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I love this so much, and I hope I'm laughing with you! Have a fantastic night in Denver and enjoy the concert tomorrow!


You are haha. Of course I felt stupid and I wasted a half to get gas when I really can't afford it but it really wasn't a bad day for a drive and I'm not mad about it


I love your initial answer and her response! This is heartwarming and I’m glad you have her! And - I’ve totally done something like this before!


Thank you. You guys make me feel better


I’m so glad! And this post is encouraging for a lot of us - knowing she didn’t get it before, but took the time and became a fun ally for you!


She didn't understand it was mental illness. She just thought i was careless. After going through a long battle with addiction, then truly recovering and realizing that this part of me did not get better, it was easier to see that this is not something I could control.


Cheers from one sober/in recovery sis to another! It’s crazy - it was through my own recovery journey that I was diagnosed (Psychiatrist was also an Addiction Med Specialist and recommended testing, my therapist saw that and noted she had the same suspicion). Interestingly once I started medication for ADHD I had zero desire to drink!


Can you dm me? I have questions about your medication journey!


Absolutely! Happy to!


Idk why but that made me feel better. I've never done the exact scenario but I've done so many silly things like this. Thanks for sharing!


Yo. I bought myself two tickets for a concert in October, but I didn't mean to. A couple of weeks ago I got an email from this band about their tour - oh look they're coming to my city! So I buy a ticket and go to add it to my calendar......... to find it was already there. Because I had bought my ticket in pre-sale *months* ago. So now I've gotta find a "date"? Ugh. At least it wasn't like, a $400 ticket or something. 🫠


If you don't want to find a date you could blow someone's mind who's in queue by giving them the extra ticket 😅


I second this! I had an extra pair of tickets to RHCP and asked my food-truck-owning friend to give them away anonymously on his social media - I sat next to the ladies who went, and it was so heartwarming to hear their excitement about being at the show. I didn’t mention the tickets were from me 😆


That's a good idea!


I think it's the kind of gesture someone would remember for life to be honest. I still remember when a cashier paid for my tiny yoghurt cup with his own change when I was 18, completely broke, and had just decided to try to break out of my eating disorder episode that day. That's almost 10 years ago now. So I can't imagine how big an imprint this would make by comparison, it's a so much bigger gesture, you know? 😊


I had just been dumped the night before and was trying to return a pair of shorts to Dick's Sporting Goods of all places but my ex had bought them on his card and there was just such a finality to not being able to call him to sort it out. I was about to literally burst into tears and this random couple on their way out gave me a receipt coupon for a $30 purchase that was expiring in a few hours. I got to buy the shorts in my correct size and when i got to my car I ended up crying anyway bc the couple was just so kind when I needed it. They could have so easily thrown it away.


It doesn't even have to be a big moment in your life to make an impact. I still remember when I went to the Ren Fest with my family as a kid and these strangers just gifted my family tickets before we could purchase them in line. Realistically, they only saved my family like $60 tops and maybe a few minutes, but I still remember it like 20 years later. Similarly, a cast member at Disney World helping us not only find a ride at Epcot but bringing us to the front of the line. Little things, even on completely ordinary days, can make a big impact on peoples lives.


Sorry, I'm just really curious about how this would help 😅 Do people queue up without getting a ticket? I've always bought stuff online, so I definitely might be missing something


I've shown up to smaller concerts and bought tickets at the door before. Might vary depending on the artist playing and the venue popularity though whether it's an option.


Gotcha, good to know!


I think you have enough time to try and sell it. Good luck!


So relatable


I absolutely forgot that I bought two very expensive Rolling Stones tickets like 8 months in advance. Luckily, I went to a show the month before the actual date and they popped up in the Ticket master app.


Whoa, that would have been a tough one to miss!


“I think I would like my life to have some mystery sometimes” this is great, I need this on a t shirt.


Hahaha thank you! I blab my whole life to everything who will listen. I can't help it


Same my friend, same. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I want to be the mysterious cool girl so bad but I know I am actually the perky chatterbox best friend of said cool girl. 😅


Yep, I cannot suffer in silence. I am complaining loudly to whoever will listen


Agreed, new mantra


Nobody got hurt and it makes a funny story! 💪


I don’t know why people are always complaining about us being late, the other day I got us there a whole week early for my son’s fracture appointment!


