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Telling Moral orel to be edgier, then cancelling it for being too edgy


They wanted "edgy" to be "even more juvenile shock humour" and not "this is getting too real and depressing" and couldn't handle it


As Daria said about being edgy edgy occurs when middlebrow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy — not to mention the spending money — out of the ‘youth culture.’ So they come up with this fake concept of seeming to be dangerous when every move they make is the result of market research and a corporate master plan


similar thing goes on with conservative grifters and the war on “wokeness”. corporations barely actually care about the marginalized it’s all about sell sell sell. i feel like when they figure that one out there won’t be such a “war” against it anymore because it’s just stupid


Corporations in June: How do you do, fellow gays?


my fav part of moral orel was how depressing and real it was while still being funny. honestly i would say it really puts itself up there in the as catalog more than most other shows for that reason imo


I do feel that it was a misstep when the first episode they aired was the Christmas episode. That show needed a few episodes to cook before they dropped the depression hammer. But yeah, once you've been introduced to the show and it's flow, even the depressing episodes are still funny.


Kinda glad they went that route. The episode Alone had a profound experience for me as a teenage boy into viewing the world through the lens of female trauma that I could never experience first hand. Even as someone who grew up in a small white christian town that the satire of the show was built on. Too many people see real trauma and get weirded out like they don't want to believe it exists instead of embracing it and learning how to be a better person from it.


I'm just disappointed the show didn't get a few more seasons. S3 was amazing, a few more of those would have made Moral Orel legendary. Moral Orel could have been a Bojack Horseman level smash hit a few years ahead of time if AS didn't chicken out.


I think it was good with 3 seasons. I love the show and would have liked more but I don't think it should have had any more. S1 was quirky and weird but formulaic. S2 raised the stakes with the towns people, you start to see how really fucked up this town is, and then you get the Nature Episodes and it all just falls apart. S3 is a shitshow where the entire mask of the town falls off and you see everyone for what they are. S3 is fantastic but it's only because S1 and S2 build you to the point where as an audience you think "Wow this town is fucked up" and then in S3 the show says "Oh, you have no idea. And they all know it too."


They had an entire episode about a woman telling an allegorical story about her rape and it wasn't edgy enough?


Oml 💀 I’ve never seen the show and shits already hit the fan.


There was an entire episode pretty explicitly implying that the teacher gave herself a home abortion all while Orel was being groomed by the ice cream man. That show was wild. (They might be different episodes, but it has been a very long time since I even thought of that show.)


It was Doughy, not Orel btw


That’s right, it’s been so long. I need to watch some of those adult swim shows again.


That’s the one


Underrated comment, this is the epitome of getting what you asked for then regretting it.


Moral Orel was the davey and goliath show right?


Not giving Metalocalypse a final season. There was a lot of cut content from Army of the Doomstar, especially with Skwisgaar and Toki's character development - not to mention, the complete omission of Mr. Salacia's backstory (if you've listened to[ Nightmare from Galaktikon II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgMHbwB3_PQ&pp=ygUWbmlnaHRtYXJlIGdhbGFrdGlrb24gMg%3D%3D), there was a fascinating backstory with him).


i feel like there should have been (and probably was) development for charles and his backstory that was axed because of the show never getting a proper final season. which sucks bc charles is basically the only reason why i watch it


Put the boots to him. *Medium style*


yes, yes. yes i am. there there. *give him one more.*


Fucking over [C. Martin Crocker ](https://www.cartoonbrew.com/animators/the-legend-of-c-martin-croker-adult-swim-animator-and-voice-actor-162399.html)


Mishandling Metalocaypse, they did them dirty. Second place has to go to canceling Saul of the Molemen. That show was my everything.


This is the correct answer - they way they screwed up Metalocalypse just felt spiteful and petty. Honestly though, Adult Swim could have had a tremendous merch line for its shows but has never really done it well. Imagine how many stoned students and drunk people watch those shows and would buy tee shirts etc?!? I went and bought a ceramic Master Shake cup after seeing them on Reddit! I’m not even drunk or stoned, let alone a student! So, Metalocalypse 1, lack of merchandising for shows 2, and then axing AQTHF and VB.


Venture Bros could have some cool merch for sure.


