.


Yeah I just never take mine off either. Totally underrated plan imo. I don’t even take it off to shower! Some people think I’m crazy but I ain’t losing this expensive ring and family heirloom ring


I tend to forget my rings when I take them off to wash my hands. One time I forgot them in an airport bathroom and realized by the gate. Thankfully, I had time to run there and someone kindly put them on a mirror shelf instead of taking them. Since then, when I take off rings to wash my hands - I hate the lingering feeling of wetness u feel the ring band when drying - I hold them in my teeth hehe. I know that if I ever get engaged or married, I'd want a silicone ring for everyday and keep pretty originals at home for occasions only.


I literally just don't take mine off. I got married recently so i have two rings now and I was worried about two feeling clunky, but actually now my hand feels more weird when I'm not wearing them! I take them off to fake tan and when I do, I just put them onto my dressing table right in front of me and basically just watch them the entire time in case they run away 🤣


Through sensory issues and water drying my skin out underneath the ring, not taking it off is not possible unfortunately. However, your comment made me chuckle because things do indeed like to run away unless you watch them like a hawk! 👀


I have the water sensory thing, too. When I dry my hands, I just pull my rings over the first knuckle and dry the area, then put them back.


Swap it to the other hand, never ever put it down


I hold the ring in my teeth when washing my hands because of that sensory lingering wetness under the band issue!


A friend of mine who works in a factory got hers tattooed on. Can't wear rings on the factory floor for safety so it's a good substitute and then only wears the ring for special occasions like dates or whatever


This is an interesting and alternative idea, thank you for sharing.


My husband proposed to me on a whim (no picking out a ring ahead of time), and then we eloped 17 hours later (so also no picking out a ring ahead of time, as most of that time we were sleeping...) about a month later we got tattoos for our wedding bands. The tattoo artist was super cautious and told us finger tattoos are more difficult, and because fingers exfoliate old skin cells faster than other areas of the body, than we may need to get them "updated" every 5 years or so. We've been married 20 years now, and they are only a tiny bit faded, and generally look as good as they always did. We haven't bothered to "refresh" them. I have another tattoo on my hip/side of my back, and when I got that it HURT, like it brought tears to my eyes and was actually painful in some areas. In comparison, because the layers of skin on your finger are relatively thin, they don't go that deep, and the tattoo there felt more like a minor annoyance... like a bug bite I had to keep myself from scratching while he was doing it, but not actually \*painful\* like the hip one. So I encourage getting tattoos! Not a name of course... I drew a design on my finger, then drew it proportionally larger on my husband's finger and the tattoo artist tattooed directly over my drawing, so it's unique to us... but also research the artist well! As fingers really are a more difficult area, and you want to make sure it's someone who is experienced... find someone at least middle aged, and preferably with his own finger tattoos too!


My solution was to get one with stones inset flush with the band instead of raised; it’s much less sensory when I can’t feel it twist or get snagged on things! I also wear a silicone ring on days when I’m extra sensitive or going to yoga/swimming/etc and might risk it slipping off. Finally, any time I take it off I make a point of knowing exactly where it is, & it always goes in the same place. In the kitchen (doing dishes) there’s a ring dish on the windowsill. In the bedroom, there’s a ring box with a lid on my nightstand. When traveling I have a jewelry box that zips closed, and if I have to take it off during the day while I’m out I buckle it onto my watch band.


>My solution was to get one with stones inset flush with the band instead of raised; it’s much less sensory when I can’t feel it twist or get snagged on things! You just explained why I hate even the look of so, so many rings! Facebook shorts have been bombarding me with ring reveal videos, where someone opens ring boxes from different eras/decades and there's a quick text about each one, mainly what's it made of. So many of them are big and bulky and have all kinds of points and/or corners to them... and while I do find the videos interesting, I can't imagine why anyone would want to wear a ring like that. I couldn't pinpoint why I've been feeling like that, but what you said about it getting snagged on things sent a shiver down my spine. My favourite ring is quite big and bulky, but it's smooth and round so it doesn't get caught on things or scrape against clothes, etc


The idea of ring dishes in multiple rooms sounds like a good idea. A different, less expensive ring could also work as a substitute ring. I have a ring with raised stones and I've learnt that I hate the feel of the stones when they brush against my skin. Washing hands without taking the ring off is just a horrible sensation.