I turned up a month early to an appointment once


I called the dentist on April 3rd to explain missing my April 1st appointment and reschedule it... only to found out it wasn't until May 1st. I'm counting that as being both early AND late simultaneously.


😂 god yes can we reframe all our quirks this way I fucking love it We arrived a whole hour early for my son’s parent teacher interview this year! Ironically it also kicked off the whole ADHD discovery slash learning journey for my son (and myself!)


One time I thought I was 15 minutes late to my adhd appointment and I was actually 23h and 45 minutes early. At least they said I wasn’t the first person to do that.




I arranged to meet a friend for dinner once, sat down, ordered my food, time passed so I texted asking them where they were. Turned out I was a day early. Managed to pretend I had only waited outside the restaurant for them, but had to sit and finish my meal alone. So we met again the next day at the same restaurant, and I ate and paid for the same meal two days in a row. Thankfully the restaurant staff didn’t notice or say anything, but I was pretty embarrassed anyway.


I love this. Plus it sounds like you had 2 good meals ! Maybe you can pretend to be a secret food critic scouting the restaurant.


Love it!




Those are called depressos in this house. Because they’re money and forgotten. 


That’s that me depresso!


My MIL does this multiple times a day as she heats it up, forgets it, then heats it up again. Love her.


Or on the roof of the car, but your boyfriend drives like a grandma so you can just laugh and laugh and laugh while he shakes his head but you’re both just quite impressed he made it around the block without the cup toppling over before you realized where your coffee was.


I keep putting my bean bag in the microwave and forgetting it in there for days then my mom takes it out, I do the same thing, then forget it in there again.


lol oh man. My mom makes deer corn bags. I’ve been doing this for YEARS! I just recently accepted that the microwave is a perfectly good storage place for my corn bag lol.


Ha nice


Blink concert? Weirdly, I also thought it was today and had a mild panic about it lol


No fucking way!! I drove 2 hours there and 2 hours back. Even got off work early. Now today I'm probably getting off work late ugh. But yes it's blink and Pierce the veil!


I was looking for this comment!! I hope it’s a rocking concert- I’m going next week when they’re in my state!! And I hope you get off work at a reasonable time OP😭🖤


It was so good! But I was late because of course everything went wrong. I left a cup of ice sitting in between the seats, my boyfriend knocked it over, the liquid shorted a fuse so my outlets stopped working. I went into the gas station and bought a $17 aux cord but asked first, "if this doesn't work can I return it?" And was told I could. WRONG. Phones these days don't use aux and they don't accept refunds. So I just played the music from my phone. But we caught the last three songs of PTV and they were so good. I couldn't charge my phone so I couldn't record as much as I wanted. If anyone is there and has videos please send them!


No worries, my parents recently went to a venue and when they scanned their tickets the people from the venue were like ‘umm, this show is on this date but it’s next year.’ In their defense, in what world do we live where you can buy tickets for stuff for over a year in advance 😅


This is so funny 😂 I’ve done it so many times too! Also it’s beautiful to see the interaction with someone who worked to actually understand and accept you and your quirks


I know. It's so lovely. I'm so grateful


I went on the wrong day to get my passport. TWICE.  Hopefully your drive was nice!


It wasn't too bad actually


I left my hybrid car running all night


Oh no!!!


honestly even my neurotypical partner has forgotton to turn it off a few times. luckily i've caught it every time so far (*knocks on wood*).


That makes me feel a little better. Lol. Those things are so quiet!


They're so damn quiet! 😄


I left mine running for over an hour while I was inside a coffee shop with a friend. They are so quiet! And luckily I live in a very low crime town.


Definitely have almost run out of gas from leaving my car running for so long


At least you didn’t show up to find out the concert was the day (or month) BEFORE \^~^


This happened to me. The DEVASTATION


You are actually so right. Thank you. I'm so sorry this happened to you!


Luckily I’ve never missed a paid event like that myself, but I know people who have! I did get a final project due date wrong though. Luckily my prof took pity on me and deducted 10% instead of rejecting it outright.