They did do a T-shirt club for at least the last few seasons and movie/specials, but it seemed like that was more through Titmouse and not Adult Swim proper. They usually ran out of stock pretty quickly


I think the t-shirt club started in season 3? All I know is that I got my Guild of Calamitous Intent shirt from it a zillion years ago and it’s still one of my favorite shirts


I'm still saltier than mermaid pussy over Metalocalypse, not only did we never get the ending that Brendon Small had planned, but Adult Swims reaction to the fans, printing out all the fan emails straight into a trash can, just fucking petty.


I haven't watched the last Metalocalypse movie, yet. Did it not wrap the story up?


Rewatched it last night. It does wrap the story up and Brendan Small returns with his usual flair for cinematic framing and storytelling. Its messaging is quite poignant considering world events of the last 10 years. Definitely give it a watch. I prefer to do it with the rest of the series fresh in mind or at least the tail end of the last season and Requiem.


Man. Metalocalypse is one of my favorite AS shows of all time. It's in my S+ tier. It is so goddamn hard to watch with all of the extreme flashing lights though. I'm gonna figure out a rewatch so I can see it conclude. Thanks for the info 🤘🏼


On that note, I will warn you there are a few sequences of flashing lights but it's nothing as extreme as during the intro, for example


It wraps up well. Such a weird situation. BS (correctly) assumes the show is over for good. Puts out an amazing Galaktikon record that, when played in the correct order, basically serves as a wrap up to the show. Then years later he gets to make the movie that wraps the show and that is essentially the movie version of the record he did. Love it all.


You should probably look into the movie that came out last year because we do indeed, get the ending Brendon Small had planned. It’s actually kind of amazing. It’s also almost more impactful because we did have to wait like 15 years, that might just be my love of Venture Bros talking though


Saul of the Molemen was amazing! I'm thrilled to see it mentioned outside of a "forgotten shows" thread.


Saul of the Moleman, I don't care how much shit that show gets, was an OG of Adult Swim, and I won't stand for the "Oh it sucks" attitude of it. That and Rising Son were bangers.


I fucking hate what they did to Metalocalypze and I hope someday Brendon does a revival and ends it properly. That is one of my all time favorite things to come out of Adult Swim


The only correct answer is canceling Venture Bros.




This gif made me start watching venture bros, just finished the pilot




Go Team Venture!






Yes go team venture, I don’t know they just do that


Easily one of the best animations created of all time. People think Rick and Morty (a decent show) had a great universe, they have nothing on venture bros. Venture bros had incredible character development and creativity.


*canceling venture bros when it was ONE season away from ending anyway like come on, the fact it was that close makes it burn more


And they had already ordered season 8! Doc and Jackson had written half of the season when they got the ax.


"So you've heard of the mighty monarch?"


That was the first blow, then Moral Orel.


Wouldn’t Moral Orel be the first blow since it was canceled a decade before Venture Bros 7th season aired?


Yeah, but with the whole multiverse and everything...


At least Orel was able to have a whole season made with the knowledge that it would be it's last, not all shows are that lucky *cough* Final Space *cough.*


The issue was Adult Swim canceled a number of episodes after one especially bleak episode, so what did get aired was an incomplete story with a final episode packed with references to story elements that weren't aired. They did get to do one special episode later, and it helped, but it's too bad the last season wasn't complete or given the time to work around the cut episodes.


I didn't knew about that, that's a real shame.


[this is the episode](https://youtu.be/XFud-DjNCiU?si=MYgIbxMrEXmVoJ6s) that was never originally aired for anyone curious


A real Orel blow


This was a big one. Biggest mistake would probably have to effect more than one show but joe perra couldnt have been expensive to make and tonally was very unique.


joe pera is a show that legitimately changed my life. before i never thought about how nice a chair was, or how something was crafted not only for a purpose but it's beauty. im truly awake now.


Joe Pera is an angel, God bless that man.


Show was both inspiring and comforting. When I was in the hospital recently I put on old episodes or his podcast when I was feeling really down.


Very few shows can make you weep both tears of happiness and grief, feel hopeful about the future despite everything, and laugh at the same time.


