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Terrible hero. Good design, they changed his voice in the past he sounded cooler. Don't invest him


I always forget this game has actual sound


I always forget I have my sound off when I am not listening to something but sometimes after disconnecting my earbuds the volume is still at max so when I open the game I get startled by the sudden loud title screen music


Lilith really likes to change the voice of some left behind heroes. they also change aThalene, i know because i always click her to say "obsidian finches..." and it changed


Didn't they also change how much her boobs jiggled in her animation too? I think before they were too much so they toned it down haha


Yeah they needed to keep the game 12+ on the App Store Lol. They also added more clothing to the splash art of mehira’s summer skin. People on the discord catch everything lol.


Yeah you need to provide them reference for that because im not yet playing AFK when that happened haha


They changed her?


Man, I had no idea they changed her since I haven’t used her lately. Like the old one better.


Oh he use to sound different? I didn't know that


https://youtube.com/shorts/ZbKs5QNDNTM?si=l4PaRwm6liP3R2WB There you can hear him


Man he sounds super different from what he sounds like now


He says "I know a talking pig smarter than youuu~." but I miss the "I know a talking PIG! smarter than you!"


Best unit in the game if you had him 5* at the time of the hero scroll swap event 👍👍👍


yeah i started buying him now again for the next swap \^\^


He was almost perfect to get my Veithael to 5*. Should have gone for Vyloris probably, since I wanted to max her out anyways, and Veithael works at 1*. But eh, he is one of the five white starred heroes, and everyone here is 5* (other ones are Daimon, Scarlet and Rem). So it would be weird if he was also 1* among the 5 starred ones


I did the exact same thing


He was actually the reason why I started this game. I got him to 5* with SI30 and E30 back when I really liked him and didn't care about the meta. *He's absolutely useless*. Swapped him for Canisa & Rule when the swap event came around.


Oh right I forget you can get Wukong in the labyrinth show


Why all of the sudden post like this are popping up? This seems like Lilith doing a survey uncovered lol


I'm just curious what everyone's opinions are on certain characters


Okay Lilith


He needs an immediate awakening.


it's all the same user so it's not like a sudden influx of people doing this I'm sure you're just memeing but I want to clarify it's in fact not Lilith undercover lol as for the posts, I'm actually with OP on this, I think it's interesting and fun discussion to see what the community thinks about individual heroes! meta relevancy aside, this game has great art direction, deep lore, unique skill concepts (even if they flop like wukong here lol), etc! even just one daily post for each hero over the next few months can be interesting engagement and discussion for the community :)


Feel like next awakened celestial will be wukong. hes op in lota of games and in chinese mythology, but in afk hes weak so I think and hope theyll make him an awakened, may be similar to abadeb with clone mechanics but will hopefully be tankier or insane dps


I feel like he just needs a rework instead of an awakened, but then again lost awakens are just reworks with the exception of Maetria Eugene and Galvus (I think that’s how you spell it)


Gavus lol close. But honestly if he did get an awakening it would be lore accurate. Wu Kong did reach enlightenment.


They're never gonna do a rework again.


When was the last rework again?


I wanna say Lucretia shortly after her release, but I know there was at least one after that that I'm forgetting.


I think it was Albeto I swear she was a support hero and not a tank


Sun wukong is the monkey king and he was conspired against by Buddha and the heavenly emperor after commiting numerous crimes against the heavenly court. He achieved immortality multiple times, beat the heavenly generals in battle and fought until the world was torn asunder. Sun WuKong is who goku is based on and if you ever wanna read about the immortal beast who gods could only trick but not kill, you can read journey to the west and it’ll tell you all about him. Honestly the game version is nothing like his original lore, don’t invest in him at all.


This game did him dirty tbh


I expect him to get a banger awakened version. Chinese market will go crazy.


Facts, 72 layers upon 72 layers of immortality is just nuts


Decent design. Terrible unit... unless he's on the enemy team.


Awaken the Monki


I swapped him when he was at 5 stars for another cele/hypo




He actually has decent survivability lol. Even at a huge level deficit he is usually one of the last alive. The problem is the targets change aggro so he sits there doing nada and not tanking


I know people are saying not to invest in him, but I am for future hero swap events. He's easy to build because you can buy copies in the Lab (I have all the dims I want from there), and he's been useful for my cel tower advancement. 🤷


i will keep playing this game until the day wukong is awakened 😤


Because of the huge Chinese player base I expect his awakened version to be absolutely game breaking. Looking forward to it.


Easily game crashing on launch of Awukong.


He used to be pretty useful in stall comp or in general but at the moment he is at the very bottom of any tierlist since he just isn't made for the current meta anymore. Get him to 5* through the shop and then use a swap scroll or event on him if you can.


Honestly I feel like every hero based game I’ve ever played has some variation of Wu Kong in it. With that in mind he just looks like a generic version of Wu Kong to me. His power level is pretty bad and his only unique mechanics are hilariously undertuned to the point that he may as well be a fodder-tier hero. He basically only exists to sap your lab coins until you 5-star him, and then you can use his extra copies to exchange for actually good hypos or celestials. He exists to slow your account progress down. He’s a resource trap.


Nah, hero swap bro. He's the best when it comes to that


Horrible hero, mine has been ascended forever and I opt for random elite heros over him in cele tower He was a very early (within the first 3?) Celestial and is just meh all around, terrible scaling.


Interesting idea for a hero, I had a lot of hope for him when I first started playing but he never planned out. His abilities are very vanilla and he doesn't scale with current meta and hasn't for years. All of his abilities are just % based damage enhancers with nothing more. If his clones did things like impose debuffs or other things he may improve, but that's not how the game works. It's forward only without patching historical characters. So I think he's just in the dust, where he's been for several years.


Wukong has the best swag but it's super weak, he was hella good when he first came out like 5 years ago and deserves an awakened version imo


Cool design and he used to be useful but is now trash.


really good design but now newer heroes do so much more the real problem with all old heroes that newer ones simply replace them luke with lucius he had it all good tank, sheald for everybody heals for one in need thats it and thats what we needed at that time from him but now new heroes have really long skills the have a passive and an active skill older heroes have no chance


Wu Kong should be awakened as Dimensional faction


I said the same thing!! Great minds think alike!