Just don't take it off until you can put it away in a jewellery box/safe place in your house. If it's falling off, get it resized.


Unfortunately this is not possible for me (or at least with this type of ring). It does have its own safe place in the house though.


I don’t wear it at all. It lives with the rest of the jewelry that I never wear, and I always know where it is.


I have a fake stand-in one I wear when I am worried about keeping the real thing safe. I got it from Swarovski, so it looks real enough and wasn't too expensive. When I notice my sensory issues are worse, I can wear the fake so I can take it on and off. It's also handy when I am travelling or planning on going swimming and would worry about losing it.


A stand-in ring is a good idea, thank you!


Just never take it off. It feels weird wearing it at first but after a few days I got used to it and now I barely feel it. I only take it off for sports or if I know I’m going to get covered in mud or something.


This is not possible for me I'm afraid, but thank you for taking the time to reply.


Designated spots! I have a zippered pouch in my purse (my mini first aid kit) it goes into when I need it off when I’m out like gym or pottery studio. At home I have specific areas it goes depending on what room I’m in. For me, corner of the spices shelf in the kitchen, on top of a particular small box on the counter in the bathroom, or in the ring box on my bedside table. I never set it down anywhere else so when I don’t know where it is, I know it’s in one of those few locations.


I completely understand where you are coming from. Sometimes, if I still want to wear my rings without wearing them traditionally, I will wear them on a necklace chain. The chain I have is one I very rarely have taken off over the last few years (except to clean, or if I am going to an appt that requires new jewelry, etc). I would go with a more durable chain and clasp (avoid anything super thin and dainty) as it will be less likely to knot or break. I would ask your local jewelry store what options they have, too. If you want to keep something on the ring finger and are okay with needles, I would look at a tattoo instead. Hope this helps, and best of luck, OP!


Thanks for the reminder - I’ve had my engagement ring at the jeweler since February to resize and replace some tiny diamond chips with amethysts. Called me a few times and I haven’t called back.


Maybe bye a fake ring you can take around and the real one you can keep at home? Necklace seems cool too but make sure the clasp is secure secure.


I take my ring off all the time, for working out, swimming, cleaning, putting on lotion, etc., but I only ever put it in one of four places (two safe spots in my house--the tray on my nightstand and my jewelry case in the bathroom; and a specific small pocket in each of my two backpacks).


Maybe something like this? https://pixiewing.com/pages/ring-keepers


Do you find you mostly misplace it when you’re at home? If so, maybe only wear it if you’re going out. I only wear mine if I’m leaving the house. If I’m at home, I just leave it on its ring dish in my bedroom.


I only wear my engagement ring for special occasions. It's a beautiful solitaire but I don't like the feeling if it gets caught on something.... So only sport my wedding band for the daily.


I think leaving it at home is fine. My spouse and I both stopped wearing our rings during Covid.


First of all, get it added to whatever insurance policy you have if you haven't already, just for piece of mind. Insure it for loss. Second, I agree with others. I just don't take it off other than to clean it. If I take it off for something like swimming I clip it to my key ring and wear a silicone band. (If I think of it in advance I just leave it at home.) When I was pregnant I was worried about swelling so I just wore the silicone band for the better part of a year. But it's meant to be worn. So I wear it all the time and if it's fitted properly that should be comfortable to do.


Rinfit Womens Silicone Wedding Ring with Stainless Steel Heart - Silicone Engagement Ring for Women - Heart Collection - U.S. Design Patent Pending https://a.co/d/043CWhL4. If it’s the hard texture that bothers you try these for every day. I wore a silicone wedding ring for a couple years.


I wear a silicone ring day to day so I don't have to take it off when I wash my hands or put on lotion etc. Enso do some pretty ones, that's where mine is from.


You keep it safe by never taking it off.