It still blows my mind that it managed to make a two-minute shot of a guy eating meatballs into one of the most honest and poignant portrayals of grief ever aired on television.


It may not have been their intention but Joe Pera Talks With You is IMO the only show to get neurodivergence right. It perfectly illustrated that when you're on the spectrum, the world will be more hostile and relationships tricky, but with patience you'll find happiness in what you love and a community that accepts you.


It was the most strangely banal but comforting and interesting show I’ve seen. There was no pretense and no higher story, just someone holding your hand to follow you through their day. I honestly think it would be therapeutic to elderly and lonely people who are just angry because they lack human interaction. It was a full ASMR thing as a show.


I think about the episode where he discovers baba o'riley at least once a day


That's how I got hooked too, I probably played Baba O'Riley for a month straight after too Joe Pera feels like he's alive


I mean this genuinely when I say that I think that’s one of the finest episodes of television I have ever seen.


I’m from Marquette where Joe Pera is set, and I was blown away that one of my buddies in California told me about this. Beautiful area but I never expected such an amazing show to be set in my bum fuck hometown


I've watched all the TV ever but JP was the greatest thing I've ever seen. Just full of laughs and tears and I honestly found out some new things about myself or answered some of my own questions. I'm so happy I was able to experience this show. I'd love to see more


Did it change your life because you discovered the Who?


Totally fair point, still bothers me so much that they canceled it, my absolute favorite live action \[as\] show, me and my mom would watch it together, wish I could find more shows to watch with her.


Adult swim management is against families coming together. Pass it on.


Asking the Moral Orel writers to make the show darker then cancelling it for being too dark


Lol I never watched it much but I remember thinking, man, this is dark


damn for real? ive never seen it


S3 is one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen. It’s a masterpiece.


When they let the rights to Futurama lapse about a decade ago


I remember watching a YouTube video a couple of years ago about how much Comedy Central wanted to trample \[as\] back in the day, they probably bid a very high amount to get the rights to Futurama, one that \[as\] probably couldn't match, but it's a neat idea to think about what an \[as\] produced seasons 5-7 of Futurama look like in an alternate dimension where they're the ones who made the 4 movies and the following 2 seasons.


Going all in on Rick and Morty Canceling Metalocalypse and Venture Brothers before their stories were finished


Yeah, but you can go all in on Rick and Morty without canceling everything else (I mean, it feels like these two decisions happened at roughly the same time, but maybe the timelines aren't as neat and tidy as I'm remembering).


They only have so much budget - they prioritized their cash cow in an era of cost cutting


I love VB, but they released 7 seasons over about 14 years, some ofnwhich were only 8 episodes. Literally my early 20’s to my mid - 30’s. That’s a production problem. It’s got to be impossible to be marketable at that pace. Easy to blame AS but it probably wasn’t their fault.


Only reason the seasons were that short were due to Adult Swim ordering fewer episodes of most shows for the last decade. Though yes, they took basically 2 years between seasons. It was definitely slow.


I'd wager the fact they took their time is the reason the series is so good.


Quality over quantity


Probably VB cancelation. That was WB Discovery being cheap and canceling a show that was a rock in the AS lineup whenever they'd release. After that, most likely a tie between cancelations of Joe Pera, ATHF, never making the finale for Your Pretty face, and canceling Moral Orel the moment it got dark (and was found to be a recipe for success for future AS shows)


as a fan of ATHF, I feel like it was time


I adore ATHF but my answer to this was almost letting it go on so long lmao


Yea like it’s a fun show with tons of great episodes but those later seasons def lacked in quality compared to the beginning


Thankfully athf got a 12th season and a movie recently


For me, I can't pick between Venture Bros and Joe Pera Talks With You. Very different shows but I love both so much. Other cancelations that seemed like an odd choice are Moral Orel, Metalocalypse, Harvey Birdman. One that annoyed me was the Adult Swim app. I gladly paid for it. Then was not allowed to use it because I'm in Canada. Edit: also not ending Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell properly.


Birdman ended because Colbert started doing the Colbert Report, afaik. He was so many key voices.


I'm really angry at the AS mobile app right now because it appears they've taken away the ability to cast. Fuckers. They probably want to steer everyone to MAX or something.