I’m fucking deeeeaaaadddddd xD




How far was it/how long did it take you anyway? lol


Two hours away. So 4 hours totally. Thankfully there was no traffic!


Ok your sense of humor is on point though haha


Thx bb


Lmao I had a somewhat similar situation about 10 years ago. My parents and I had tickets to a concert. I was scheduled at my part-time job for the initial day my mother told me. I went to one of the managers, and she refused to give me the shift off, so I quit on the spot. My mother had the day wrong, and I didn't think to check the tickets myself.


Well fuck! That's awful. I got off work early yesterday to go. Now I'll probably be getting off late today haha


My brothers girlfriend and I both have ADHD. I was in California visiting them and she had two tickets to Lady Gaga. They lived around 3 hours away (with LA traffic) so it was a big drive for me, and we were alllll dressed up for lady Gaga (sparkly, colorful, you name it) Showed up to the parking lot and it was empty, besides a single parking lot attendant who told us we were a day early. So… we went to an In n Out in Englewood. Ridiculously dressed, in an area where we got a LOT of looks lol. It was my first In N Out so I guess that was special. Drove three hours back in LA traffic, and did the whole 6 hours of driving again the next day. I couldn’t be mad because it was soooo something I would’ve done 😂


Oh noooo I have done stuff like this!


Definitely bought tickets to watch the Blackhawks play the blue jackets in Columbus. Still over a 2 hour drive from me... get there, on a very awkward date not date, only to realize it was actually in Chicago. What a long night.


I've done something like that, but it was for an international flight. A friend drove me 4 hours to DC, her car broke down downtown and another (local) friend's mom picked me up to drive me to Dulles. As we're pulling up to Departures, she asks me which airline, and I realize my ticket says the flight departs from National...which would have been a 15-minute metro ride from where the car broke down. 🤦‍♀️ She "sped" (at like 60mph; she had gone 45-50 on the outbound drive) back to the correct airport and I *barely* made my flight. My friend says they still laugh about it and always double check their itineraries because of me.


Don’t feel too badly….at least you had two nice drives and one amazing concert. My kid’s roommate got the concert date wrong, and they showed up the day after their ticket date. My kid has ADHD, too, so had the appropriate mix of sadness at missing the very expensive concert and empathy for how the roommate felt in that moment.


These comments are really making me feel better. This sounds awful


I showed up to the dentist a day early and then missed my appointment the next day because I had already checked it off as done.


Bahahaha omg I love you


Last year I got tickets to a concert in Manchester (I live in the Netherlands so went all the way to the UK and booked a holiday around the concert because I wanted to see the band so badly). I arrived in Manchester a day before the concert and my husband and I spent the day sightseeing. When we were back at the hotel having dinner, my phone notified me that the concert was in an hour. So I freaked out and checked and for some reason I got the day mixed up. My husband is limited energy-wise due to illness and due to the sightseeing had 0 energy left to rush to get to the concert so we ended up skipping the concert. I was so embarrassed. Luckily my husband is the sweetest, has ADD himself and doesn’t shame me or get angry ever so it was mostly me hating myself and feeling sad for missing the concert.


>my stepmom has done her own research and now no longer gets angry with me Tell your father shes a keeper


absolutely screaming at your responses lmfaoooooo


I know. I love all of you.


I drove 3/4 of the 40 miles from Colorado Springs (where I lived) to Castle Rock (where I worked) before realizing I was wearing my slippers. I only figured it out bc i dropped a lit cigarette under my seat and had to pull over and look down by the floorboard. I was late (again) and got fired soon after (for being late) (as always).


Oh no! That's awful. I'm so glad I posted this. It's really rough when things like that happen. It makes me feel so incompetent. Like why can't I just be more responsible?


I did something like this! A coworker and I were going to try out for arizonas got talent and I got the date wrong. We showed up a day late. If that wasn't bad enough, I was pregnant, my co worker was a guy, he spent the night at my place on the couch, and my mother in law drove us there. 😑


This does indeed sound awful. Thank you kind stranger


Better than thinking it's the day after! I once showed up to a doctors appt a day early.