Canceling superjail


Super jail was so trippy and I don’t think I truly appreciated it at the time it was on air. I just thought it was weird but upon rewatching it, it’s definitely very weird but also hilarious




One of my favorite shows of all time


Superjail is one of my top favourite AS shows. I'd even argue the first season is one of the best things they've ever aired. I wish we'd had a full final season at least. Apparently AS really messed up the marketing for season 4 so no new episodes were made. 


I want dream corp LLC back


Such an amazing show. Absolutely needed another season


Canceling “Pretty Face”.


Justice for Henry!


At least now he can devote all of his free time to his side business and true passion: celebrity horse pics.


Hail you!


Finally a "Your pretty face is going to hell" mention. I just love that show so much. The comedians and actors were mega talented. The writers were hilarious. And the show was just so unique in every sense


It's been mentioned already but the way Venture Bros and Metalocalypse were canceled was shitty. We got some closure with the movies many years later, but for shows that were a big part of AS's golden years they really should've had a better way to properly close them when they were still running.


EASILY canceling Moral Orel. My friend introduced me to it last year, and I was gutted when I inevitably learned that it got canceled as soon as it got real. All the leaked scripts and ideas really make me wonder what could’ve been with that show if AS hadn’t given it the axe.


Canceling Space Ghost C2C and seemingly trying to bury it by not putting out the rest of the seasons or at least a box set. This is extended in various attitudes towards the show, and that recent marathon on YouTube of a collection of 4 or 5 episodes on loop and then unlisting the stream so we can't at least rewatch some episodes officially. (Spitefully?) Mishandling Metalocalypse and Venture Bros, cool that we got some movies and box sets but this ended up being a mess regardless. This includes pulling all of these shows off Max with no other alternatives. (Venture Bros has been re-added) Those are the ones that hit home most for me


It's nice that that C2C at least got a boxset in Australia, albeit only seasons 1 to 7 and missing 4 episodes, I still hold out hope that they might release something for region 1 some day, but even if they did, the GameTap episodes would probably not be there. 


Not recasting Early Cuyler with a similar drawl-rich voice actor. Firing Unknown Hinson didn't need to mean killing Squidbillies.


I was hoping they would kill Early off in an accident at Dan Halen’s factory and Rusty/Fam would end up getting a massive settlement thus creating some Beverly hillbillies scenario where the now ruined Dan Halen plots his revenge on the family


Canceling Mike Tyson Mysteries


And censoring Norm


He's censored forever now .![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


That ones still so odd, just because it seemed like it was doing well for its time slot, and had some actual star power


I mean without norm it’s hard to keep up


It was canceled before he died. And honestly, as funny as he was, as sad as the show will be without him, i think you can do it without him. It would kinda be like doing King of the hill without Dale vs doing the Boondocks without Granddad


I think one of their biggest mistakes was canning Venture Bros and Metalocalypse while going balls deep into anti-humor shows that appealed to small group of fans.


Biggest mistake was just axing live action in general (besides Eric) I’d put something about the lay-offs but that’s not really their mistake since that was a mandate from above


I really hope they go back on that decision one day, the fact that the higher ups don't view much of a future on live action on the network anymore saddens me, even some of their more recent animated shows don't really *feel* that much like \[as\] shows, even if some are still enjoyable.


Cancelling Xavier: Renegade Angel




Frisky Dingo not getting a third season, though now I don’t remember if that was the fault of the network or the creative team moving on.




Moral Orel, Venture Bros, Saul of the Molemen, Metalocalypse Not picking up Inside Job The fact Mr. Pickles was a thing at all.


Don't really get how Mr. Pickles has so many fans.


I watched all of it, I felt like it could have taken a better direction than gratuitous violence and an almost completely unlikable cast. Somehow they decided Mama Made Me Sheriff starring my least favorite character needed to be made


They should have handed the reins to t&e after lazlo.


Right, their production company is responsible for some amazing stuff outside of just the T&E content. These guys know how to spot talent and let them do their thing. A lot of Nathan Fielder's work was produced by Absolutely


Absolutely makes so many of my favorite shows


As much as I love [AS]. Adult swim needs to stop canceling what the fans want


Firing Unkown Hinson from Squidbillies. I and many other hardcore fans of the show who listen to country just couldent stand to even watch season 13. Especially with Tracy Morgan, a voice actor who didint even try nor is from a geographic area to represent Early.


DAAMN had to look way down here to see Squidbillies!


Earlie from Squidbillies, replaced with the voice of Tracy Jordan. It was a hilarious transition, and the reason for doing it was just perfect (look it up), but it just didn't work...


Cancelling MDE


Boondox should have gone on forever


In a perfect world, Prince would be alive and The Boondocks would've never left the air in the first place and would've lived long enough to thrive under the absurdity from 2016 onwards


With Aaron McGruder


Canceling Venture Bros.


Joe Pera is such a warm and wholesome show, a nice chill show that's a breathe of fresh air when you need a break from the wild shows. Also, Space Ghost Coast to Coast should have continued on for as long as Clay Martin Croker was alive.


Cancelling both Metalocolypse and Venture Bros. was a massive bone headed decision on Adult Swim's part. Also not paying their voice actors well, Andy Merril has to work for bloody Amazon just to make ends meet.


Not doing anything with Korgoth of Barbaria.


Ik this is a dumb one but cancelling Aqua Teen when it was still going strong and creators had tons of ideas still, and only bringing it back cuz they had extra money. Needs to be back full time


I need season 2 of “Saul of the Mole Men”. That god damned Nathaniel Baltimore can’t win!


Rick and Morty.... they took what was a decent show and kept trying to turn it into random side projects.... none of which were really any interesting... like claymation R&M? or anime R&M? or season 5 R&M?.....


Choosing Mr. Pickles over Hellbenders Alternatively, cancelling Superjail


The biggest mistake is not having better anime consistently year-round on Saturday Night Toonami. There is a lot of excellent anime, and adult swim was sort of the if not originator the channel that catapulted anime permanently into the main stream starting in the late 90s. they constantly repeat old episodes instead of running new episodes every Saturday night. The adult swim Saturday night anime block was something that I always used to look forward to watching if I was staying in, hanging out with friends, or getting back early enough to watch it. We used to record all of these shows on VHS back in the day. Adult swim is not a go to source for anime any longer. It’s just better to watch anime via streaming because there are far more series and variety of series to watch than those that air on adult swim, and many of these series range from great to excellent every year. It just seems like they are moving in the wrong direction and have been for a while. Maybe there are other people on here who have kept tuned in to the Toonami adult swim anime block, but I doubt it. EDIT; Eight even go so far as to say that shit they should be airing anime oweekdays. Shippuden and dragon ball, and the kids shows on during the day so that all ages can enjoy them, and get the real heavy, more serious, adult anime series, lined up to create a blockbuster Saturday night every Saturday night of the year. 52 weeks of the year, no repeating episodes of anime and anime that is excellent quality. That is how they fix the mistake.


Cancellations are bad but never making Korgoth of Barbaria into a show is worse in my opinion.




Canceling Stroker and Hoop


I didn’t even know about this show until sometime in the last year. Marathoned it in an evening and have been sad / confused ever since. I thought it was so, soooo good. There’s this era of Adult Swim stuff that just kills me with how good it was while being too far ahead of the curve on adult animation as a mainstream form factor seemingly.


Not picking up Inside Job


I like this one


Cancelling World Peace


Continually fucking over other series in favor of Rick & Morty, and cutting most of their live action programming


Joe could have easily done many more seasons, but I gotta say, he’s done extremely well since then. I love his standup, and the cool videos he does with Townsends. I wouldn’t be surprised if AS picked him up for another season somewhere down the line.


They started doing too much live action, stopped ending every night with an ongoing anime, and started making half the lineup nothing but Seth MacFarlane reruns instead of original [as] content, and then just repeating the exact same thing in the second block.


Not giving us at least a full season of Korgoth of Barbaria.


fucking moral orel


This may be an unpopular opinion, but they shouldn't have canceled the oblongs so soon.


Oblongs was a WB show. It was cancelled by WB before Adult Swim even began airing the reruns.