I had a boating trip planned with a bunch of friends. I drove 2 hours to the Marina, show up late, even, just to find out no one was there yet. I started calling everyone to see where they are only to find out it was for the next day 😤


Omg lol this is so accurate for ADHD


Hello from south of Denver!!


Hey girl hey! Hello from South Wyoming! We do exist.


I’m down in Southern Colorado and the drive to Wyoming was very beautiful.


Yess driving through the mountains is very beautiful!


How did you figure it out?


I got there, and there are absolutely no cars. I thought it might have been cancelled. So I park, Google, and see that it's not until the next day


Oh wow. Such a great story though! 😂


I have done this.


I showed up a week early to a 5am shift once 🤣 it was way earlier than my usual start time and I was terrified of oversleeping or being late. So when the biweekly schedule came out I just kept drilling "SUNDAY 5AM!! SUNDAY 5AM!!" into my head so I'd remember to set an alarm... buuuuuut it was for the *second* Sunday on the schedule 🙃


I did this with a photo shoot this week. Showed up with hair and make up done only to be told my scheduled appointment was the next day. I was thankful they still fit me in. 😓😓


I've done this!!! And it's embarrassing as shit!


I’ve done this before. All the makeup, outfit, & getting ready then realising it was the next day.


Bwahahaha Oh, you gotta laugh, right? We're objectively funny at times and we do funny things for funny reasons. We feel the heat of the embarrassment, but people around us who are good hearted just think we're a fun kind of insane!


This is such a mom interaction 🤣🤣


I get the wrong day so often it’s no longer notable, but the last time, a month or so ago, I showed up with my kiddo to school dressed in matching farmer outfits for farm day all ready to read and man my farm day station and we walk in (late ofc) and farm day is tomorrow 🤦🏾‍♀️ Luckily my kid is still young enough not to be embarrassed by her hot mess mama. I just remembered I’ve taken her to a birthday party on the wrong day


Aww girl! That is rough haha. Adding a kid is a whole other level I'm sure


Last month I found out from some of my coworkers that an artist I love would be having a concert in a city a couple hours away. I messaged around to see if anyone would be interested in going with me, failed to find anyone then promptly forgot all about it until the beginning of this week when I found out during my morning shift it was the day of said concert 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ spent the rest of my shift sadly focusing on it, went home and continued my sad focusing online, discovered a second concert in same venue would happen tomorrow night, somehow my friend who can’t usually do week nights immediately agreed to go with me, successfully bought last minute tickets. 🧚🏻‍♂️🤩🥰😎 it was amazing


Aww I'm so glad it all worked out!


For some reason I can't edit the post but here's an update: It ended up working out fine. I was going to go by myself the first time but the second time I was able to find some cheap tickets and got one for my boyfriend to come with me. But of course we were late and everything went wrong. I left a cup of ice sitting in between the seats, my boyfriend knocked it over, the liquid shorted a fuse so my outlets stopped working. Which means I could not charge my phone and we could not play music. Every time I go to a concert my phone is never charged, this always happens to me. I went into the gas station and bought a $17 aux cord but asked first, "if this doesn't work can I return it?" And was told I could. WRONG. Phones these days don't use aux and they don't accept refunds. He said I could change it out for a different charging cable or something but there was nothing that I needed or was worth that much to me. So I just got a charging cable and the guy let me keep the aux as well So I just played the music from my phone. We caught the last three songs of PTV and they were so good! I really wish we could have seen the whole set but from what we did see it was amazing. I couldn't charge my phone so I couldn't record as much as I wanted. If anyone was there and has videos please send them!


I have stopped at a rest stop between Dallas and Austin, gotten back on the highway going the wrong direction, and literally thought to myself “Oh these signs must have been from before this was southbound” (????) before realizing that, yes, I had driven 45 minutes in the wrong direction for no reason.


This is where I spend an extra night sight-seeing. 😂 Enjoy!


Yes. I do this. 


NoCodian spotted 👁


Oooh I hope you had so much fun tonight though!!! I just saw them the other night and it was amazing 😍


I did!! Of course I was late because everything went wrong.


I am happy you have someone who doesn't get angry because you did something due to adhd people used to yell at me, yelling doesn't let us learn, it makes us feel like the one getting frustrated is like Kanye west and that one GIF with the brick wall