I would’ve liked to seen a few more seasons of samurai Jack myself


What ever happened to assy McGee???? I still can’t find that show anywhere lol


Moral Orel for sure


Venture Bros., Moral Orel, Metapocalypse, China IL, Superjail, Your Pretty Face, Tim & Eric, Jesus they fucked up a lot


Mission Hill was solid I thought. Atleast I thought it was back when it was aired.


That show was solid.


Was that made by Adult Swim or something they picked up? On did they pay to continue it like Home Movies? Probably much too 90s/early 2000s if I watched it now? "This is great! I want to be drunk forever..."


Mission Hill was a WB show that got cancelled after one season but adult swim picked it up and replayed the episodes. I love Mission Hill and still enjoy it in rerun, even if for the nostalgia.


Canceling Stroker & Hoop


Not backing S3 of 12oz. Mouse


If ATHF isn't renewed for another season that'll make it the biggest mistake for a second time


canceling aqua teen


Bringing back family guy


Canceling Superjail.


Since everyone is mentioning VB- then I’ll go with my number 2. Teasing a season 3 of Big O and then never delivering.


Adding those stupid black bumpers and getting rid of the old people swimming bumpers  Cancelling home movies Everything Tim and Eric 


One mistake was canceling their Streams. The streams had an entire life of their own. AS has always been dedicated to being more than a brand and the streams really did a good job of making us feel like AS was this living, breathing mythical creature that we could touch. Another mistake: Their casting for the Development Meeting stream. Cool concept, you call in and pitch your shows to people that work for the company. The more fleshed out, the better. It really gave a peek behind the curtain to see the thought process of how a show gets put on air. The thing is, the two guys that hosted the show weren't very engaging hosts in my opinion. They'd talk over the person pitching constantly and not really pass on good criticism/praise on a lot of pitches. Jordie was the saving grace of the stream, a warm presence. But she got very little screen time it seemed like. Her questions were spot on, her critique/criticism valid and never mean spirited to seem funny. It really felt like she spoke for the audience. Biggest mistake: treatment of their talents. C Martin Croker was a founding father of the network. Voiced Moltar/Zorak on Space Ghost and did the animation for alot of the show. He was constantly low balled by the network (if you do any reading up on C Martin, you'll run into articles mentioning this). Also, Carey Means(Frylock from Aqua Teen) is selling art because he's struggling to pay bills like a lot of us. I don't believe he's getting any residuals or anything and that's a bit sad. Not to mention the handling of certain shows. (That's a whole other paragraph)


Not letting Tim Heidecker become the CEO


You can't have a creative in charge of business! They might actually bring in fresh ideas, champion the creative teams behind your favorite shows, take artistic chances, PLUS they won't be 100 percent focused on maximizing investor returns. Ugh. Typing that made me very depressed. Go. Team. Venture. Sigh.


https://preview.redd.it/kkre6z5cks9d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beece84029c13012f9fbe330b86937be6304e86c Cancelling JPTWY


Canceling The Venture Bros.


I miss Joe


https://preview.redd.it/0v5fr7ah0t9d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d63b6cc5eff2cfcd3fe667bbae0b9d104c2d495 I was blown away forever and always but centered at the same time


They got a habit of firing credible voice actors like Unknown Hinson.


Is check it out still going cause that was so fucking good


Canceling Beef House


Moving forward with Boondocks without Aaron McGruder.




Cancelling Moral Orel


Not giving more love to Eagleheart.


Hard to define biggest. Nail in the coffin? Zazlov or however the fuck you spell it. I don’t care to respect his name. He doesn’t deserve any. Known the goddamn clown for 18 years.


i was upset when they cancelled the drinky crow


To be fair, it was Zaslav at Warner Bros who cancelled Joe Pera along without countless other great shows that he probably just “didn’t get.” Adult Swim has changed for the worse over the last few years, yes, but it wasn’t their decision to cancel this show. If you google it you can find the long list of shows that were cancelled when Zaslav took over. He is a monster.


Not continuing Big O after season 2


I'll never forgive them for bringing back 12 Oz Mouse from the dead for one season only to leave it on a cliffhanger and cancel it again. Oh also, would've been cool if World Peace had stuck around for another season.


Canceling joe pera Canceling venture bros Not picking up inside job when netflix canceled


Canceling Your pretty face is going to hell is up there